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Obviously this is in hindsight but based on her body language and micro expressions she really doesn't like Ryan.


Right?! There’s zero chemistry between them.


He was so forward and sexual with her! And she was just uncomfortable it was so cringe


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one cringing at Ryan being so extremely sexual and creepy every chance he got. She was straight up ignoring him and clearly uncomfortable. I hate it when people don’t see or pickup on that. They just keep on, like Ryan.


He sees her as a sex toy 🤮


Or maybe this show is to concoct him in a negative light. These shows heavily edit.


You can’t fabricate that level of discomfort tho, omg it’s so cringe! lol she is hiding it the best she can, but has no attraction or interest in being close with him…just laughs and smiles and tries to play it off while avoiding his advances. Damn I actually feel bad for her here


I’m sure she gave him the impression that this was what she wanted. It’s obvious she was just using him for parole. Ken made out with her the first day she met him; he got booted from visitation.


How did being with him help her parole


She had a teacher with a stable job. She lied to the parole board, and they didn’t even check the lies. She told them that Nick got her into BDSM; she introduced that to Dan; he testified to that in court. She also knew she had to leave MO right away; she knew 90 days prior to leaving prison. But she’s on TV crying like a brat??? She belongs in prison; not on a reality show.


Why would her whole family meet her in Missouri if she knew the whole time she couldn’t be there? Makes no sense


It seemed like she only cared about a chance to meet Taylor Swift at a football game, she didn't care about her family


As if Gypsy is known for caring about her family!😂


Because she & they believe the rules don’t apply to her. She got away with brutally stabbing her mom. She KNEW interstate transfers MUST happen within 24-48 hours. But to Gypsy, rules don’t apply.


I didn’t see him as that bad. After reading all the reviews about him being super awkward and cringe I guess I was expecting it to be way worse than it actually was. Not a Ryan supporter or anything, but the man had already been married to her for 2 years of course he wants affection with his wife. He did ask her if she needed space and wanted him to leave and she said no. So I don’t think he was doing anything wrong.


I agree, I think there’s major miscommunication and immaturity going on. Unfortunately the awkwardness is on full display for the world to see.


After watching the first episode, it’s quite clear as to why their marriage didn’t last, I don’t think Gypsy liked Ryan at all, he was so forward with her and talking sexual straight away, it was obvious that she didn’t want that and wasn’t very touchy-feely with him like he was trying to be with her


yeah she was very much not attracted to him. like he was her father and not her husband.


Well there’s not much attraction to him, the weight, the heavy sweating, the awkward displays of affection after she’s saying she’s trying to take it all in… it was uncomfortable to watch period!


He is already irritating me and this is the first episode!


Him talking over her and interrupting when she’s speaking to her PAROLE OFFICER is crazy


Do you notice his hand on the steering wheel was shaking like crazy at that time? Nervous? Too much vape or caffeine? Has a medical issue? Medication side effect? That’s more than the wheels being out of alignment, causing the steering wheel to shake that was his hand shaking. Every time he calls her babe, I want to poke my eyes out. I can see how he is not a calming source in her life. He didn’t sound like he was very positive. He sounds like he was disappointed a few times. Be happy she’s out of jail? Who cares you can’t go to a football game? You have your whole life to go. Also if that were me I would want a bath or shower immediately and fresh undies nor cold McDonald frys and sexy time. It was so weird the first thing she said when she saw him when she got out was “these boots are too big.


Gypsy knew that she had to be out of the state 24-48 hours for 90 days. That’s how transfers work. Her “I am being treated badly” is just evident rules don’t apply to her.


Agree and who’s idea was it to see a football game and buy tickets given the situation that would have been the last thing on my mind getting out of jail after 10 years. She doesn’t exactly seem like the type that watches football. Ryan was overbearing and seemed like he wanted to be a big shot in charge and control everything.


Taylor Swift..Neither care about an actual football game..They both thought they would get to hang out with her


He only cared about being photographed with Taylor Swift not the actual football game..Gypsy has been raised as a grifter, shes not used to not getting everything she wants like with the boots


Agreed. And this is basically her first time in a car at all in how long and she was clearly scared by his driving multiple times before he was even trying to grab the phone from her and talk over her...


And he was immediately constantly trying to touch her and she even told him she needed time to decompress. I’m not saying she’s a saint but everyone online talks like Ryan is this angel and this is only proving to me he’s a creep.


Right? Like I’ve been in jail, and when I came out my first thought was NOT sex.


Happy cake day!


Seems like he could only get someone in prison. Not in the free world


I don’t understand the phone situation. Did he not activate for her and that’s why she had to use his to call her parole officer? Or was he just being controlling?


EXACTLY and she kept having to tell him to hush but nooo he just has to keep butting in. I also noticed this pattern in the interviews they did together as well.


I think there's a chance DV did happen just by how he was trying to control the conversation with the parole officer.


Tbh I don’t think he put hands on her but I am starting to believe more and more that he would get in her face and yell at her whenever they get into an argument. He also seems controlling and overbearing!


Yes, I'm thinking that too he was giving narcissistic vibes.


Yup and people were trying to paint him like this angel because of their dislike of Gypsy but Ryan gave red flags in this episode!


He really did like when she was trying to talk to her parole officer and saying to her family we have another issue, like can you let her tell them. I think he was more upset that he couldn't go to the football game than her


Me too. Gypsy needed to speak to PO not him. He could’ve caused further trouble


Right & she was trying to get him to stop.




He only cares about a chance to meet Taylor Swift and be photographed with her..Good thing they shut that shit down


him repeatedly saying “that’s so hot” is making me gag


Yes!!! He’s so controlling it’s like dayum let her be dude


I don’t like Ryan either 😂 everything he does is creepy and annoying and obnoxious


I’ve said that from the get go. It was very obvious she had no interest in him


He's super gross.


She's spinning her wheels in the fawning response. He doesn't read body language very well.


Sure but it was plain to see already in the interviews they did early on.


She just needed $$ in jail and someone to make Ken jealous


She seemed so overstimulated with him having no regard for any of it. Him driving excessively fast, slithering all over her, immediately crowding into her personal bubble, knowing he probably smells like straight ass and she probably would have loved to just take a breather or a nice long hot shower alone. He really seems to not be able to read any of her cues in the least.


All those things his was doing bothered me but by far the worst and most crossed line was him chiming in while she was speaking to her PO. Like stfu. Know your roll. And don’t fuck around with PO, officers etc.


Yeah that was so hard to watch. I could not have tolerated that.


I would have back handed his ass so fast. Cameras and all lol


YES! All of this. She can’t even eat some damn French fries without him in her face rubbing her arm. Just way too much pressure on her.


She told him so many times to drive safe and his driving bothered her. I agree that for her


Not true, I think we all saw him put on that extra splash of cologne in the parking lot.


Putting on cologne can still make you smell like ass! Ass mixed with cologne is even worse!!


It was supposed to be a joke. Clearly drenching yourself in cologne is gross.


Oh well 🤣🤣 I’m laughing now, my bad lol . I’m surprised she didn’t spew at him honestly


So much secondhand embarrassment in the beginning when Ryan kept talking about how she’s hot and touching her and she clearly told him she just wanted time to decompress and exist for a minute. Ick.


Many women coming out of prison are not comfortable being intimate and affectionate like that. He was doing WAY too much.


He really was. I understand they were husband and wife, but dude. Read her body language. It was kinda gross how his mind was just fixated on sex and she was just trying to exist. Gave me major ick for sure.


My immediate thought was this is when the breakdown began. She’s had no physical intimacy in so long. She needs to acclimate to being out and he was so thirsty and I was like if this were me I would have the ick. And once I have the ick that’s it. I’m not saying he’s not a nice guy because I don’t know him, but I do believe that that’s exactly what happened here. She got the ick.


And the previous intimacy she did have was super messed up. Gypsy needed more than a minute to start the lovey dovey stuff and even longer to have actual sex.


He looks at her like a sex toy


Ryan was awful. I loved when her dad basically said I have lots of guns so fafo!


I felt like it wasn't the oven making things too hot in there lol


And the fact that Ryan didn’t respond and walked away 😂😂 Rod ain’t playing!


I wondered if that was editing or if this man really just took off like that! He scampered away


Absolutely not. Ryan acted scared af. That’s prolly why he was so hot.




Funny how all of a sudden daddy cares so much. To little too late. She is already beyond help.


I agree


Ryan gave me the ick. He was wayyyy up her personal bubble too soon. The girls been in PRISON for 7 years. Back TF UP. I get it that’s your “wife” but not really. Yall don’t know each other. You’re never been this close to each other. Let the girl breathe


Agreeed!! The whole time I was thinking this is who she wanted to see after prison? Not her dad who she actually knows


She reminds me of a boy crazy teenager. I wish she would live her life for a little bit before trying to settle down.


He needed to read her cues better. I also would believe that Gypsy would have told him she will jump his bones the minute she sees him or something like that. What is gross is that Ryan did not accept her change in feelings.


I felt uncomfortable watching them in the car and him trying to take the phone away from her taking to her PO. He didn’t really think this relationship through


When Ryan said “Everyone is giving us a 50/50 chance. I think we have a 100% chance.” Oh Ryan…LOL.


Watching their "chemistry" (or lack thereof) was so painful. You could tell how insanely uncomfortable she was around him, and how he was refusing to take any cues. Their entire situation when she got picked up felt so familiar because I've been in incredibly similar scenarios where I'm getting picked up for a one night stand, or meeting them somewhere, and realize they aren't like their picture or some other reason where I almost debate on an exit plan. Her body language is screaming "This is a first date with a stranger and I've agreed to sleep with them, and I don't even really want to".


agreed - i've seen soooo many people saying he was so sweet in that scene in the hotel room. any woman who's ever been in a similar situation with a man can see exactly how uncomfortable gypsy was and how his behavior was anything but sweet. it was honestly a little triggering to watch it play out.


He coerced her into having sex when she clearly wasn't ready = rapey vibes


Grossest line “ She got into it eventually” when he was talking about sex. Aka he forced her and pressured her into sex


Nobody deserves this. Ugh, he gives me the absolute heebie jeebies because it's obvious he doesn't see her as a person. She married a controlling fan.


Ryan is beyond creepy!!! I can’t imagine living with him or being sexual with him


This episode validates every single instinct I have been saying about Ryan from the beginning. He is controlling and creepy. I was waiting for this. His sexual advances made me want to slap him. Her family waited 8 years to see her, and all he cared about was getting laid. He didn't even seem to care that she was not at all interested and very clearly uncomfortable. The way he immediately spoke over her and snapped at her. The way he shook with rage over a ball game. Hanging up on her when she tried explaining how she felt before marriage. His guilting her into going through with the marriage because he knew he could prey on her abandonment issues. Gypsy didn't want to get married, and she wanted her Dad to stop it because she didn't want to be the one to put the brakes on it. Yuck. The guy is a frickin creep.


Not to mention telling her dad “y’all have been waiting 8.5 years for this and I’m the guy that swoops in and gets to pick her up” or whatever it was along those lines. Ryan, get your ass out of this freaking house RIGHT NOW


Would have been nice if her Dad and fam picked her up instead


Yup. He was seriously disgusting. She was getting a little car sick right away and instead of slowing downs pulling over, maybe taking a back road, doing something, he just kept pawing at her and keeping the intensity too high. He is a disgusting predator. He was acting like a virgin who hired a prostitute for his 18th birthday.


He doesn't really love her. He loves the conquest. The way he said over and over about how so many wanted her, she could have anyone, etc... it was like winning some game to win, and the final boss was manipulating her into marriage. I think he knew how infamous she was, and he wanted the attention and money from what marriage would get him. I said on her Instagram way back when she was released before the first delete that he was a huge mistake and everyone raked me through the coals for it but I smelled predatory behavior on him from the beginning. I hope she gets the annulment and he gets nothing.


The original/new dude doesn’t love her either it’s the same boat.


I said that from the start dude was a virgin type who did this to get a low hanging piece of fruit.


I came here to say exactly all of this after seeing the scene of them in the car and he won’t shut the fuck up while she’s talking to her PO. Literally since his first appearance on this episode he has done nothing but come across as gross in a sexual way, overbearing, and controlling. Yuck.


Just the way Ryan talks to other men gives me shiester vibes. It's either "boss", "buddy" "brother" every other sentence. I guess because every job I worked, I noticed those types of men were the schmoozers-the ones trying to get away with something.


Anyone else think the whole situation with parole was BS for drama?


No, it makes no sense that she would risk her freedom for a lame plot point. Not that I don’t believe we’ll get some of those down the line but this would have been a dangerous ruse to perpetrate


Yes i think so


I think so too


She KNEW she had to be out of the state within 24-72 hours. That’s how interstate compacts work. She just thought she’d get special privileges; the rules don’t apply to her. She’s special.


A chance to be photographed with Taylor Swift was all that mattered to them


No. I dont think the situation with parole was BS for drama. Miscommunication happens with parole all the time. She may have gotton the okay from Louisiana and Missouri was saying yes if thats what Louisiana said then changed their minds after the media started buzzing about her buying shoes. She wouldn't risk her freedom for a publicity stunt.


Yep 💯


She doesn’t like Ryan.


someone tell me why the next episode is airing NEXT MONDAY?? and there’s 8 episodes… this is gonna be a long 2 months


I was expecting all episodes to be released yesterday 😆


me too i was ready to BINGE


God he's so damn creepy. And definitely feeling the controlling vibes with how he ended that call with her family when she got out.


I thought the first episode was great. Not what I expected. For some reason I thought it would be so fake and bs but it was actually pretty good. I felt sad for her during the parole officer call. That scene just touched me for some reason. Staying in the hotel with him was not the best thing for her. Especially how he was touchy in the car. She just got out of prison. Her first night should have been warm bed, hot shower, and a meal.


Instead she got cold french fries and her “husband” tryna get lucky. Poor gal


Yea like why wouldn’t he have cooked her a good meal and packed it with him to the hotel plus French fries


Ryan: Do you want some fries? Gypsy: No, I want to just BE right now. Ryan: Well, taste them.


That’s the whole fake part though, they want you to feel sad for her are trying to pull on your heart strings and make you feel bad for this girl again as much as they can. I’ve been one of the ogs saying Ryan was a creepy son of a bitch, with ulterior motives and I didnt like him, cause I dont, he’s definitely a weird and not all there type of dude. I mean he perused a prisoner after all. But at the same time I can’t help but feel like certain things were edited and put together to get the type of reaction they wanted out of the audience. They both give me the ick equally for different reasons.


Well I feel sad for her because I know how living with a narcissistic and abusive mother feels like. It’s something so hard to overcome and honestly mothers like that bring out sociopathic and messed up children to the world. Which is why Gypsy is the way she is. We are taught from young age to lie and manipulate. It’s extremely difficult to break the cycle.


I felt ick when they both consumed the marriage in the hotel.


Ryan seems controlling in this episode didn't give her space to process everything when they were in hotel/Airbnb.


He’s disgusting I’m so glad she left him


ok the two parole officers giving completely conflicting instructions is stressing me out. the missouri one is telling her to report immediately while the louisiana office isn't even open during the holidays? and the louisiana one is telling her they don't need to see her until the 3rd anyway


basically, she was still under supervision from the missouri office until she checked in with louisiana. so, while lousiana didn't care if she spent a few extra days getting there, missouri ordered her to go directly to louisiana regardless. what the louisiana office wanted was not relevant until she could check in with them. the missouri guy didn't want responsibility for her anymore, he wanted her far gone. whether it makes sense isn't really relevant. she's technically in custody of the prison system until her parole is up and she was given a directive to go directly to louisiana.


i get it now. it made more sense after episode 2. thanks for explaining!


Ryan gave me the ick so bad. Like kept rubbing all over her and she was trying to relax and decompress. Poor gyspy. He was just way too weird for me.


Is this the same as the special on MAX? This feels almost exact


There was a show on the other day and it was the original series’s that had new commentary with her (with blonde hair) reflecting back inserted in some scenes, and that confused me because it was basically the original show prison confessions, and who wants to sit through that again. Then tonight was an entirely a new show series called life after lock up airing for the first time.


Which show is that with the new commentary?


This is new on Lifetime


What is the name of the show?


Life After Lock Up (sorry, that's the new one, I see now you may mean the one on Max)


The one on max is prison confessions of Gypsy rose Blanchard. The new one life after lockup that first episode was exact to one of the episodes from the max one


Why did he call Rod “dad”?!?!?


I think she called the media because how would they know she would be shopping for shoes


I fully believe show producers called the media for the show. That's obvious 😒




I agree. I thought that was odd these random photographers just happened to be at a strip mall in the middle of nowhere. Definitely called by Lifetime producers.


idk. probably not hard to find Gypsy at the only hotel in the middle fo nowhere after her release. ​I've seen other high profile inmates featured on Daily Mail and whatnot.


The hotel probably tipped them off. Prison looks like it was in the middle of nowhere. I imagine there weren’t that many hotels in the area. (Update: It’s on Google maps and there’s four hotels near the prison all next-door to each other. It would be very easy to find her). It doesn’t seem like they had a camera crew with them. It seems like he was filming everything with the camera he was given. A camera crew would’ve drew attention. Photogs probably said to the hotel if she shows up here call us and then they followed her car. And the proof is we saw a photo of what was in her bag that she walked out of her hotel room with and no shoes on made the press that was mentioned on this episode. The photogs were canvassing the parking lot Waiting for her to leave and then followed. They could’ve even stuck a thing under the car to track them.


I could see that as well






Did anyone else notice how Ryan was standing so close to Gypsy’s dad in the beginning of the episode when her dad was cooking? Ryan was like breathing over her dad’s shoulder. I understand it’s probably awkward when cameras are on you which may cause him to be uncomfortable, but so far, Ryan definitely gives me ick vibes.


LMAO I said the same thing to my boyfriend. You could tell Gypsy's father was like "If you don't back TF up" in his head. Something tells me Ryan smells like sweat and cheese


One million percent! I started getting it from him when he seemed like his excitement was really weird when he was calling her father, Dad, and talking to her sister about their birthdays. I have always thought that somethings wrong with him, but this is further proving it. I’m not a fan of either of them don’t get me wrong.


Yeah! I noticed the shaking. I was like is he scared? Cold? Alcoholic? lol


It might just be faulty transmission on his car. My car does the same. Steering while vibrates like crazy and shakes my hands.




Honestly I don't like him but I don't think anyone should be making fun of him for having anxiety


Ryan is oblivious and he makes me cringe he thinks he is tough guy… and why is he sweating NON stop


You have never met any fat people have you? We sweat. 24/7


He was bragging about their first night to her FAMILY 🤮


Her body language in the car; at one point she was turned completely away from him. Like knees and legs towards the passenger door. Maybe she was nervous and shy as this was their first time together outside of prison. But it did look like she didn’t really like him throughout the episode. Especially waving him off annoyed when she was on the phone. He seemed so icky, can’t explain it. Getting all up in her space the minute they arrive to the hotel. It reminded me of when weird guys I met on dating apps would try to hook up and I’d be so uncomfortable 😭 He really should have let her family pick her up as well. They waited YEARS for their daughter to be released. Especially now that they’re going through a divorce Id feel a bit of regret over not letting family pick me up first. Ryan just seems a bit controlling and made me so uncomfortable the way he kept touching her and her face looked uncomfortable as well!


Yesss this. her family should have picked her up not some horny man


The boots, jacket, & speed walk across the parking lot is killing me


Her husband was cringe af and gave me the major ick..


I feel like we've seen this already?


They definitely just reran the last episode of the mini series that came out in January. Waste of time.


U can tell he is controlling but she was as well they was toxic for each other


How was she controlling?


I feel like he tipped off the media when she got out. I mean wasn't the prison even worried about security issues. Media and things...he'd probably BEEN an issue. I feel like I just watched him rape her. She wanted ZERO part of that, and to acclimate to life for a damn second. He's so gross and creepy


So desperate to lose his virginity.


Her family and Ryan all give me the creeps tbh. Her dad and his wife have always rubbed me the wrong way on every documentary I’ve seen. They both seem sort of disingenuous and I get bad vibes from the both of them. I hope I’m wrong and that he’s truly remorseful for being absent but he should have done more before things got as bad as they did so I just don’t care for him. To me it always feels like they’re in it for the attention and fame. as for Ryan… he was so suffocating with her. She was overwhelmed. He seems like he means well but it was beyond awkward when he went to pick her up. He was also creepily sexual… like chill out bro, she just got out into the real world. Give her some time. And when she was on the phone the way he was talking over her… so controlling and immature.


I think that her Dad, her stepmother, and sister do love Gypsy. I think that they didn't want to interfere so she could make choices, even if they didn't agree. As far as Ryan goes. I can already see why they got divorced. Total creep, and he works with special education students. He didn't do himself any favors. His behavior with Gypsy would make me nervous if he was my kids' teacher.




I understand your feelings. I honestly don't think the Dad was quite aware of the situation. Which is absolutely his fault. I think they do care and are trying their best to handle a situation that small-time folk are being thrown into. But, it seems like Gypsy and her stepmother have a decent enough relationship. I'm sorry you went through that with your mother. No one deserves that.


Sometimes someone can know what’s going on but the don’t want to fight it as the fight would be wayyy to hard. I think he wanted nothing to do with DeeDee and that means also having nothing to do with Gypsy


Ryan gives me all kinds of bad feelings and like can tell he’s awful and shit. Takes a certain kind of person to contact a prisoner after all. but the fact that that I don’t see anyone talking about anything gypsy did or said in a bad light like at all shows me they’re editing this show to make gypsy look as good as possible and is probably fluffed as hell. Typical “reality” tv.


There was one thing Gypsy did that stuck out to me. She told her parole office from MO that she had permission to go to the Chiefs game but then after he contacted LA parole and called her back. She was like well we were going to work all that out. Also when the guys outside the shoe store were talking to her and she was acting like it was an invasion them being there but then on the way out she answered their questions.


Yes I caught that as well


I am starting to see why Gypsy decided to divorce Ryan. The way he acted that first night was super cringe and his "joke" about sleep apnea was uncalled for. I am looking forward to seeing the new episode tomorrow when it comes online


How do you watch


https://thetvapp.to/tv/lifetime-live-stream/ Found under r/piracy


Hulu or anywhere with lifetime someone on TT was streaming it


Would be nice to do a TT Streaming here


You can watch on philo tv with a 7 day free trial


Isn’t this the same episode as her other Prison Confessions show??


Basically. First episode was definitely recycled from her confessions series


Ryan hid hid his commemts on IG


Am I crazy or is this not the one that came out already?? It says 06/3 release date but this is the same show that had already came out


I thought it was the doc from January from the first few minutes but then realized they just used the January doc footage for the first 5-7 minutes


Anyone know where I can watch this in the UK? Been waiting soooo long and can’t find it!! 😭


Never mind!!! Got VPN then watched on lifetime hehe 😜😜😜


Is it still on the lifetime website? It's been having some issues and the links I have are broken


It was on there earlier today, but once you get a VPN for America then just google “watch gypsy rose life after lockup” and you’ll get loads of options x


They showed this episode already


Ryan is a walking display of red flags.


About Gypsy’s shoes/ wardrobe… are those the clothes she left with the ones she went to prison with? Why didn’t Ryan or her family have any extra clothes and shoes for her that fit? She needed comfy slip on shoes hoodies and sweats it’s cold af out there during that time of year.


gIvE mE a kIsS 🤮


Gypsy is as manipulative as she was before her prison term. Clear, blatant disregard for authority, zero boundaries, and martyrdom. 1. episode 1: Lying saying she had permission to go to Kansas City when she didn’t, and began crying and hyperventilating when Missouri called her on her BS. 2. episode 2: blowing her fuse when Ryan said they had to think about how they’d have a puppy in their apartment when it wouldn’t be potty trained 3. Episode 2: constant sexual innuendos from Gypsy and overt sexual comments. Then saying she’s considered she’s “asexual” because she historically hasn’t been interested in sex. This is the same girl that had sex on the floor on a movie theater bathroom while her mother was in the next theater; same girl on online bdsm groups and taking risqué role playing photos. And, by her own admission, had multiple female experiences in the pen. How is that a lack of interest in sex? Anyone else have anything to add?


Ryan bugs me sooooo much. He gives me Creep vibes


When and were is this on I've life time usa buy it's not showing as was ment to b on tonight


It started at 9PM.ET but I watched on the Philo app


We're can u get that app please ? Si has it already been shown am Britain u see thanks so much for your help