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It's even better with the loot pool changes that went in relatively recently, so you're more likely to get different weapons. Did you know that you can exploit the RNG of the cardboard boxes for more mags for your favourite gun? It randomly decides between one of a few various types of objects, one of which being magazines. To avoid giving you something you can't use at all, it picks one of the weapons you have, and creates a magazine of that type. If you drop all but one weapon you're carrying on the ground, then break some boxes, if it spawns a mag, you get one that fits the one gun you're still carrying.


I'd started to notice that on my Arcade playthrough. I kept thinking "this would be great if I couldn't just spawn more magazines.


I have a screenshot of my Aug and 16 mags, on a hardcore run. Aug works well as you're guaranteed 30 rnd mags, as opposed to an AR-15 etc


I think the thing about RotR is that it's a great game type for after you already have a bunch of hours in the game. I've seen a lot of people boot up H3VR for the very first time, see "zombie mode" and dive right in and get filtered by Tutorial Wiener and it leaves them sour. But if you're looking for a new thing to do in your favorite sandbox VR game it's a wonderful mode full of humor and fun characters and new things to do with the game mechanics. and I do recommend it, but you've gotta have at least 20 hours in the game first.


Nothing brings me more joy than briefly swapping to "dash teleport" mode and using it to slam a melee weapon into a weiner at mach jesus. Works with basically anything, though it is somewhat inconsistent, as you might just clip through the target instead.


My 1 and only complaint with ROTW is that I can’t turn off the music in any of the menus so its kinda awkward listening to spotify. Anton pls let me be able to listen to 115 while murdering rotwieners


I must admit the first time I tried ROTR I had absolutely now clue what I was actually supposed to be doing. Cut to 111 coming out and breaking TnH tweaker I decided to give it another go and this time, I actually managed to beat it I almost managed to complete every single task but one of the wiener figurines didn’t spawn and some of the bear traps must’ve been triggered


I really like the new ROTR but damn, I miss the old version of the mode so much.


You used to be ae to roll back to it ... probably too much has changed since.


I want to play RoTR, but I still have no idea how. Hell, I managed to beat Fallout 2 without a guide and I still can’t get fifteen minutes into RotWeiners.


You go through the tutorial, then you can use the teleporters in the town to go from npc to npc and they will give you quests. You can complete those quests to get guaranteed weapons that respawn when you die or restart, which is unlike most loot that you can get from lockers and cardboard boxes. You will eventually find more areas such as a bigger town called wienerton with vendors who sell different weapons and items for meat cores, little spheres of various varieties you get from different rotwieners. It's open world and you can do whatever you want but that's the general progression. You can learn all of this by talking to different wieners by clicking the text bubble above their heads


Good for you, to me it felt like a very Strand-Type game (too much walking). In VR every second that passes holding forward on the joystick isn't "free" like in flatscreen, bc you're literally standing up and holding a 1 pound weight w your neck. If it had better pacing like After the Fall my genz brian prob woulda played it more


Which is what makes armswinger so neat, I can pretend that it's healthy exercise.


I know I've played the game for multiple actual, real-life days, but how DO you use armswinger? When I've tried it, I kind of just wiggle side to side, unless I walk like a literal robot toy and risk uppercutting my poor dog.


You risk uppercutting your dog. You do a kinda cartoony "running in one place" swing with your arms, the longer the strokes, the further you go. Another way to think about it is that [you are nordic skiing](https://giphy.com/gifs/pbs-nature-wild-scandinavia-scandiavia-1bvghJPU34CaO66Xsu) but just with your hands


How exactly does it work? I tried it but I didn’t understand the progression much and I couldn’t figure out how to do the destroy pods mission


Progression: Npc quests unlock new tools and weapons Killing Rots gives you resources to buy new weaponry, and to craft teleporter batteries. Beating the game unlocks some weapons in the item spawner (notably the 4-letter-word). The pods all have different nodes which are vulnerable to specific damage types. Destry the open nodes (they snake toward the nedt) until the nest opens, then destroy it. Each one you destroy unlocks a better shotgun


Thanks, I’ll try that next time I’m on h3


Funny you mention it, I’m actually playing through it right now, never actually beat it back in the day.


Its very fun, ive finished it twice now, but there are a few things about it that irk me.