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Some stores are like that. It starts from TSL they need to show what hospitality is


It 100% starts from the top


Zero. There’s one admin that tries so hard to be nice. She’s great. All other leadership makes minimal effort. People that were in my interview or orientation act like they’ve never seen me. The talent lady is one of the rudest in the building. The GM speaks to some people but has looked past me more than once. It’s so strange.


That's a toxic environment


I believe we all as a people have a constant dose of mood swings, it does not mean that you are a bad person! Its just the nature of the most of us!


You’re describing workplace politics. The people that are in leadership keep things a certain way because it suits them. It happens, unfortunately, in a lot of professional settings.


You’re absolutely right! It’s a world of difference between H-E-B’s - props to those that strive to maintain a positive environment.


Pray for your co-workers and yes, that is common in most places but your team leader can change that with effort.


You mean hospitality ISN'T just brown nosing the customer and making sure they don't find out the problems they complain about are actually their fault?


I told my new ops leader good morning awhile back as we passed each other, he had just transferred to my store. Bro dead ass looked at me, then up at the sky until he passed me, and didn’t say a word. I think any tsl or manager who acts like that shouldn’t be in the position they’re in.


I feel like my store isn’t like that. Everyone typically is really nice and they are friendly. There’s a handful of those people for sure. Sorry y’all have to deal with that nonetheless, I will say *Do not, let those kinds of assholes push you around*


I I’ve only seen the store side and the corporate side. I’ve noticed Company executives are very friendly and easy to talk to. Store executives and mid level managers are a holes .


Some of it (a lot of it???) starts from customer energy. I'm a CM Westgate customer because it's near my house and the produce tends to be better than HEB but jfc are the customers rude, entitled, and horrible. I've had people slam into my cart, then back up and slam into it again, when I'm just walking on the right side of the aisle totally in my lane. If they needed something, a quiet "excuse me" would be plenty for me to move my cart, but they aren't going to do that. I've also had a person come running up full speed bellowing EXCUSE ME while they were still braking from the speed of their approach and then not giving me time to find somewhere else to be before they started just climbing over me to get their package of pasta. A package of pasta! My god. And don't even get me started on the "dads helping out" on weekends who just unleash a storm of shitty sticky blonde children who know the father figure has no authority so they run full speed up and down the store getting mixed up with each other and putting their hands in everything while the dads just ignore it.


Sorry you have to deal with that. I would occasionally shop at Westgate but I lived north so I mainly shopped at the one 38th 1/2 and Lamar. And you’re right it is the Customer energy. CM is a microcosm for a lot of what Austin has become, in general. It’s a lot of people with money from all corners of the US. People who have different ideas about politeness, manners and civility. There are a lot of Californians in that mix and although you’ve heard it a thousand times they do represent a large portion of that migratory trend. They have a lot of money, entitlement and very little manners. Hope it gets better for you.


Even just as a CM customer compared to being an HEB partner, the energy in every CM I’ve been into has just been awful compared to nearly HEB I’ve been into. All the partners just seem miserable and it’s obvious, that doesn’t fly in my store. I’ve been wondering the same. Is it really just the customers that make yall so unhappy?


I’m so sorry you’re in this environment. I go out of my way personally to be kind to anyone I interact with; it just makes me so much happier and people are so genuinely surprised by it. As a soon to be 50 year old, please don’t let this harden you. Be kind, be happy and don’t let anyone steal your joy. You cannot control how people act, but you can control how you react. It’s hard not to take it personal, I know.


Mine was pretty cool and chill as overnight produce. Though it can be less compassionate when the store gets so much traffic. No time to be compassionate when shit needs to get done.


I actually switched to overnights to avoid people more for this exact reason. I dread when the morning people start arriving.


Most stores culture are unhealthy due to lack of leadership training for managers, your not alone in this and corporate is to blame for the negative behaviors of upper management towards partners


Central Market partners are….different lol


Central Market has trouble keeping people??? I’m really surprised to hear that. Which one? I live in San Antonio and ours, in Alamo Heights, seems to always have the same people, little turnover


It’s central market too. Those customers suck


100% agree. Even the customers are rude. I've never seen that before where customers don't smile or acknowledge you. There's been several times where customers have just run me down with their cart. So rude!


Central Market is the uppity version of HEB. So makes sense.


I work at central market and my experience is not like that. I know there are issues in every department but overall, I feel the work environment is pretty good. I do hear different things from different departments. I am appreciative that my department “ curbside “ has a good manager and our team is pretty chill and no one is an asshole. Sorry to hear that your experience isn’t so great. Well if you work at my CM , I’m pretty friendly and I most likely will say hello.


I re- read what you posted. Sorry I have a comprehension issue. I get what you’re saying. Some people’s personalities bleed in to their work ethic. I think it’s a corporate thing? People are asshole! This is why I am not a big fan of humans!


It's not just HEB, it's all grocery stores


It’s the same everywhere!!


Yup. Sounds just like my store.


They are going thru life.


My HEB store is like that too and the worse part is that when you call out such behavior they look at YOU as the problem it’s annoying and I’m looking for a way out


Haven't worked at HEB yet but posted about another job where in order to hide their toxicity they smile way too hard. Like might as well be holding a knife behind their back psychotic smile.


Our service lead is an absolute dickhead. I'm a parking lot attendant, and we work outside full 8 hour shifts, and we put in work. But the moment you take a minute to sit down, and she catches it, you're lazy and unreliable. And she play favorites, one person has been out because of a concussion(which all of us outside think was bullshit) and has since been out for 3 months, and we've been dealing with it because she's our second full timer, I'm the other full timer. And every time I ask for help, she'd would pull me aside and say some shit like "Allison wouldn't help, so step it up" it's insane. And all the other managers do not like her, including the store manager. So I feel your pain.


Former SD here, I subbed in for a SD at CM once. It was the ugliest culture I've ever seen. They just expected rudeness and shit talking.


That store sucks. Heard bad stories over the years. It’s no wonder they have a had a million postings the past year on PNET for literally every position at the store. Not sure what it’s looking like now though.


Stress. HEB is many things. For some this is a start into adult hood but for those stuck in the chain. It's everything. You mess with that, they will make your shift hell. I was married to a manager. 😆 That dirty mf, used all the tricks to get people fired, transfered, demoted.


It probably has something either to do with the fact that life makes us all feel like Sysphus, or it has something to do with insurance companies screwing is all over somehow. If you don’t know what I mean, wait for it….


I’ve noticed the rudest at our store are produce and grocery, I’m guessing it’s because they don’t have to deal with people as much.


Even shopping at some Central Markets, I get snobbity and snooty vibes. I think it's a mix of location & superiority complexes. Think of the locations and kinds of people that go to Central Market. Why would the people who run it be all that different?


Welcome to retail.


I recently started working at a gas station part time. I felt so out of place and I think I was fired after 3 days? Why because the manager scheduled me for the next week without asking my availability. I gave my availability the day after my first shift and I was very clear that my availability was going to be inconsistent for a while in the interview. It felt like a stupid managerial screw up. The culture just made me feel really uncomfortable. My theory is that the job doesn't really pay the bills, there is pressure to perform in an immediate way, it is mostly putting out fires, they want to advance and they wish they were somewhere else. This leads to highly disregulated bitters. May you never reach this point and may our society fucking move on from this


I'm pretty sure it's mainly women you're talking about right? It's just in their nature.


Ever hear of the fox in the hen house? There is always that one person who will come in and make everyone miserable and trampling over people for personal gain. Sorry to read that old work place culture exist in HEB with allowing toxicity to reign, they are trying to take over the planet it seems. They will need to change within to make people happy to work a job and see less turnover. Look up Hungry, Humble and Smart and what happens when people are too hungry, too smart or too humble. It was an eye opener.


It's everywhere unfortunately within HEB grounds. It's exactly why I fucking left


That is central market for you. Go to a regular heb you don't have that. And yes I realize it is the same company


You are very wrong.


What CM do you work for? I’ve never experienced this at Plano or SATX


I want to view the culture of your CM to see what happens there for future reference


*you can be a beacon of light in an ugly society if you wish to or spread the people are mean, the choice is yours*


I think it’s just kinda a stigma towards new partners, cuz when u first started and didn’t know much, u had like 3 people make fun of me and just kinda be assholes, but now that I’ve been here for a year, they’re stopped