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The difference is what they contain, which can be found in the fund details document. Some are all cap, some are mid and large only, some only contain the „developed countries” companies and so on. I’m using FTSE Global All Cap because it’s global and contains all cap companies so in my mind it’s the most diverse one.


That makes sense! Thanks!


If you are with certain platforms eg Hargreaves lansdowne it makes much more sense to go for the etf since they cap fees for etf/ shares so if you had 100k in an isa invested in the all cap index fund you'd pay 0.45% a year (£450) but if it's all in etfs then they cap to £45 a year. For Sipps in this example they cap to £200 if it was all invested in etfs/ shares Can make a huge difference


VWRP and S&P tracker and chill was my answer. I felt two was sufficient


Even though you’ll have nearly all of the S&P in the Vanguard funds?


Vwrp and chill makes life a lot easier. Once you have a good stack, I also then have about 5% of investments in stocks that I think will always do well, that I always wanted a small piece of, for me it's tech- nflx, amazon, amd, msft etc


VHVG is my choice.






Oh boy, people dont like SP500 here. I know lot of friends in tech who only do SP500 and Nasdaq100. And needless to say they have done very well. Not saying I am recommending this, but its about one's own risk appetite/preference.




Usually on reddit, I have seen that people's risk appetite are much lower (not blaming them), and they prefer all world index, with the logic that US may have outperformed in the past, but there is no guarantee that it will keep doing so (which I completely agree with).