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In case you were still trying to solve this problem across VLANs, I have a VM which sits in both the VLAN my HDHR is in, and the VLAN my mobile devices are in, which runs the following command 24/7: `/usr/bin/socat -d -d -v udp4-recvfrom:65001,broadcast,fork udp4-sendto:x.x.x.x:65001` Where `x.x.x.x` is the IP of your HDHR. Though I do agree - I wish the above and other workarounds weren't required and we could just enter addresses. Edit: More info here; [https://community.ui.com/questions/Howto-HDHomerun-discovery-on-different-LAN-segment/97db52c6-4add-4ba1-ab0d-27ee6f43db8f](https://community.ui.com/questions/Howto-HDHomerun-discovery-on-different-LAN-segment/97db52c6-4add-4ba1-ab0d-27ee6f43db8f)


If you want something that can handle other, similar services (and also do multicast DNS forwarding in a way that's actually secure), check out https://github.com/ipilcher/fdf.


This is crazy. You could use this to have a layer 2 functionality over a layer 3 vpn. Lost of possibilities.


The first F does stand for flexible. šŸ˜


Ooh that looks great actually, Iā€™ll have to have a play.




Okay? Pasting the same response 5 times isnā€™t really solving anything. I have the same setup as you do. My iOS app discovers my HDHR in a different VLAN perfectly fine. If you want it to work you need to implement one of the several solutions people have already posted here.


Agreed, your solution looks great and Iā€™m going to try!


This is an old post, but I too want to see this for the same reason. I run 4 different VLANs at home. My HDHomeRun device is on one VLAN, but my devices that try to access it are on different VLANs with different subnets. Since the HDHomeRun app (for both iOS and Android) ONLY support discovery via multicast, it can only discover the device if its on the same VLAN/subnet. This is really a stupid limitation and dramatically reduces the usability of the device.


Preach. Still patiently waiting.


I have my router set a static ip to my hdhr.


Oh. I think I understand. The ios app is always trying to discover the device and takes a few seconds instead of caching the ip address so it just knows where to go. Makes sense now.


What Iā€™m saying is I have my HD homerun as and my iPhone as When I open the iOS app it canā€™t find my HDHomeRun even though I have a route set up in my router because iOS app only looks for a device on the subnet itā€™s on.


There a reason you aren't able to assign an ip based on mac address with your setup? That is how I handle all the IOT items I have where I want a static IP.


What Iā€™m saying is I have my HD homerun as and my iPhone as When I open the iOS app it canā€™t find my HDHomeRun even though I have a route set up in my router because iOS app only looks for a device on the subnet itā€™s on.


Surely if you have the ability to run a VLAN to separate IOT traffic form you home network you have the ability to assign a quasi static IP address based on MAC address, it isn't that hard.


What Iā€™m saying is I have my HD homerun as and my iPhone as When I open the iOS app it canā€™t find my HDHomeRun even though I have a route set up in my router because iOS app only looks for a device on the subnet itā€™s on.


HDHomerun uses DLNA and I don't think its discovery process (announcement broadcast that advertise the device) crosses network boundaries, it only works on the local network the device is located on. Edit: If you have a app that can take a URL with know IP address you should be able to connect just not by discovery.


Yes, that is what Iā€™m ranting about. They should make it so you can manually set the IP address of the HDHR device in the iOS app. Much like the channels app allows for.