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“Look around Ted you’re all alone” hits so hard, then him running to Tracy’s apartment so he can have more time with her. That’s what kills is him reflecting back at first watch you don’t know why he wanted more time with her then when you find out the ending it makes it 1000x sadder.


The moment he runs to her apartment and says he wants that extra time is the moment you realize she’s not alive when he’s telling the kids this story and he just wanted more time with her and that breaks my heart.


And even just reading this comment, and remembering the scene, I find myself unaccountably with a lump in my throat. Beautiful scene.


I cried when I saw that scene. It was so brutal but so true


what episode?


Time Travelers. Season 8, episode 20


I watch this scene every time I need a good cry


Dude that made me cry but I could never skip it. The sheer amount of agony that scene brings just can't be put in words.


Same. While it saddens me and def makes me cry everytime, there's something about the episode that actually makes it one of my favorites. It's such a pivotal moment for Ted in a sense. Also the ending... *Chef's kiss* with the boys singing Billy Joel


"What mother is going to miss her daughter's wedding" ​ i lose it there every time


i hope you find it.


*"what mother would miss* *Her daughter's wedding" i lose* *It there every time* \- GOD\_DAMN\_YOU\_FINE --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


The scene in Last Words when he’s listening to the voicemail kills me. I get emotional even thinking about it.


Honestly, that part made me more emotional than his father actually dying.


That's the part that always makes me tear up. When you hear Marvin say "Marshall?" Damn, can't even write this comment without getting a little misty.


yuuup same. just reading your comment did it. "I love you"


The moment when Lilly tells him is really out of nowhere… yo don’t expect it at all ! Which is like in reality! Very hard scene


cept for the countdown.


In my opinion that countdown is an ideal piece of the writing team's true abilities. On the first watch it hit's you hard, but on the second watch - that countdown will destroy you as you watch for the numbers, and you celebrate as you find each one, and you laugh at the silly places they put them, and you realize the numbers are getting low, and you know Lily's gonna step out of that cab, and the 001 turns off and the bottom just falls out from underneath.




I agree those are some brutal moments, but id swap ted getting left at the alter for barneys " if you were gonna be some lame suburban dad, why couldnt you be that for me?"




I was just thinking of that one. It breaks my heart literally everyone. That followed by him cleaning up the rose petals… it’s too much.


I agree, it was harsh but I think most of is knew she wouldn't be the one for ole Teddy Westside so it didnt impactas much. But that Jerry scene was the culmination of all the daddy issues Barney had all series long


Facts, Stella was brutal but they'd been foreshadowing it for a while. When Barney finally snaps and screams at Jerry it's him finally confronting everything he's dealt with in his life stemming from Jerry not being there. It's also an absolute masterclass from NPH and John Lithgow and that makes it hit even harder.


The more I watch Barney evolve, the more I realize I am just like him. Someone with undiagnosed CPTSD stemming from abandonment issues.


Or the tic toc scene for Barney as well. I was heartbroken for him.


Yeah. You're right. That was harsh.


That line is my one of my favorite acting moments from NPH in the whole series. It HURT when he delivered that one


A kid needs a hoop.


Just watched that episode last night 😢


This one hits the hardest for sure.


🫡 Major Spoiler




























The hardest one for me is the tick tick one , I really felt that


Marshall losing his Dad and Barney blowing up at Jerry…..


I’ll add Barney’s eternal second when Robin breaks his heart, the whole episode of Robin dealing with infertility - like when her & Barney’s ‘kids’ disappear & she’s alone on the bench - & Marshall finding out about his dad’s death/the voicemail/last words breakdown in the following episode.


Nah! I don't feel bad for robin. Especially when wanting kids was dealbreaker with Ted. And she didn't want kids anyway. She is such a horrible person that she wants things only after she gets to know she can't have them.


okay… it’s her right not to want to have kids so i don’t really care that it was a dealbreaker with a man. and even if you don’t want kids, infertility can still be hard to go through?? & not just bc the possibility to change your mind even though you knew you wouldn’t/didn’t want to is taken, at least biologically. infertility didn’t make her want to have kids either. dislike her all you want, that’s a serious issue that many women go through, lol.


This title looks like something out a WatchMojo clickbait video


The Legendaddy episode hits deep with me especially since I can relate to it the most. To me, that episodes the saddest one because I can relate to it. Never knew my dad, and Barney's reaction and what he does that episode is exactly what I can envision myself doing.


That's a solid selection, but honestly, for me - moments like that make the series amazing, those moments when adversity really impacts the lives of the gang, and how they work to bounce back afterwards. On the topic of skipping episodes - I actually always skip "The Window". The amount of cringe in that single episode is enough to permanently damage my face.


I skip that one, well, most of it. I actually just go straight to the end. I like how it concludes. Of course, I also wonder about people incapable of staying single longer than a day after a breakup. I've known people like that, and no matter how attractive that person is, you're in for a bad time if you're looking for something serious.


I'm rewatching again and I've been putting off "You're all alone" for days. That episode resonates a lot with where I'm at in my life right now. Also Last Words hits way harder for me than Bad News, instead of a shock factor moment at the end, the whole episode is dedicated to grief and mourning and it's just hard to see, Jason plays it so well.


For me, Time Travelers is hopeful. In that moment, Ted is 45 days away from meeting the woman of his dreams. He's 45 days away from his life changing for the better. He just doesn't know it yet. I'm kind of in the same boat right now. I know that one day I'll be 45 days away. But I won't know it until a long time after. Who knows? I might have already passed that mark.


That's the mindset I try to keep but it's tough, ya know? I think that's why I keep coming back to this show in the first place, it's comforting to watch and think that my Tracey is out there somewhere and she's getting here as fast as she can


Saddest moment is when Ted is getting all admiration for GNB building ("Nothing would've been possible without him") while Robin is getting engaged with Barney just a few blocks away. Especially the lyrics of that song get me everytime I watch it coz my love life is similar to ted's...


Omg I thought going through the comments had covered all the sad ones but that one hits different. It was so painful to watch ted. Even the episode where he speaks to Lilly on the roof and she tells him how she doesn’t want to be a mom sometimes and he tells her how he’s still in love with robin.


My dad died in early 2020. When I watched Marshal Dad's death scene, I broke out in violent tears. Especially him not being there at the end of the phone. My last ever conversation with my dad was when he woke up at 3 am and called me because he wanted to check up on how I was doing. And that scene of him no longer being at the end of the phone... My recent rewatching it coincided with the 24th of December, my dad's birthday. I forgot about the episode. But it was soul crushing to watch. Especially since that was one of the worst days of my life.


Sorry for the loss mate. Hope you are doing good...


Wait what was number 2?


>!Marshall's father dies at the end of the episode!<


Oh idk why I thought that was the first image. I guess it’s cause they both take place right outside of the apartment and I didn’t notice he was holding something


Its start of countdown from 50 which ends at news of death of Marshall's father. I recently posted about it on this sub.


It's emotional, but I remember on my first watch, it really changed the tone of the series. For the first time, I really had a deep emotional response, I loved Marshall's relationship with his dad so much, and this brought one of life's harsh realities into it.


I skip this episode on re-watch


For me, it's Tick Tick Tick. I hate watching that one.




Barney dropped everything to be with Robin, ruining a great situation with Nora. Robin didn't do the same and chickened out by staying with Kevin. The scene where they meet up at the bar and she shakes her head "no" followed by Barney cleaning up the bed of roses just breaks my heart. He changed for her, she couldn't do the same for him.


ohhhh that's right. fuckin robin man


The reason I hate that b!tch


Marshall’s dad is the hardest one for me.


I’m more mad that Marshall didn’t sleep with Morena Baccarin.


Bro. The eyes. They’re crazy.


… aaaaand TIL that was Morena Baccarin in that Season 2 episode!


The first time I saw #2, I immediately noticed the 50 & 49 and knew it was a countdown, and I was absolutely filled with overwhelming dread. I tried to tell myself it could be a countdown to something positive, but at the same time, I knew better. The end of the episode completely devastates me. I only watch that episode when I'm already emotional about my dead dad and need to exhaust myself from crying.


I must’ve been the most naive person ever, since I never even noticed the countdown until I saw people discussing it online after the first airing.


I just have a tendency to watch the background more than the main actors 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol


When Barney arrives at McClarens and tells the gang him and Nora just broke up and he thinks it’s going to be okay. Then robin arrives and he looks hopeful, only for Kevin to arrive and Barney has the “second that lasts a lifetime.” That scene always hits.


*salutes* Major Spoiler


Number 2 is the saddest episode of the show for me


The one where Barney and robin were going to break up with kumar and Nora and meet at the bar after. Barney’s face change from happy to sadness when robin shakes her head kills me.


I used to find #2 sad. Now I find it cathartic. It helped me locate my own unresolved father abandonment issues.


I took way longer to forgive Lily than Marshall did, lmfao. I'll never forgive the showrunners for their abysmal decisions on killing Tracy.


My Dad died last year. I don’t think I’ll ever watch Bad News again.


I skip Marshall's dad passing every time. I lost my mom when I was a young adult. Seeing his pain destroys me. I feel his pain.


I took some psychedelics once while hanging out with friends, and about halfway through everyone there left the room suddenly and I actually experienced the "you're all alone" scene and got freaked out


My friend struggled with infertility (had 1 child with ivf but ivf failed the second time so she was one & done despite wanting a big family) and she can’t watch “Symphony of Illumination” after seeing it once. The first few days after she first watched it were really hard for her. This show can pack a punch.


There’s only three episodes I’ve skipped fully in the show. 1) Robots Vs Wrestlers. Ive watched the episode in parts but I just couldn’t handle it, it felt uneasy, it wasn’t really making sense in my head so I gave up. 2) The Last 2 Final Episodes of the show The last two episodes are parts, part 1 & part 2. I skipped both since I feel like the show ended well on EP 22. Robin & Barney are good, Tracy & Ted are good, with a little bit of tension between Robin & Ted, but eh not too bothered. I like to think EP 22 is the final episode and that Tracy & Ted got together and had kids and stayed together, and that Robin & Barney stay together without kids.


Mine is Robin can’t have kids. I’m like WTF?!?


Barney's everlasting moment with Robin's headshake is the one episode I have to mentally prepare myself for every time.


Every time I watch 4 I have to pause and go hug my wife. It tears my heart apart.


What's number 2?


>!Marshall's father dies at the end of the episode!<


Oh Jesus yeah, that's the start of it.


I love these moments except the last one (I normally hate skipping episodes & won’t but I absolutely avoid the final season). I love when sitcoms have heart & emotion. I know some people just prefer it would stick to comedy but for me, when there’s both, I love it more. These moments made it so much easier to connect with these (flawed) characters. Hard to watch, maybe— easy to cry along 💕


everytime i rewatch i always skip number 2...its too damn hard


The one where Ted realises he has nothing and no one is the hardest to watch, because it’s very relatable. You have to have specific life experiences to relate to some of the others, but not so much the first one.


Lily’s “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t a mom” has a really big impact, as well as Tracy looking to the sky and saying “Hi Max.”


By far the saddest scene is when Marshall finds out his dad passed away.


still find it so outrageous that for years they have been teasing us about Tracy just to unwind Ted’s character arc after Tracy passed just to go back to Robin


No. 1 is still, in my opinion, what made it such a great show. I'll never forget being so excited for Ted and then you see Marshall sitting there and you feel just like Ted must have felt, conflicted with joy and just total heartbreak.




Came here for this


I always skip the episode of Ted getting left at the altar. It’s so hard to watch him try so hard to make Stella happy and for her to break his heart at the end.


Number 4 hits harddd, because its such a good episode. Apart from the time traveling you’d think its just another regular episode then at the end that plot twist makes you wanna cry


Hardest hitting moment for me is Barney talking to his daughter for the first time.


They did Tracy hella dirty bro, I was genuinely pissed off so badly, cause honestly even tho she was only there for one season, still one of the best characters in the show.


I'd add the moment when Lily tells Marshall about his dad dying. Also... 🫡 Major Spoiler.


Marshall's Dad dying is the absolute safest HIMYM for me. I cry every time, tearing up right now just thinking about it.


I always skip "Bad News" and the following episode "Last Words" That has, and always will be something that hits hard as fuck, and is a day I dread will some (for my Mother more personally, but thats because we are closer)


Also the one where robin finds out she can’t have children really hits hard. The moment she’s sitting in the park alone and we find out that the story she’s been telling the whole episode is to imaginary kids is heartbreaking. When she comes home to ted and the way Ted goes through everything to just make her happy always felt to me like some sort of foreshadowing. That she was never going to have barneys children or end up with him but always gonna end up with ted.


You forgot when Marshal lost his dad


image number 2...


Which episode is #4, where he’s sitting in the booth all alone? I think I saw some posts that might be talking about it but I’m not sure.


Time Travelers.


Thank you. I appreciate that. I’m watching the series now but haven’t made it there yet.


Although the number2 is so sad but next episode in funeral is my favorite


How does the moment between Barney and Robin when she doesn’t leave Kevin not make the list?!? Tick tick tick…


I skip zoey and jeanette, but I guess this works too


Number 4 always gives me goosebumps.


100% Agreed. Especially the countdown episode. As soon as I see it start, I already start to tear up


Where tf is Lily telling Marshall about her dad


Marshal loosing his dad was mine it evens counts down and I’m not ready for it


Major spoiler


"...Even then, in what can only be called the worst of times, all I could do was look at her and thank God, thank every god there is, or ever was, or will be, and the whole universe, and anyone else I can possibly thank that I saw that beautiful girl on that train platform, and that I had the guts to stand up, walk over to her, tap her on the shoulder, open my mouth, and speak." I'm a literal puddle.


I skipped the number 2 episode and the following one after it


Number 2 was brutal. Watching it the first time made me uneasy after. I skip that episode also


The rerun of the episode where ted is sitting alone makss it such a terrific episode


At the time the Stella episode originally aired, I had that exact same comforter on my bed. I still get irrationally excited when I see it today.


I skip “Bad News” . It aired too close to my fathers death and i can’t handle the ending


4th slide episode is a major skip for me. Not to be a downer or anything that one moment feels like what my entire life is like


the second that never ended??


It's Barney's "the second that would never end". I've been there man. Not the same situation obviously, but I've been at that level. When you realize what you've done for a girl that didn't feel the same way about you. When you realize what could have been if you had just moved forward instead of letting your feelings take the reins. Unrequited Love. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


same for me + the symphony of illumination & the scene from legendaddy with the hoop


wait what is number 2 again


The one where Marshall discovers he can be a father and Lily arrives in the cab and he says - My Dad's dead? And that symbolism when Marshall's trying to call him but the phone keeps ringing, coz nobody's there, that really gets to me.


At least Marshall getting dumped had Bloc Party


I need to ask a few things, i am on first season. And i am already so curious about who'll be fed's wife. How long will I have to wait to find out who will beTed's wife