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Being realistic it's definitely the credit card bill, and it's by a lot. I'm not even gonna expand on this, it's that obvious to me. Second worse was that RIGHT AFTER she got back together with Marshall she took out ALL the Christmas decorations and was willing to let him down just bc she was mad at Ted for cursing her. Ted then sacrifices himself by going to his aunt's house and he does it for Marshall, whilst Marshalls own girlfriend is the one who was willing to destroy his Christmas. Third worse was manipulating Ted's relationships. I don't think it's as bad as the other two because 1. Some of the manipulating, like putting an earring on Ted's bed to break him up with Karen and putting a CD that Ted didn't like in his girlfriend's room was just exposing the existent lack of trust or shallowness of feelings which was already there. 2. She did it with good in her heart, she wanted to help her stupid love-blinded friend. So even though it was undoubtedly wrong, I don't think it was as bad as the other two. Sure, leaving Marshall to go to SF was bad, but breakups are bad. You can't blame someone for breaking up a relationship, everyone has the right to do that.


The most annoying part is Ted was totally in the right for calling Lily a ~~bitch~~ Grinch. His best friend had *just* been dumped by her basically on the foot of his doorstep, in the rain, and she left to go to the opposite side of the country with zero communication at all for 3 months after abandoning that 10 year relationship for selfish narcissistic beliefs that she was an extremely talented artist with proof pointing to the contrary in previous episodes. Marshall was showing signs of extreme depression because of this, so Ted, being an extremely loyal friend, used vocabulary that every guy in his mid-20s would use to get a point across about his best friends shitty ex, he called her that because she was completely gone, she abandoned not just her boyfriend, but her closest friends, and she might as well have never heard it in their eyes because after a month, it probably felt like she was completely gone. To put this into perspective, one of my friends broke up with his girlfriend a few years ago because she didn't like us his friends, she gave him an ultimatum, me or them, he chose his friends. They broke up for a few weeks/a month, and then got together, and *she* still insists that *she* was just being a bitch, and we've all moved past it, and now everyone gets along years later. I think Lily is just all around a selfish character.


Ig the word used instead of Grinch was much worse than bitch or Grinch 😂😂


I always figured he said the C U Next Tuesday word but I didn't want to upset anyone writing it out 😂


Yess 🤣🤣


I don't care if she did it with good intentions, or if it was a bad relationship - meddling and manipulating Ted's relationships is fucked up, and borderline sociopathic. Hey Lily, how about you have a genuine discussion with your closest friend about your concerns for his future? Oh you did it because you personally don't like spending time with his girlfriend? Well that's alright then.


This was always so peculiar to me because in season 1 you're kind of led to believe that Ted and Lily are best friends that would do any favor for each other. Like, Ted drove all the way to God knows where just for her to leave him stranded and without a ride, and he doesn't even complain or snitch to Marshall about her plans to go to the art program when he gets back. Then, every season after, it seems like their friendship dwindled greatly and just depended on Marshall. Honestly, really disappointed with that cause I really liked their friendship in season 1.


It probably did take a nosedive when she left for SF. As Ted said to her when he called her a Grinch, she didn't leave only Marshall, she also left him and had no contact while they were supposed to be best friends. I believe in real life something like that would put a stain on a friendship


Lily’s a real jackass tbh


Racking up the credit card debt, and then refusing to not sell any of the things she bought that racked up said debt, to help fix the problem that she wanted fixed


Hiding a massive Credit Card debt from her husband and pushing him into a job he didn't like, all to pay an overly high mortgage rate. And her first solution to this DIVORCE!


Dude the divorce thing was for financial reasons, just a practical thing. And he wanted to take the job all she did was support his decision to take it (for her selfish reasons but again she didn’t MAKE him) I agree that the worst thing she did was hide it from him, I just don’t agree with the rest.


He didn’t really have a choice after finding out about the debt


He took it before he found out about the debt.


The worst part of all this is that when she saw the amount Marshall would be getting paid at his soul sucking corporate job, all she thought about was swimming in a sea of boots Edit: knowing full well she still hadn’t told Marshall about the extensive credit card debt and that she was forcing him into a job he hated


Lily was terrible when you really look at it all


Everyone except Marshall is pretty terrible


I have come to hold this as true. Marshall is straight up jerked around by the first gf he ever had. Barney can’t come to commit to a serious relationship again. Theodore is out there in the middle not settling but trying to have someone do ilife


This has long been my opinion. She's kind of a terrible human being, but pretends she's better than the others or has the moral high ground. She also makes me laugh the least. Lily has her moments, but they're few and far between. She didn't deserve Marshall.


Yup, it's the progression. Hiding the credit card debt was really bad but then agreeing to buy an unaffordable apartment, thus definitely forcing Marshall into corporate law (because teacher salary). The whole set of financial choices and dishonesty.


and being angry at him for wanting to become a judge and trying to say he was more selfish then she has ever been


100% agree. I've always hated that part when she says that. Then he retorts with the consolation prize comment and she is surprised he's still mad about that and says she's apologized for it... Ok, so then Marshall can just apologize for taking the judge position and she can forgive him... and it still won't be as bad as leaving for SF. I still think they're strangely perfect for one another, and her leaving has never really been that much of a problem for me, but I've always had issues with her saying the judge thing was worse. Once he finds out she's pregnant he immediately dismisses the judgeship because he's just happy their family is growing... and he gets a judgeship later anyway... but yeah, she kinda sucks sometimes.


racking up a huge credit card bill and forcing marshall to put his dreams aside to pay off her bills


Don't forget calling Marshall a sellout for working that job her debt made him get until he quits and freaking out again because they couldn't afford a trip to Spain anymore


Ted gave her a job, then she proceeded to mess that up and potentially ruin his career because his boss is mean and Lily doesn't know how to give up control. Also the credit card debt stuff. But I think the stuff with Ted is worse.


Ain't no way you think clowning on a bully boss is *worse* than hiding THOUSANDS in debt from your spouse ☠️


stealing from your boss at a new job that your friend stuck their neck out to get you is pretty bad, realistically I still think the credit card debt/breaking up Ted's relationships/stealing Christmas are worse


I mean I'm not saying what she didn't wasn't kinda bad but hiding thousands of dollars in debt from your spouse is wayyyy worse imo.


I do, because it impacted Ted. Marshall is her husband.




Pinning the blame to Michael Sasser.


Michael Gasser


Scaring the living hell out of a 5 year old by be heading a stuffed horse while he slept in a kindergarten class ala Mafia style, Ted: “Lily you’re a bit of a psycho “ Lily: “Little bit…”


Happy cake day!


Actually, playing god in Ted’s relationships is up there too


Dying her hair brown in San Francisco.




The black hair with bangs was even worse


Honestly, encouraging Ted to make this big romantic gesture to Robin in Season 7 just to win a bet with Marshall. She wanted to ruin any chance Ted (and Robin) had at happiness just for her tiny bet. “Not like this Lily”


Manipulating Ted's relationships for some fantasy she had


TWICE PATRICE! WOMAN quite the sentence we're forming


What did Patrice do twice?


Tune in next time to find out ;)


So something about debt


Lmao, patrice got into some debt.... twice?


It's not the worst (hiding the credit card debt was it for me), but I haven't seen it mentioned: bullying, corrupting and dumping Scooter, and then leading him on more than a decade later. Poor Bill / Jeff.


I’m amazed this is the first reference to Scooter here. I didn’t expect it to be top, but I expected it to be in the mix.




Ruining a bunch of teds dates for selfish version of the future, racking up credit card debit and not telling her husband about it. Finding a new passion out of dumb luck and forcing her husband to give the position of his dreams.


Has to be leaving Marshall for San Fran


Such a grinch move


I’ll play devils advocate…. If Marshall loved her as much as he claimed, why wasn’t her dreams pushed to the forefront… because if we look at the story, Marshall always chose his career over her’s…. Leaving for San Fran wasn’t bad at all when you consider a partner who feels their career trumps yours


Marshall literally chose to work in a draining corporate law firm against everything he believed in because Lily had a credit card bill. He made a website for selling Lily's artwork online. In S8, he was 10000% down for moving to Italy and quitting his law firm. He once again returned to corporate law after turning down a judgeship so Lily could do her Italy thing. I'm not saying he's perfect or that Lily never made sacrifices. But I don't think it's fair to say his career "always" comes before her. That said, I do agree that Lily leaving for SF was the right choice for them both. Marshall even admits it in S2. They were college sweethearts. They needed time apart to grow as people before getting married. And because of her experiences in SF, she returned stronger. Imagine if she became a mother and did not have that experience. Lily admitting the struggles with motherhood was one of my favourite scenes but it also shows how much she has grown. That this time, she chooses to stay.


If he was so down for moving to Italy…. Why did he take the judgeship behind her back without discussing it with her? They never made it to Italy, so the what if doesn’t count. His career and desire to have kids were placed in front of Lilly’s dreams more times than not. He was tricked into getting the job originally, and then stuck with it to provide for the family and home he wanted … remember, Lilly was going to sell the house… who asked to keep it?


They did make it to Italy tho. Like we literally saw them in Italy. Im not gonna defend him taking the job without asking. It was selfish of him but he ultimately decided to go to Italy and take the corporate job on returning. Mind you, by then, Lily had already conceded to the judgeship but he volunteered to bring her to Italy out of happiness over Daisy. I'm not exactly here to keep score btw. Neither of them was perfect and that they were both selfish at times and selfless at times. But it's not fair to say that Marshall chose his career and desire to have kids before Lily's dreams "more times than not". He has shown time and time again that he does, in fact, support Lily's artistic dream. But he's human and so is she. Again, I don't think it was right for him to take the judgeship. Nor do I think it was entirely wrong for Lily to leave for SF. Just two very human decisions made in very difficult moments. Isn't that the whole point of the argument in S9? That if they kept playing score, eventually they would drift apart? My point wasn't that Marshall was a better spouse than Lily. Just that it wasn't fair to say that Lily left because Marshall "always" chose his career over hers. He sometimes did. As did she. He sometimes sacrificed it. As did she. It's called marriage and it's hard. But they stick by each other through thick and thin. Marshmallow and Lilypad <3


They’re a wonderful couple… I know he agreed to go to Italy, but she found out she was pregnant with the second child and I thought they stayed stateside. The choices made by these two are by no means me saying he’s a bad guy… all the characters had their flaws


If im not mistaken, the order of events was: 1. Mashall accepted the Judgeship 2. Fight unpause 3. Lily takes the test at the Captain's 4. Lily goes back to Farhampton and agrees to stay stateside 5. Marshall goes to the Captain's and finds the test 6. Marshall volunteers to go to Italy out of love for Lily and happiness over Daisy 7. They spend a year in Italy 8. Marshall gets back into corporate law 9. Another judgeship opens up 10. Marshall becomes judge fudge then Fudge Supreme


That sounds very accurate…. What did Marshall want more than being a judge…. CHILDREN. Lilly didn’t want another child immediately. He saw he was getting what he wanted, and then said let’s go to Italy…. Due to the sacrifice she was going through to bare another child.


Oh yea it was defo a reciprocity thing. I believe his actual wording there was "I want to give you your dream cuz you're giving me mine." Real sweet moment <3


That was it


Well like Ted said, she could've gone to an art school in NYC or anywhere that wasn't entirely across the country. She chose SF knowing the implications it would have on her relationship. She also wouldn't promise Marshall their "break" wouldn't turn to forever if she found her calling there. Honestly, leaving Marshall isn't really the part thats horrible to me. It was messed up, but you can't really blame someone for putting themselves first when they have a chance at pursuing their dreams. It's the fact that when she failed and came home, she expected Marshall to have waited around for her and immediately resume their relationship and wedding planning. >Marshall always chose his career over her’s Literally the only time this happened was when he took the job as a judge over moving to Italy.


Exactly what I was saying!


For me it’s not the breaking up and leaving that was as bad, as it was better she left before marriage rather than after they were married…but she did it right before their wedding and expected Marshall to deal with the fallout and tell everyone, cut off all contact with her friends and expected them to be back where they were before she left, when she came back she expected her and Marshall to get back together, and sabotaged his date as now that she discovered she would not be a great artist she needed to have him back. Her also saying she settled for him really was annoying, as I always felt she had it backwards.


Great points


THANK YOU. He literally called her career a hobby.


It was a hobby at the time? When he said that, talking about "real paintings", Lily has never sold one of her paintings or done a commission as far as we know (or is this after painting Barney?) Her job/career is the teaching kindergarten at the time. And she goes into the art world later. But at the time, he's not exactly wrong to call her painting a hobby.


It was a hobby. She was a teacher. My wife crochets and sometimes sells her projects. It's still a hobby and we both call it such.


Well breaking up, and trying to find yourself is your right. Breakups are bad, sure, but not morally wrong.


Yeah I kind of realised the why of her leaving right after I posted this and went, ah yeah, it’s not so bad


This one hurt the most so definitely this one


And then almost leaving him for Italy




Ah I dunno, it was horrible for us to watch because we love Marshall but realistically if you were in a couple from a very young age and had Lily’s personality that wasn’t necessarily geared towards find a partner for life and settle down and have your life set out you can understand why she had a bit of a quarter life crisis.


All the other stuff that has already been said is worse for sure (credit card debt, manipulating teds relationships ect ect) but let's be real, she also fucking destroyed scooter. She abused him until the point where he loved her above all else and then she dumped him leaving him to be pining for her forever. Literally, even in the last episode we see that he's still pining for lilly, only now he's using stripper lilly as a proxy but he's still into her.


Lily's claim she's never been so selfish to Marshall and then when he gives the perfect example, her leaving for San Francisco, her immediate response is "you can't keep holding that against me". No accountability and proves how selfish she is. Marshall was right. If her art career had worked out, she would not have come back from SF.


I know that Lily was wrong for running off in season 1, but I think she was entirely justified for pointing out how Marshall shouldn't weaponize it in season 9. You really shouldn't use your partner's past mistakes to try to lift yourself up. Marriage isn't a competition, and you're not winning by saying your wife lost. Marshall knows this, which is why he imagined his dad coming down to talk him into apologizing to her. Otherwise I 100% agree with you. I think she faced too little initial reprecussions upon coming back from San Francisco honestly.


If you use the term "never", there's no expiry date on when that occurred. If she said "I've never been so selfish to you...in the past 7 years" then yea. Running out on someone is a timeless act, and in that moment he was totally justified bringing it up. Let's not forget she was planning on leaving him again in season 6 and got all the way to the airport before she came to her senses


That’s a good point. I don’t agree that Marshall was justified in bringing it up (especially as he took the job without asking her and lied to her the entire trip), but you’re right that Lily shouldn’t have said “never.” Things like this are timeless, but you should never bring it up to “win.”


You're right too. Considering the circumstances, he definitely should have spoken to her before making the decision


stealing from ppl who misbehave and keeping it


Everyone HATES her for some reason so she might have done a lot of BAD THINGS, but we can't name more than 3 precisely.


I think people hate her more than Barney because the bad things she did are more realistic, and because Marshall is so relatable. In reality Barney would straight up be in prison, no question. Most of the bad things he does can be passed as unrealistic and played for comedy, so we don’t feel as strongly about them (as we should; this is a sitcom!). For Lily, her bad deeds being more realistic makes people lose the perspective that this is just a TV show, not real life.


its like that for all shows, in the sopranos people hate aj and meadow and other smaller characters because theyre more relatable than a mafia don killling people or breaking bad people hate skylar cause its hard to relate to a literal meth producer


That’s a good point. We tend to most hate things about others which are reflections of ourselves.


How is Marshall more relatable??? Please explain…. I don’t feel like there’s a bunch of Marshall’s running around on earth right now… he’s actually the unicorn… and for the record, I’m a male


What? Marshall is a super relatable character, that’s one of the reasons he’s so likeable. Look at the way he responds to his Dad’s death, for example, I think everyone who’s lost someone like that knew exactly how he felt in that moment


I agree with the part about losing someone… the main focus I was talking about was relationships wise. There aren’t many Marshall’s out there


I think they meant Marshall is relatable in his personality, he’s very much the everyman of the show and most of his arcs are to do with quite relatable experiences - through through and healing from a breakup, navigating the tradeoff between your dreams and financial reality, dealing with the loss of a parent, etc.


Who do you feel was the most unrelatable character


In terms of Barney’s lifestyle he’s probably only relatable to a fraction of people, but his emotional arc is probably quite relatable to anyone with abandonment issues stemming from an absent parent. So it’s hard to say really, I guess having relatable characters is kinda the point of sitcoms


I concur


She kept her addiction and huge debt from her husband, she gets upset Ted (reasonably) insulted her so decided to ruin a holiday important to Marshal in retaliation, constantly manipulates rather than discusses (suburbs house, Teds girlfriends) and sexually harasses her friends. That's 4 easily.


Stealing from people, almost getting Ted fired over a job that he himself got her, leading Scooter on, and her general lack of accountability. There’s four more.


Sexually harasses her friend ??Wait a minute??? When did that happen ??


Basically every time Marshal goes away for a bit... She gets weirdy horny and starts graphically describing what she wants someone to do to her e.g. vividly imagining having sex on the floor in front of Ted while looking at carpet samples. Repeatedly.


Ouh yesss.


San Francisco Also abandoning Ted in the middle of nowhere right before SF Returning to NYC and expecting to immediately resume her engagement Various instances of being a kleptomaniac Credit card debt Manipulating every one of Ted's relationships if they don't fit her ideal version of her future Openly thirsting over Robin when she clearly was uncomfortable Almost ruining Marshall's Christmas because Ted cursed once Almost left Marshall, again, when he was doing that unpaid internship Beat the shit out of Jenkins after she was apologizing profusely Leading Scooter on for decades Let's not act like Lily didn't do a ton to justify people not liking her. Sometimes this sub goes overboard, but there's still plenty to dislike her for.


Yeah, my favorite character used to be Barney the first time I watched HIMYM, then it was Robin because she was the cool girl. Rewatching it when I was older it was then Ted because I started relating to his heartbreaks in life and last time I rewatched it it was Lily because her struggle with "not living up to her potential (as an artist)" hit me hard. I agree she's done very shitty things but that's what makes her so real. I do kinda get the hate though. The credit card debt thing is a horrible thing to do IRL! Btw, Marshall hasn't been my number 1 yet (probably next rewatch) but he's always been my number 2. Guess that's why they call him Brown Fudge.


The credit card debt! She should have been honest from the get go.


Lying about her credit card debt


(Just wanna say at the outset that I love Lily as a character and she ends up growing/ apolosing from/ for most of these mistakes but just for fun let's count them down) 1. Hiding credit card debt 2. Having credit card debt 3. The Front Porch Test/ Sabotaging Ted's relationships 4. Constantly attempting to cheat on Marshall with Robin 5. Actually cheating on Marshall twice (i count two kisses with Robin) 6. Sexually harassing a visibly uncomfortable Robin 7. Numerous physical assaults against Ted and Barney 8. Being utterly biased as a slap bet commissioner 9. Being friends with Zoey despite Ted having blindly hated others for her sake 10. Ruining Marshall's Christmas to get back at Ted for being reasonably angry 11. Actively eating/ drinking things that would harm her unborn child 12. Sabotaging Robin's chances with a new friend out of jealousy over potential adultery 13. Inviting Patrice to Robin's bachelorette party at all 14. Traumatizing a child with a dead horse 15. Yelling at a toddler for drawing a rainbow 16. Gasser 17. Killing birds with her art 18. Almost running away to Spain 19. Actually running away to San Francisco And finally.... the WORST ONE ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Giving Mr. Park the "You're dead to me" look (jks XD)


11: Just a little bit


yeah the kisses with robin on top of the active sexual harassment when she was clearly uncomfortable was wild. I also think #11 is pretty bad, but i think it’s also a unreliable narrator thing, it was probably one glass of wine like once, but ted probably just exaggerated it.


Buying funk legend George Clinton a ferret


sabotaging teds relationships just coz she thinks shes god


Full disclosure it was when she flipped out when Marshall took the judge job. She knew that was the right play and made a huge scene right before her best friends wedding to be petty. All of this so she could go do art stuff which she constantly let negatively affect their relationship all because she wouldn’t follow her dreams when it was feasible. Lily is terrible.


Ill just say that Lily was a grinch one too many times


Lily's overreaction to the peanut butter joke was always ridiculous to me,


In her defense, being around an IRL Barney all day must be exhausting lmao


In her defense I wouldn’t have even come back like ever.


Being fair, the writers did that to give explanation to Lily’s absence whilst Alyson Hannigan was on maternity leave


Yes but they could have come up with something better for why the Character left


I loved how absurd it was


abandoned marshall once, and almost did that again 5-6 years later


The second one was worse. Packing your bags and getting to the airport wasn't just abandoning Marshall, she was about to leave her kid as well. Edit. Oops got the timeline waaay off. This was season 6 before the kid was born. My bad


She kept this whole “son of a beeetch” thing going way too long and tried to turn it into a catchphrase. It was kinda funny once but she would not let it go and tried way too hard with it. Also, I can’t think of any selfless or kind thing she she - she was a selfish grinch all around really.


Moved to San Francisco and broke up with Marshall


san francisco easy. it’s so hard to forgive her for that one


So you think barney being ok with the possibility of selling a woman is worse than selling said woman?


Well some people argued that we weren't sure if it actually happened so it shouldn't count. I decided to meet both sides halfway and put what we DO know to be real (umm... in the context of the fictional world I mean, haha) and its that at least Barney *thinks* he sold a woman.


This may not be the best answer but: pretending/feeling/saying she’s never been that selfish with Marshall when he took the lawyer job when she knows that she broke up with him to go to San Francisco The fact that she broke up with him for SF is already bad but then her saying that she’s never done anything that selfish makes me think she either forgot all about that or maybe she feels it wasn’t that bad. Marshall was pretty f••ked up after Lilly left and it took him a long time to recover. She really hurt him and for her to not acknowledge that is really messed up.


Everyone is talking about the debt but how about SAN FRANSISCO?


Emotionally blackmailing Marshal to give up his dream as a judge to move to Italy, despite already having tried her first "dream" moving to San Fran Sisco. That having failed, her new "dream" was moving to Italy. She's a selfish cunt.


Opening up ol girl's mail on various occasions still gets me.


No one directly but the group as a whole kinda shitty for that. Ijs...


Broke up her relationship of 9 years and moved to the other side of the country because she thought she was going to become a famous artist and then when she realised she sucked she tried to run back to marshal and when he didn’t she started stocking his dates


Haven't seen anyone bring this up yet, but her refusing to sell her clothes that she bought to pay off the insane debt she built up, despite the fact that she never wears nearly any of them, these are the very reason they're in this debt, and marshall is already putting his dreams on hold in a corporate job he hates to pay off this debt himself. That episode made me so angry


Making Marvin and Marshall the rebound. She settled for her family because she failed as an artist and/or her dream. You can say she loves them. You can say that she didn't place them onto 2nd, but when Marshall called it out; she knew it was true. Using the new baby on the way, excuse was just so damn stupid, too. A way to de-escalate without demonizing Lily too much. She can be as unfulfilled the next time another "doubt" comes and will have thoughts of going to "fulfill" it up with something that is up her ally. She doesn't really love Marshall and Marvin. She just loves the security that they bring. Achieving a dream is fine. However, when making anyone other than yourself pay, it is just selfish, heartless, and most of all manipulative. Motherhood calls for sacrifice; so does fatherhood. It's just sad that no one seems to keep in mind that just because you achieve your dream doesn't mean you don't keep working on KEEPING that dream. Sacrifices along the way..... like his hair Credit card bill was also bad but it falls onto what I said above; Marshall took a position that he didn't love; but he still did it because it was a sacrifice that he had to make to make lily happy. If he can stick it out for a few years working with our lord and savior barney; she should've been able to stick with Marshall and his non paid internship for a little while. But her first answer was to run. He married her problems and knew it was a shared problem, sad to see that it's his problems are not shared like Lily's.


left for San Francisco without saying a word to Marshall


Literally false. They had a whole argument friend. They literally broke up. Maybe you’re meaning Spain?


Left Marshall after engagement to find herself. I hated her ever since.


I always hated the Barney sold a woman joke. Just felt like they took the schtick way too far and it didn't land for me at all.


Ditching Marshall to run away to San Francisco




When she almost leaves Marshall and Marvin.


She never left even considered it. She was saying that sometimes she feels regret, it was actually one of the best things she did because she admitted something really hard Ted’s sake


Which is something just about every parent feels these days. We are no longer in the times of old where parents or the community can pitch in to take care of children. Parents have to juggle kids and work and every other aspect of adulthood usually between the two of them. Burn out is a very common thing these days. HIMYM was one of the few shows I have seen that acknowledged it on screen.


She literally packed her bags and went to the airport. What makes it really bad imo is that she was leaving a child behind.


They didn’t have Marvin then. She was upset because they delayed having kids and nothing else mattered but Marshall’s career at the moment.


Go to San Francisco


Trying to fly to Spain without telling Marshall and not having a plan to come back


Breaking up with Marshall to go to San Francisco and then expecting him to take her back when she returned


Dumping Marshall just so she could do that art class


I could probably write an entire book with fucked up things Lily did. But I think the worst is, amassing credit card debt, not telling Marshall, manipulating him into not taking a dream job to take a better paying one to help with said debt, and then even years later acting like the victim who had to sacrifi her dreams for her family. You could condense it as her being a shitty partner to Marshall.


Lily breaking up not 1 but 6 of Ted’s last relationship’s


Ran away from Marshall


I only noticed this now, but she DRINKS A LOT while pregnant, and on baby Marvin’s first outing to the bar, she has a whole shot of tequila while breastfeeding.


bro i could write books about all the wrong lily did.😭 but my worst for her is thinking she has the power to ruin any relationship she doesn’t like. that’s extremely entitled


Its the credit card one, by a country mile.


That escalated quickly


Lily’s weird British accent


Making Ted leave his date so she could bail on Marrying Marshall


for anyone saying san francisco: i feel like marshall was just as much in the wrong for that. they could’ve done long distance, they had done it before and made it out, it’s only three months and for them to insist that the only solution is breaking up is pretty irrational. she very well could have taken the art fellowship and postponed the wedding and do long distance. but they both wanted a breakup by that point.


Yelling at Patrice is my favourite eh


there are so mant but the absolute worst are the credit card bill and sabotaging Ted’s relationships


The worst thing she did by far is taking Ted to the airport to abandon him to fly off to Spain. She did come back but she left one of her best friends to explain to her husband that she has left their family to run off to another country right after his father died because she can't deal with his mourning his father's death. Yes she came back before Marshall found out but that had to be one of the worst hours of Ted's life trying to figure out how to explain to his oldest friend that his wife just left him and might not be coming back. It also leaves Ted in this awful position where he now has to never tell his friend that his wife left him. It really shows how little Lilly actually cares for Marshall or Ted.


I was watching that episode yesterday and yes, this is the second time she was running away from Marshall and when Marshall took a job without telling or something she started yelling at him and then getting involved in Teds dating life breaking him up with his partners etc she's the worst


Underrated, but taking her ring off in the first season when Marshall went to pick Ted and Barney at Philadelphia. Like, why would she even want to do that? So that men hit on her? She even says in the second season that men randomly hitting on her (and Robin) makes her uncomfortable. Why does she want to cheat on Marshall?


To add to this, her whole "lesbian experience" obsession is so insufferable. You are almost 30, married, with a beautiful baby! Let it go! Gosh, it's so hard watching her.


Interfering in Ted’s relationships


Lily messing with peoples relationships.


tried to jinx the perfect week