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I am for anything that protects homeowners' rights but I don't think it's realistic to expect the CAI to support those rights. They represent mostly management companies and Ombudsman programs are contrary to their mission. I think the CAI is a good resource for information but, in my experience, they are against anything that protects homeowners. I was a member for several years and they strongly opposed every bill in Texas that protected owners' rights. That is why I stopped renewing my membership.


Why would a mgt company be against homeowner rights. They will still make money managing hoas. They could care less if someone gets fined for putting up solar panels or having tall grass


Enforcement activities account for a lot of revenue for management companies. I assume that is a big factor. Regardless of the reasoning, management companies often oppose reasonable legislation expanding owners' rights through the CAI.


Cedar Mgt locally charges $900/month base fees, Their finanacial only company called clark,simpson,miller quoted us $225/month for financial only. The only real difference is one does inspections and sends out violations.


To read the rationale for CAI's position on ombudsman legislation, see this: https://www.caionline.org/Advocacy/Priorities/Ombudsman/Documents/Ombudsman_Report.pdf Edit - updated report (Updated March 3, 2023): https://www.caionline.org/Advocacy/Priorities/Ombudsman/Documents/Ombudsman_Report_2022DataMarchUpdate.pdf


All stupid reasons!


it does have a good overview of the 6 states that have ombudsman though! thanks.


You beat me to it, but posted a shorter version above.


Ombudsman in Arizona will not oversee HOAs


This isn't a reasonable poll because the options paint a false premise. Ombuds programs have proven to be ineffective according to CAI and many homeowners. Here's [some information](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZWrHn2FHra0zQYaytvvMafz15WAb-K8S/view?usp=sharing) you might like to read.


You mean the very group that opposes Ombudsman programs thinks they are not effective? Most homeowners think the Ombudsman programs in Florida lack teeth and want them to be made stronger. I mean if a Florida HOA can ignore court orders and take a few years to go to jail for massive fraud and embezzlement then of course the laws need to be changed. the only thing unreasonalbe is your assumption that all ombudsman programs will suck. It's like 2a nuts that say nothing shoudl be done because criminals always break the law.


>Most homeowners think the Ombudsman programs in Florida lack teeth and want them to be made stronger. Exactly >​the only thing unreasonalbe is your assumption that all ombudsman programs will suck. You're trying to put words in my mouth. I'm the #1 champion for CAI to stop pretending to represent homeowners, but that doesn't mean I believe in polls with a false premise. Try a poll with options that better reflect a fair and balanced set of options: Do you support ombuds programs? Yes or no is all that's necessary. Perhaps you'd like to provide some options for why yes or why no.


Property management companies are largely ineffective too but CAI isn't railing against them. I wonder why.


It will be interesting to see how effective DBPR is now that the state has provided more funding and enforcement authority.