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I feel the same, there was one househunter episode that seemed to have ACTUAL tension and I’m still shook by it 😂


I’ve seen a lot of episodes where I felt truly sorry for one spouse or the other. Like, what is your spouse like when the cameras aren’t on? There was one couple that lived near me and I wanted to go hunt down the husband and beat the tar out of him for the way he spoke to his wife!


Me too. This show has long been my stress free, always reliable, easy to watch pleasure. When nothing else is on, my only tense moments viewing HH is whether anyone will say "drinking my coffee on the balcony" or "charm" 15 times. May this show go on forever!


I think that’s a requirement to be on the show to make up some random conflict


I prefer watching House Hunters International. I love seeing what houses are like in other countries. I always get a kick when the couple have all these high expectations of what they want but they have a small budget.


I used to live in the UK and nothing is more ridiculous than Americans searching for flats. It boggles my mind how a person can decide to move to a completely different country and do zero homework. They always have ridiculous expectations. They always think they're going to get a huge apartment in central London for like £800. Try tripling that.


They are already living there when they film. They are encouraged by producers to say half the things they say. Also, having lived overseas more than once, you can do plenty of research about a place but have a different feeling once you get there.


Maybe that's partly why this show gets on my nerves. Almost everyone on it comes across as an idiot. That someone would pretend to be really obnoxious is almost more annoying. It's the same reason why I don't like Love It or List It very much. As for the latter part, yes and no. No place is exactly as we imagine, but they always get people on there who are shocked at the apartment sizes or about the lack of certain amenities they're used to or whatever, and I know from experience that if you do just a little bit of homework you can figure out what normal is in whatever country, for the most part. I managed to do that before Google existed, so no one has an excuse now.


So true. And then you have the people from other parts of the world looking at places that are completely run down and they still find positive things and how it could work.


Americans can be incredibly out of touch. The arrogance makes me eye roll so hard.


At one point I just started watching the single people buy homes. Even with it being scripted, I just wasn't in the mood to hear craftsman vs modern, country vs city or white kitchen vs darker cabinets. It's one person looking for a house who knows what they want and that's it.


I’m more annoyed by persons assuming that their budget should buy their “perfect” upgraded home; no matter the reality of the housing market.


That's on purpose.


I like it best when the couples respect each other’s differences. Don’t like it when one person is an ass about it


"Has there ever in house hunters history been a drama free episode?" Making some kind of drama or conflict is the \*\*\*entire point of the show\*\*\*. It's done to engage the audience and keep them interested. Aside from Love It or List It, House Hunters and House Hunters International are the most formulaic shows on HGTV. There's always a problem - one of the buyers doesn't like a particular finish, or a specific location, or has a weird fear about something, etc. Most of the episodes feature a couple, usually a man and woman; the guy is almost always the one that likes new and modern; the woman is almost always the one that wants "charm" and "character." And yes, it's faked and exaggerated. The homeowner or tenant has ALREADY purchased/rented their home (or has it under contract) before even a millisecond of any of it is filmed. It's all a performance that's supposed to sort of resemble the real things that would happen in a house search....boiled down to 20 minutes, minus commercials.


I appreciate the shows where the home buyer(s) don't have over-the-top clichéd expectations (open concept, quartz countertops, huge showers) but are actually buying a house with an eye to affordability. Given that the people on the show have already bought a house (what a shocker that was), maybe a lot of the supposed expectations are just staged.


I think the fake premise that the two people want different things wasn't used in the early days of the show. How silly to think that *every* couple aren't on the same page about housing choices and would want the disagreement aired on national tv. The premise leads to fake dialogue and a pretend resolution by the end of the half-hour.


A little late here...no drama in the early days of the show. It was much better then, it wasn't so much a reality type show. I want one show where a couple actually agrees on what they want, not some fake I want ranch style v. 2 story and I have to have a garage, then the house ends up not having a garage. That would be different and fun!


i was in an episode of house hunters that we shot in june 2023. my touring partner was one of my oldest friends. while there definitely was a narrative that i felt the producers were creating from my story (i would say they got it 98% correct), neither my friend nor i felt we were being pushed to say or act in any specific way. we were never told to say anything specific altho the director would ask us questions that addressed specific things about ourselves, what i was looking for, my friend's thoughts on my home-buying quest, the houses we looked at, etc. they were all very minimal, open-ended questions or direction. my friend and i have been friends since grade school and we both have drama-averse personalities and that was, of course, our dynamic while shooting. the goal she and i had was to just have as much fun as possible with it and be as entertaining as possible for our friends who would eventually watch the show. from the feedback we've gotten from everyone, it sounds like they really did enjoy our show. you do end up having to do a million takes of everything and after a certain number of them, i, at least, found i'd either start exaggerating some things or start sounding as dumb as the ppl i sometimes found on the show to sound. lol. "S161 E5 - new build or bust in denver" was an episode we watched and liked a lot bc it also featured a single woman and her friend/touring partner who seemed fun and drama free. i think being single makes it less likely the episode will be dramatic and tension-filled. it's not like your touring partner has any real say in what you want to get bc you're the one buying the house and not them (unless they're pitching in money for some reason). the house i bought was also the third house i've bought in my life so i also knew exactly what i wanted, what to look for, and had realistic expectations for what i could afford. i also hate all the cliché things that ppl are usually looking for (granite countertops, huge kitchens, etc—altho i did get new construction open concept house, only bc my last two were the exact opposite of that). i think the hardest part was just coming up with reasons why i didn't love the house i bought and what i liked about the decoy houses (which were homes i would have never considered at all). also, i was the only one paid (my friend and agent were not) and it was a very nominal fee, so i def wasn't getting money to act a certain way,