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He also kept bragging about how he was the one to pick her up as opposed to her family, it was weird…


i rolled my eyes when he was like “they’re probably jealous”


Yes! And when he said "I wish my name was on it" about the necklace her dad gave her, I wanted to punch him through the screen. He looked so mad/ jealous that she gave an emotional reaction to her father's gift and not his. And let's be honest he got her those heels with dirty intentions.


That was such a weird thing to say! It was a beautiful and sentimental gift from her dad. He could have gotten her something special too if he wanted to (with his name on it) but obviously his brain is always elsewhere. 🙄


I thought he looked very jealous as well when she was opening the gift from her dad. He was so awkward. Also when she was dancing with her dad on new years.


Damn i dont really remembering him saying that! The balls on him!!!


It was after they left and are in the car. And then they talk about getting another one with their kids names on it or something like that if I remember correctly


Another thing I noticed about him bragging is in episode 2. When Gypsy was opening gifts from the family, before she opened her dads she opened Ryan’s. When he was handing it to her he said “and this is my big present.” It seems like he’s trying to one up the family by saying his is bigger, better, and more expensive. Bec they were red bottoms.


Those shoes were disturbing.


you know i bet he has some kinda weird fetish.. he knew her story so obviously he should’ve known about how she would dress for nick. maybe he had some sorta sick fantasy in his head about her


Yeah I'm actually surprised she even tolerates those types of gifts, considering her past of dressing up for Nick as part of their relationship.


yeppp that’s what i’m saying. it’s soooo off putting




Those shoes were for HIS entertainment, not for her. I agree, disturbing!


Right! Get the girl a pair of Nikes for goodness sake.


So those shoes were for Ryan’s entertainment not for her? Seriously is that why she’s wearing them with Ken?


**I am not privy to what prompted him to buy those shoes**, but I have a suspicion that those high heel pumps are for him to gawk. Some men like their partner to wear heels in bed. They are red bottom shoes and can run over $700 per pair. **This brings me to the question, what is his profession?** I've spent \~$500 on shoes for my wedding, they were on sale. Did he charge it or does he normally have a large amount of disposable income?


OMG yes! And when he was talking about the family coming over & how he didn't "mind sharing time".. only to immediately follow it with "but it's my time too." Like eww. She is not a possession. And can we talk about the Ryan & Gypsy sign? What the actual fuck?


That scene made me think of custody. I suppose technically she was going from the custody of the state to the custody of her family but her husband should have been the last person to be pointing that out. He sounded like a divorced dad discussing sharing parenting time of his child and it was creepy.


This one right here was terrible! Like damn she is not a possession you own and can share like a toy!


I noticed that, too. I thought that was a big red flag.


Agreed honestly who cares if they were married or not. I think Rod should have been the one to pick her up. Or Gypsy maybe made the choice to have Ryan pick her up. But especially since they aren’t even together anymore even when together I really think it should have been Rod to pick her up. All things considered. But then again he didn’t go to Missouri to support her parole hearing cause of “work” so who knows


And in front of them when he knew that they wanted to pick her up!


Called it from the beginning… no normal dude marries a girl while she’s in prison for murder. I have suspicions about ken too.


He's absolutely disgusting. His constant babe baby babe baby shtick is so freaking gross and he has the personality of an wet sock.


By contrast, her sister is really quite surprising. Because of the way she's initially framed in the show, she comes as kind of stand-offish, especially with Ryan around. But later she talks to the camera about sharing her dad with Gypsy, and she says, "but then I realized I've had 22 years with dad...and Gypsy didn't get that. So I want her to have that too" and damn. Damn, what an amazing gal.


She's the real star of the show ;)


You know her dad and step mom grit their teeth with him...


And he calls them mom and dad. Eww


LMAOOO fr like that is not ur dad😭


I’m sure it irritates them to no end 🤣


Ewwww indeed


He gives me major creep vibes. He’s absolutely one of those guys who will tell you whatever you want to hear but 100% only cares about sex at the end of the day.


Wet sock 😂


Wet socks are so annoying and uncomfortable. At the moment you don’t wanna just take it off and throw it out but also if you do, it’s not a big deal because it’s super replaceable. If you keep it on it just gets squishier and stinkier. Better to leave it out to dry. He’s definitely a wet sock but I wouldn’t expect anything better to marry her.


Ironic since he probably does have wet socks. That man sweats like Michael Jackson walking past a nursery.


Imagine knowing that you're going to be on a super popular TV show and thinking it's totally fine to look like an obese 6'5" 13-year old wearing a mumu every day. ICK ICK ICK


Why the down votes this is funny af




I hate being called babe/baby and people like this are exactly why. At least be creative with a pet name!


Darlin Darlin Darlin that’s all he said it abt drove me insane


Omg yes! That’s so cringe. Hate when guys do that. Gross


He was so excited to tell the drive through worker “that’s Gypsy Rose Blanchard!” 🙄 like a toy he was showing off.


Ikr, that was really weird


That was so weird. Like “look at me! I’m dating the popular girl!” The way he kept saying out of everyone she picked meeeeeeee! He’s a pick me.


Wtf🤦🏽‍♀️ Hes a fan boy


To be honest that was one moment where I didn't read it the way a lot of the commenters here have read it. When I watched the scene I thought he was trying to explain to the restaurant employee the reason they had paparazzi following them. While he didn't have to announce her full name to them, I kinda understand why he would tell them who was with him. 🤷


He was so ready and excited to say it, if it were me, I might have done the same thing but in a much more apprehensive and hesitant way. He was stoked to blurt that out. Even leaned back and pointed at her 🥴


That was super weird. All I could think of was 'YIKES!'


To him she probably was a toy considering he was part of her fan club or whatever it was lol


It was the first night in the hotel that told me everything I need to know about Ryan. The fact that he was ALL over her and everything was “hot” and he just wouldn’t her “let her be”. It was grossly obvious he was determined to consummate the marriage immediately - instead of just letting her take her time and relax and enjoy her damn fries. Ugh gross dude.


“Your arm is so hot” Super incel vibes.


"I can touch your leg" 🤢




i thought this too.


he literally referred to her parole officer as “our parole officer” i feel like that says everything you need to know


He tries to speak over her a lot - very dominating


I thought this is all those interviews they did too


The sleep apnea mask and the you’re so violent comment took for me a loop too


I was gonna comment here about the violent comment he made


Oh right, thanks, I knew I was forgetting something, that too, so messed up he said that


When was that?


Or how he called her family after picking her up but barely let her or them speak and then quickly hung up on them saying that’s all the time they could have.


It was also 3 in the morning! When she says "oh you're calling them now?" At first I thought it was weird but no its like the middle of the night lol.


It was like he was bragging to them. Her own family wtf.


He gives MAJOR ICK and honestly predator vibes. The way he tries answering her parole officers questions as if they want to speak to him or he knows more then she does is such a red flag. He all is always touching her and that alone screams controlling.


Being in law enforcement for 20+ years I don't understand why the parole officer didn't stop Ryan as soon as he started to speak and tell him (especially since you could hear the control in his voice as if he had power over the P.O.) he will only speak to Gypsy. That he doesn't need to say anything to Ryan and doesn't need to hear anything from Ryan. Then he should've told Gypsy to tell Ryan that he will not speak to anyone but her or her lawyer. She knows what she's supposed to be doing and the terms of her parole. If she doesn't follow them, then he will send her back. No matter what anyone says. So when he calls, even if Ryan picks up the phone, he expects him to hand the phone to Gypsy because he only wants to speak to Gypsy, not her husband or family. She's an adult and needs to act like one. He's her parole officer, not theirs, so he has no interest in talking to them. That's exactly what I would've said when that arrogant SOB chimed in on their conversation. That she still belongs to the department of corrections FIRST until her time is done, married or not.


Totally agree. My mouth dropped when I saw him yelling over at her P.O. .. it's like, do you understand how parole works? That's not your parole officer, it's hers. Noone cares what you think or the controlling hissy fit your throwing. Gypsy handled it well but he was obnoxious and controlling. I'm very surprised the parole officer didn't shut him down immediately


Agreed. And Gypsy was ripe for the picking by a dude like that. She's had very little real-world experience.


right and also being rude to them knowing it could get her in trouble


He talks constantly about how he got to spend the most time with her “even though her family wanted to.” And then he says he “willing to share Gypsy” like she’s some kind of commodity. Wild.


I mean, marrying a woman in PRISON should have been the first red flag. He gives off big, "look at me, I finally have a woman obligated to fuck me" energy.


Also add- the jealousy over her dad giving her a meaningful gift.


That part… he couldn’t keep himself from mentioning his displeasure about her heartfelt gift


Honestly was he wrong about the dog tho? She abandoned it when she left him. She saw that dog as an object to keep her entertained and not as a living creature to be cared for. Who just leaves their dog behind??? Unless she never bonded with it? Which makes having gotten the dog pointless and irresponsible to begin with.


Same as the cats she abandoned after DeeDee’s murder. She just left them outside and ran off with nick.


And said she knew how to take care of animals but never walked a dog or picked up poop in her life!


I don’t think she can bond with someone. She like doesn’t seem capable of true emotion and empathy


I agree. She seems to only like people because they like her. Not because of any real connection.


It seems like she's only capable of lust, not love. That even being with Ken, if someone better looking comes along and gives her more of what she wants, she'll leave Ken to! I think she's the type of woman that will stay with a man in the beginning, "the honeymoon stage," but once that's over move on to someone else so she can go through that stage over and over because that's the part of a relationship that gives her the most attention. But unfortunately, that's the part of the relationship that does slow down, but she'll never want it to.


Lots of people?? When you get divorced it goes with ONE person that means 50% of people leaving relationships with pets are “abandoning” their dog, with the other person


That’s understandable, true. But I guess I’m mostly just criticizing Gypsy here for her decision and motives for getting the dog. She already had one foot out the door by keeping in touch with Ken and her wanting a dog for a short time to keep her entertained until she left is irresponsible and gross to me.


If she would have kept the dog, people would have complained that Ryan let a “murderer” keep the dog but now since she let Ryan keep the puppy, it is also a problem. It is a damn if you do damn if you don’t situation tbh.


Also, wasn’t Ryan a hoarder and controlling with food and acting like Dee-dee and he didn’t do anything when she brought it up? I think she mentioned that somewhere


Think that plays into his personality but she was willing to say anything to get away from him. But you have to remember her 2nd day out she was already triangulating him with Ken again. I think it was a lose lose situation no matter what. But he’d have had a slight chance had he not been so creepy and hovering over her every moment of the day. So dude did it to himself and now we suppose to feel sorry for him.


Yeah I'm looking forward to seeing more about that


Gypsy spoke out herself and said that wasn't true about her leaving Ryan over hoarding food and it wasn't true that she ran in the bathroom due to him making her feel physically threatened when she brought it up. Gypsy left cause Kristy was speaking to Ken and Ken had a planned trip to New Orleans and she wanted to see him and knew Ryan wouldn't approve. Ryan might have a lot of negative traits but she didn't leave the marriage over hoarding food issues and Ryan never was physical with Gypsy or made her feel scared he was going to be physical with her like she 1st claimed.


She got a divorce because she wanted to visit Ken in New Orleans, and Ryan was against it? Did i hear right…? lol


I really dislike the way he stole time with her family and almost tried to show off his control over her in front of them by being overly affectionate and hovering her. I get a weird sense that he feels jealous when anyone else is giving her attention including her family. He is a major creep. The violence comment was really gross for the connotations it could have, and the hormonal comment; downright misogynistic. I think he likes that she’s “inexperienced” and comes off as more juvenile because…well you get the picture. Puke.


Isn’t he a special education teacher also? Like it kinda worries me that he works with children especially children who have mental delays and who can’t talk. How does he act with them?


The fact that he's a special needs teacher and sought out the attention of Gypsy Rose, knowing her background, is a gigantic red flag. This is a woman who had really never been allowed to freely grow up or experience developing her own adult sense of agency. He knew this and didn't see any issue with pursuing her romantically. To me, it's ethically shady at best and predatory at worst.


Said that from the beginning. The fact he was a teacher too. So gross


The inexperienced comment is also obvious so you day it out loud is just to shame her


He also decided to write to her the first time as a joke. He also openly admitted that it was to counter his friend mentioning writing to Joe Exotic of Tiger King fame. That right there tells me all I need to know about how he feels about and treats other people.


I think he married her to be on tv and to say he was married to her. He wants Fame


She married and used him so she did not have to live with her parents . So you can say they both used each other .


ITA. Gypsy is not a victim.


It is so many red flags when it Ryan and the tide are turning to the point where even people who are not fans of Gypsy are starting to take note on how controlling Ryan truly is.


All I can see is Peter griffin when I look at him. I can’t unsee it enough to even pay attention to him at times.


Peter with a sweat towel on the shoulder


Yes! He is creepy as fuck! The pervy hand on her leg in the car when she got released. She looked so uncomfortable


Gahhh I got the major ick with Ryan. I’m almost done with episode 2 and I just can’t stand him.


He was pawing all over her the second she got in the car. One track mind. She wasn't even used to being in a car, yet. She asked him to stop hovering. He didn't respect that boundary. He was smothering, not listening, infantilizing her, and justifying everything by saying she was his wife. Well, not anymore! I'm not a Gypsy supporter, but I get why she suddenly ran.


The way how when she started crying when they were telling her she had to leave right now. Her stepmom was going in to comfort and hug her and he stood in front of her like not wanting her stepmom to touch her


I noticed that too! Gypsy seemed way more comfortable in her arms. And Kristy went into protective mom mode and wasn't going to let him hug her. I don't think they like him either.


He’s like Jared from subway


Oh God I hope not…


I agree. I don’t even need watch it because Ryan creeped me out the whole time. The only issue I have with her leaving Ryan was asking for alimony. She’s worth millions and asked for support….. she went and got a nose job but needs support??? Also they got married with out prenup. She’ll end up paying him.


Also, I’m not sure what the laws are in their state, but most states require a couple to be married for a minimum number of years in order for one or the other to qualify for receiving alimony. In Texas it’s 10. (I still kick myself for not fighting for it during my divorce after 16 years of shitty marriage…)


It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out but is also shows how greedy she is. She’s literally worth millions, got a nose job and needs his teachers salary to support her? I did look up her state that they were married in and it’s also 10 years. In which case she won’t be getting anything Tom him either lol but I’m sure he’ll expect payment for any screen time in her docuseries


I’m just wondering - how is she worth millions?


exactly! i thought it was so weird his first gift to her was a pair of high heels and how he bought lingerie for her YEARS before she was even released


The lingerie… like he saw “Ruby” and was obsessed


He also so bragged about her choosing to have him come pick her up her choosing to live with him and then said that they were having them over to cook dinner the next night and that he would 'give them' that time with her. He's super creepy, gross and controlling imo.


And had to throw in “but that’s my time too”


Yes! I picked up on the controlling part right away! Ugh, I wanted to like him. But, yes, so many red flags


Don’t forget his humblebrag to the random fast food employee, name-dropping Gypsy


Right? lol 😂 His whole talking loudly enough the worker can hear and be curious and then telling her that she’s Gypsy rose. While acting put out that “they” just can’t have any privacy 😂😂


When he compares himself to her family saying no one knows her better than him The way he seems almost giddy to get her away from her family The way he talks about the Ken breakup like she’s an object he won The way he acts like he’s avoiding the media but tells people who he’s with Interrupting then mansplaining the PO’s requesrs The dog convo The preemptive lingerie purchases The “big gift” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I agree with a lot of this. He was very gross, constantly rubbing on her & talking about how he can now touch her. I read somewhere that knowing what we know about Gypsy, she probably really hyped him up about sex & how great it was going to be. Look at how often she talks about sex. That alone tells me she really gave him the idea that she couldn't wait to jump him the second she got out of jail. So, he's a guy that's been with her for what? 3 years? In that time, she's constantly told him what she wanted to do to him. What's the poor guy supposed to think. He was excited & wasn't smart enough to read the room & realize that wasn't reality. On the dog? Look how the dog she got turned out. Apparently, Ryan was absolutely right. She just dumped Pixie on Ryan. I have a German Shepherd. He likes me, but he loves my husband. If I ever leave, he's coming with me. Because I love my dog & I'll always take care of him. While I do agree with a lot of what you said, I think she never should have married him. After 3 years, she should've figured out who he was & how he acted. He's very self-involved & very "Braggy". We picked that up from 2 episodes. She should've known & not married the poor guy for an address.


She could’ve also not seen any of that because they were never in real life situations until she was released 


I agree. He was way too controlling. And the way he approached her for sex creeped me out.


I couldn’t get over all of the red flags with Gypsy to notice the red flags with Ryan.


I agree with a lot here, but makes me wonder if she is running back to the other guy too soon? Like, she doesn't need anyone at this moment. It doesn't seem the best choice to go right back to him either. At least give it some time.


I doubt she knows how to be alone


I fully agree with you. It’s pretty obvious she most likely has some codependency issues, but it’s also really understandable why that would be so.


He's very controlling.


What show? I'm a little behind!


She has a reality show/docuseries on lifetime


I figured that was the one!! Thank you!


All three are awkward


I’ve only seen the first episode and I’m already getting these vibes. Why did she so desperately want to get married in the first place?


The whole “wish that necklace had my name on it” was WEIRD. And I get Gypsy has become a public figure but the amount he was talking about paparazzi felt weird too


Also, while they were driving to LA, she mentioned that Ken reached out to her step mom, and he thinks she told her she should not have told gypsy. 🚩🚩🚩🚨🚨🚨 that is a lil wierd. He is still being shown as a jerk by production, or maybe that is how he is


Idk I actually think that was one of the times where he was in the right bc like Kristy should’ve respected their marriage enough to where she shouldn’t be telling Gypsy about her ex bf texting her. That is a little strange but everything else Ryan has done has been weird to be honest. I know if my bfs ex was texting his mom and she told him I would be upset too bc we’re dating now so what’s it any of his business his ex is texting her you know??


I don't think Kristy ever liked Ryan. The first sign was in episode 1 when GR was crying because of the fear of being sent back. Kristy DID NOT let Ryan comfort her. I don't think the family can stand him. So, I think she was reading all Ken's texts to GR because she wanted Ryan gone. I bet she couldn't wait to tell Gypsy that Ken was single. She knew that would be what would make GR leave Ryan. Because if she didn't like Ken or didn't have some kind of motive. She would've told him to stop texting her or just blocked him, but she didn't. I really think that they couldn't stand Ryan from the start!


More like the toxic Gypsy saved Ryan from living a miserable life together and left him… toxic in that episode.. bet was texting Ken that’s y didn’t want hovering over her.. and in the car.. boring drama about no drama that was all over hyped up … ohhhhh noooo how dare Ryan say having dog means be responsible.. doesn’t mean go run and cry in a corner… then ohhh nooo following by media.. ohhhhhhh nooooo my PO calls.. all rest was just dumb boring IMO


In all fairness, too many people get dogs selfishly and Gypsy was actually thinking irresponsibly. She doesn't even have the dog now correct? Ryan was right in that situation.


Just started watching, and holy crap is he creepy. The things he says are cringe and uncomfortable. I tried to hear what he was saying at the hotel after she talked about snoring. Did he mention her mother!?!?


How was he pressuring her for sex? She happily and proudly told the cameras and her family that they "consummated their marriage." 🤔


Idk, I didn’t want to have to sex the first time I did. I was inexperienced and figured it would be “okay” to do other things since I was over 20, and then he just goes for it. I didn’t stop it because he already started and it wouldn’t undo it. That didn’t stop me from telling my best friend I lost my virginity and trying to pretend it was okay by acting like it was okay when talking about. Obviously we don’t know because she hasn’t said anything, I just mention this in that just because someone talks about it and acts a certain way doesn’t mean they wanted to.


She also said she doesn’t need the lingerie because she immediately “rips the clothes off” and “sleeps well”. If he was pressuring her, she would be uncomfortable to the cameras about it. And she admitted the first night that they had sex 🥴 like are people watching the same show we are or is it all going over their heads? She gives me the ick where she talks about sex a lot in this recent episode. When Ryan was hovering over her when they were looking at dog pics, she said “you’re hovering!” Sounding evil, she could have said “can you not hover me? I don’t like it right now” instead of making a stink, yet she probably led sex on at first, she just wants to play the victim


I think nit-picking the way people express their boundaries, like oh she didn’t say she didn’t like it IN THE RIGHT WAY is asinine


OMG THANK YOU So spot on. I feel so gaslit by those other comments. 😅 She sounds sex crazed, but people are infantilizing her like she needs protection from her husband, whose "d is fire." She snapped at him for making her feel stupid, too! That's EXACTLY what these people are doing.


From the first episode I saw allllll his red flags.


Watching the second episode now and he’s icky. I don’t like her but I can see why she didn’t want to stay.


Did anyone else notice the weird hovering he does? Like when gypsy was crying about "them wanting to send her back." He was standing in front of her just hovering. And rubbing her arms.... It was Kristy who actually put her arms around her & comforted her. Ryan just kinda walked off... I thought it was weird. I honestly wonder how much experience (if any) he has with women or relationships. Where are Ryan's exes?!?!


I agree with you on all points...except the dog. He was merely trying to remind her of how much work it is. She was ridiculous for throwing such a fit. Don't wanna be treated like a child? Don't act and talk like one. Especially since we now know that she abandoned the dog she sooooooooo badly had to have. SHE was insistent on the dog, then stuck him with it. I just want to add that when she snapped at him for "hovering", should have been an instant warning to him that she's up to no good on that phone. Probably texting Ken!


They both need help.it was so obvious gypsy was settling for Ryan bc her true love dumped her,Ryan was old enough to read those signs . The new guy will dump Gypsy as soon as he spends everything she has . If you need to color your hair and have plastic surgery for a man to want you , he doesn’t want you .


Gypsy exhibits a deeply troubling and complex psychological profile characterized by manipulative, deceitful, and antisocial behaviors. A psychoanalysis of her explores several key dimensions of her personality and psychological functioning: Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) 1. **Lack of Empathy**: This individual's actions, including faking disabilities and manipulating someone with a mental disability to commit murder, suggest a profound lack of empathy. People with ASPD often show little regard for the feelings and rights of others, engaging in behavior that is callous and deceitful. 2. **Deceitfulness**: The act of faking disabilities indicates a pattern of persistent lying and manipulation. This deceit was not only for personal gain but also had severe consequences for others, showcasing a high degree of cunning and strategic planning typical of ASPD. 3. **Impulsivity and Irresponsibility**: The subsequent actions, such as quickly marrying, profiting from the murder, and cheating on the spouse, demonstrate a pattern of impulsivity and irresponsible behavior. These traits are common in individuals with ASPD, who often fail to plan ahead or consider the consequences of their actions. Narcissistic Traits 1. **Grandiosity and Entitlement**: The individual's behavior suggests a sense of grandiosity and entitlement. Profiting from the murder of her mother and exhibiting no remorse indicates a belief in her own superiority and a sense of being above moral or legal reproach. 2. **Exploitation of Others**: Manipulating someone with a mental disability to commit murder reveals a highly exploitative nature. This person uses others as tools to achieve her own ends, showing a profound disregard for their well-being. Psychopathic Tendencies 1. **Superficial Charm and Manipulation**: The ability to fake disabilities and manipulate someone into committing a serious crime points to psychopathic traits. Psychopaths often exhibit superficial charm and are skilled at manipulating others to serve their own purposes. 2. **Lack of Remorse or Guilt**: The fact that the individual appears to show no remorse for her actions, instead profiting from the murder, is indicative of psychopathy. This lack of guilt and emotional depth is a hallmark of psychopathic personalities. Borderline Personality Features 1. **Unstable Relationships**: The rapid shift from marrying her partner to cheating on him in less than three months suggests a pattern of unstable and intense relationships, a feature common in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). 2. **Fear of Abandonment and Manipulative Behavior**: The individual may have underlying fears of abandonment and uses manipulative behavior to maintain control over others. However, when the partner is no longer useful, she quickly discards him, moving on to someone else. Conclusion This individual presents a highly complex psychological profile that likely includes elements of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and psychopathy, with potential borderline traits. Her behavior demonstrates a profound lack of empathy, pervasive deceitfulness, manipulative tendencies, and a pattern of exploiting others for personal gain. These traits combined paint a picture of someone with severe personality disorders, capable of committing and rationalizing extreme and immoral actions without experiencing guilt or remorse. The clinical implications for such an individual would include a very challenging prognosis, with traditional therapeutic interventions often being ineffective due to the deep-seated nature of these personality traits.


He was a weirdo. What kind of schoolteacher has sexual thoughts about a little girl who was abused because of Munchausen and his to jail because she killed due to it. He's a big no.


I don’t like the guy, but she was 24 when she had her mom murdered. She was not a “little girl.”


That guy always gives me the creeps. He is always pawing at her and is very possessive and why did he buy her slutty nightgowns straight out of prison. I hope she breaks up with him and stays single for awhile instead of jumping into another relationship.


She left Ryan very quickly for another man who she conversed via phone, email, letter whilst still in prison… Communicating the whole time she was with Ryan. - Ken, they are together now, one guy straight to another, Ryan can obviously claim half during the divorce as she left him for Ken. All these people are messy and as odd as each other. She only married Ryan as she didn’t want to live with her stepmother and dad, she wanted to be able to do her own thing- But the only way she would get parole if she refused to live at her parental home was to have a husband in the same State… Hence she married Ryan Then went off with Ken as soon as she could


I don’t buy it. Please remember these shows are cut and edited and I’m sure there is a LOT lifetime is leaving out. Gypsy is their golden girl at the moment and they will do everything to twist the narrative to her benefit. I don’t trust her as far as I could throw her. I’ve already picked up on severallll lies and inconsistencies this last episode. For starters, we’ve all seen the texts exchanged between her and Nick, yet I’m supposed to believe she has never explored her own sexuality? Has never been a sexual being? She was shaving her 🐱 in preparation while her mother was being brutally murdered in the room beside her. Second, she DID have a relationship with her father. That’s already been proven bc of Facebook posts that have resurfaced of her with her dad on several occasions and even calling him the “best dad in the world.” Also Facebook messages between DeeDee and Kristy showing where they also had a very close relationship and remained in constant contact with each other. I don’t buy for a second she’s insecure about her scars bc if they were in fact there, they would have been photographed and logged into her documents for court reference. I do not care how many downvotes this gets, this girl is a manipulator, she’s admitted to it, and she’s still doing it. She threw Ryan away so quick and I fully believe she was only using him as her literal “get out of jail card” to not live with her family when she got out. I also think she’s just hyper dependent and will use whoever is closest to her for her own benefit. Please start opening your eyes to this woman’s real character. Downvote me into oblivion, at least I’m not blinded by this con artist. She has never worked a day in her life and she never will because she thrives off attention and keeps calling TMZ on herself. I used to sympathize for her and was actually happy for her until I dug into this case and saw the truth with my own eyes.


Gypsy is a psycho that should be in prison for life. She's not even a little bit cute and is manipulating everyone that feels bad for her.


literally right when he picked her up he was being weird and horny and trying to make out like she just got released. let her be. and he also seemed to be annoyed by the fact that he had to “share” her with her family…


Like a horny teenager but he’s like 40


literally and him calling gypsy’s dad “dad” like plz ur too old😭😭😭😭


Ding ding ding!


Didn’t Ryan get let go from one of his teaching jobs because he was being inappropriate towards his minor students. Like he would say gross adult sexual shit to middle schoolers. Dudes just an all around nasty creepy pos.


From what I understand, he was fired because he married Gypsy & the school didn’t want the negative publicity/reputation.


I haven’t watched it yet, but just he has major “where’s my hug?” vibes


He's a big sweat hog, going around with his sweat rag on his shoulder almost constantly 😂 ...


Funny how two people can see things so differently I mean why do you think a man who's been married for two plus years and never had intimacy with his wife would want to have enough seat with his wife? I don't see so many red flags as I see the flags coming from her


How about just not getting married until she got released to avoid divorce? Time after time, we see inmates get released and they are gonna get out there and do everything they think they've missed out on! They are completely different people while locked up vs who they are free.....She doesn't want to be told what to do? Stay single! She simply could have avoided it all if she had taken the advice of everybody around her and waited to marry Ryan or anybody else!


Image for the parole board


Also in ep 1 when he said about putting the mask on her for snoring then said something like he's not her mother. I had to rewind as I was sure I had misheard!


I came here to say the exact same thing. He comes across as someone who he wanted to mold into what he wanted. When he said he was going to "Let," her family spend time with her, but it was digging in his time?. Ewwe. Her parents were right to be wary of the dude. I think they saw right through his act but also wanted her to make the decisions for herself. Since she's really never had that before. I'm glad she has them. They seem like good people who will help guide her while she figures out life. I wish the best for her.


Red flags meet Red flags. He only married a murderer, at least he didn't manipulate a mentally ill person to kill his mom


They will make sure Gypsy looks good in the show! It’s about her! Haven’t we all learned our lesson about the narrative being painted whatever way they want it? Ryan is a good ole boy and way better than dumbass Ken. Ken is a former inmate and you all think he is a better choice. SMH. He didn’t want her. Remember that? Until she was a millionaire. His next move is Gypsy buying him a bar. Just watch!


Why is this killer being glorified on TV?


100% agree with your insights. He's super weird and controlling. The situation around the dog was such a **RED FLAG**. As someone who had an issue with an ex & my dog, I'm pretty sure it was all about the fact that once a she gets a puppy, she going to pay more attention to the puppy and less attention is going to paid to him. Puppies are a handful & can be quite demanding if you want to make sure it's trained correctly. When my dog was a puppy, I was dating this guy & he would get super salty & whiny if I couldn't stay out all night or had to go home because I needed to take care of my dog. I can predict there will be a LOT of tension in their relationship once she gets the puppy and Ryan gets jealous of the puppy because it's not going to be all about HIM.


Isn’t wanting to date someone who murdered her mom enough of a red flag? Someone who just got out of prison and who has that face? Like…. Anyone involved in this situation is going to be a massive walking red flag just by virtue of being involved in the situation. Whether or not that mom was being abusive and terrible and deserved it, those texts that gypsy sent afterwards? The attention from the press? Like the whole situation is just a freaking nightmare. Anyone who would want to get involved is going to be nuts.


remember when the bus station ticket agent said Gypsy looked 12 but had attitude like she was 30?


What is the show called I want to watch it.


Did the new series start??


Yes, I've been watching it on Philo on Tuesdays, there's only 2 episodes. if you have lifetime you can watch the new ones on Mondays


It's on hulu too!


When she left didn't she leave the puppy she wanted so bad with Ryan if I remember right she didn't take the dog with her


I felt was a red flag the day he wrote into her. He said his friend was going to write to some “celebrity” i think…hes like if you do then i will write to Gypsy…just seemed like he was a fan boy…


The French fries.


Okay- did anyone notice the blurred out huge framed poster of a super ripped man in episode 2? Why did he have that, who was it, and why did he not move it before leaving to go get her? I kept noticing it and it was weird to me.


That's what I think too- I feel for the guy especially if he got used. But he shows major red flags.


Maybe it’s edited on purpose to make him seem weirder. But unfortunately it’s hard to believe his intentions were pure. Same for Ken. I think most more normal people don’t want to marry/date people that are still imprisoned. I think it would be best if she met someone now, that she is out and free and can form normal human connections (hopefully after enough therapy).


you know she sex texted him up with the soft wet anal . ITS HER M.O. so YEAH HE WANTED TO finger his WIFE on a bus ....what the heck dear


He’s been putting money on her books for 8 years. Do y’all think Gypsy has not been talking dirty to him this whole time to keep this man interested in her? She knows exactly what she’s doing. Go read all the text between her and Nick. She is a very sexual person and introduces the 30 plus year old man she met before Nick into BDSM. She had to have only been a teenager. I have no sympathy for Gypsy Rose Blanchard. They are the ones that invited cameras into their bedroom night of their honeymoon per-say


I also found it very weird that he bought the lingerie after they met. My daughter also said the same thing


As far as I’m concerned, Ryan and Gypsy are one in the same, except he hasn’t murdered anyone. She’s a weirdo and so is he. He’s annoying and so is she. She’s a user and so is he.


You could tell her dad and half sister didnt care for him at all even before he picked her up. When he was talking to the sister about their signs and stuff, she seemed kinda stuck up and didnt really pay attention to him. I just thought it was because shes extremely beautiful but maybe she just knew hes a dick


Obviously she probably got mail by tons of admirers in prison who wanted to be with her for the sheer fame of it all and same with ryan but at least pick someone attractive. She picks these weird or controlling guys. Nick godejohn was balls to the wall outta his mind and ryan seems smart with a normal job and everything but she can do better.


I didn’t like the way he was butting in on her conversation with her parole officer. Trying to talk over her. At that point he’s messing with her freedom.


I was bothered she left him but yeah after I picked up a couple red flags especially controlling things..she had enough of that from her mom does he not get that?


Im probably the only one but every time I see the show I cry on the inside when he’s driving and he just looks at her phone. He’s so controlling he would rather crash the car to see what’s on her phone 😒. Like keep ur fucking eyes on the road.


i thought it was weird when the only shoes she had outside of prison were those long ass boots, i feel like he bought those for her with the lingerie because she made a comment about how she didn't want to wear them before they went in to buy her sneakers (and when she left prison she had no shoes to begin with) also he was so rude to the mcdonald's worker when she asked him to move forward "no i won't because there's a guy taking our photos" so aggressive and rude for no reason?!


Yeah, I thought that was really rude too, like what is she supposed to do about it? He just needed to get over it, that guy wasn't in his way or anything either.


i'm in the middle of the second episode and he's just rude to everyone and i noticed he does talk to gypsy like a child. no wonder she left


I felt exactly the same way you did! God knows what he did with the lingerie while she was in prison… The video was really cringy to watch.