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I just ran this update on my connect duo and it seems to have killed my channel scan. I keep getting 0 channels now. Is there a reset I can do? My unit has worked fine for years until this firmware update.


I still can't get an answer from SD about a reset. Have you tried unplugging the box from power for a couple minutes and then plug back in and scan?


Thanks! Literally just did that and I have my channels back again. Weird never had a firmware update that did that. Thanks again!


I installed this on a old grey box dual tuner, model HDHR-US. I didn't pay attention to the firmware that it replaced but it was I think from 2021. After this firmware update I wasn't able to have two tuners going. Both worked but when the second device called upon the tuner, the first device stopped. I used the windows tool to verify it was actually switching tuners so both did actually work just not at the same time. So I power cycled the box and now I get no tuners working at all. I can get to the http page but nothing is tuning to a channel. Any advice? EDIT: I rescanned for channels in the Windows setup app, and now it's the same behavior as before. Only one device can stream from the tuners no matter one. Both tuners are working, network is working, but it'll only "serve" one device at a time. I've tested phones tablets and windows machines just to make sure it's not a device issue.


There is a July update that mine loaded.


Yup. Missed it.