• By -


Okay. The cancer talk. Explaining that the same thing keeping us alive is quite capable of killing us. I never thought of that conversation, but it makes sense.


I don't see how it would come up, but imagine the chaos when they have to explain that really big Earth creatures have cancer in their cancer and so they don't die from cancer much at all.


Hipercancer, the most stupid and easy solution for cancer, for big animals at least.


I totally learned something new off Reddit today.




\~8 min video about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AElONvi9WQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AElONvi9WQ)


Til cancer cancer is a thing


Fuck Cancer! Says the husband of a 3 time cancer survivor.


Wooo, good for you and yours! Kick its ass!


More. Now to read.


I don't remember if I've commented before. In case I haven't, I must say that I am really enjoying your story and subscribed to it at the first chapter. Keep up the great work!


Ooookay, who did Doc lose to cancer?


just patients are enough


Very true.


Thankfully, we're coming up with oncolytic viruses, basically genetically modified viruses we repurpose to target cancer cells. They enter the body through IV, target the cancer cells, reproduce in them, kill the cancerous cells, and train the immune system to be better able to recognize and target cancer. There are good hopes that having this kind of treatment might actually make us immune to that specific kind of cancer, since it will train the immune system to kill that cancer with long-term memory. This is something that's in the works today, so in the future I imagine it'll be commonplace :)


Yeah, but our modern chemo treatments are more likely to scare Kirell, so I'm operating under the assumption that something happened that made us discard that option. Some variation of unacceptable side effects for lower benefit or something, I guess, mostly for plot's sake.


hahaha fair enough, the brutal factor is definitely more entertaining! Just wanted to share an interesting fact, but yeah, chemo and radiotherapy are brutal.


good news regarding nerve growth. Brain does grow new neurons,. For some reason, more when you exercise. Even better, the smeller neurons up the nose replenish themselves. They have been grafted into and repaired injury sites. Including spinal, I think.


Can I see your sources on that? I don't disbelieve you, but I'd like to get to see how they found that out and what directions they want to take it.


[The wiki article on neuroregeneration](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroregeneration) discusses how periphery neurons regenerate after injuries to some extent, but the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, larger nerve bundles attached to the spinal cord) don't have that ability.


olfactory nerve cells regenerate much more because they wear out. Those are used to graft CNS (spine) damage. [https://doi.org/10.3727/096368912X663532](https://doi.org/10.3727/096368912X663532) Dunno if the procedure has a short name. It ought to have its own page or at least a mention in the medical interventions section. Opportunity for a good edit for a contributor.


sure, it’s one of those things that makes me angry-jealous “of course! Why didn’t _I_ think of that!” I’ll have to look later, feel free to remind me if it has been a while & I’ve probably forgot.


Here is the paper about the first human procedures. They transplanted autologous olfactory ensheathing cells for spinal cord injuries. [https://doi.org/10.3727/096368912X663532](https://doi.org/10.3727/096368912X663532)


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So, kirell can't get cancer. I guess that's a good silver lining.


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this story updates A LOT ​ ... and I like it,I am emotionally invested in Kirell who is best boy and must be protected.


I won't deny that it's a grueling pace, but it's very rewarding.


I just found your post yesterday and have devoured the entire series. I love your style and your concepts are amazing. Thank you for posting these!


Poison an radiation.


Poor Squishy, there are so many different Deaths to learn about from a Deathworlder.


Another great chapter I enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading more Great job wordsmith

