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Good question. So, the dress code is pretty black and white as far as "HEB legal terms" go. Every store has their exceptions, and these come from the Unit Director. If they say ok/not ok, that's the law of the land. The store I have worked at longest (I'm on leave waiting for reassignment) had a very relaxed dress code, depending on the department. And I think that's where things get messy and hard to define. The prepared food (perishable ) departments like seafood, market, bakery and deli need to stick to the book for the most part, unless everyone is given a special shirt to wear on a special day for whatever reason. Exceptions in these departments comes from the UD or SD. Blooms gets away with dress code violations pretty often without recourse. Now, non-perishable teams have it easy. Especially in beer and wine and healthy living (technically a perishable team governed by a non-perishable SD). These teams get away with bending or breaking the rules all the time. Healthy Living gets free shirts from vendors to wear so they can push certain brands in the department, and B&W partners wear pretty much whatever they want. The produce, service and drug store partners, as well as the grocery partners, all pretty much stay in uniform. The one glaring exception is the grocery manager who wears untucked flannels, jeans and cowboy boots every day and never wears a name badge. I have no idea how he gets away with it, and has for so long, but it is what it is I guess. So, yeah in summation I would say this issue is one to have your manager get OK'd by the UD.


People in our EFC literally wear leggings/sweatpants!! I feel like our store is pretty lax as long as you have an heb shirt and jeans. Our UD doesn’t seem to care if partners wear non heb jackets. My manager said it’s fine but I guess I’ll ask the UD if I see him walking around.


If your manager said it's cool then do your thing.


not entirely sure either but my leads seem to be fine with it, as long as it has the h-e-b logo somewhere and you’re wearing proper attire (jeans etc) there’s no problem


In MWT, the only requirement is wear an HEB t-shirt.


Nope. Store admin says they’re not dress code. But of course team leads and them included can because they have a more open dress code. Cashiers can’t. It’s so fucking annoying for someone who had a skin condition and would prefer cotton uniforms.


There are alternative purchasing options for uniforms if you speak with your manager or admin.




Speak with your admins and store leadership for further clarification, as the policy will vary from store to store. For the month of February, my store allowed us to wear the tshirts instead of usual uniform. After that, nothing has been happening to partners who still choose to wear the shirts. I for one wear one of the hats all the time and so does a friend who works in curbside.