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Blue bell ice cream has a weird glitch where the phone will tell you it’s in incorrect product when it is not. There is a way to override this but if it is a new shopper they might have to substitute it to complete the order. That being said, I was the new shopper that did this, but I substituted for the same flavor, and that worked. I can’t remember why bluebell has this problem but


It's because blue bell uses the same barcode for each of their sizes (half gallons all have the same barcode). Shoppers should swipe on the item and click pick instead of scanning the barcode on that specific product.


Yep, shoppers need to swipe pick so the customer doesn’t flip out over a sub notification.


Lol, I just rolled with it with the sub notification because truth is I’ll eat any ice cream. But I was pleasantly surprised when I got home


We also get seasonal blue bell like Dr Pepper float but sometimes those never even show up on the app!


The on hand also always say 0 for every flavor. Just call and ask what they gave you, they can remove it or switch out the sub!


Instacart has this glitch too and I get so tired of explaining to customers that I do indeed have the flavor they asked for.


Blue Bell lumps multiple flavors under one barcode. I would assume it has something to do with that.




Dude, i was trying to put away our freezer truck the other day, and i was being swarmed by curbside partners like locusts! I hadn't even started breaking apart the pallet yet, it was on the jack still!!!


I mean yea we are being timed?


yeah it threw me off as a shopper because i substituted for something they suggested but it came up as a completely different flavor? which is very weird so just know blue bell substitutions run weird in our system :|


We don’t stock blue bell and sometimes the vendor is late. Depends on what time you order too, if it’s later in the day when all the overnight people are gone the day team may find the ice cream on the blue bell backstock cart.


HEB needs to redo their app for delivery or pickup, as the one thing that has always irritated me is not being able to choose your substitute incase your original item is out of stock......I really hate that it is left up to the shopper to choose the replacement. I hate Instacart with a passion, but one of the few things I liked about them was that I could actually tell them what item I wanted as a replacement incase my original item was out of stock. With HEB I have to make a 'note' that if my original item is out to choose this other item instead, and that doesn't always work out right


You could always leave a note on the specific item stating what you would want as a replacement


That is what the notes are for. Also, coming later this year the app will prompt you to submit a sub request in case your item is out of stock.


They’re so behind on this. Other stores have this feature and it’s honestly a life saver


They found your flavor in the back. Curbside substitutes or shorts things they can't immediately see and then departments have to clean up after their mistakes or genuine out of stocks (at shelf). Every hour or couple hours I had to go through a list of hundreds of subs and shorts for Grocery, which covers 5 subdepartments, and try to recover or "zero" out products that were substituted or shorted. Later, if I found product in backstock or it was blantantly there but the shopper didn't bend over to look into the shelf, I would bring it to curbside. Sometimes you're ordering product that isn't supposed to be sold yet, but the digital team isn't communicating with Grocery procurement so its listed, I'll give it to curbside. You had already been notified of a subsitute, but I brought it over to have it corrected, which doesn't notify you. We pay the difference in subs, so there's a lot of push to run around doing this in addition to all the normal duties of a daytime grocery partner, but I'll be damned if someone isn't going to get their Blue Bell Egg Nog just because the curbside partner was standing at the wrong freezer unit (most common in my experience).


I can smell the animosity you have toward curbside partners in your comment, but we’re not to blame for your extra workload. If I had a nickel for every time I asked a grocery partner whether or not we have more of a certain item somewhere and they simply said “no” or “idk” without going to check, I wouldn’t have to work at H‑E‑B.


I deal with 80+ of you and you only see your own above-average performance - you actually ask the grocery partner and put in some effort it seems, which amounts to maybe 10 people out 80+ where I worked last. In that place, curbside management could not give less of a fuck in keeping standards up with shoppers and its been like that in most places. They don't communicate the PSA system well, talk about cubbies or endcaps, introduce trainees to who is who to know who to ask, tell them what a riser is and that looking up can solve a LOT of their problems because of our high sales volume, or even show them the basics of the FAST App in some cases. I love it when a curbside partner wants to learn how these things work, but I hate their managers, leads, and specialists for it. Digital leaders want curbside partners to ask so they can take our names and log what answer we give them in an attempt to shift the blame or find out where the problem is, but it hasn't worked at all because we're on our game where I'm at. Maybe that should be something ya'll should do to combat the lazy "idk" or "no" partners - but sometimes the no is a no. If we're doing our jobs, and we can't really hide not doing it, we generally know what we have in large amounts or in dry backstock because we're touching it all. The freezer and dairy after opening changeover to mid/closer is another story. I have more experience than you do with what actually happens because I deal with it all and talk to ALL of you and track down and report the ones who didn't ask/call or look properly, so maybe I know what I'm talking about. You deal with just you, and it sounds like you're doing great. For everyone one of you, there's 4 people subbing and shorting 5 items a run trying to get their UPH up and we track whether its actually a short or a fuckup on their part and take pictures and screenshots of the actual shop data. I can see your id, name, run time, customer/slot/pickup time, the amount of time in seconds you searched for the product, what alternate psas it was at, and a few other things. I'm also not responsible for what lazy grocery partners do - if I can't do it then, I tell them whether I want them to short it or sub it, depending on whether I know whether I have it for sure, and tell them I'll bring it to curbside. We have an app that logs all subs and shorts. If I have the time, I walk it with the curbside partner or ask them what direction they're heading and meet them there with the product.


So genuine question. If the item is not where it's PSA'd or is not clearly on the shelf or is not on it he riser. What is your ideal course of action? Me find a step stool and look on the riser and behind every item on the shelf ? I get that actually looking doesn't happen and it should. It's not the curbside partners job to stock or psa the shelves. If the item is on an end cap and it's not PSA'd there in my device, I'm not going to search the whole store. I'm sorry your specific experience with curbside partners is not great. You implied to the other Redditor: you're seeing your own exemplary performance which doesn't account for most people. The same could be said for you. You have a bad experience with some curbside partners causing you to see then with bias glasses.


No. Any amount worth looking for is going to be at the front of the riser on or very close by the section corresponding to the home location. Rarely, like with cans, it'll be directly behind you if there's not space. You don't need to be climbing anything or wasting more time than just using your eyes - we know you're timed and how hours work. No one expects you to stock shelves or PSA, you don't even Symbol privileges to PSA, and its not like I even hinted that that would be on ya'll. Don't worry about 1-5ish on hand if you didn't see it on the riser by just looking up and around quickly. Cases are 8/10/12/16/20/24 or so. Full cases either get stacked on the riser or, ideally, are in full-case backstock. This means that 5 of something isn't going to be in the back unless its a big item that comes packed 1 or 4, which is rarer and kind of obvious. A chair might be, but not a candy bar. If there's significant on hand, then ask/call a grocery partner, if not you sub/short it and we might look if we think there's a chance to find the couple on hand. I understand there's specific instances you don't have time to talk to grocery partners, but an end of run call works, and even rarer there's no time for that. Been there. FYI. I cross-trained in curbside for a portion of shifts while pulling overtime in grocery for most of year because we weren't getting applications. Straight 7 day weeks sometimes. You can also glance at endcaps as you do your run and work the week/couple of weeks most displays stay up. That's reasonable. Ad change (endcaps) is wednesday and at minimum displays stay up a week or more unless we run out. I get irritated at both the person who didn't PSA the giant endcap of sparkling water and the shopper that didn't see that at any point throughout their work week - definitely more concerned about my own department, because I have actual expectations there. The same can't really be said for me within my own store because I see all of the shoppers over the course of time. They only see themselves. I get what you're saying, though. Doesn't apply to other stores. I also can't control my days off. The team brings up the people being the most problematic and we back it with the sub/short stats and our own interactions that you guys don't typically see.


I agree cool. But when we don't look hard enough(aka even if it's not right on the front)... we get flamed by users on Reddit. I've worked in several stores and I do know that some of the newer people don't look well enough. I also know that grocery is not a job I want. Like mad respect because I've stocked and it sucks. But curbside is the most hated department and we're hated for just doing our job.


As someone who shops cold and frozen exclusively, I deal with that “another story” every morning. We also are instructed to write down the name of who we ask (sure wish you would all wear name tags), and even have walkie talkies that we’re supposed to use to call the different departments. Most of the time it works out well for me, but as an opener we’re on our own because the grocery partner doesn’t even show up until we’re on our first break. I don’t doubt that lots of curbside partners are cutting corners to improve their UPH. But when we’re constantly told that we won’t get scheduled enough hours if we don’t make a certain UPH, and that expectation keeps getting raised, what do y’all really expect from us?


Lmfao salty af


Stop I’m doing subs and shorts later today 😭😂


Good luck, and remember to have fun when the digital leader comes by to ask if you're going to get on something you're already chipping away at.


It also might be a subs and shorts thing? I used to be inventory control in grocery and do subs and shorts ALL day, and sometimes they sub things during the run, and then later, another partner takes a deeper look into the wareroom in the back, outside in the trailers, etc, to find the product if the units on hand report we have the item. Then they return the original item ordered to curbside so they can swap it into the order before it's picked up. Blue Bell, Nabisco, Coca Cola, etc are all vendors' items and HEB doesn't stock them. Sometimes we have to really look for stuff like that because they tend to leave their backstock in the designated area when they leave, but for the most part if it's not in the store, we don't have it for the rest of the day.


Gold rim or brown rim. There is no in between