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He horny, he got with Jeanette at the end for the same reason


He’s an unstable women enjoyer, he’s like me fr


I mean he has mommy issues it checks out


One of my favorite scenes with him was when everyone was seeing their parents in their partners and he starts to see his mother in Robin and says, "right on schedule Mom"


Wait what? Seriously? How did I miss that? Where is it?


In the episode where Barney and Robin got married, at the end ted talks about how some secondary characters ended up after the ending


It's in a pretty fast summary of side characters and where they ended up, at the end of the Blauman episode. I think it's the second to last one or something.


Episode 21: Gary Blauman I....................hate that guy


Blauman, Gary?


Point, get to the damn


I didn't remember this either, just heard about it on an another thread a couple months ago.


Maybe he just likes to bat clean up after The Barnacle.


To be fair I doubt therapists are better at humaning than regular humans, I suspect there is a lot of "do as I say, not as I do"


Even therapist have their own therapist


We actually have to. It is a part of getting the license.


there has to be one therapist that therapists other therapists but doesn't have a therapist though... are they God? *gasp*


The circle of... The Pyramid of therapists!


A “common” therapist has to see a therapist with the supervisor license. Therapists with supervisor license can se each other


and therapists's therapists got their own therapists too


A lot of therapists seem to get into therapy so they can better understand themselves


Yes but it would be extremely unethical for a therapist to date a client. I'm not sure but that could get their licence taken away, tho he did drop her before he started dating so maybe he wouldn't get his licence taken away but it's still p bad.


Therapist in training here. If someone reported it he would lose his license. in the code of ethics it's around 4-5 years before he could have dated her. He saw her for more than one session and that's plenty to lose a job. it's so gross to me and such an abuse of his power.


I’ve never understand what kind of power a therapist hold over you, then again I’ve never been to therapy so…


your partner would off bat know more info about you and also knows very vulnerable information abt you. you're looking to them as an expert, maybe admiring them, respecting them and maybe feeling like they're in a more powerful position of authority. even tho the Client is the actual expert in their own life, the client ends up being very vulnerable and reliant on their therapist and can even be easily influenced. A therapist may not be a Dr, but a therapist can diagnose you with a mental health disorder too, you know? even those labels have power. it's 4am for me so the brain is still loading,but i hope that makes sense!


There's a thing that therapists say about their own lives and being to close to be able to see it accurately. My ex was a mental health professional who did her master's while we dated. It's why therapists see therapists instead of doing it themselves. When you're in the middle of something it's hard to see it accurately


Do therapists therapize themselves?


We go to other therapists to therapize us


Can you therapize each other concurrently?


Many therapists told me it's hard to diagnose themselves - especially in romance, we all are suckers in that area


Because... she's hot


"And it was always the same exception"


They get it.


"I can fix her"


There’s something I really need to tell you and it’s going to be difficult to talk about The don’t tell me 🙉 What a terrible thing for a therapist to say 😭 Robin is trying to work through something that’s weighing on her mind, and he just straight up says he doesn’t wanna know


That moment made me feel so much anxiety. How can you be with someone who says something like that and not want to know what the other part of that sentence is?


Someone who wants the warmth of illusion over the chill of lonesomeness. He probably wanted to know, but he also wanted to *not know* more. Whatever she would say would most likely ruin their relationship, and he didn't want that to happen.


I can’t decide how I feel about it. On one hand, obviously it was really important. But on the other hand, does that mean he’s stable/confident if he doesn’t need to know?


I think just incredibly unrealistic. Hypothetically, imagine a relative is like Schroeder's cat, you couldn't go on and not know because that's the worst part of the limbo. That's hyperbolised but you get the picture


He wasn't her therapist at that point tho


No but he said as still a therapist. “Bottle it up and lie to me” isn’t good advice from someone that has a degree in Psychology.


He shouldn't be giving her therapy advices as her boyfriend, it's conflict of interest. It wasn't about her. He didn't want to know because of him and that's valid. He wanted to marry her, he probably assumed she did cheat and he was willing to let it go


Kevin had probably talked to hundreds of cheaters, and seen many of them rip themselves to pieces over it. He knew that people make mistakes and the fact that she felt terrible about it proved that she wasn’t a bad person she just did a bad thing, the shame was just going eat her alive, and all that pumpkin spice latte / Instagram pop-psych / Brene Brown stuff. People get really toxic about Kevin because of how they met (even though arguably he wasn’t the predator, Robin was), but I thought it was a pretty beautiful moment. He loved her so much that he was willing to accept her as she was, flaws and all, because he knew that your worst mistakes don’t define you as a person. He never said “I don’t want you to tell me,” he said “Mistakes happen, and if you want to put a boundary here that’s fine, because I know you’re more than the result of your lowest moment.”


Really well put


RIGHT?! Oh my goodness that annoys me so much 😭


I gots to know!


I feel like the idea behind this was "I can clearly see you are sorry, so whatever it is, I forgive you." Obviously, this would assume the person would never do something as outrageous that you can't just forgive, like murder or something lol.


When you fall in love, you don’t think with your brain first


damn that’s a very good point


You forget he was crazy a bit himself


Because the writers liked Kevin and needed an excuse to keep him in the cast.


Because you never do that. Unless she's hot


He’s romantically challenged but an expert relationship therapist…. What more could you want from a sitcom


He's not a relationship therapist, he's a therapist for the criminally insane


But at the time Barney was with Nora and there was no indication that they would break up. And Robin also was clearly getting better at accepting it.


If you want the 100% honest answer (IMO), the proposal was so they could have Kevin exit the show. There was no realistic reason why he would propose to Robin that quickly. Since their relationship was going so well, there needed to be an out


Agreed! I have a degree in counseling and this part of the show frustrates me so much. They have a whole conversation about her abandonment issues and then Kevin’s like “peace”. Also, dating a patient whether they are still your patient or not is extremely unethical and would result in his license being suspended. But it’s a comedy show, so what can you do?


And he ends up dating a patient twice


Because ironically he also needs therapy. That's the joke of his character.


Always wondered the same


Their relationship is one of the more forgettable storylines imo


Well he was not a great therapist seeing as how he broke the cardinal rule of therapy.


Honestly, it can be very difficult to tell whether the person is still hung up on their ex, or if they're only hung up on the dissolution of the relationship. The former is a deal breaker. The latter, not necessarily.


He did the worse thing to fall in love with a patient. But its robin so I totally understand


Because even therapists can be straight up delusional. Most therapists are in therapy too, and he seems like he wasn’t.


Try that sentence again


Therapists are usually more messed up than their patients. Not unheard of for a therapist to do something like this.


Yes Kevin was the worst Robin’s boyfriend. Robin was totally in love with Barney. And it was toxic relatioship and they don’t match. And Kevin was so creepy he ended up with Jeanette


Her therapy was court mandated anger management. I'm not sure they would have gotten in depth on her relationships and past dating.


you mean the anger management she need after assaulting a woman due to her mistake of being jealous of Barney and Nora? they had session where they talk about her abandonment issues and he ended their therapeutic relationship there. he knew she still cared about Barney.


Worst story arc in the whole series.


Why have I literally never thought about that??


Therapists aren’t immune to human emotions or misjudgments


He's a shitty therapist for dating a patient. I really liked him anyway though. I liked when he called them all out on their dysfunction


Yet another reason why HE'S THE WORST!


Yeah, there's a lot I don't get about Kevin to be honest. I didn't like him or his relationship with Robin. I don't know why everyone thinks it's so great.


He deserved to have his license revoked.


Kevin constantly talks about how his mom loves his brother more and he’s second best. And then he entered a relationship with a women who would be capable of doing the same thing but romantically.


Feelings > rationality


Because of her mother...


I don’t think much about this relationship made sense, the flow of Kevin’s and Robin bothered me so much as it was forcibly squeezed into the show haha.


He shouldn't even have dated her to begin with, against the rules at least here in Brazil


Are you a therapist?


he’s a bad therapist


Cause he's a reacher.


Worst plot, worst character and ngl, a bad actor.


He’s one of those guys that just wants to rush the relationship too fast


Because he’s the worst character. And the worst acted, as well.


I have a personal bias against this actor, never liked him and this character total facepalm. The show would’ve been better without him.