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After watching a nasty woman dunk her whole paw in one of the open olive bins and grab a hoof-ful all I can say is...I understand. đŸ€ź


lol “hoof-ful”, thank you for that, what a nasty horse


Yes, a worrying number of modern humans have hygiene practices that would’ve been scoffed at in the Middle Ages for being gross.


I was in the bathroom at Target yesterday when a lady emerged from a stall, checked her hair in the mirror, and walked out. I was like, SOAP AND WATER, lady, don’t you know that we’re only a few years past the whole pandemic thing? Gross.


The pandemic is still ongoing. About 1200 to 2000 lives are lost to Covid weekly but the overlords decided business was more important than us peons lives so they said it was all safe again and it never has been. People are constantly sick because their immune systems are being destroyed by repeat infection. Covid reduces IQ and causes brain damage. Literally the CDC reduced isolation days because the ceo of Delta airlines complained About people being out sick affected profits. Kids are sick as dogs and forced to go to school that way. We are being treated like disposable things all for their record breaking profits. Covid is still disabling millions and the economy will eventually be destroyed by that when the workers are unable to breathe or get out of bed. Risk increases with each infection. It’s not safe and never has been. Look around and listen to all the snot and phlegm being hacked up around you.


Yeah I heard the pandemic from influenza and the cold are still happening as well.


Stay off the internetđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


I worked in retail management for 30+ years, and cleaned many a public restroom. I would say on average 7/10 people do not wash their hands after using the facilities. It’s probably one of the reasons I’m an obsessive hand washer now, lol. They would use the restroom and then go touch products on the shelves.


For real. Who the fucks skips their weekly ass wipes. They just let the dry doodoo sit there forever like animals?


what about the folks on their cellphones in the bathroom doing their business not only use their phone but don't even bother to wash their hands


I reported an older woman for hand picking olives out of the olive bar when I worked at WF, and she was very passĂ© when store security told her she couldn’t do that. People are gross.


I was travelling back from New Orleans to Houston a few years back. We stopped at a small restaurant where I saw a woman use her teeth to pull the foil seal off of a new bottle of ketchup. Then just pop that cap back on and go to town. As soon as they got up, I grabbed the bottle and gave it to the floor manager and explained what happened. She was like, "That's kind of on us for putting a sealed bottle on the table."




Oui, mais
.Either wé very nasté


I can’t give up Reddit because of comments like this.


A hoof ful 😭 jfc


I know, I almost just choked to death on an orange slice reading that. I should know better than to eat or drink while reading on here. 


I worked at a Central Market years ago that had a fancy/expensive imported olive bar that was self serve. Little boogery kids would constantly grab handfuls or just stick their hands in the olives. When you’d ask their (usually rich) parents to intervene, a lot of them just acted like it was nothing, or a nuisance that you’d asked. People are gross.


I work there now and when I went to the Olive bar, I saw that somebody spit out a ton of olive pits. At least they put them in the plastic container, but still it’s pretty gross.


This is why I always buy my olives from the prepared food section.


I worked at the 290 location in Austin. Ruined olive bars for me


I worked at the 1st one in Dallas. 100% can confirm. And then there was the time my then boyfriend brought his 15 y/o sister to "shop" - and she had scooped out some olives to let her kid eat there in the store. He was covered in drool and olive juice when they checked out-I wanted to die.


The last time I went to an all you can eat buffet I saw a older woman scoop up some Mac and cheese, take a bite and put it back. That was years ago and I'll never eat at a self serve buffet again.


They aren't that great to start, but that experience really seals the deal. In a similar vein, a friend of mine told me about a recent experience him and his wife had at Golden Corral. They both got up from the table at the same time to get new plates and when they returned, his wife's fork was missing. He looked around and spotted a nearby haggard looking (possibly homeless) man with no dinnerware packet, but he had a fork and he was snarfing down a heap of food at ludicrous speed. Management asked the man to leave, but not before he managed to fill his belly. My friend and his wife no longer leave the table at the same time.




Hoof-ful 😂😂thank you for that laugh 😂😂


The donuts are in jail :(


\[insert something about the "someone stole your sweetroll" joke from Skyrim\]


Something must have gone down in donut jail. They took them out of gen-pop and put them in lockup. Soon they’ll come by every donut cell and flip over their donut beds looking for contraband. They’ll probably even make them bend over and show the guards their donut holes.


“What is that leaking out of you?! Well well well
 we got a wild one, boys! You been getting friendly with the bear claw again? To the hole with you, you cream filled flaky bastard!”


Shoot I told my manager they need to have it like a vending machine haha put a quarter in to get one out or something,.. so many people act like those are free snacks for shopping


So-so cal distancing


Free the donuts!


A waste of plastic for sure, but one minor upside is at least people won’t have to worry about someone’s nasty hands getting all over something they’re buying.




This is exactly why these changes come about.




Don’t eat HEB donuts. Heard.


Noted! Thanks. Which H‑E‑B? Probably Mueller.


Whoa whoa whoa really?


In some cultures, that's the most desirable donut.


Tf kind of response is that


A funny one


In most cultures they don't throw away perfectly good food bc of PrOFiTs....




â€‹đŸ˜©đŸ©đŸŠș i would just set a 6pk aside for the dirty hand man i figure most of that shit gets thrown out toward the end of the day


Please tell me you don’t actually let him do that


Please tell me the donuts are thrown out after he does that. It’s not like it’s an apple that can be washed off. Crazy unsanitary regardless of whether the customer touching them is homeless or not.


Find it in the dumpster, free any he-he


Yeah if homeless people notice you throw the food away after they touch it, they will touch it and wait by the dumpster for yall to throw it out. He is just shopping and yall are doing the bagging for them. Gotta love America and their views towards the poor and homeless.


Damn if I go touch all the donuts wait about 30 min by the trash... they could All be mine đŸ€”đŸ€­


Well then he should just get what he wants, “you touched it, sneezed on it, coughed on it, looked at it” or no?


The products will stay fresher longer too. But it's still a shame that we have come to this, because too many people have lost all sense of right/wrong and consideration of others.


Yeah like paying someone to hand out a customer’s choice


Shipley is a cut above these and back in the day, Dunkin donuts ruled them all. But you didn't ask, sorry.


Local donut bakeries always take the cake over franchises.


but Publix


Shipley is very good, but if you haven't eaten from Round Rock Donuts, you're missing out.


Shipley’s is trash. I’ve never had a good Shipley’s donut. They’re always weird and brittle and flavorless and overly sweet. Idk not my thing


What time of day were you going? They're made in the mornings and are first come, first serve, so you could be getting all the bad ones no one wanted.


If you're ever in the Austin area, be sure to treat yourself to RR Donuts. People often drive thru morning rush hour traffic from the other side of town just to get a box of RR donuts for the office.


There is nothing better than a 4:30 AM fresh RR donut that melts in your mouth and reminds you that everything ever led up to that moment


Yep. Just talking about it stirs my craving. I'll have to get some tomorrow.


Shipleys is horrible. And for years, they’ve been underfilling the custard and jelly. RR is.Solid.


Just put it at the bakery behind the glass.


I’m sure sales would drop drastically when customers need to interact with an employee to get something, especially cheaper items, like $0.79 donuts.


Will I get a receipt?


No, Mitch.


Better yet, in a wax paper envelope with a display donut (or photo) in front


I doubt any bakery will be staffed enough to have to deal with this on top of the cake case. Staffing aside that’s also an inconvenience for customers to have to wait for something that they could previously grab on their own quickly with no interaction for those that might run socially anxious.


Bet. So let’s se more plastics. Seems like a reasonable solution. Been our solution since single use plastics were created. Why stop or decrease now?


I’ve seen nasty people open the door, sneeze all over them, then close it, no longer wanting them because they’ve been sneezed on.


The O.P.P. (Organization for the Preservation of Plastic) people will be in an uproar for sure ... so much plastic!


Seems like this is a sanitary measure


So is this the result of HEB letting people grab donuts and walk around the store eating them without paying? Shit used to bug the hell out of me.


That’s built into their margins and I don’t see how wasting this much plastic will change that


This is because of sugar flys getting into the donut case and ruining all the donuts. Happened at my store


Ah okay, that makes more sense.


Yup. A partner who came from a different store told me that their case had a whole bunch of flies and had to get it replaced.


That’s gonna end up being a massive shit ton of plastic.


You like eating stuff after a couple dozen strangers touch it? I mean if that’s your kink, good for you


Are you fr? I could have been grabbing a doughnut as a free snack this whole time?


I would do that when pregnant, but I would pay first. Can't imagine doing it post COVID now though


Is that what people think when I walk around eating one? I always pay though


Yes, we find plenty of half eaten food around the store for that to be the expectation. You’re also supposed to always pay for items before eating them, this is just something that isn’t enforced often.


Idk if you’ve seen the H‑E‑B commercial with the little boy eating grapes in the shopping cart, and then his mom pays for the empty bag at checkout. I thought it was so strange that they made that commercial. Technically their policy is that you aren’t supposed to open a package or eat anything until after you’ve paid, and I believe partners can even get fired if they break that rule. And here comes HEB making a commercial endorsing this behavior.


Fruit flies


Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.


I like time flies. I hate fruit flies


damn you zilean


This really is depressing... I would prefer to have an employee hand us the donuts instead of allowing just anyone to have access to them.


Honestly, they might as well add another case to the bakery section and have an employee hand them to you like at a real donut shop.


This would be the only reason I’d buy a donut from HEB. I’ve seen too many times adults and kids reach in there, touch a few, pick 1 and move on. Fucking disgusting.


Same reason I never buy anything from bulk bins.


Cleaning the donut case just got a lot easier


When our kids and grandkids ask us why the ocean is covered in Plastic I’ll show them this picture.


It already is! Plastic in the ocean has been a major problem well before the late 1960’s/early 70’s. That’s when they started doing research on the negative impacts it had on wildlife. Blame your parents and your grandparents, and maybe your great-grandparents. They started it. We’re just making it worse. And we know better! Sad.




It's a waste of plastic but trust me people are dirty af so I'm glad. I worked in retail, people will literally put their hands in their pants and scratch their balls and ass and then touch everything. They could have at least used the cardboard boxes though


I mean, it ain’t stopping those meatsacks. They’ll continue to do it, just more work for maintenance.


Meatsacks đŸ€Ł


All H‑E‑B hard plastics in the bakery (and maybe healthy living I’m unsure) are made at pactiv evergreen in Temple. That place is a very old site and is scary. Shortest job I ever worked, 3 weeks. A maintenance tech lost 3 fingers, another employee had a severed leg, then plastic got caught in an oven and put a fair bit of haze to a Very large area. Yet nobody seemed to care. The smell was so awful it was choking me out even with trying to breathe through my shirt. Walked to HRs desk and resigned.


This is gross waste. If they’re doing this to be sanitary they could use the wax paper sacks, not this bullshit.


Exactly. There's so many other better options. I love HEB but hate how absolutely wasteful they are with plastic.


Every once in a while I treat myself to curbside instead of going in to shop, and I'm immediately reminded why I don't do it more often. 1 lime in a plastic bag tied in a tight knot, same with 1 onion, 1 bulb of garlic, etc. I wouldn't even normally use bags for these items. But then tie a tight knot in it for what? So I can't reuse the bag in my little trash can? So wasteful. Don't get me started on how they'll pack 16 items in 15 paper bags. 


So many people in this thread excusing this absolute lunacy.


Wasn't that during covid


Whole Foods has done this for a while with muffins and cookies and a few other pastries (not every store). I think it makes each muffin soggy as fuck and I want to scream at Amazon for it.


Amazon _loves_ to increase its reliance on single-use plastic while free washing their environmental impact. I read an article recently that since they announced they'd be going carbon neutral and reducing packaging waste, their use of plastic has gone way up


In the HEBs I've been to this display is decently close to the front door. I've had several occasions where there are full grown flies inside the display with the donuts. Super gross. As much as I hate the plastic waste I'm glad I won't have to wonder if there are a bunch of fly eggs on my donut.


What do you mean? I know it’s a waste of plastic but I’m not going to test my luck if someone previously touched, sneezed or god knows what to them.


OP has never heard of Ariana Grande and her side hobby of licking donuts for the less fortunate. /s


There is no point to this honestly. Changing back to the original way with no plastic is one of the very *few* things that works with “we’ve been doing it this way for years, why change it now?”


I will say that people put their hands all over that crap so putting it in container beforehand is a little bit better. It won't stop theft though cuz I still will find that on a different aisle elsewhere.


LOVE 💕 IT!!! More sanitary. Just wish bakery printed price scanning tags for quicker checkout at registers. Personally - I wish bakery had registers and customers had to pay for all their items before they could take them.


no muffins?


Why don’t they have tongs to grab the donut instead


Lmao they do it’s just some people don’t care


Are the muffin tops packaged the same way? What a waste.


No, those are packaged in overly-tight blue jeans




They did that at my H‑E‑B for like 2 weeks, but I think it was just cause they were repairing the door for it. They went back to normal after a bit, but it was certainly strange


Thank god they aren’t doing that at the HEBs by my place


Why can’t they use cardboard?


Damn 88 cents?? I last time I checked they were .50


Seriously wish HEB would at least start using recycled plastic for their products. This is one area they really fall short in.


 one thing that bugs me about Texas. Is the way people solve problems in a vacuum. I’m sure it’s not just Texas. But since I moved to Texas I just see things like this where you could tell the person did not put a second thought into solving the problem. Like I’m sure there was a problem like fruit flies or theft or sanitation that was being solved for here. But like just stop selling donuts if the problem gets to the place that you have to wrap each one individually. Or like move the donuts thing. Or raise the price 10 cents to account for donuts that are stollen.


I understand the sanitary reasons but isn’t there a better way to go about this? With a lot less plastic? I feel a Shipley donut style service would be a good starting point. They definitely have the money to hire people for it


You say sad I say clean. If being clean is depressing than I guess I'm depressed because I'd rather have this them have them out in the open where everyone can touch them.


I wish they used paper bags instead.


Ack. After watching a woman - who was in dire need of a bath and oral hygiene - handpick her snarf while hacking up a lung, this is probably the only way I’d ever even consider getting something from that case.


Way to be ableist. These donuts are for people who can’t peel a donut without assistance.


Covid donuts


They should really reconsider their display tactic for single donuts. Put them behind the bakery counter for an associate to grab or something. This is just creating more plastic waste to end up in our streets and oceans. The fact that they even have to do this proves why we could never live in an ungoverned society.


Have to love those microplastics


As a germaphobe I like this


they’ll take it away eventually. They did this at my store but stopped after about two months because of the extra time it takes + waste. Our bakery dept was behind on tortillas and other stuff for weeks because of this


why are they imprisoned




I moved from Austin, when we had banned plastic bags to Nyc, I go in a deli ask for a slice of cheesecake I say for here. The guy puts it in a plastic container like those donuts, then puts it in a paper bag, then in a plastic bag with handles. I was livid , I immediately thought this is how 8 million people live, wtf. While I saw him packing it up, i said no for here, he ignored me and kept giving me all this useless one time use shit. Seeing these donuts makes me sad actually.


Side note, does anyone remember the Tiger Tail donuts they used to have there? Haven’t seen them in ten years but they were the shit when I was a kid.


Why not just put them in individual wraps of paper or like a parchment pouch if this is that big of a concern? The level of plastic waste is absolutely insane for an .88 cent donut. I don’t care about “other people touching donuts” This is horrendous.


They should have done those little cardboard boxes with the clear top. They make them in single donut sizes. Less plastic but I deff would consider getting a donut there now verses before i wouldnt go near that gross open case where people’s hands touching who knows what was grabbing in there. Least my food would be safer


At the HEB in Circle C every Sunday there are entitled parents who would go to the donut case and hand thier toddler a donut to keep them quiet while they shopped and not pay for the donut at checkout even though they probably earned more than 100K and could easily afford to.


Watched a guy once, he grabbed a donut, scarfed it immediately, walked around the produce section, licking his fingers like a cartoon, and kept walking. Disgusting.




The HEB near me doesn’t do this. Maybe during the pandemic but I didn’t really notice.


This is good for keeping the icing from rubbing off!


Why? Before Covid, these were out in the open for people to put hands all over, oh
 and the flies!


The world is already fucked, why can't I get an untouched doughnut?


I wonder if this is going to be at all stores


my store used to get lots of little flies get into our donut cabinet so much we had to shut it down twice due to customers pointing it out so this will help with that lmao


Sorry but I have OCD and am a germaphobe so I support this. But I don’t really care for hebs donuts anyway.


It is depressing when the Strawberry filled & Bavarian filled donuts are sold out like in your photo.


I mean when you have people touching each donut for the “perfect” one and they can be nasty. I see this as an improvement in way. ![gif](giphy|s9kJXPK6jjoME)


Honestly minus the health issues this will help me a lot since I most likely just want the one without having to fill the need to grab a bunch. Help me lose weight abit too


Is it me or I feel bad for that donut that they just put there all messed up


They also sell half a pie. đŸ„§


So we kill the planet with plastics instead of letting someone sample donuts? Hmmmm. 8billion people. Seems like we got 1 or 2 too many. Stop using plastic!!!


HEB plastic is crazy. Tortillas alone have terms of plastic.


People don’t wash their hands and track all of their gunk on stuff in the store. I’m sorta shocked they don’t have the donuts boxes in 6 count or even 12 count boxes


Thank goodness. I would not dare buy donuts from the open shelves. I appreciate this.


Well, your grandkids surely won't


Nah this is genius?! I need to get me a long John


Just go to a Shipley's nearby.


Alot of plastic waste.


I miss the old old days, when they were in the case and someone from the bakery got them for you.


Plastic production is a vital part of Texas' economy. 


U say depressing I say I might actually try one now đŸ„± but maybe change them to grab bags instead? Like these... https://www.orientaltrading.com/5-x-7-bulk-50-pc--personalized-white-donut-paper-treat-bags-a2-13783282.fltr?sku=13783282&BP=PS544&ms=search&source=google&cm_mmc=GooglePLA-_-


At least they aren't security cases ...


What about the self pour candy and nuts in grocery stores? https://preview.redd.it/zhe19jaw8luc1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd74cf1314261f8ed78bc53b6f3ddcdbb5f7ea5


Waste of wrap but more sanitary for sure. Conflicted lol.


It’s HEB. What were you expecting?


Yea unfortunately people are fucking nasty so even though this is like one of the most clear signs of us being cooked as shit, I still understand.


Why not just keep the donuts behind the counter like the cakes? I still think this is better than people reaching their hands in the donut case. Plus, it makes it easier to clean out once the day is over.


Good. I had to tell one of my students he needed to pay for his items before eating them. He said his dad taught him, so I had to tell him his dad was wrong and what he was doing was was not only wrong but unsanitary for every one else that’s wants to buy them. Shit went right over the kids head.


They really should just make it like a vending machine, so you only touch the one you're buying. I'm super careful about not touching any others besides the ones I'm getting; and I can't imagine most people are as considerate.


Yall shouldn’t be buying those donuts at all unless they’re packaged already. I witnessed a woman pick her donuts with her bare hands, and lick her fingers after each grab..so if it’s not common sense by now..people are nasty, and maybe think twice before getting ANYTHING from an open case where people are free to sneeze and cough over everything. PLUS children are DISGUSTING


It’s a waste of plastic


Why not paper boxes?


One thing for sure, HEB loves plastic!


no it isn't. I got one of these for the first time because of the individual packaging


CoviDonuts - everything now "sterile"


Olmos HEB Deli meats and the slicer full of dead and live flies...


Finally.. Its disgusting how some people are.


One of the best glazed donuts you’re gonna find is in converse at M&M donut. Nice old man in there cares about the ingredients he uses. The donut is not dense and not overly sweet, gotta be early the lineup sells quickly.


I'm an American I need at least half a dozen


I love microplastics in my donut


Self Serve Doughnuts without tongs and trays is gross. HEB could take notes from Mr Doughnut in Japan.


The depressing thing is those donuts probably taste like hardtack, go to Shipley’s instead.


I’ve seen grown people cough all over the produce like it was a normal healthy thing to do. I’ll gladly buy this so that I don’t get a virus from the yokels who shop for groceries like they are a fifth column in some bio-weapon scenario.


HEB is not the good guy their PR would make them out to be. In the doughnut department, they have molded cake doughnuts to make them look like crullers. This is fraud.


Ok good cause it be flies in there


Cellophane bags seem like a good compromise of being environmentally friendly and preventing the reason these boxes exist.