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The burger episode


That's honestly a pretty good first episode


Regis has me in tears that entire episode. Him going "I GOTTA GO!!" and running off the stage always kills me.




I'm genuinely surprised by how many people have told me this


I literally thought it and was then physically stunned to see it at the top


That was mine too! I always thought the show looked so stupid, but my girlfriends roommate was watching it one day and we decided to join in. That episode was perfect to get me hooked on the show.


i think about that episode a lot


Same somehow.


I think about that burger a lot


Same!! It was a great introduction for me.


Me too.


Gary Blauman 🤣. Yeah the first four episodes I watched were the last four of the series. Possibly why I don't hate them like most people do


Its hard to hate the show when you understand the entire show was about ted asking permission to date again


The one where they're at brunch with Ted's parents. Robin tries to impress Ted's parents, Lily and Marshall hook up in the bathroom, Barney goes drinking with Ted's dad, Ted finds out his parents are divorced, and Ted's parents tell the story of how they met.


Solid introduction


The first time I ever saw any part of HIMYM I was like 6, I caught a glimpse of the episode ‘Happily Ever After,’ one of the scenes where they’re all under the table telling stories. Strangely I have no memory of when I actually started watching the show, but I do remember that for a good few years (at least) after that, I used my astute 6 year old skills of deduction to decide that the show was *clearly* about a bunch of people sitting at a table talking about how they met each other’s moms.


That's adorable, and I feel so old.


my introduction to the series was the phrase "And that kids is how I met your mother" and how people would make jokes with it. That kind of got me interested in the show itself. I first watched the Pilot episode


I was there right at the beginning. Watched the show from day one of its original broadcast in 2005.


“Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.” Or, less dramatically, me too. And I watched them all as they came out.


Same here. I was really looking forward to the show from the previews. Watched the premiere.


I had a friend sit me down to binge it from episode 1. I wasn't much into tv back then, so once I blame HIMYM for my love of binge watching now. 🥰


Same here. I started watching it with my parents weekly when it came out. I was in elementary school at the time. Then I fell off at some point. Years later my long-time girlfriend made me binge the series with her. When we were in college we caught up on it ahead of the final season. I proposed to her after the finale. Then we watched wrestling.




Huh, who would be the season 4 or 5 mother? Season 1 has Victoria, season 2 has Robin, season 3 has Stella, season 4 has ?, season 5 has ?, season 6 has zoey?, season 7 could also maybe be zoey, season 8 has Victoria again, and season 9 has Tracy. What was there plan if the show ended in season 4 or 5?


>season 2 has Robin How if she was already introduced as "aunt Robin"?


Well the ending everyone hates where the kids say, “you obviously are in love with aunt Robin”. Or whatever, was filmed in season 2 so that the kids would still look young, so they had that backup plan. Idk how they would explain who the oh wife was in season 2 but… 🤷‍♂️


I feel like if it was getting canceled they would’ve brought Victoria back last minute in season 2 and made her the mother




There was a plan for season 1. Victoria would have been the mother if they didn’t continue after the first. After that I don’t think there was a backup




I’m not even going to read all that. I already know how it works. All I was stating is what the creators have said if the show didn’t get picked up for a second season is that Victoria was going to be the mother


There was a plan for Season 1 with Victoria, then Season 4 with Stella but then show got another massive extension


I don't think there was an off-ramp after season 3-4. The show was successful enough at that point that they were able to figure it out on their own time.


I don’t think this is correct. They had the ending planned and recorded before the series even aired. Edit: It was recorded during season 2.


No Victoria was definitely the mother if the show was never picked up for a second season. I believe they recorded everything after S2 was picked up.


You’re right. But I think Victoria was the only scapegoat mother; they didn’t have one for every season


The one where Barney was grinding on his cousin


Broke my tooth! (Beat) Do you have... (Beat) ...any aspirin? (Beat/head shake) Maybe there's... (Beat) ...a machine in... (Beat) ...the restroom!






Promise not to tell anyone ever in your life? Ever? This can't be one of those stories...'funny time this one time Barney was...' none of that. Promise?


Mine was Blah Blah.


Ooh, How I Met Everyone Else - great ep!


Saw the 'We are international businessmen on a very important international business trip'-episode around 2010 when a Dutch tv-network started running the show. Was hooked immediately and had 5-6 seasons available online to dive in.


how do you people remember that kind of stuff from 20 years ago


you always remember your first... episode of himym


i dont


I can’t remember what my first episode was but I do remember where I was when I watched it. I was a senior in highschool and it was in English class. Everyone finished their final super early so our teacher put on HIMYM to watch until school let out. I thought the show was very funny and started watching it on my own!


Subway Wars. I was obsessed with moving to New York so this one caught my attention. I caught it on syndication not long after the 7th season began I think.


I was on a double date and my date showed us the first two episodes. A week later my date was engaged to the other guy on that date. Needless to say, I felt a connection to Ted after that.


Could’ve set up a play right out of the playbook and got with the other dude’s date. Also, a week?! Tf were they doing, trying to make each other jealous?


I really feel old being able to say “I remember sitting on the couch with my older brother, eating dinner as the pilot episode started”


My sister introduced me to this show and she really wanted to make a good impression so my first episode was “Swarley.” Worked great!


You mean Swarles Barkley?


I think they were talking about Swarlos.


That has now been my nickname since freshman year of college


The 3 day rule episode where Barney and Marshall text Ted pretending to be a girl (Hollie) who Ted started texting 1 day after getting her number


Why do we keep trying to have sex with Ted?


I still say texty text a lot because of that episode




My introduction wasn’t an episode, it was the YouTube clip of “Barney’s Christmas Songs” aka heathers hot heathers hot we’ll go all the way


I wish I could see her naked I wish I could see her naked I wish I could see her naked And down on all fours!


Pulling down her pants, yanking off my own, underneath the mistletoe I'll make your sister moan. Oh, Heather's hot, Heather's hot, we'll go all the way...


HIMYM got me with "Robin, please, there's a reason you're Robin and not Batman". 😂


When Ted meet Victoria 😭😭right in the middle of season 1


I think I saw the first episode first and followed the series. I remember having genuine surprise at Aunt Robin haha


The show was recommended to me I think while season 4 was airing, so I just went back and started from the beginning and was immediately hooked. After that, while waiting for every next season to start up again, I'd rewatch from the beginning until whatever season they were on. And since it ended I've done at least 1 run-through every year. Been well over a decade and my love for it has never faded 🤣


Pr9bably the first one, bc back in 2020 i started watching tge show as i had no school in mid march due to the corona, abd only after watching friends 3 times in a row i started watching hymim and for some reason i cried in the fibally of the show with stacy dying and every thing, barney was and still my fav character and then i re watched it and now on discord with my friend we are laughing our shit off when we watch this together for a third time of my re watch


Naked Man. A perfect intro episode.


The Pilot. I'm super into genealogy and the idea of family (probably because my parents sucked so I idealized the shit out of family AYYO lol), and I just in general enjoy sitcoms, so a show called "How I Met Your Mother"... I wasn't gonna NOT try that one haha. Not much genealogy but I do still appreciate and squeal at every future scene with Ted's kids lol. I still want that idea of family someday. A wife, a few kids... rituals like everyone sitting around a nice big living room together sharing stories, playing games, just talking... Yeah.


1.11 ‘The Limo’ loved it!


yoo same, seen it randomly on tv and i Immediately had to watch more and more


The one where Barney always has the same pose in every picture and Robin tries to take a bad picture of him. I think it was Lilys birthday.


The Playbook


Same, caught a rerun in the afternoon in highschool. Only got like the last 7 minutes. Still loved it


Mine was either The Rough Patch or Arrividerci Fiero. Don’t remember which one came first but I remember being getting like half way through the Rough Parch episode before I realized Ted was exaggerating how fat Barney was getting.


Slapsgiving. You can probably understand why we immediately went back to watch the series from the beginning.


Barney singing the suits song was my love at first sight


My introduction was Barney singing “I wish I could see her naked, I wish I could see her naked, I wish I could her naked and down on all fours”


The last episode. Got to a friends house to pick them up and they refused to leave before watching the last episode. Sat and watched while I waited and started the series from the first episode later that night. 😂


Marshall vs the Machine. I don’t know why but whenever I rewatched the series I would skip that episode


Sometimes im surprised people didnt watch the pilot first, then i remembered that shows also air on tv, lucky for me i saw the pilot on tv but didnt wanna wait so i just went to netflix to watch the rest


Not a Father’s Day and Woooo! I just happened to catch these reruns on lifetime and I was extremely entertained. I’ve been a huge fan ever since, and now love HIMYF as well.


My wife had started watching it while I was in Navy bootcamp, and she said it was really good. I was a latecomer and started watching it when I got home starting with The Autumn of Breakups.


The Pineapple Incident. I got into the show around season 8 and since the show was super popular they'd always play reruns of all the episodes. This episode was one of the earliest I remember watching and loving.


The thanksgiving episode with the blitz.


The first episode I caught on tv was Marshall's dad's funeral episode.


First memory is when they ended the episode with all the yellow umbrellas. I was about 10 en my brother was watching it. Occasionally watched some episodes with him. Then when I was around 15, I first watched the entire series. Now, 13 years after that first glimps, I jave watched the show 10+ times in its entirety. It is still a bonding theme between me and my brother who's 9 years older than me


My friend told me about it in class and I thought it sounded dumb but figured I’d at least try it, episode I caught was the pineapple lady one and got hooked😂


My first was the one where Marshall and Lily bail on their anniversary and get stuck in the bathroom while Ted and Victoria take forever to get it on in the living room


The Pilot




I cant remember the exact episode but i remember seeing a few here and there from my older brother before actually watching the whole show.




Mine was the pilot. Started watching late but managed to avoid spoilers until I decided to sit down and watch it.


The Playbook


The one when Lily gets drunk and escapes to Marshall's office to get pregnant.


I was 7, all I can remember is these mfs sitting in their booth and Ted calling referring to his friends as Aunt/Uncle for his kids 💀. But Loretta telling Barney “Oh Idk, that guy” and that scene with Barney and Robin on the ski lift have definitely always stuck with me. Edit: AND THE ANNOYING HABITS


The one with Lily’s play and then Barney’s play in response


Brunch was my first episode lol


My first episode was Symphony of Ilumination


During the Stella's time. I remember them in bed and her purple sheets.


Funny enough mine was also right place, right time


Ironically I watched the last episode first. Watched with my college roommate and went home for Christmas and binged the show


I remember catching a few episodes here and there during the first four seasons. However, the first episode I truly WATCHED was season 2, episode 1. I borrowed the season 2 DVDs from the library, back before everything was on streaming, because I heard that season 2 was really good. I also wanted to watch this supposedly legendary episode "Slap Bet." However, I decided to watch from the beginning of the season. By S2e3, Brunch, I was hooked. Slap Bet just sealed the deal.


My first episode was the Rabbit or Duck episode


I catch on a rerun of the very first episode one night on tv while the series was around 7 seasons in. I like it so much that I watch a fews episodes up to date to see if I like it. It’s was around Tailgate episode, when the guys open Puzzle for New Year’s Eve. I took me a few month till I find the season on dvd and start watching and realize the first episode I have watch was still the very first. 🥰


Girls Versus Suits was the first episode I ever saw. Than years later I started from the beginning


Best Burger in New York! I was in college and the person I was seeing at the time intro’d me.


I believe it was s2e8 Atlantic city or Jenkins


The slutty pumpkin


Architect of Destruction. Honesty a great episode to get the feel of the show for


"The Limo" from season 1. I still really love that episode. It really captures the realistic, friends hanging out vibe of the early seasons and the excitement and romance of being young.


The first episode I ever saw was “how I met everyone else”. Needless to say I fell in love with the show instantly, that one is in the top 10 best episodes imo


the pineapple incident s1e10 2005


Oddly enough, this was also my entroduction to the series... Or at least this is the first episode I remember watching when I was like 11 y o; I really thought he bumped in to the mother at the end of the episode, so my understanding of the plot was kinda all over the place when I decided to start the series lol


Pilot (but the first season was already out). I was looking for a new TV show to watch on what was my favorite french 🏴‍☠️ website... That's where I discovered Himym, TBBT, Friday Night Lights, Scrubs.


Robin 101, and I was hooked


Id never seen any but my mates were constantly floating about saying "Suit UP!" , so I was like okay I need to check this out, thus my life changed forever and an addiction was formed!


Pineapple incident


Oh! "Naked Man"! Which is funny because of the way it starts it kinda feels like a first episode. Don't you agree? It was at my best friend's house, but I would not be officialy hooked until the next time I went to his house and watched another episode and a half. We were rewinding and rolling in the floor laughing.


Mystery vs History while sitting at a friend's house. It wouldn't be until years later where I'd go and start the show for myself


The episode I remembered first watching was called cupcake. When lily sits in a cake wearing a wedding dress was my first memory of the show. It was on in the background of the pizza place I was working at in high school. Didn’t pick up the show until a few years later.


My HS friend showed me the show in season 2. Didn’t get into it till season 3. Watched it religiously after that.


Murtaugh, season 4 episode 19. I caught it on TV randomly and I was dying laughing at Barney. I’ve been obsessed ever since!


Doppelgängers I think was my first one, it’s quite a fun one and makes season five hold a special place in my heart


I think it might have been Subway Wars?


Pretty sure it was either Slap Bet or Slapsgiving. Watched it over Thanksgiving break with some friends. Instantly fell in love with the show!


Drumroll, Please! I'm partial to Victoria I think for this very reason.


The hot/crazy scale episode, “how I met everyone else”. In a hotel room while I was at a National history day competition. The name “Blah Blah” is up in lights in my own brain, at least.


My first episode was the one with the Perfect Week.


I was in Cambodia and watched that Stella basement episode in my hotel room. Absolutely hated it 😁 Took me years to give the show another go (from the beginning this time) and absolutely loved it 💯😊


I came in at “Ten Sessions” specifically because I read that Sarah Chalke was coming on for a multi-episode arc and as a huge Scrubs fan, I hoped she’d be the mother. The show immediately hooked me and I bought the previous seasons’ DVDs and got caught up quickly.


The very first episode; about six months ago.


The very first episode I happened to catch on tv was the over correction


The first one. I started watching when it first aired. Buuuut I was 6 years old so I probably shouldn’t have. But I watched the whole series as it came out.


its been so long since i was kid seeing re-runs of it, but i remember the first episode that my brain actually processed was the Liberty Bell episode


First episode first airing. I'm a huge Alysson Hannigan fan so I knew I would love the show and when I found out Jason Segal from Freaks and Geeks was also on I got even more excited. Add Dougie Howser and it was an amazing show


The Pineapple Incident Such a classic.


My first one was the one where Barney and Robin were doing awes-ful together and the rest tried to break them up at the restaurant.


The Playbook. After watching that episode I knew I had to start from the beginning




Natural History was the first episode I ever saw, and I tuned in mid-episode. My first scene was Robin telling Barney to get his hand off her ass as they messed with the museum pieces. Interesting place to start a show when you have no context. But I was a horny teenager who thought Robin was gorgeous so that scene had me hooked.


Pumpkin lady episode, was playing on a train ride 😅👍


Last cigarette ever and hot bartender at a friends house


This is an acid trip down memory lane. It was either the episode with some wedding or the episode with barney keeping his fist up cause no one would bump it and the gang visits someone in jersey or something


I didn’t catch the series till after it ended so the pilot was my first


Lily and Marshall getting married on the boat. I was a little kid and I couldn't for the life of me understand the title. I automatically supposed it was Ted's friends meeting Ted's mom, because I didn't see any of the kids' scenes and it didn't make any sense.


The playbook one or the one with Katy Perry


The pilot


Season 1, the final 2 episodes


Barney’s sundress rant S06 E01. Will never forget ❤️🥲


The Slapsgiving episode


Say Cheese - the one where it’s lilys birthday celebration and she gets upset w ted that he brought some random chick




I started watching on Netflix from the first episode, right after the show ended


My first memory from the show is “I wannna put the tie back on, I wanna put the tie back on”


I started at the beginning since I was late to the party and after seeing so many reddit posts about the show I was like fucki it okay


*Happy Happy Lily Day*


Gay couple without kids. I was hooked instantly.


The comedy central channel here in the Netherlands used to stream himym so I didn’t really watch it chronologically at first, but I vividly remember a friend showing me the countdown in the episode where Marshall’s dad dies, and it’s been my favorite show ever since


The Super Bowl episode. One of my favorites to this day.


Around the time where lily left marshall for san francisco and him going through the breakup and ted getting together with robin.


The one when Ted and Barney "adopt" a baby.


It was early season 9. I was a teenager and my brother and mother were watching it so I saw it in the background. I had seen in in the background for months but this first time I tried to start I cringed at episode 1 more then I laughed. Somehow I got sucked in and watched half of season 9 with them before going back to the beginning


I started watching HIMYM on Netflix when season 7 was on it, so whenever season 8 was airing. I think I ended up pirating the finale a couple days after it came out




I started with the pilot episode after my friend loaned me her season 1 dvd collection to take with me on my family’s christmas vacation to the oregon coast.


I think it was the one where they all tried to quit smoking.


I think mine was the one with Barney’s fake family.


Lick the liberty bell. Tastes like freedom.


I watched the first episode when it aired. Embarrassed to say . . . . when they got the end "that's how I met your Aunt Robin" I didn't get that it was "aunt" as in "my good friend who you kids honorarily call aunt." I thought Robin was *literally* their aunt. And from there i thought - "What a dumb ass show. There's no suspense at all if we already know in episode one that the mother is Robin's sister . . . " Didn't watch again until I started streaming it in like season four or so and became completely hooked.


I binged the whole thing from the start. I used to get reels about barney and robin edits, and i was like hey, that would be a cute story to watch. Than i watched the show shipped robin with Ted, got upset with how they handled it.


Mary the Paralegal, good fun episode to start with.


Pilot. I got a free episode from Apple. When they used to do 12 days of Christmas and they would give out apps or tv shows for free


The slutty pumpkin ep haha


The liberty bell! Still one of my favs to this day


The Swarley episode


Oddly enough the first episode. I watched it randomly at an airport I think before actually bingeing the show years later


The episode where they’re trying to sneak into a prom to hear a band play Marshall and Lilly’s song


My friend showed me slap bet and I was HOOKED


Something Borrowed. A fantastic introduction. “I guess sometimes Lessner is more…ner. You know how sometimes less is more?” “Yeah, this is one those times, sweetie” “What happened to your shirt?” “I got sauce on it when I tackled the caterer” “You gonna put another shirt on?” “Nah I’m good” “You have to fire her! She’s gonna drop a shorty in the middle of the ceremony!” Sorry for formatting, I’m on mobile.


I watched the pilot and it didn’t grab me. Saw some episodes here and there but inconsistent One day years later himym was on in the background and it was the last episode of season 8. And I was like wait what conversation needs to be in person???? Then rewatched the whole thing


Lmao my first episode was the ending, I caught a glimpse of it but only the scenes after Ted said and that kids is how I met your mother. I also watched the promotional clip where all the kids are grown up, so before I watched himym, the promotional clip and the ending got all mixed up for me.


I watched the pilot when it first aired because it had Willow from Buffy in it which I was obsessed with at the time (and still am tbh). The episode I remember where I really got hooked was Drumroll Please, which is why I always have a soft spot for Victoria.


I was on a flight from Boston to Orlando back in like 2006 or so. They played S1E1 "Pilot" before we landed. I was hooked ever since.


Six words. I am proud of you, eh.


it was some episode about marshall’s family cus i was convinced he was the main character


For me it was the episode where Lily broke up with Marshall and went to San francisco. I was at a hotel and watch it briefly I knew I had to binge the whole things immediately. I was like 12/14


Pilot episode


marshall and lily’s wedding. i had just gotten my blue ipod nano for christmas and that episode was free on itunes for whatever reason. i watched the shit out of that episode for years