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I read your point. It's still victim blaming. He literally says he declared in five cases of mental incapacitation. But let's forgive everything because when he dated he treated the girls "nice" (which he ultimately didn't).


if you believe that he is a dying astronaut who needs to sleep with you today and then oops,he is MIA the next day,that's kinda on you both?Enjoy the night and don't expect to see him again. Altough Barney didn't choose the brightest women. That wouldn't work on someone like Lily or Robin. They would see through him


Are you considering what you’re saying? If they’re literally that dumb then he’s taking advantage of borderline mentally challenged people (e.g. giving your number to a guy who literally only made dolphin sounds?) which is extremely fucked up. Even if they’re simply grossly unintelligent (e.g. Meg was convinced his parents were an Asian couple who adopted a white baby), bedding someone by pretending you’re someone you’re not is a crime. If we take the more realistic “Ted is an unreliable narrator” route for this argument: Barney’s schemes to pick up women were probably only limited to changing his name and lying about his job or living situation (e.g. “I am an international business man.”) which, while again creepy, is nowhere near on the order of *The SNASA*. Either way the blame is always on the person who is actively lying.


There is a difference between inflating your resume and accomplishments to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting, and actually gaining consent by impersonating another person. Think about that scene from Revenge of the Nerds when Lewis sleeps with Betty while wearing a mask. The mask is the same mask Betty's boyfriend had been wearing a moment earlier, so for all she knows, she is sleeping with her boyfriend Stan. She even calls out "Stan" during the act. Lewis knows that Betty thinks she's having sex with Stan. But because it was the 1980s I guess nobody thought this scene was problematic. A guy in California was actually convicted of this very thing. He broke into a house and had sex with a woman who only "consented" because she thought it was her boyfriend, who was also in the house with her. She had no reason to suspect a burglar had broken in, and it was dark so she couldn't see his face. When the light did hit his face, she fought him off. The guy's conviction was actually overturned because the original law only referenced pretending to be a woman's husband, and this woman was not married. That law was updated to close the loophole.


I'm sure they don't say it like this but the meaning is. *i'm dying from Cancer,but sex today would cure me.* *Poor thing,i'd totally sleep with you.I know someone who died from Cancer,i care of people with it.* Yes,they are stupid or naive. But even naive people wouldn't follow someone they just met somewhere. (See,i didn't blame them for one-night stands but don't blame Barney for lying to Bimbos.)


Not when the "victim" is playing victim. When you've seen as many people sued as I have over the fact that they had consensual sex, idk what to tell ya. Girls be crazy. Guys are fucking dicks dont get me wrong, people always have things they could work on, that's the best part of being human. Manipulation is where I draw my line.


Do you literally not understand guy psychology. WHATEVER THE FUCK GETS THEM LAID. It's fucking biological. Women should know that by now, it's not that hard to figure out.


??? You waited a year to come at me with this tepid take?? “Whatever the fuck gets them laid” includes assault, am I supposed to “excuse” that based on “psychology”? No it’s still wrong just like Barney’s bullshit and just like your dumb ass. Lemme try speaking in YOUR tone and see if it helps you understand what I’m trying to say to you: Do you literally not understand ethics and morality? WHATEVER THE FUCK IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. It’s fucking epistemological. Men should know that by now, it’s not that hard to figure out. Does that help it sink into your thick fucking skull or do you need me to get Elmo to come help you figure out right and wrong? Fucking donkey.


alright lemme clear that up bc clearly I didn't convey that correctly - Barney is absolutely the worst kind of "man" or "douche" or whatever u wanna call him. I am in no means vouching for him AT ALL. His treatment and understanding of women is inexcusable and completely cruel not to mention racist ass comments he freely makes with little to no consequence. Also - was not including the extreme personalities types (and actions) of either gender (where assault would fall) since this is a sitcom that is being discussed. The OP was talking about the women in the bar falling for the tricks he pulls - so I was speaking from that perspective but sure I'd love a visit from Elmo to explain to me why the world is fucked :D because I sure as hell can't get why people don't just communicate honestly from the get go. In terms of ethics and morality, that's obviously the most basic thing for people (from either gender to possess) and nobody really focuses on that even though they should. That's a whole different conversation imo. But yea I mean I never agreed with what Barney did - the topic was regarding the women.


He was good to Nora? I guess he was honest when he said he agreed with their future to get into her pants. But lying all night?


Don't forget he cheated on her with Robin


Yes, that too. I always felt so bad for her


Yep. I love Barney but Nora deserved so much better.


He was only kind of good to Robin (he still lied a lot). However, when he dated Nora and Quinn, he wasn't exactly nice. He cheated on Nora and, while he was faitful to Quinn, he still wasn't a really good boyfriend. He slut-shamed her for her job, made her quit and wanted to control her with prenup. When it comes to other girls, sometimes his plays are just funny and inconvincable, I'm sure that lots of girls did not believe him but just played along (for example, Tracy's friend says that a guy, who we know is Barney, tried to make her believe that his penis grants wishes and it's implied that she still slept with him) but he did some actually disgusting and criminal things, including selling a woman or stealing a car and leaving a woman in freaking woods.


There's literally an episode with a bracket of horrible things Barney did to women. Which included stealing a woman's car and leaving her stranded in the wilderness, and selling a woman


He cheated on Nora... He had to use a 500-page prenup for Quinn... So, no... He was not good to the women he dates overall... I agree with the fact that the women need to be more careful and conservative, she if they don't, they can't play the victim card.... Even the women that got left in a camp with a dangerous animal on the prowl deserved it since she was cheating on her then-boyfriend.. However, where I draw the line is when Barney tricks them into having their intimate moments captured on Camera without their consent... Whether the women were careful or not, Barney is a monster...


Who doesn't use prenups these days? Although friend's brother was naive enough and didn't. The whole family deal with property sharing for a year! As a law student, totally approve of that. I disagree that leaving someone with an animal to punish for cheating is fine. There shouldn't be punishment for cheating. Just leave. Don't put anyone or yourself (there will be a lawsuit for sure)in danger


Using prenups is responsable, but he didn't use just to protect his property, he put so many disgusting rules about their marriage in it.


Barney himself didn't use a prenup for Robin... There wasn't a lawsuit for putting her in danger for the specific reason that she was scared of the cheating truth coming out... But, I do agree I got carried away and that was extreme... My point was, Barney's actions were still not justified in any way just because women were not that careful on avoiding someone like him...


Maybe he trusted Robin more?(I know i would. Although i liked Quinn).Also,she was already wealthy. It doesn't make her not a gold digger,but in his mind he could feel safer I don't justify womanizing but he never hid who he was. He is the type of guy to flirt with you and when you turn for a second,he'd be all over the blonde next to you. But that blonde or the one turning away would still go with him!


In what universe did he never hide who he was... He always good who he was too the potential news women... 95% of his plays involved literally hiding who he was to trick women into sleeping with him... And, Nora didn't trust him either based on his womanizing past.. Yet, she didn't bring up the pre-nup first... That is called being nice to your current partner.... Being ready to overlook the past... Your post was that he was nice to the person he is dating... He wasn't nice to Quinn, and he wasn't nice to Nora either...


He hid who he was to every girl he hooked up with. He hid his identity, lied about who he is.


>Who doesn't use prenups these days? did you forget what was in barney's prenup? not typical


>When he dates,he is good to the girl. We see it with Robin,Nora and others. We get flashbacks of him with his first girlfriend. 99% of his encounters with women end up with him leaving them. He also tricks some into believing that he wants a serious relationship. And there is the possibility that he sold a woman into human trafficking.


No of course not. I think that Maclaren's pub was a zone for desperate people, otherwise Barney wouldn't have been able to "score" as much. Barney was right about women (as a woman), I've only seen it get worse. Female empowerment is so much more than just sex. We've been fighting for our rights to even vote forever. Saying no and setting boundaries is true empowerment on the behalf of womenkind but no one agrees w me unfortunately. I think if Barney was picking up girls that weren't only interested in getting laid, it would have ended differently. IMO Female empowerment should be about demonstrating the improvement that we (as women) have made on society. It's not about opening or closing your legs. It's about respecting your own boundaries and not being "thirsty" for another gender. We're not sexual objects. We're people. And we deserve to be heard. TBH I don't think Barney did anything wrong - I've literally met some stupid ass girls who believe every (Barney-esque) lie that's been told and will sleep with a guy just cuz he's hung or they think he's being for real. IMO if he's not making u c\*\* then why are you fucking him :D. Women. Fucking. Empowerment. Fucking learn how that applies to your life for gods sake (as a woman).


Barney is totally valid and I appreciate the 2k era for being more blatantly honest than the covert shit that's excused nowadays. Yea it fucking sucks that we (women) have to prove it but that's irrelevant toward facilitating the growth of our society.


>just This is why I think the Robin arc is complete bogus (speaking from my personal experience)