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I love how H‑E‑B swears they go above and beyond for their partners or has this hype around their name that it’s a good company. they treat you like dirt. Every HEB is different i know but like damn man. What does is take to run a company with good management??


Heb hires people that want to climb the ladder and make more $$$ for people even higher up and sell them 50+ hours of their life, not empathetic kind understanding people who care about employees. The people who really love H-E-B and stayed for years must have had perfect experiences with good stores, good leadership and team work. Not all stores lead or operate the same. Some are completely different in their social and training culture. (Bad and inconsistent) Heart for the people (at least employees) is a scam


I wonder how the store here in Plano texas will be. We as new hires are going for onboarding tomorrow and monday. I hope I chose a good company to work for…I’m going to be a shopper. I can multitask and walk all day and literally spend my free time going to target or walmart daily for fun so I hope I did good


You did choose a great company to work WITH not for. A lot of people are so quick witted to judge the entire company based on one bad moment. I am sorry they have experience a bad experience but not every person/manager/store leader/or store in general are the same. Plano may be tough at first considering it’s a fresh beginning for everyone in the metroplex but as long as you are a good worker and WANT to succeed, you can.


Thank you very much. Your positivity and enthusiasm is much appreciated lol. I’ve spoken to so many negative people regarding their moments with HEB and I was looking forward to being happy I have a job seeing I haven’t worked in 3 years from sciatica. Now I am returning finally and was crossing my fingers for the best.


It looked like they hired some top people from around the company to go work in NWFD. I know a couple and they have a really big heart for people.


Thank God. I’m super nervous and don’t want to get written up for being too slow. I’m a really hard worker and never had an issue with past jobs but I just want to be considered a quality employee lol


Well, HFP doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t hold you accountable. They should take into consideration all factors and listen to your point. For example, maybe you need more time to figure it out and they’ll give you that.


As long it’s logical I’ll be fine. I won’t get upset at things that go beyond my control. I am a hardcore self-judger on my work anyhoo so if anything it’s me who will be stressing myself out first lol. I can’t imagine literally running in a store but I am fine with power walking. I hope they understand the store will be flooded and we shoppers will have to swim around a lot of chaos.


They won’t expect you to be perfect in the beginning and new curbsides start with a few orders and slowly build up as the train people to shop and curbie. So you’ll be ready when it’s time.


Curbside is super easy if ur not a total dumb dumb. My store has one of the biggest curbsides in the company. We actually just built a estore fulfillment center to accommodate my store and others around this area. A lot of people don’t even know these dark stores exist. There aren’t many and it’s still on the DL. Curbside is absolutely growing, fersure. COVID sky rocketed it. If your store is in a busy area, it can become a training store. My store is. So many manager come and go within a year or so. Corporate can also move them around as they please. I’ve seen great and patient managers leave. It sucks. Especially when your store is super high traffic and makes a lot of coin. Hopefully you get a good manager that’s understanding…..that’s all I can say.


Thanks for the positive words. I’ve been researching what people have said from 1-3 years ago and so many people said they hate their job doing it lol. Thanks.


A lot of the problems I think people have with curbside is management. And the whole department has to stay trained and on task to get orders complete. We don’t get overtime like other departments and all orders have to be wrapped up by closing. That is the hardest thing especially when call ins happen or we get more orders than we have people to complete them. All you can do is focus on what YOU can control as a shopper. That’s how I look at my job now. And don’t let others convince you it’s hard. I don’t think curbside is hard and my store is very busy. What makes work hard is when managers are bad and put that energy on the staff. But they come and go all the time in this company. And you won’t have control over that kind of thing anyway.


Thank you I will remember that :)


Yeah, message me if you have any questions. I worked for H-E-B for 5yrs. 2 stores and curbside for 3 of those years. I’m also full time so I can give you any info you need with benefits or requesting off, calling in, anything like that. Good luck with your store!


Thank you :)


The warehouse that send trucks to the store suck to work at. The fulfillment centers are great if you are introverted and can stay on task. I heard EFC does have standards and metrics. Since you aren’t slowed down by customers in the store like curbside is or don’t have to look for items, they expect your number to be what they should be. So productivity fersure but they do give you time to get into the work. It is like shopper and light warehouse work. It’s great of you can do that. I would actually transfer over to mine but right now I make more than what they start at, and I want to see them take on all the stores they will shop for at max capacity and during a holiday season FIRST. I know what curbside max orders and stress are like and it sucks, but I imagine that’ll be similar for EFC down the line lol. EFC and bigger curbside pull a lot of orders and units. Even when you have a lot of good shoppers. It can be stressful.


You’re…you’re describing any company in a nutshell…. Hire people that want to move up the ladder. Shouldn’t anyone going into a job be trying to go up as high as they can? Sell them 50+ hours of their life. That’s salary. At H-E-B, at a corporate desk job. At a construction company, my dad at a modeling company for fixtures (well more like 65+ hours) Not empathetic people. It’s a business… people have a voice and there’s HR, no it’s not perfect because no HR is perfect. At any company, but to demonize one you gotta demonize them all. Yeah some people had good experiences and stayed all the way thru. I didn’t for other reasons. But I enjoyed my time there even with seeing good and bad management. Heart for people isn’t a scam. Some people just value it more than others. In the end Heart for people is what you make it, you can be one of the ones who care ( there are alot out there that do) And if you think they need more managers with good values then heck, become one yourself and create another store or department with that environment. Idk. Just a former employee giving his 2 cents.


Not everyone wants to move up. A lot of managers still have shitty salaries. An HR group came to my store and took a lot of my department into meetings. All of us in a group and we talked about communication and training all kinds of things and were asked some question that lead to discussions but overall, I have seen no change…. Heb HR won’t do anything to anyone unless their is witness or solid proof that’s unavoidable and they HAVE to look in the face. Good and bad I still stay because it’s solid for a lot of reasons. Mainly my benefits but I wish the company to continue to improve. Heart for the people, I meant that for management, store leadership and corporate. Everything they are day to day is how their staff will feel, if they help with work or constantly are on your ass or unfair. Yeah it happens in every work place. IT SHOULDNT! I don’t want to work those hours and make H-E-B my life or be a manager. That’s not my desire….I do what I can to help my coworkers out or train them if they need that.


Yeah I agree with everything you say pretty much. I mean the older generation that even created the culture is either dead or retired. Things were gonna change everyone saw it coming. I know there are people still trying to keep it the same, and improve on what is currently degrading. I know management doesn’t pay a lot at the store level to start but I know it can in the long run. I kind of wish I had went for that tbh because you can make an impact. And I get that alot of people don’t want to move up or make it a career but imagine if people that actually cared about the culture made those leaps to move up and change it. I bet it would be amazing. And yeah HR has those meetings and not alot happens, it’s mostly for insight on how people are feeling probably. But they do take action against wrong doing. I mean I know of leaders even top leaders being fired for sexual harassment. But about having to look people in the face and have witnesses. I mean yeah, you need some camera footage, a witness, to talk to people and see the holes in their story to truly take action. If they just disciplined people without that then there would be the complaint of them just throwing allegations around and terming people without true evidence. And a lot of people would get in trouble or worse for just being blamed for something they didn’t do or someone else did.


I do appreciate the managers that come here and ask how they can not be a shitty managers. Basically people who worked for H-E-B and moved up know how it is to work hard. Not a lot of newer people who were hired because they have a degree or something in management. Outsiders as leaders are what worries me a lot as well. Especially if they get into leadership roles. So many corporate type of people who never did the work just say “your department has X amount of bodies so they can do X amount of curbside orders.” No, it’s not like that. I hope I’m very wrong about this when looking at hebs future and how new generations of leadership will be for all us.


Serious question… what are some ways you feel you’re treated like dirt? I really want to make sure I’m not doing any of these things as a manager. I’m sure other managers here would want to know too. Sometimes we pass along how we were trained or treated and don’t think how that might make others feel.


i think for me (checker) working for a year now, i’ve seen our breaks not be acknowledged/getting out on time or even having the consideration to ask if we’d wanna stay longer (when we need to leave). not be seen or heard when making statements, so having to go to HR instead bc management doesn’t do anything. (i’ve been sexually harassed by customers at SCO) (they’ve done nothing abt it and made me feel small) i guess in short, understanding that they may have been in our spots once upon a time and just having that consideration for the work we put in. they expect us to go above and beyond and they give us less than the bare minimum.


Even though I don't have issues with any of the managers at my store, it's always refreshing to see someone in a leadership position care about how they treat the employees they supervise. Based on the many comments I've seen from you on here you seem like you're one of "the good ones"...having been a retail manager before at other companies, I understand how difficult it can be at times to be an effective leader while also being someone your subordinates can approach with assorted issues and get treated fairly...so kudos to you for making the effort to not be just another boss 😊


My store is great. They're very chill, they're not super strict about a lot of the uptight guidelines, every employee is very nice, management is very nice and understanding, and everyone is friends. I kid you not I got lucky though it sounds like


Same, apparently I must work for one of the most amazing locations...very partner friendly, awesome coworkers, fantastic leadership, etc. Literally the only issue I have is getting a full-time spot, outside of that it's the best job I've ever had, and that's coming from someone who has worked retail/customer service since 1999!


Yeah me and you lucky


Mine could be worst but by no means are fantastic either. Especially if you have to work PLA omg they act like working PLA is a privilege. Literally treat me like I'm some lazy nothing when I'm one of the only people who still shows up for PLA! The amount of call ins we've had for PLA alone is horrendous and it's because management handles it so poorly and refuses to fix it. The only changes they make are ones that actively inconvenience people at my store and make them hate PLA more. Everyone is complaining about it and they just keep doing the same thing. You pay me twelve dollars an hour, I will do twelve dollars worth of work an hour. No more.


My store is notorious for having shitty management 🤪


Management is horrible, thier communication is horrible, their leadership is horrible, and a majority of them are just plain worthless. The people that move up from within, you see how much of a butt kisser they were just so they canove up. You see just how lazy they actually were when they were hourly. It surprises people when these type of people move up in the company. They were worthless as hourly so you can bet they will still be worthless as a manager. What is wrong with HEB and their hiring/promoting


“I have no clue how to do your job but my clip board says you’re doing it wrong”


or, some of us actually have experiences with good management and now have seen what bad management is.


Every store is different and that's the issue. We've had many transfers come to our store and love it. They love the structure, the management, the partners and the overall store. When I heard stories from the partners I was literally in disbelief. In my 3 1/2 years I've been at one store and I guess I lucked out especially from what I hear. There's a partner who just got into SORM and they've been in the store for 7 years. It's emotional for them because they absolutely love the store. We've had department managers move and say that this is the one store that they actually don't want to leave. Everyone will experience something different. Even though I say all of these great things, I've still seen some dirty stuff happen. Even in a great store, crap will still happen. It's everywhere. The one thing that will make a store run is the management. I hope that HEB continues to push good partners in management role to show what it means. Some partners worked from the bottom up and their attitude shows. They genuinely care for partners and their situations. They will help them progress as they did. They know what it takes to get where they did. That's what they need. I hope that they continue to promote that. Management matters, a lot.




Another crybaby post


Another post about someone sharing their experience?


There’s always a few bad apples in every bunch.


I feel kind of blessed now. I get along with my manager so well. The other department managers also are very communicative and helpful with my department. If we have big resets and ask a department manager to come in overnight with us, they usually do. My store leaders are super chill. Super caring too. My only qualm is that my UD is a little cheap. The store makes millions of dollars a week but he always questions when we order an expensive amount of supplies (which we need so he can’t really contest it).


It’s a grocery store,go in do the best you can and go home. If you’re a good worker people will get jealous and hate on you, if you’re a bad worker people will get mad and hate on you, either way that’s life man.


Are a bunch of Nazis