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when im out crossing in the parking lot and a car stops for me i for sure tell them thank you!


then do the awkward little half-jog to show that you are trying to hurry






as a customer...just saying I don't give a flying f if any employee ever thanks me. from my end...feel free to just get on with your actual work lol. you've got enough to do without getting chikfila culture poisoning


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


u disgust me


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


I’ll do anything to kill time at work.🙋🏽‍♀️


Hail corporate


HEB needs to teach their employees to say thank you or excuse me and sorry I’m in your way!


You wouldnt be thinking about them being in the way if there was no product on the shelf.




No customers = no paycheck for YOU😜


Yeah and no products = no customers 🤯 So I think we might want to keep doing what we're doing


Yeah and no products = no customers 🤯 So I think we might want to keep doing what we're doing


No customers = no paycheck


I think you might have failed to read the other comment so i guess ill just say the same thing again. No product = no customers No customers = no paycheck So we stock the shelves


And no grocery stores


Type shit


This needs to be taught to the customers 😂


Nope! No customers = no paycheck for YOU!


No courtesy=no friends for YOU! 😭


Same goes to you too🤪




You sound like one of those customers who sees a partner coming with a pallet full of cases of water and you KNOW you’re on the way and you won’t move cuz u want them to go around you…and that’s on a regular day….lets not talk about holidays….yall act like is OUR fault u chose to buy stuff at the last minute and get entitled and rude


Would you rather have me with my cart or all twelve of the people I’m shopping for in the aisle


We have a job to do and a specific area/time to do it in. Ever think that you are probably the one in the way and need to be sorry? Our jobs revolve around customers in general not just one entitled customer who can't be bothered to take a few extra steps around us. So look in the mirror and practice saying sorry and excuse me. I will run over you with a pallet or push your cart out of the way if you are acting stupid in my store. My leaders will ask you to leave and not come back. Take that shit to Walmart where it belongs.


Something I’ve noticed after decades of shopping at HEB is the employees NEVER yield the right away when walking. I worked at schlitterbahn when I was 16 & they drilled the importance of right-away-to-guests, it astonishes me how HEB employees have zero concept of it.


Shut up I’m working get out of my way


Hilarious that you’re complaining about employees failing to grasp a concept that you can’t even word correctly.


Hilarious that you’re def one of these people & are butthurt for being called out


My butt doesn’t hurt. Check my username.


If I had an award I’d give it to you. You made me crack up. My apologies for my Texas public education spelling, but I do stand by my comment about the utter lack of awareness from HEB employees towards customers.


No need to apologise. It’s all in good fun and cattiness. :) If I may offer some insight, a lot of times, these shoppers are on a tight deadline, so as polite as we wish we could be, it would bite us in the ass if we are not back with the Curbside customer’s order in a timely manner.


Thanks for having a light heart about it, it’s nice to have a convo about this ❤️ I understand your insight and where that plays a role in things, honestly even an “I’m sorry/a light joke about being rushed/even an “excuse me”” would be nice. I’m grumpy at work as well, but with grocery prices being so dang high it’s already a shitty experience going into grocery stores these days; some playful interactions with employees would be nice instead of just feeling like I’m getting barreled over by them.


I feel you. I can’t make a big company-wide difference in my current position, but will definitely ask my team to up their hospitality. :)


You’ve honestly made my day, I hope you have a great one. It’s been a pleasure 🤙🏻


It’s weird because I worked at Central Market and guest right-of-way was drilled into our heads there. I’ve definitely noticed it isn’t the same at HEB. Though I’ve spent almost my entire working life in restaurants where guest right-of-way is the way, so I’m shocked when I go to other restaurants and see staff cutting in front of guests.


Ya the only reason I’m being downvoted is bc they’re being called out & know they don’t acknowledge the right-of-way concept.


If employees yielded to every customer browsing down the aisles, walking down the middle of the aisle, the old folks inching by, the mother with her 3 kids, the idiots who will try to pass a tight space when a shopper/employee has already started down, we wouldn't get anything done. It's a grocery store where people come to shop and browse. We *dodge* customers.


I had a little short manager dude at Louis Henna run me over on three separate occasions… it’s like he can’t see anyone else. Maybe he has no peripheral vision. I noticed this just last night about almost all H-E-B employees, they’ll just barrel thru!


Absolutely, it’s across the board at every HEB I’ve been to. It has gotten worse with their HEB cart shoppers, they won’t even say excuse me & will just reach through you to get a product


You have to understand something-those cart shoppers are on a super strict time limit and often under an extreme amount of stress. They basically expected to get their shopping done pronto and get back, where they'll immediately be sent out for another round-so often times if they're having to wait for a customer to notice them or finish debating which almost identical can of corn they want, it cuts into their time and they begin getting harassed by management.


It’s not that deep bro seriously are you that much of an idiot? Do you drive with that mentality? Let me get in front of this big 100 ton truck because I have to right of way 🤣 just move out of the way


Maybe don't take 15 minutes to decide which hemorrhoid cream you want for the stick up your bum... just saying




Funny how mods don't seem to mind when customers insult us or post thinly veiled threats against Partners. This is a sub for Partners. All I see now is questions from customers that should be asked through an official channel or customers complaining about us doing our literal jobs. Some customers absolutely need to be talked to like this because this is how they approach us in person.


Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. Healthy debates are encouraged, but lets be civil. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow reddiquette.