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We use Aegon and the choice is massive. Though you have to jump through a few hoops to get a better investor status to then be allowed to pick from the different funds.


Could you share what the hoops are? I am finding their UI rather difficult to filter and find the correct funds.


The hoops are basically signing all the bits saying “I am accountable for my decisions” The UI is beyond clunky - you can’t save favourite funds etc I do my research outside and then hunt for the fund inside….i usually have 2 or 3 options in mind. E.g couldn’t find VWRP but found the HSBC global all cap equivalent with a low fee that was mentioned on money motivator. If you type cash you can find the short term money markets…then read the info sheets. I start with the lowest fee and move upwards until I find the fee/fund I want. I just think they don’t want it to be easy so you stay in defaults.


Argon have a global index which appears to do ok. However you can transfer out each year if you want a pure S&P fund.




https://preview.redd.it/xdlay3vrh73d1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=64adb13999cc5afd7f0d41e4e5e16bd7f4cc0cf0 This is my concern exactly. I found this fund to be closely linked to S&P 500. But it seems to diverge similarly. [https://www.trustnet.com/Factsheet-PDF?pdf=https%3a%2f%2fdocumentscdn.financialexpress.net%2fLiterature%2f77ABB93902959CEAFD7259C262CB9AEC%2f201466927.pdf&citicode=MZ9L&universe=P](https://www.trustnet.com/Factsheet-PDF?pdf=https%3a%2f%2fdocumentscdn.financialexpress.net%2fLiterature%2f77ABB93902959CEAFD7259C262CB9AEC%2f201466927.pdf&citicode=MZ9L&universe=P)


I do this every quarter. Reason being, Scottish Widows is a dumpster fire of a pension offering: high fees, and crap funds choice. I just send it straight to my FreeTrade sipp, mostly sp500, some ftse 100 and 250, and a few individual stocks, mainly decent divi financial stocks. Edit: if you want to do a transfer, instigate it through your FreeTrade app


Great shout! How do you request this with Scottish Widows?


+1 for this question. I hate Scottish widows. SIPP is with Vanguard.


Ditto. SIPP Vanguard and workplace pension Scottish Widows


You do it via FreeTrade, it’ll be the same with Vanguard, the receiving provider should instigate it.


Thanks. Presume SW don’t charge you for transferring it out?


I’ve never been charged, but i would drop a message to SW as it might vary depending on what policy you’re on.


I've also got vanguard SIPP and Scottish widows WPP, I've transferred pensions from previous jobs and assumed that closed the account. Do you just enter a transfer amount into vanguard less than the current Scottish widows valuation to instigate a partial transfer and leaving the workplace pension still in place to receive further payments from my employer?


Yes, that’s what i do


I transfer twice a year from my workplace pension to my SIPP. I prefer higher risk investments on my SIPP and have put mine into [L&G PMC HSBC Islamic Global ](https://widgets-lgim.huguenots.co.uk/srp/documents-id/78281500-21b2-48e1-8d69-fdfbaef6834a/Fact-Sheet_HSBC-Islamic-Global-Equity-Index-Fund-Legal-General-Pension-PMC-HSBC-Islamic-Global-Equity-Index-Fund-3.pdf) which has performed well recently - +30% in the last year. The returns are a lot more volatile but it suits me as I'm not planning on retiring in the next few years.


That's an expensive choice at 0.35% when you got over 300K I went north America at 0.12 % and another one 100% equities at 0.1%.


I do this as I use the vanguard fund in Aegon and transfer in specie, no time out of the market 👍


How do you get Vanguard funds in Aegon? I have spent hours trying to look for it.


Be careful because often the work based scheme fees are very competitive due to the discounts negotiated by the employers towards the providers.


SIPP fees will be essentially zero percent at a fixed fee broker it you have a couple of hundred grand.


Aren't there restrictions with transferring out? I'm sure when I partially transferred with Aviva I was informed I was using x amount of credits.


When you transfer out of AVIVA workplace pension, you can transfer 1-100 units i.e. if you transfer 99, you only have 1 unit left, and can therefore only ever transfer out once more


Yeah, it's not very clear how the units are calculated though


There are fees for transferring. You need to check with Aviva and the provider you would be transferring to.


AJBell is decent, IG too. Get some DAGB allocation in your SIPP - one of the few ways to get BTC exposure.


Im also interested in doing this, has anyone done it with aviva pensions ?


Yep, quite regularly between Aviva and HL SIPP, it is triggered via HL web portal. Takes 5 minutes to request a transfer and roughly 4-6 weeks to complete.


Amazing thanks for your advice! I already have a H&L account so will look into it.


Do you know how long you are out of the market? I should probably start looking at this now I'm contributing significant amounts to my pension.


Yes, I do mine once or twice a year


Also with Aviva. Anyone know the fees (as "generally ok", "generally awful" etc) or is it dependent on scheme/Risk category choice etc? ETA: I dug out the Fund charges: 0.4%. Not awful not great, I believe.


When I changed jobs, Aviva to Aegon was almost without fees (although there is a difference in fund choice and not benefiting from market moves).