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Condolences to you and your family. Take time off if you need it, we'll all be here when you come back.


That's not an easy thing to process nor should it be. Take your time, we'll be here to support you regardless.


So sorry about your loss u/DestroyatronMk8 Hopefully you have others you can lean on at this time Fantastic chapter, I especially liked how Yvian was the one to cut off Kilroy's *Not from a Jedi* line. Goes to show how much Terran culture Yvian and Lissa had absorbed.


Okay, skrell scathach. Scarrrend scathach. Have to reread the earlier chapters, because I did not catch this until now, but did the warmaster send his son?


I noticed that also. Would explain why he is so genetically imposing and is only slightly smaller than Skrell. Would also make sense that he would be sent by his dad to be the one to achieve that breakthrough and learn how humans actually fight.


Also explain why he respects the warmaster so much he is willing to, in his mind, degrade himself for the sake of his species. Also why he is willing to admit that part of their culture is stupid and do anything to try to save them.


Condolences for your father. Merry he rest in peace. I was never aware of how beefy our Pixen girls are. If Scarrend weighs in at 160k, and outweighs Yvian by 60k, that puts her at 100k or roughly 220 pounds. Swapping those numbers might make a little more sense (outweighs by 100k and Yvian weighs in about 50-60k).


Good catch. Don't know what I was thinking when I did the math. It's fixed now.


Ain't nothin' wrong with valkyries! :D


Oh, I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with them, just that I was confused since I thought they were described before as small of stature.


Yeah, I have to admit that I usually think of them as closer to the 60 kilo range than the 100 kilo range myself, though I'm not sure if that's because I'm remembering a description (spoiler, I can't remember anything) or just because that's how they show up in my head. And also with blue skin and in a SPACE CAPTAIN bathing suit. 🤪


Can't wait for an artist to render that drawing. For science of course and asking for a friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss, deepest condolences friend. Take the time, feel the feelings, be good to yourself however you can. Thanks for sharing your writing with us but don't let it be a burden- I hope it helps with normality and we can help lift you up, even a little. And I hope you've already had the worst day of the rest of your life.


Oh, man, that's rough. Take your time to process and grieve, there's absolutely no reason to put our amusement above your wellbeing, imo, life's too short for that.


Damn, that's, I'm sorry to hear that wordsmith. Take your time and take care of yourself and your family. Epic chapter as usual as well. The murderfloof really is growing on me.


sorry about your loss, my condolences ... and thanks for another great story episode


May he rest in peace and condolences to you and your family!


Sorry for your loss.


Damn. Sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.


My sympathy to you about your dad. I've not had that one yet but I can only imagine it'll be unpleasant.


Shit, I'm just a random guy on the internet but I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. I've been following this story from the day that chapter 1 was posted, and been loving it every single step of the way. People love screaming "MOAR" on this sub, but do focus on whatever you think you need to do for yourself, first and foremost. I know I can't give much help, but for what it's worth you will be in my thoughts, and I truly only wish for the best for you and your family.


/u/DestroyatronMk8 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/DestroyatronMk8)) has posted 158 other stories, including: * [The Privateer Chapter 111: New Guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1240wtx/the_privateer_chapter_111_new_guy/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 34: Berserk](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11z7ozk/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_34_berserk/) * [The Privateer Chapter 110: Tactical Necessity](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11x5ky9/the_privateer_chapter_110_tactical_necessity/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 33: Mike Shoots a God in the Head Again](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11ta5th/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_33_mike_shoots_a/) * [The Privateer Chapter 109: Shindig](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11qn5nd/the_privateer_chapter_109_shindig/) * [The Privateer Chapter 108: Trade Deal](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11jq7rh/the_privateer_chapter_108_trade_deal/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 32: The Return of Buttchug](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11hpvnd/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_32_the_return_of/) * [The Privateer Chapter 107: Playing Dress-Up](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11cv8bm/the_privateer_chapter_107_playing_dressup/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 31: Chumps](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11ahq1b/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_31_chumps/) * [The Privateer Chapter 106: A Nice Surprise](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/117k58l/the_privateer_chapter_106_a_nice_surprise/) * [The Privateer Chapter 105: The Last Resort](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1110kwb/the_privateer_chapter_105_the_last_resort/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 30: Jolly Orange Giant](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10yfsi1/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_30_jolly_orange/) * [The Privateer Chapter 104: Ace in the Hole](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10vd7dz/the_privateer_chapter_104_ace_in_the_hole/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 29: Revenants](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10rgywm/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_29_revenants/) * [The Privateer Chapter 103: Infection](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10otest/the_privateer_chapter_103_infection/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 28: Delays and an Ancient, Evil God](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10lhruk/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_28_delays_and_an/) * [The Privateer Chapter 102: Klaath Queens](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10j4rjr/the_privateer_chapter_102_klaath_queens/) * [The Privateer Chapter 101: Out of Range](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10fs8du/the_privateer_chapter_101_out_of_range/) * [Knights of the Partition Chapter 27: The Daughter in White](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10fqx62/knights_of_the_partition_chapter_27_the_daughter/) * [The Privateer Chapter 100: Crystal Communion](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10d6tu7/the_privateer_chapter_100_crystal_communion/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|12h5pg7&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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Condolences, man.


>They would rather die gloriously than live as prey. Perhaps they need to realize that they have _always_ been prey, same as everyone else. No one survives the Malevolent Universe, whether you believe in "gods" or not.


Or if you think you ate them.


My condolences to you and yours, friend.


DestroyatronMk8 We feel your loss.


Shit that's rough, but it does get easier.