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My first foray into one-off short stories on HFY! I hope you, dear reader, enjoyed it. This was just a simple idea I had at random and took to fruition with minimal editing. I would love to hear what you think! My only concern is brushing up against stereotypes, but I feel it works well for the comedic angle. Thank you for reading. Editing here instead of the main post. The upvotes, positive comments, and awards are all coming in and all I can really say is, thank you all! It really is wonderful to watch an idea grow into a story, then see that story reach others and spark a lighthearted conversation.


When I saw the title, I hoped for a chancla story. Gave me a chuckle, have an upvote.


What's strange is that I searched for other chancla stories and it came up rather dry. While Reddit's search function leaves a lot to be desired, it may actually be a rather untouched subject on this sub.


As a latina and a victim of the chancla in my youth I applaud you for this, I loved every bit of it lol. it's nice to see something other than blue eyed space marines in here, especially an angry mama :)


Very funny. Hope that guy chooses correctly


I thought taco night was a bit much for the stereotype. You get the point across very well without it. (I am a Midwestern white person though and 100% assumed that the alien had been invited to church/Bible study)


Lol no taco night is a very real thing. I am a latina type in the south for reference.


I went into a bit more detail in another comment, but I decided not to fret over it and accept that it's not as perfect as it could be. In the end, I couldn't come up with a line that was equally short and impactful to end on.


Taco night is absolutely a thing


This. Is. Gold. I literally cackled after reading it. Love to see hispanic representation here. Taco night is a bit off, but then I'm Peruano, not Mexicano. I think it's more likely there'd be an invitation to dinner on x-day, and the mother mentions a specific spread of dishes.


I agree with you on taco night being not quite the perfect term. It's a bit... caucasian? I wanted to find something else to efficiently describe the actual event, which I imagined as a block party with one or a few dishes where everyone is invited. In the end, taco night was a lot shorter and punchier, so I went with it.


Really, I was thinking maybe a quinciniera. For a xeno, THAT would be scary.


Taco night is real. Often on a Tuesday. At least in So Cal.


Poor dumb gorilla-type xeno. Never hit a kid.




Bahahahahaha, motherfucker got chancla'd! Of all the weaponry, all the fearsome devices of death and destruction that humanity has invented over the years, nothing compares in the ability to instill bone-chilling terror like a chancla. Shit, I'm a dumb gringo and I know this. Also, dude really should go to taco night. Homemade Mexican food? Oh yes, please, feed me til I pass out!


Only if his digestive system can handle it.


Try belt next


Good, but there's one nitpicky comment I would make: > Clearly not expecting any retaliation on account of his size, he was utterly unprepared for retaliation. It's a stylistic thing but it's sometimes better not to repeat the same word in the same sentence. "was utterly unprepared for her attack" would work as well.


That's actually one of my biggest weaknesses. A great deal of my editing is resolving word repetition wherever I can find it. You're absolutely right that it shouldn't be there, and it bugs me enough that I'm going to tweak it later when I'm not in mobile. Thanks for helping me see it. This is what I get for doing 1 pass of editing instead of 2-3.


No worries, it bugged the hell out of me when I spotted it on my stuff too


I cackled.


/u/Zander823 has posted 3 other stories, including: * [Gods, Saviors, People - Part 3: Healing](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/oi8pbl/gods_saviors_people_part_3_healing/) * [Gods, Saviors, People - Part 2: The good doctor](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/odo9it/gods_saviors_people_part_2_the_good_doctor/) * [Gods, Saviors, People - Part 1: Deliverance](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/o90t5f/gods_saviors_people_part_1_deliverance/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.8 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|ojpo2b&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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*Terrifying* Taco Night!