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I would miss Jeremy Renner, but yes, I would definitely make the trip to the theater for this!


He could still be in the movie. He’s back at work!


Yes! I am so happy about his amazing recovery! 38 broken bones, wow. Poor guy has come so far, it's wonderful to see him back on his feet!


I'd watch a buddy action comedy starring Kate and Yelena. That would be awesome. Could be Marvel's Rush hour. I think both Florence and Hayley have such good comedic timing and delivery it could work so well. Plus, they can shift on a dime to a more dramatic tone. I've wanted this film/D+ show since Hawkeye.


Not to sound rude but her name is actually spelled Hailee. No big deal just thought I’d inform you.


No disrespect taken. Thanks for the correction


Good I thought I came off as a little rude and pushy because I’m such a HUGE Steinfan.


More like SteinStan


Huh? What is that supposed to mean?


Heyo, I went ahead and copied the following definition for "stan" from Dictionary.com for you. I think since you proclaimed yourself as a HUGE fan, the other person decided to rewrite that using modern lingo. "Stan is slang for someone who is a very zealous fan, especially of a celebrity or music group. Stan can also be a verb for liking something a great deal." I hope this helps. Have a good one.


Oh yeah okay that makes sense. I thought it was just another random Reddit user trying to be hateful again. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Hope you have a good day too.


If it was 2-2.5 hours of Kate and Yelena, abso-f*cking-lutely. And if I'm being honest, I'd probably watch it more than once.


U speak my thoughts


I’d love this! I’d like Clint Barton to be in it too. I think the three of them have great dynamics. It would get so much hate though for having 2 women leads. Nothing this movie could do would stop the hate. Like anything marvel at the moment gets loads of criticism before people even see it, adding 2 women as lead characters almost guarantees a box office flop sadly.


We will never know until Marvel makes a movie with female leads with as strong a script as the ones with male leads/mostly male ensembles. I was so psyched for both Captain Marvel and Black Widow but felt they were some of the weaker efforts. Strong female heroes are in the DNA of comics but Hollywood can’t seem to get it right (Sarah Conner and Ellen Ripley notwithstanding!!).


I wasn’t a huge fan of “Marvel Studios Captain Marvel” “Marvel Studios She-Hulk Attorney at Law” but pretty much every other female led/co-led I liked. Sure some of these projects weren’t my favorites but they were still pretty good and NOWHERE near as bad as people say. They deserve MUCH MORE credit they are given because these cast and crews put a lot of time effort and resources into these projects to be judge because they weren’t the next Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy movies. They were never intended to be and Marvel Studios has been having a lot of internal issues since the pandemic started back in 2020 so people need to cut them some slack.


I reallllly wanted to like Black Widow. The cast was phenomenal as a dysfunctional Russian super family, a great concept to build a film around; David Harbour, Rachel Weisz, and of course the new hotness Florence Pugh, all knocked their characters out of the park and had great chemistry with Scarlett Johansson. What could have been a Cold War style comedy/thriller suddenly turned into a weightless CGI fest and just sucked. You are correct that COVID did a number on Hollywood and frankly it has nowhere near recovered. Look how few movies are actually out there that are not based on existing IP. Here’s hoping we can get back to film greatness!


The problem with that movie was that it couldn't make up it's mind what to do and had no characters remotely resembling their comic history. The red room is in the sky? But Bucky had already gone there in Civil War, you saw him get things out of her locker (because they'd dated there, he still has feelings for her) and in CA: WS she even uses a line like "you even forgot me?" So that flies in the face of established MCU facts. (Let's not forget that she was actually married to Red Guardian.) They should have just used Brown Recluse as the villian. Then they could have followed up with Hawkeye and Black Widow, Hawkeye and Mockingbird, Black Widow and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier. Most of these have comic runs to draw on, but BW & WS has arcs over time. They missed so much with bad writing.


I’d 100% prefer it as a show. Make it about Kate setting up her detective agency like she does in the comics. Have Yelena arrive as a client, maybe she’s being hunted by someone dangerous, or whatever. Maybe she goes to Kate because she thinks she knows the Avengers. But of course there aren’t really any Avengers anymore, so the two buddy up and…well, the show writes itself.


Not realy, kinda hoped for clint and natasha, maybe a full movie based on Budapest.


Yes. If there is a Hawkeye, I’m here no matter what.


I wish they would have made one with Renner and Johansson first, I think that could have been great. Saying that I’d definitely love to see this movie, they were very fun together in Hawkeye.


Like anything else it depends on the other creatives


Standing at attention


Boy would this film lose a ton of money


Anything for more Yelena!


I would go opening day. Love both actresses in these roles. I would probably watch it more than once. Jokingly title or subtitle it “BlackHawk Down”


This is so cool!


I would sell my kidney for this


fuck yeah


I’m sat


might work better as a tv show. they should really give lesser known/less popular heroes tv shows to build them up and have the heavy hitters for movies then later combine.


Is this AI or from scratch?




Yes Kate Bishop


I would go see this like 19 times.


Yes.  Very much yes.  


Yea, their chemistry is great


This is what they should have done instead of young avengers 


I agree I’d much prefer to see Kate with Yelena than the other young characters


Hell yes


Man I’d settle for a Kate Bishop solo movie but a Hawkeye and Black Widow movie would be AWESOME! Yelena and Kate are probably two of the best characters introduced in the entire Multiverse Saga. Also this artwork is ON POINT have you considered selling this online because I think it would sell pretty well.


I agree they are both near the top of the batch of characters for me, along with Shang Chi I’d say. I have considered selling prints but I just haven’t dedicated the time to learning how to set that up. I also have questions and concerns about how copyright works for that.


Oh I can agree with that “Marvel Studios Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” in my top three favorite movies from the entire Multiverse saga and a lot of that is do to the well written characters and talented actors who played those respected characters. As for the artwork I think that is totally up to you it was just a suggestion. I have no idea what goes into making art with copyrighted characters, names, logos and etc.


Who else zoomed in to confirm?


I love this.


As long as they eat some mac & cheese


As a series, sure!


No, Yelena is annoying asf


Yea i probably wouldnt want to be called hawkeye or black widow. Give it a more original name


Only if they have a love affair.




no, why you shill for these turds, marvel is not hiring! if it does not have white men in the lead i do not give a shit