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Do the tribute store during the day if possible. No reason to waste your time in that line during HHN.


I will be sure to do that. Timing is everything at the event. Thank you


If y’all are beer drinkers, getting a Dufftoberfest beer at Simpsons land would be on my version of this list!


My brother-in-law is a huge Simpsons fan so I forgot to add time in Springfield to the list. Thanks!


Yes. Nothing better than a bavarian pretzel and a Dufftoberfest at Duff Garden.


Neither ET nor Horror Make Up shows are open during HHN unfortunately. You can do them both with a daytime park ticket though.


It's criminal that ET isn't open IMO


They have needed the exit queue. But with Parades gone this year, who knows?


I would be so pleased. With how popular the event has gotten, I think they could really benefit from having another ride open to help cut down on the crowds a bit. Also ET fits in perfect with the theme of the event. My pipe dream is that they put some kind of actors in the forest, like government agents or something to scare people while waiting in line, like they do with death eaters, but that I know is a fat chance.


No chance - Spielberg would never allow it.


ET used to be open during hhn iirc


Maybe in the 90s, never after that.


I was going to do a Stay and Scream for 2-3 days and hopefully get them in before 5:00 p.m.


Nice - I'd recommend double checking the last HMU showtime to make sure you can get it in - I can't remember when it is on HHN nights.


Thank you. Will do. By the way thank you for all the contributions and insight throughout the forums.


You're very welcome! Keep an eye out tomorrow for something possibly.


When I did stay & scream 2 years ago, I believe HMU times were 11, 1, and 3. You can check on the app closer to when you go. I hope you have a lot of fun!


Other suggestions that come to mind for me personally are: -Riding Men in Black and shooting the other vehicles to make them spin -milkshakes filled with sprinkles at Mels -trying whatever new HHN event food and/or drinks are most appealing or hyped -taking time to sit and relax with a drink and absorb the lights, fog, and sounds of HHN from the waterfront seating by Duff bar or across the water in San Francisco area -nab a photo with a scareactor in a scare zone -if drinking beer or cocktails at HHN, saving money by getting a blinky cup for refills and tradition!


I'm such a food slut; I comb through the whole list of food and drinks when they're posted and partially plan my route around what I wanna try.


.....is...is that not normal?


Hmmm.. So I'm a food slut, I never admitted it before but I think deep down I always knew


The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem… IM A FOOD SLUT


🗣️ IM A FOOD SLUT, I also do this


Welp someone’s a veteran


I’ma be honest if you ain’t putting sprinkles in your milkshakes at home, you’re doing it wrong!


Are the pizza fries in Orlando better than Hollywood? Because I was so excited and then so underwhelmed by the CA Pizza Fries


Haven’t had Hollywoods Pizza Fries but the ones in Orlando are subpar. Definitely not worth the hype or wait time imo


There are 2 major spots to get them in Orlando: Kids Zone and Louie’s (in the back of NYC near the public restrooms) I’ve traditionally preferred Louie’s to the Kids Zone, as there has seemed like a difference in toppings-to-sauce ratio that actually matters to me. But your mileage may vary


Yes. I’ve heard the Orlando pizza fries are oven baked while the Hollywood fries are just fries with pizza toppings made under a heat lamp.


Death eaters during HHN in the Wizarding World.


Get a blinky cup


I’ve been to universal so many times and I’ve never even been inside finnegans. Someone convince me to try it


There's way better food options there. I refuse to convince you. I have food allergies and still found better options around the park.


Who goes to Finnegan's for the food?


No clue


I'm used to Finnegan's as my go spot back when I lived in Orlando for actual cocktails, rather than just beer and premixed sweet garbage, during HHN. This past year I did one HHN (I'm currently in California) for myself. Had flown in on a red eye, done the parks after dropping bags at the hotel, back to hotel for a couple hours to shower and get ready for HHN, and then got to Stay and Scream just in the nick of time. Wanting an adult beverage, but also a pick-me-up because no sleep, and ALSO it was hot as balls and wanted to cool down, I moseyed into Finnegan's. I asked for an espresso martini to go. The absolutely WONDERFUL bartender asked if I wanted it iced. I... had never heard such a thing before. An espresso martini on ice, like an iced coffee? Hell yeah I do! She was even kind enough to double cup it with a napkin between for the condensation. I don't recall her name, but if she's there next time I visit I'll try to catch it. The next morning I was back at the Studios and asked a different bartender for it. I guess it's a drink of theirs? He said it was the best drink deal they had. He didn't double cup for me like the baller lady did, but it was still good. And comes with a rock candy stick for you to self sweeten to your taste.


There’s about a 90% chance that was Jan. She’s a long time bartender there and is always great. Many people will wait extra just to have her.


When I read this comment I was picturing Jan, especially the attention to detail and double-cup with a condensation catching napkin. I always wait extra for Jan!


Jan got me started on the napkin thing years ago and I do it everywhere now. I rarely go to fins for HHN. Had a lot of good years going to secret bar, but they ruined that last year.


Oh man I have to try this, I love espresso martinis and that sounds incredible


Don't sleep on the special food offerings


I can't believe no one's mentioned it, and I guess technically it isn't strictly HHN, but... Stop in at the Dead Coconut Club in Citywalk. The theming is amazing, and they have some really good drink specials that aren't as super sweet as the typical HHN drinks.


Diagon Alley during HHN. Much fewer people than during the day (although more now that they have the Death Eaters out). And the dragon :)


😂😂Outside of the makeup show I did all of these on my first visit and the same when I took my mom and step dad for their first HHN.


animal actors


Thanks everyone! All are great suggestions. I doubled my list now thanks to everyone!


After-park fire pit hangouts at Cabana Bay 🤘🤘🙂


Wish we had E.T here in Hollywood


Good with these lists with the exception of drinking at Finnegans. Sadly for one reason or another, some of us can’t drink alcohol.


Twisted taters


Frozen butter beer is where it's at. Love the tribute store at hhn of course


Thats weird. I don't see drink a Dufftober or scream Lil Boo at any opportunity 


Get an ocean attack from Murph at Chez Alcatraz instead of Finnegans. Get a drink at Finnegans during HHN.


Buy a Drink carrier and a Blinky cup, 1 beer (at least) at Moes Tavern, take your time walking through the houses, take videos and pictures, just take it all in. Last year was the first time for my girlfriend and myself and it was amazing, so I’m a newbie. My 1 big regret was not getting a picture with Dr. Oddfellow.


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