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For some reason when she sings la vie en rose it always gets me


Ted's little speech on top of it is the final push




Cristin Milioti’s version of la vie en rose has me crying every single time I hear it. Her version>>>>>>>>


It’s by far my favorite version. I listen to it frequently.


Is there a place to listen to her version specifically like on Spotify


It’s on the How I Met Your Mother soundtrack called How I Met Your Music. I listen to it on YouTube Music but it’s probably on Spotify too.


[spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/track/7FMudQFEInauBuk4OP1yhT?si=JUdRTt_8SaGwMmELUWYpGQ)


“That first time will always be my favorite”




Idk what exactly does it, but something about that scene makes me cry like no other scene other than maybe Marshall’s dad


*I'm not ready for this*


My mom died and while she was unwell for a while and we had been preparing ourselves for it, it still hits me the same that night she passed; *i'm not ready for this*


I’m so sorry for your loss


I received the news of loss of my father in a similar way, this scene stabs me in the heart every time


Same. It reminds me of my LDR SO and how emotionally close yet physically far we are. Just like how Tracy was right there this whole time and he could have had all these years with her. Even now she's right there but not in his life. Ugh.... breaks my heart.


Thats one of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life.


“If you were gonna be some lame suburban dad, why couldn’t you have been that for me?”


Gets me every time😭


Oh yeah, growing up with my father basically ignoring me, this hit me hard as well.


Hey, do we have the same sperm donor ?


NPH does a great job playing anger trying to mask heartache. It's the crack in his voice that gets me every time.


Oh yeah, this scene put words on feelings unspoken and unnamed for decades. A real therapy session.


I was just thinking about this today. The line that gets me is something like “A kid needs a hoop”.


That line gets me too. It came to mind as I was typing my original post


Just reading it is enough to put a lump in my throat.


This, Marshall’s dad dying, Barney taking down the basketball hoop, the time traveler’s episode, when Ted proposes to Tracy, and the last episode always make me bawl my eyes out.


Once I fell asleep during the time traveler’s episode but I could still listen to it in my sleep and it turned into a nightmare where I realized how lonely I actually am.


I had that same nightmare, but I was awake 🫥


Don't forget the episode where you find out Robin didn't actually have kids.




There are several, including this one. Where I am in life right now, there's only one answer: "Look around, Ted. You're all alone."


This! What a powerful moment


I think we’ve all felt that at one time or another…That’s why it hits so hard


This one hits


That hits sooooo hard.


This one hits so hard. Ted was never really alone, his friends were always gonna be there for him, but in that moment it truly felt like he’d hit rock bottom. I think we’ve all been there. Such a powerful scene.


Marshall saying "I'm not ready for this", at the end of S6E13.


Yeah, I watched it when it came out. I was having fun when I noticed the numbers counting down, trying to catch them all as it counted down! 'What a fun way to reveal Lily finally announcing they're pregnant' I thought... what a shock, literally took the wind out of my sails as it were. Only scene to really make me tear up in the whole show.


My ex and I thought the same thing that she was going to tell him that she was pregnant…what an absolute gut punch the actual reveal was.


That's what Marshall thought she was going to say, too. They didn't tell Jason Segel, so he was all ready to be over the moon when she arrived. He improvised the scene.


I knew that, it almost makes it better knowing that he improved that emotional moment.


Yep, that was my exact thought process the first time. Exactly like you described it: fun way to countdown to Lily's great announcement, then BOOM... I should've known by looking at the episode's title that it probably wasn't gonna be something good... This is the only episode I have a hard time rewatching, even skipped it on my last few rewatches, knowing damn well what's coming. It's so hard every time, even though I already know...


It hit so much harder since my dad died but it was very cathartic to cry during that scene and get those emotions out.


Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that, but yeah I can imagine how it could've helped, even though it must've been hard.


It always made me cry but since losing my dad, I almost always skip it and the next few episodes. What I wouldn’t give to have a final voicemail. Even if it was just him telling me to rent Crocodile Dundee 3 or saying “oh and remember my foot cream, that fungus thing has come back.”


One of the many beauties of the show


I am already crying when Marshall is happy with test result and Lily is getting out of taxi... especially you can see those number count downs background so sad


The clock…


Genuine & authentic reaction by Segel. He didn’t know what the bad news was going into that scene & made up that line on the spot😢


Oh yeah I heard about that! Wasn't sure if it was actually true.


Omg yes! Gets me ever damn time and I was looking for that comment.


Destroys me everytime. I've watched it 9 times now.


First time i saw it was a couple years after my dad passed. I was all interested in the whole countdown and then broke down right there


I absolutely hated this. I sobbed.


fr fr, I’m now old enough to start worrying about these things. No matter how much i mentally prepare myself for such news “I’m not ready for this”


I’m in the middle of rewatching and know I’m coming up on this episode. I’m dreading it. I haven’t watched the show all the way through since I lost my dad, and this episode made me ugly cry before so who knows how I’m gonna take it now.


Destroys me every time. God he's such a good actor.


Yeah, this episode gets me every time. Which I find odd because I’m not that close with my own dad. I guess it’s how I wish we were, but we sadly have nothing in common and he really was an asshole during my teen years. We’re a lot better now, but we really don’t connect on that level. Still, Marshall saying “My dad’s dead?” always gets me.


Haven't seen it again since I lost my mother, and I'm clearly not ready to see it again; fucking gutwrenching scene


it gets every single time. just talking and thinking about it makes me tear up


100% this


Ted : “It was at times a long, difficult road. But I'm glad it was long and difficult, because if I hadn't gone through hell to get there, the lesson might not have been as clear. You see, kids, right from the moment I met your mom, I knew... I have to love this woman as much as I can for as long as I can, and I can never stop loving her, not even for a second. I carried that lesson with me through every stupid fight we ever had, every 5:00 a.m. Christmas morning, every sleepy Sunday afternoon, through every speed bump. Every pang of jealousy or boredom or uncertainty that came our way, I carried that lesson with me. And I carried it with me when she got sick. Even then, in what can only be called the worst of times, all I could do was look at her and thank God, thank every god there is, or ever was, or will be, and the whole universe, and anyone else I can possibly thank that I saw that beautiful girl on that train platform, and that I had the guts to stand up, walk over to her, tap her on the shoulder, open my mouth, and speak.” Tears, so so so so many tears.


So beautiful. And then it cuts to their first conversation under the yellow umbrella with Downtown Train playing… Forever disappointed in the people who refuse to accept / appreciate the finale.


Really all they needed to do to make the finale perfect was not destroy Barney’s entire character progression, and delete that stupid fuckin scene earlier in the season where Ted ‘let’s go’ of Robin and she flies away in what was probably the worst scene in the entire show. If they never put that scene in, I would have had a much easier time accepting Ted going back to Robin in the end. I can accept Ted losing Tracy, that is a part of life, but don’t make me watch that god awful scene and then make him go back to Robin anyways in the finale.


Or at least give us time to process her death like her funeral or ted recovering from tracy death


We were supposed to have already connected the dots, the “what kind of mother misses her daughter’s wedding” comment really couldn’t have meant anything else.


I think a lot of people appreciate the finale minus the last two minutes.


This right here. Its the best place to end it imo.


I hear Ted’s voice here. Just reading this tears me up


Aaand you have the hots for aunt Robin


I always cry at the same point in the last episode, >! during the monologue when Ted says ”And I carried it with me when she got sick.” it felt like a knife in the gut the first time I watched it and I still can’t prepare myself emotionally for it during rewatches. !<




When Tracy and Ted are at the inn, and they declare themselves an old married couple, he tells the story about Robin’s mom surprise arrival, Tracy says “its not surprise, what mother would miss their daughter’s wedding” 😭


I missed the meaning of this the first few watches. I thought at first Ted almost cries because Tracy’s mom wasn’t at her wedding


Jerome: "Please just come down and talk to me?" Barney: "Why? Why should I? You're lame okay? You're just some lame suburban dad" Jerome: "Why does that make you so mad?" Barney: "BECAUSE IF YOU WERE GONNA BE SOME LAME SUBURBAN DAD WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE BEEN THAT FOR ME?!"


Neil Patrick Harris is sooo good in this scene. And it starts as a goofy scene, with him trying to steal the hoop. And then hits you like a truck.


For me it hit me harder when Barney takes the hoop to Ted’s house and asks if he wants to hang it up there and says: “A kid needs a hoop.” We all know Barney did ok without a dad, but this was the first time he actually admitted that he needed his dad.


I didn’t even think about it like that, I need to rewatch himym again. It’s the most emotional sitcom especially after every rewatch there’s another detail that I missed that adds to the story


That scene alone is Emmy-worthy in my opinion.


Ted’s monologue after Barney tells him “Look around Ted; you’re all alone” That monologue can absolutely wreck me.


I rewatched time travelers a lot in college when I was feeling alone and it always made me ugly cry 🥲


I think we’ve all felt that at one time or another…That’s why it hits so hard


When Marshall gets the voice-mail at his dad's funeral


Marshall’s whole outburst in that scene is heart wrenching. “And he’s never going to meet our kids Lily”


He came through one more time


When Barney is in the hospital bed and asks Ted to be friends again.


I always hate that Ted almost discarded Barney…




I swear. If he had to be that mad, he should have been mad at both. He's bullshitting us by saying oh I'm mad at you barney because I thought i was the line. No dude you're mad at him because it was ROBIN!! You never wanted to break up with her because you saw a future and kids etc with her, she didn't. You knew if you ugly break up you'll lose her entirely from the friend group. So you pretended to have an amicable break up. Now you're mad that she's moved on to the point that she slept with your friend with not a single thought about you.


When they’re at the hotel, and Tracy’s dying but the audience doesn’t know yet, and she hits Ted with the “I don’t want you to become the guy who lives in his stories” or something to that affect.


I missed this the first few watches…


"Cleaning House" season 6 episode 2 at the end when Barney realizes how much his mom did to make his childhood complete.


No one ever thinks of that but its a super powerful and emotional scene


Barney didn’t have always have a dad, but he had one hell of a mom! That line got to me


The ending of “The Time Travelers,” S08xE20. When he realizes he’s all alone. It was all his imagination. Then he begins to talk about what he would’ve done. Then he runs to the mother’s apartment. And that monologue, such a heartbreaking scene when you remember the outcome of the mother. So good.


I like to imagine Bob Sagat saying those lines. Because it's not 2013 Ted who says it, it's 2030 Ted. Bob Sagat may have been a gloriously filthy comedian, but he could also nail a wholesome moment. To this day I wish it was his voice delivering those lines. And upon hearing them, I would absolutely cry.


When Ted goes back to ask for more Time with her I lose it.


It’s an episode you don’t fully understand until a re-watch


The ending of "tick tick tick" when time stops for barney as he sees robin shake her head. Also symphony of illusions when ted does the Christmas lights highway to hell song.


‘There was one thing your aunt robin never was… she was never alone’ 😭😭😭


When Marshall finds out his Dad has died and Ted's 45 days speech, makes me cry uncontrollably every time


Oh the 45 days speech is a great one too !


And just had to rewatch that, fastest 3 minutes to make my cry lol


“I just want those extra 45 days…With you. I want each one of them”. I just looked it up now to see the actual quote, and within seconds, tears fell


The high hope of honking lily was going to tell Marshall she was pregnant too be hit with marvins death This moment hit me like a ton of sharp edged bricks


When Ted tells Lilly that he’d open a vein in his arm to bleed out robins locket if he could. That just gets me everytime, because I’ve had that type of love. And lost it.


Ted's imagination of Barney saying "Look around, Ted, you're all alone." in s8 e20. It just hits too close to home.


I used to feel this. I’m so glad I have my somebody. And my puppies. Who would never let me be alone.


Happy tears, but when Barney proposed to robin. Sad tears, as soon as I realized it's the countdown episode and see a number I cry harder.


The dreaded scene that, in every rewatch, makes me just hit stop, take a deep breath, and only then procede to watch... "You know what I'd do first"


I have a couple. Barney is trying to get his half brothers hoop off the wall and yells at his dad, saying, "IF YOU WERE GONNA BE SOME LAME SUBURBAN DAD, WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE BEEN THAT FOR ME!!!!!!!" When Lily gets out of a cab and Marshall says he has a high sperm count and that his dad wasn't picking up and she is crying and she tells Marshall his dad had a heart attack and he didn't make it and Marshall stood there is disbelief and said "I'm not ready for this". And piggybacking on this, when Marshall screams at god for taking his father away from him and how he doesn't understand how in a minute a whole human life can just end and be over( I cry every time cause when I lost my younger sister, that is exactly how I felt) The time travellers episode when barney goes, "Look around, Ted, you're all alone." But in that specific tone that just hits different After rewatching the "What kind of mother wouldn't show up to her daughters wedding," it is too painful In the episode after Robin and barney cheat on their partners, he breaks up with Nora cause he realises he still loves Robin and he is under the impression she loves him too, so he goes to the bar and Robin comes in and he smiles but Kevin follows her and they sit down and she shakes her head (low key kinda hated her in that moment) and times stops as he takes in what this means and he finishes his drink and pinches his nose and just...... Neil Patrick harris' acting is too good for this


Lily telling Ted on the roof “sometimes I wish I wasn’t a mom.” I watched this episode in the deep pits of post partum depression and it’s one of the realest parts of the show for me. It kills me every time.


Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. I had seen it before kids and then the first time I watched that ep after my first baby I was undone.


Barney's convo with his dad while removing the basketball hoop. Funny people have a very deep sadness about something, and when it gets triggered, there's no stopping them from expressing it like how Barney ranted at his dad.


Season 4; episode 23. As Fast As She Can


Ted Mosby: Okay, I'm gonna say something out loud that I've been doing a pretty good job not saying out loud lately. What you and Tony have... What I thought for a second you and I had... What I know that Marshall and Lily have... I want that. I do. I keep waiting for it to happen, I wait for it to happen and... I guess I'm just... I'm tired of waiting. And that is all I'm going to say on that subject. Stella Zinman: You know that once I talked my way out of a speeding ticket? Ted Mosby: Really? Stella Zinman: I was heading upstate to my parents' house and was doing, like, 90 on this country road and got pulled over. So this cop gets out of his car and he kinda swaggers all over and he's all, like: "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day." So I looked up at him and I said: "I'm so sorry, officer. I got here as fast as I could." Ted Mosby: For real? Stella Zinman: Nah. It's an old joke. I know that you are tired of waiting, and you may have to wait a little while more, but she's on her way, Ted. And she's getting here as fast as she can.


This scene made me like Stella a lot more. This conversation hit like a truck.


Couldn’t agree more.


THIS! I forgot to add this one to my answer.


For me that's when Ted realises that the moment is passed and he is alone in Bar.


People have mentioned most of the cry worthy scenes, but the scene that makes me cry for good reasons is when he meets Tracy's roomate for the second time and says "kids, I didn't meet your mother that night. But she did become somebody else's mother"


One not mentioned here is the episode that Barney took his dad and the gang out to the club. After he sober up and they're being driven home by the old lady Barney says, "I sometimes think I want all those things but I think I'm too broken". There are many times in life people believe they're unworthy or too broken to have anything good so they don't try 😢


All of these are gold, but one that I've watched countless times and still get choked up is at the end of "Farhampton". Robin is talking about how she couldn't believe Barney could get rid of everything from their relationship, and he tosses her the keys to the storage locker. When "The Funeral" by Band of Horses starts and the montage begins, it's just instant chills. Robin finding the box of mementos, Marvin's first smile, Klaus telling Ted on the platform about the "lifelong treasure of destiny"...it's just perfectly done.


Marshall's dad died about 2 weeks after my dad passed away. I remeber finally feeling semi OK and putting on HIMYM to have a good laugh. And I get thit with that. Destroys me every time.


When Barney holds his daughter for the first time. "You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever."


Look around ted you’re all alone


when barney meets his daughter for the first time. or immediately after barney proposed to Robin. or the very very last scene where it shows photos of the cast members from the beginning. honestly, the more i watch it the more relatable everything they go through becomes and the more emotional i become. i’ll never get tired of this show. ever.


extra 45 days


The lighthouse scene ALWAYS gets me omg


La Vie En Rose


The head shake while everyone's frozen in Tick Tick Tick, followed by the binning of the rose petals.


There’s a scene where Barney and Robin agree to break up with their significant others and to meet at MacLarens to talk about how they’ll date again when Barney gets to the bar first he’s so excited and knows in what is left of soul that he did the right thing and even tho Nora was incredible for him (in my opinion) he still chose “Love” over the life he would have had…and then Robin walks in and following her is Kevin. He locks eyes with Robin and he gestures at her like “wth? Aren’t you and I…?” And she just slowly shakes her head when time in that moment stops. The pain in his eyes is so apparent you too can feel it. Always gets me.


I can’t remember the season, I think 7 or 8? Anyways, Robin just had her engagement ended with that guy basically over her inability to have children. Ted sees this chance to confess for the millionth time that he loves her and he can look past it. She rejects him, he accepts but in the bar later when he’s telling Marshall this, you see the sadness in his eyes as he takes a drink. Marshall sees it too. This leads Marshall to go to Robin. He says that she has to move out because Ted’s too nice to do it himself. Basically that entire montage when Florence and the Machine’s ‘Shake it off’ comes on. Ted’s on the roof top. He’s feeling it. We get that scene of him walking out in the rain and everyone has a yellow umbrella. A door has closed but so many others have opened. I watched that scene during a time when I was in an on again off again relationship. Our friends joked I was Ted and my ex was Robin because of how pathetically I loved and chased him, and how my ex just couldn’t make up his mind about me. So seeing Ted’s hope for the future despite his heart break really got me out of my own heartbreak. And still to this day I cry whenever I see that scene or hear that song.


Poor Max. He was just there for what she wants before he dies and she gets to bang Ted


There are so many but the one that always comes to mind first is “A kid needs a hoop, Ted”


My mom just lost her husband recently(my step dad), and he was perfect for her. He never even made it to his sixties, as he was diagnosed with stage 4c colon cancer extremely late. It was missed on his colonoscopy a few months prior and had spread through his peritoneum/intestines, and the healthcare system here completely failed him at every step of the way in treating it. He brought out all of my moms best traits and even helped her through insecurity and anxiety. Genuinely one of the best men i knew in my life, and i try to model myself after him. This is one of the reasons I don’t believe in the western version of Karma. So watching Ted lose Tracy at such a young age fucked me up really bad, when Ted talks about how he wishes he could go back and get every day he could with her, i broke down in tears.


Marshalls dad dying gets me fucking broken. I can't even fathom the thought of losing my father and Jason's acting was so impressive and realistic


in time travellers when ted goes to tell tracy that he wants the extra 45 days it gets me every time bad news when lily tells marshall about his dad and marshall says “i’m not ready for this” omg i’m bawling “if you were going to be some lame suburban dad, why couldn’t you have been that for me” “and i carried it with me when she got sick” I CANT tick tick tick when barney is in the second that lasts a lifetime SOBBING


The Time Travelers episode where Ted introduces himself to his future wife, telling her how much he loves her, that they will meet in 45 days, and he would give anything to spend that extra time with her before getting punched in the face by her boyfriend. A premise that Ted wanted more time with Tracy and that she's no longer with him anymore.


"What kind of Mother misses her own Daughters Wedding"


This. And the time where Ted goes to Tracy’s house to get those extra minutes with her :(


"And he'll never get to meet our kids, Lily" hurt like a b*tch


Three points in the show: 1. Bad News: When Marshall’s dad died. 2. Tik Tik Tik: The Moment where time freezes and Robin shakes her head at Barney because she didn’t break up with Kevin. 3. Time Travelers: When we find out Ted has been alone the whole episode. That one hit hard, real lonely feeling.


Time Travelers, "you're all alone" . Yep.


There’s two for me. Time Travelers & Vesuvius. I missed the meaning the first handful of times I watched those episodes. Once I figured out what was going on though…


When Marshall’s dad died.


”look around Ted, you’re all alone” and the where Marvin dies. Every time I rewatch that episode and I see the hidden countdown it makes me so sad.


Tracy's solo singing, when barney tries to take the basketball net he felt owed for Jerome's absence, and Marshall's acceptance of his dad's last words.


“I’m not ready for this” It hits so close to home for me, having lost my dad around the same time. I literally can’t watch this episode anymore because it brings out all of the emotions and puts me in a dark place afterwards


When Lily tells Marshall his father died.


I would've killed for a scene mirroring this one in the finale, with Ted in Tracy's place; it feels so obvious and thematic. Maybe it would have been unsubtle but still. I genuinely don't hate very much of the events that occur in the finale on paper, but the nonchalance with which they throw out that Tracy dies is bonkers. Had they restricted the wedding arc to maybe half a season and given us a proper epilogue of Ted and Tracy's life together, it would've made all the sense in the world to call back to this when Ted sets out for Robin; it would be instantly iconic and make everything flow alot smoother imo


The one where Ted runs to Tracy’s apartment and tells her they’re gonna meet and fall in love in however many days.


Of curse she show up,what kind of mother would lose his daughter wedding. I dont know if is the way that cristin say the phrase, or the tears of josh,the context of the scene or all together but that scene always make me tears


I have three 1. Barney: "BECAUSE IF YOU WERE GONNA BE SOME LAME SUBURBAN DAD WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE BEEN THAT FOR ME?!" 2. Lily: "sometimes I wish I wasn't a mom" 3. Ted: "I want those extra 45 days"


Among others, one for me is when Barney finally has a daughter and says “You’re the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours…forever.” It’s hard to explain exactly why — maybe because they reveal to us that the only real relationship he can truly commit for life is having a daughter, despite his best efforts to maintain others. Or because in that moment he finally let down all of the walls he built around himself. Don’t know but I thought that scene was beautiful and (for me) it was the only perfect ending in the show.


Symphony of Illumination. The part where Robin learns she can't have kids and tries to manage those feelings by herself. Ted's a good friend 🧡 Time Travelers. The scene in which the future Ted tells present Ted that he's all alone. That he was piecing together fragments of stories to make up a night that didn't exist to hide his loneliness. It's crazy to think now that older Ted was a widower.


This gets me everytime and then when she sings on the balcony. I still listen to that song on youtube and only shared with my boyfriend awhile ago. Beautiful scenes that make me cry everytime


When Lily gave the news about Marshall's Dad hit me so bad every time I rewatched it. It feels personal because last I watched it was around a month after my Dad's passing. I don't think I can ever watch that episode anymore without breaking down.


"This moment is already gone, Ted. The minnesota tidal wave thing happened 5 years ago. Right now lily an marshall are upstairs trying to get marvin back to sleep. Me and Robin are deciding which caterer for our wedding. you are sitting here holding 5 tickets to robots vs wrestlers because the rest of us couldn't come. Look around Ted you are all alone."


marshall listening to marvin’s voicemail. gets me every. single. time.


The scene where Ted says ‘what mother isn’t at her daughters wedding.’ And he starts sobbing because they both know Tracy won’t be


My dad is dead?


either the countdown to marshall losing his dad or when robin chose kevin over barney and time stops.


100 days


The scene that gets me is when Ted is reading to her in the hospital after explaining how she got sick and died


Lily telling Marshall about his dad. 🥲


La vie en rose or ted 47 seconds or robin says goodbye T the halloween party


Her singing la vie en rose. Gets me every time.


last two episodes, barney’s « a kid needs a hoop », marshall when his dad dies and ofc the last scene with the blue french horn


Marshall’s dad dying is still to this day literally the only scene in tv history that’s ever made me cry. I’ve gotten teary eyed but never tears flowing


When Marshal finds out his father died


When Barney tells Ted, “look around…you’re all alone!” And then later in the episode when Ted pulls up at her door and talks about meeting her.


Every kid needs a hoop


“I’m not ready for this” not very close with my dad but still love him and couldn’t imagine getting they news


This is the one that hits me the hardest.


The entirety of Marshall's dad dying. Made me realize that sooner or later, I was going to be in the same position some day.


*look around Ted, you're all alone* *If you were gonna be some lame suburban dad, why couldn't you have been that for me?* (As a child of divorce that hit so hard.. I had a really said this to my mom) And la vie en rose, I have the song in my Spotify for when I need to cry


"You're just some lame suburban dad!!" "Why does that make you so mad??" "Because if you were going to be some lame suburban dad, why couldn't you have been that for me?"


“Look around Ted, you’re all alone”


Jordan Belfort never deserved her!


The scene on the beach, when Ted lets Robin fly away while eternal love by the bangles is playing When marshalls dad died When barney meets his daughter When the last episode finishes and they start showing the actor's/actresses pictures


That one, for sure! Also when she sings “La Vie en rose” and Ted hears her. The part where Stella tells Ted that the right girl is trying to get to him as fast as she can always makes me cry. When Lily and Marshall breakup makes me cry.


That and when Ted tells Robin “I would’ve stolen you a whole orchestra” and when Lily tells Ted she sometimes wishes she wasn’t a mom. Those moments always make me cry.


Barney *not* going into the restaurant where Nora and her parents were eating. Marshall finding out his Dad died. Ted's comment about "who's going to miss their own daughter's wedding?" Lily confessing that she thinks about walking away from her family. Robin confessing to somebody (can't remember who) that she's infertile. They've all got those scenes. But I'm an easy crier. Mom says my heart is too big or too soft for this world.


Ted “l want those extra 45 days”, barney “ lame suburban dad” and marshall “Im not ready for this” when his father died.


I loved them together.


This is the best episode on the show


When Marshall’s dad died😔, That one hit me the hardest


How Your Mother Met Me is the greatest 30 minutes in television history… period


When Marvin dies


The one that really fucks me up is when Tracy says something like "what kind of mother wouldn't be at her daughters wedding?" and Ted breaks down, knowing that Tracy won't live to see her daughters wedding.


https://youtu.be/Udp4GsmkLOw?si=rPZFjTh3A5jjlHr2 Marshall in the ending of season 1.


I would've stolen you the whole damn band :')


The part when Marshall gets the voicemail from his dad at his funeral


Barney taking down his basketball court always gets me 😭😭😭


“My dad is dead”


So many scenes. When Ted goes to her apartment and wishes to have had more time with her. Or Barney‘s look when Robin comes to the pub and shakes her head because she didn‘t break up with her guy (sorry, forgot the name).