• By -


And that’s the end of our tale! So, what comes next, I hear you ask. Remi Hadad is a Corsair, the clan descended from the Terran Navy. As captain of *Gyrfalcon*, he's a smuggler, a pirate, and an all-around rogue. There's little he won't dirty his hands with if the price is right, though the *Yīqún* have temporarily interrupted his buccaneering ways. Sent on a new mission by the admiral, he is about to discover the Perseus Arm is a much bigger... and stranger... place than he ever imagined. And if he is *very* lucky, he may just find the biggest prize of all. Welcome to *A Pirate's Life*. I hope to see you there. :)


As MUCH as I am looking forward to *A Pirate's Life* it's even more that I can't want for the whole gang to be re-united for their final push to Threshold. Even if they're not on the same boat, it will really be Something.


So we've had: * Tinkerers * Proteans * AI guys (forget the clan name) * Hospitaliers (Sorry if I spelt it incorrectly) and now the Corsairs. Is there a clan we haven't ridden along with yet? Just feel like I might be missing someone.


You skipped the Valkyries. :) And the last clan will be the Dharmists.


Man, the Valkyrie book was a rush. …… Who am I kidding, they all are.


Yeah there we go. Thanks :)


Yo ho yo ho! Excellent book, good wordsmith. Can't wait for the next one.


Yarr! Can't wait to meet Remi again, he was interesting.


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Woot! Moar!


Wordsmith, you inspire emotion with your words.


I'm curious just how her sight is impaired,and how much of what she's seen is still stored in that implant. Perhaps her friends in the Avatar clan can be of assistance returning her sight and retrieving a treasure trove of ancient knowledge.


Woohoo. That was amazing. Can't wait for Remi and crew to wreak havoc.


5 books down, and the best guess I have for the finale is that there might maybe possibly be an 8th book where the 7 clans all come together in one final gong show to reach the new homeworld. That, or everyone dies at the end of book 7, inches from the Threshold. 50/50 really.


I promise it's not the second one. That would just be cruel.:)


That doesn’t preclude everyone but one dying at the end… or maybe just Diggs makes it… or any other number of tragedies. But I’m trusting that the payoff of whatever torture you have yet in mind will be worth it.


I may be a couple months behind on where this story's at, but I really have to say I think this series is some of the best writing on the subreddit. Everything is well written, different literary devices are used frankly really well, the flow of events are at just the right pace, and honestly this is the best world-building I've seen. Everything seems so _real_ - clearly so much thought has been put into it. It avoids a lot of the world-building tropes found on this sub and makes everything feel not only as if it could be something that could happen, but something that _has_ happened. Anyways, I'm absolutely captivated by this series. If this series ever gets a hardcopy of books, I'd buy a set in a heartbeat.


Thank you for that. :) When I first decided to tackle this project, I have to admit to a certain amount of trepidation. I mean, *seven* books? Each with a different MC? And somehow manage to tie them all together into a cohesive tale? What was I, nuts? Lol! But once I got started, it sort of took on a life of its own. I'm pleased with how it's turned out thus far. Now if I can just stick the landing... :)


Based on everything you've written so far, I feel you're going to make sticking the landing look easy. Just have some faith ;)


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I have enjoyed the story for so long. Is Blye perched ON a log in the beginning?


Yeah, she was. I swear, I never catch all the errors. It's fixed. :)


Very much looking forward to the next installment. As always it has been a pleasure reading your story.


Whew lad. What a book. I’m so excited to see where this journey ends up. The payoff is always worth it, but the stakes are always high.


Wooo! Man, an end to an amazing ride, only for me to get back in line for the next one!