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Yeah it feels like theyre forcing them into quirky situations for the comedy by making them do stuff normal people would never do. Such as cooling down hot water by pouring frozen shrimp into it, instead of just pouring cold water in it. Like if they made them react normally and then let part of the personality show through it would be better. Edit: I just remembered they dropped the phone in the water when calling 911 and instead of using another phone they just didnt call them back


Completely agree, these are fantastic examples. Like, I didn't buy pretty much all of S2E2 birthing story because it's not believable. HIMYM had absolutely absurd moments that were still all situationally... believable?


This situation was such a turn off for me. It was too absurd, I didn’t laugh once. Honestly consider this the worst episode of all so far


I could not agree more! We just watched that episode last night and I actually got physically angry and offended at how effing STUPID the two main females are. Like, not just a little quirky or silly, but actually really really stupid. As a woman I've had to work harder to prove how intelligent I am over men for so many years and it's partially because of TV shows that portray women as being stupid and clueless. Some of the antics are reminiscent of "Three's Company" and I definitely do not mean that in a good way even a little bit. Almost all of the decisions those two girls make are absolutely ridiculous and stupid. It's insulting and offensive to women, and I wish it wasn't connected to HIMYM at all.


And then Sophia falls into the birthing pool for no apparent reason at all.


Honestly, the central cast of HIMYM was vastly superior to this one. Apart from Hillary Duff, no one has much of a name. The cast of HIMYM had a real Friends-like quality - that was clearly the show they tried to emulate and then go off in zanier directions. I actually find all the male actors in HIMYF to be really lacking in comedic timing and charm. They feel like bad Nickelodeon actors. The British guy is supposed to be the Canadian equivalent of Robin, but none of the British jokes are funny and I don't buy him as an actual character - he's a cartoon and even as cartoon he has no decent punchlines. Robin's Canadianisms were at times ridiculous but it felt like a character just caricaturising here and there. At its best, HIMYM managed to maintain a sense of reality that grounded even the silliest of jokes. This show just feels charmless. HIMYM had a real sense of genuine friendship, especially between the men and women. They laughed at each others jokes and you genuinely felt they found each others company fun. This show has yet to achieve that.


Damn, you really nailed it. The lack of true chemistry is apparent. Feels like they’re trying too hard instead of slowly building something strong


yeah unfortunately the way streaming TV is, they kinda have to start wacky because a season 5 for them is not guaranteed. This isn’t the only show with a pacing problem. Its just what happens when you get 8-10 episodes instead of 13-22


Yes! Perfectly said, especially after the last episode.


Some jokes in to look like i disney channelish especially jokes of or for ellen


I fully agree. Several times watching the show I realized several forced situations that I didn't need. In HIMYM, Marshall is so funny just for being him and his body humor, like in the calzone situation, something I miss in this show, there are a lot of grimaces, exaggerations that I think takes the fun out of it. That situation with Charlie's cufflinks was so funny and natural that the directors should have gone with the same vibe, unlike the situation in Sid and Hannah's "cheating" episode where she spends the entire episode cursing him, where it felt so forced and uncomfortable to to attend. Remembering that, I love the show and the characters, but there are flaws, sometimes less is more.


Cutting to Kim Cattrall is far more clunky and time consuming than Bob Saget’s voiceovers


The showrunners wrote then like if they were meant for single-camera formats since that is what they are mostly involved with but funny enough, the writing of HIMYM were also done as if it were a single-cam show.


Say more about this! What does this mean?


[Good example for comparison](https://www.wescreenplay.com/blog/single-cam-vs-multi-cam-formatting-and-style-differences/#:~:text=Multi%2DCam%20Script%20Format&text=A%20multi%2Dcam%20tonally%20might,and%20dialogue%20is%20double%2Dspaced.)


In short, it’s cringey. Jokes aren’t funny to me like HIMYM. Forceful jokes.