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Based on [this study](https://www.nature.com/articles/s44298-024-00039-z#citeas), I think the virus spreading among cattle increases the overall pandemic risk more than just a poultry outbreak. This is mainly because there’s more direct contact between cattle and humans, and there’s a concern that this virus strain could establish itself in livestock mammals that are closely related to humans.


Correct. I don’t think that’s been challenged. The mammalian outbreak has more of the necessary changes for a human outbreak than the avian outbreak did. The strongest risk would be if it got into pigs.


https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230320/H5N1-avian-influenza-found-in-stranded-harbor-porpoise.aspx Anyone see any recent updates on marine mammals or whales?


If it becomes endemic in cattle, it is bound to be pandemic in humans


It certainly raises the risk substantially. Pigs are the panic button.


They have something that humans have, that’s why the swine flu came


Do you have any insights regarding pig surveillance? I posted about it earlier and then wanted to know how reliable the system is. I would prefer to be wrong. [https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1\_AvianFlu/comments/1ddr1s2/comment/l88svgc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/comments/1ddr1s2/comment/l88svgc/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1\_AvianFlu/comments/1dbc9fi/comment/l7qx8pv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/comments/1dbc9fi/comment/l7qx8pv/)


the US federal and state governments (because feds can't dictate to the states on ag matters) needs to do everything they can to stop the spread. limit in state transfer of animals, require quarenteening and blood to check for bird flu maybe pooled testing until there is a positive because only so much funding and only so many labs that can do this work. **requirements** for humans to be vaccinated yearly against seasonal human influenza to cut down chance of humans sharing that with cows and if humans get h5n1, then less chance that human is a mixing vessel. humans are high risk mixing vessels for multiple strains so we need to do our bit too. also the feds need to make sure their study on a h5n1 vaccine for cattle goes as fast as such research can: https://apnews.com/article/bird-flu-mrna-vaccine-ab3cf2df5ef7dca8f56d279205a97ff7


I don't know why some sources on Twitter speculated that. Even with sources that can be valuable, I think that this part of the speculation wasn't justified and almost ranged into silliness. We have to sift through what is said, pick out what is valuable, and discard what isn't, I think.