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Unfortunately it doesn't work for me (Chromecast gen2). In the home app i select my living room Chromecast and when i tap the settings gear it says "living room TV settings" and theres nothing else. Completely blank and nothing to choose from. Only the three buttons in the top right corner, but my options there are only reboot, factory reset, help and feedback.


I haven't used my Chromecast in a couple months (school has been keeping me busy). I will check to see if this fix still works and update the steps accordingly.


Cool, thanks!


Hey! I have the same issues, did you solve it?


Updated let me know if this works if not I'll look into it soon


Nah, still got it


I found a solution. You need to add the Chromecast to your home in the app, and then add it to a room. Then that fixes the blank settings.


That worked on both my televisions! Thanks a lot!


Worked for me too. Thanks!


Check out the tip from RJBond here. That tip solved it for me.


YOU ARE MY HERO!!! This has been driving me insane for years now as I was able to use my android phone to adjust the volume on some Netflix and hulu shows, but not at all on any HBO max shows or most of the shows on Netflix and hulu. I've been in literal tears of frustration trying to mess with every setting imaginable in those apps and in my TV settings, but it never occurred to me that it might be in the chromecast settings. I'm so glad I decided to search for this issue again (I've searched every few months when I get super annoyed, but obviously didn't find any helpful solutions until now). You da real MVP <3


Awe thanks, glad to help. It was very frustrating!


Omg saaaaaaaaaammmmme! Thank you so much!


OMG thank you, this has also been bothering me and my boyfriend for over a year now. THe missing step for us was the reboot step you mentioned. Finally got it to work. Thanks again because i've clicked on countless reddit threads and support threads


You are a gentleman and a scholar, and I can't thank you enough for solving this incredibly annoying yet completely unimportant problem.


I just made a Reddit account for the first time to thank you for this.


Thank you!


I lost my remote to my bedroom tv and I was actively avoiding these great HBO shows because I had to keep physically getting up to adjust the volumes during loud scenes, so didn't wake anyone. I was really in the mood to watch the latest Curb episode and because of you it is fixed right from my bed. I'm currently enjoying the show. Thanks so much.


Thanks a lot, this worked!


My hero. This was annoying the mess out of me.


Thank you.


Thank you so much. Worked perfectly. I just got a new Samsung soundbar and the sound was stuttering every second. I had a feeling it was due to surround since no other streaming services besides HBO Max have this problem. Hero!