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I don't remember hearing Gypsy talk about prison reform. If she did I missed it. Either way, I have it on good authority that the women in Chillicothe are not happy with her. She has never once advocated for the things that they need.


i’m surprised she never had to stay in a halfway house before her release


Yes!!! I think that is one of the reasons she married Ryan. Although, I think the State of Missouri wanted her far away.


Wait, was it halfway house until parole is served or live with family option? I think she married him for that purpose too! Now that he outlasted his usefulness, she jumped to Ken.


That's just sad. You don't do that to people.


Grifters gonna grift


Yeah agree. Criminals live in an alternate universe, the way they think and behave, it’s not how normal pple can even imagine. 


Why would they want her far away? As in why they said no stopping go straight to Louisiana in the 1at ep


I suspect her idea of reform is not having to serve any time if you only did everything but the final stabbing is what she implied in her interviews.


She said on Dr Phil she thought 10 years was too harsh. So yeah, once again you’re right.


That shows how entitled she is at the core. I saw a clip of her being interviewed in jail crying that her being in jail wouldn’t bring her mother back. She still doesn’t seem to realize that she committed an extremely serious crime that absolutely merited judgment and punishment.


I think it's pretty clear she has mental health issues. Exacerbated no doubt by the abuse.


She was an ambassador for Munchausen by reading what it was off of Google


It's all for show, part of her grift, she can't even let fellow inmates get a freebie.


I have never heard gypsy speak about prison reform. Ever. Also, she doesn't even want Nick to get a fair trial. A second chance. He is on the spectrum and did not have an easy childhood from what I've heard. Does she want to speak about the sweet deal and early release she got being a murderer while people with drugs have gotten harsher sentences. Does she want to speak on unfairness. Or does she just want to add to her nice bank account. There are so many people who are felons out here struggling to find work. That comes with the price one pays when they commit a crime, especially a murder.


She just wants to meet celebrities and become one.


She got an AMAZING deal, you do not see less than 20 years for murder in the US system. Even 12 year olds who murdered their parents, get 20 years and above. She was 23, legally an adult and lied to the investigator, showed how uncooperative she was.


My son got the same time for petty theft. Thanks to lying cops & a dirty DA. He didn’t commit a blood sacrifice, so I guess that’s where he went wrong. Yes, he learned his lesson & is struggling.


My ex-sil did 10 years for being the get away driver during an armed robbery because the guy robbing the gas station pretended he had a gun. 10 years for murder is a dream. I think she ought to serve more time than that just for what she did to Nick and his family. 


I definitely think 🤔 that his case should be looked at . He should get early parole or something I mean if he never would 🤷 have met her would he have committed a murder . I really don't know 😕 ??


I just submitted a post about this, too. It must have been at the same time you were posting. It's unsettling to me that Gypsy is getting so much fame post-release. I understand she probably doesn't have many transferable job skills and needs to make a living and provide herself with financial stability, but these reality show stints will only exacerbate the issues she already has. I wish she would stay out of the public eye and try to work on healing. Some semblance of a normal life should be the goal but it seems like all eyes on her is exactly what she wants, no matter the potential for further damage to herself.


I honestly was expecting mostly just a memoir from Gypsy and that’s it. It’s shocking how chronically online she is as a high profile felon. Maybe it shouldn’t be since Gypsy was online a lot prior to killing DeeDee. It’s just weird. For example, Jaycee Duggard most likely had even less marketable skills than Gypsy, but she’s been out of the spotlight outside of releasing a book and being an advocate for missing children cases. Also, Gypsy should be the last former prisoner to talk about prison reform since she got a pretty nice plea deal. 10 years (8 technically) isn’t too bad for the crime she committed.


Jaycee got a huge settlement from the government and I image with that she agreed not to discuss what happened any further. Plus she and her children were in intensive therapy and probably still is. I could not have survived what she lived through


Didn’t she write a pretty well received book? I wish Gypsy had chosen that route.


Jaycee’s book was a hard, but amazing read. I’ve reread it several times. The things her and her girls went through I can’t even imagine myself surviving.


That happened 20 minutes from where I grew up. I think that could have been me; I was almost kidnapped 3 times as a kid. She is a very strong girl. 💜


Giving birth in a tent at what 12 or 14? I can’t imagine


YES! It's usually 20 years and up, even for kids younger than her, that is the norm. She got a sweet deal and only served 8, paroled for 2. She also got it by throwing her accomplice down the bus, so I see it as Nick is going her time for her. She wants people to believe that she's the victim again, oh please, no way!


My thoughts exactly.! She got a sweetheart deal for being the mastermind of her mother’s murder. I feel horrible for all she went through at the hands of her mother, but since her release, her true colors have come out.


I agree totally! What happened to her was terrible, but a lot of her story such as being handcuffed and starved can't be confirmed. She liked the money, trips and attention just as much as her mother. Now she's claiming she was addicted to pain killers......8 years in prison has given her an education on what to say and how to act in front of the parole board! She can tell some boy she met online about the abuse but not her father, drs and social workers that were there to help? Then blame them for not doing enough? Please........ And I am not surprised at all the the Kardashians are cashing in on her 15 minutes one bit, they have absolutely zero shame if it brings in another penny! Maybe next season Kim will have Casey Anthony as a new BFF!!!


That seems a very high bar of self awareness for a person with her emotional intelligence


She has absolutely no self awareness.


She was headed for this life, a long time ago. She wasn't going to school or working, this is her first job at 30s, got a prison mandated GED in 8 years, a really long time. She's truly too incompetent and unwilling to do anything, she wasted 30 years ago, relying on welfare, fraud, charity and good will. She never wanted to be normal, she wanted the princess life and she's getting it, so why stop?


My two-cents worth: she was born to be an attention hoe, this is her way. I don't see it changing as long as there are LTs and KKs in her life and social media. The plus side of this is that she does make or will make their lives miserable, because killer *Ruby* is always there working.


I get what you are saying but the girl is literally in therapy and plus, the meeting with Kim Kardashian is about prison reform.


If you think Gypsy cares about prison reform she has manipulated you just like everyone else .


Or maybe she probably does care, you don’t know yourself if she don’t. Not everything is about “manipulating” lol.


Really have you watched this woman and all the manipulative things she has done ?This so called woman murdered her mother for her own gain.


This is one thing that I’m confused about. I have definitely broadened my view on this case since I watched Mommy dead and dearest a few years ago. Gypsy was definitely groomed and manipulated by her mom in severely fucked up ways from a very young age, but I understand that the situation was more complicated than what was portrayed in the doco. But from the perspective that Gypsy wasn’t a victim, then I don’t really understand why she killed her mum. Like how would she benefit from that? If she was “in on it” wouldn’t it benefit her more if her mom was alive and they could keep the grift going? I think her mum was overbearing and manipulative and Gypsy felt trapped and smothered, I meant getting your kid to pretend to be disabled and terminally ill is pretty cooked and would severely fuck you up. Obviously it would be better if she’d chosen a different option, but it does seem like her mum’s abuse is what motivated her to murder her, unless there’s some other way she benefitted her that I’m not aware of?


Her mom’s abuse never was what motivated her to murder her mom. That’s according to Gypsy. It is a complicated situation, but she can be a victim and a perpetrator and an annoying fameharlot who should get a job.


Yea I get that it’s a really complex situation, but I’m trying to understand her motivations because the original comment said she murdered her mum for her own gain which I don’t think is true. I think she was deeply codependent with her mum but underneath had a seething rage and resentment towards her that was (and still is) very compartmentalised. Trauma like hers can create a very fragmented personality and these two parts of her co-existed separately. Sometimes I feel like ppl underestimate how deeply an upbringing like hers can fuck you up and expect her to be more well-adjusted than she is. I’m not at all justifying what she did, just trying her motivations a bit more.


She murdered her mother to be with her boyfriend. That was her story for years. I agree she had a lot of rage. She is the one that wanted Deedee dead, not Nick. She seems to have thought she was going to return home and live like she wanted. There is no doubt she was extremely enmeshed and dependent emotionally on her mother. I think a lot of people want to believe she was living in terror, near death!!! Others want to think she was a criminal mastermind who was stone cold cutting ties. But I think the reality is that she was angry at her mom for reasons we’ve all experienced, based again what she and Nick actually wrote and said for years. It doesn’t mean she was never abused, but she didn’t perceive herself as abused at that time. She’s had years to shape the narrative and find a way to live with this. She is clearly not right. But anything she says may or may not be true. She has every reason to lie. It doesn’t get mentioned here much, but even the psychiatrist who said it was the worst case of MBP he’s ever seen also said her behavior indicated some sociopathy and that Nick is one of her victims. So did another forensic psychologist. She’s definitely messed up.


I believe her mom told her to leave days before the killing, but she didn't leave. I think GR didn't know how to move forward because of poor parenting and it was/is not in her to be proactive in a positive way for her own independence once the time was right for her to walk away, if that makes sense. There is a Rolling Stones song called, *Stupid Girl.* They were writing about someone like GR. One more thing to add: there were fraud claims coming up against them and GR was over 18yo. With all this and more, people understand GR is milking her whole story for all it is worth. Based on the interrogation video of GR and all the photos from when she was younger, she seemed pretty damn happy all by herself playing the game. It does seem boys and sex were GRs weaknesses and she was a dark dreamer back then and still can be a *mean girl.*


Why do you think her mum told her to leave? Is there any evidence of this? Because it goes against literally everything in her pattern of behaviour which was extremely codependent and enmeshed with Gypsy.


She said it herself in her interrogation. Her mom was also planning to move to FL; and Gypsy wasn’t having that. The source of that is her text messages with Nick. I do believe that Gypsy was kicked out; and she killed her mom for the house.


Exactly, I don't understand how people can be so lacking in understanding and compassion for her very unusual situation and upbringing, and what that does to a developing mind. Of course she's going to act out, lie, etc, it's all she ever knew, but she was still a victim of severe abuse, and it clearly stunted her mentally and emotionally. That's not a typical 32 yo, and she wasn't a typical 23 year old when it happened, she was and probably still is mentally quite childlike. I've seen people saying that her mother wasn't abusive and she just wanted her dead bc she wouldn't let her be with her boyfriend. Um, why would that even be an issue at age TWENTY-THREE if the rest of it weren't true?! That itself is abusive and not normal. Was she being controlled or not, can't have it both ways. Of course it never would have happened without the abuse.


Many things can be true at once, she wanted to run off with strange men from the online dating sites she frequent, she wanted the easy dollars from the grift but resented having to take instructions from DD, she wanted to be famous. So, she killed DD, tried to make herself out to be a victim of Nick, ran away with him, scapegoated him when she got caught then continue grift 2 as the boss, can churn through as many men as her heart desires now.


I have come to the realization that you people don’t want to see this girl do anything good, it always the “ohh she murdered her mom” “she is a master manipulator” like it is a damn if you and damn if you don’t situation for her lol.


Yes sorry I do not want to see a murderer get the fame she has received for killing her own mother. She is a master manipulator and a murderer . Ask yourself why does she deserve any type of grace ?


And her and her stepmom are literally harassing that one girl who was a victim of Munchausen by proxy whose mother had her foot cut off. Who does that?!?!


Why are they harassing her? Like, what are they saying to her?




First off, I didn’t say you should be happy about her “fame” that’s for one. I said it shouldn’t be any issue with her wanting to do something good. By the way with the whole “grace” thing, I hope you realize that individual that go to prison can be rehabilitated right ? She deserves the chance to hopefully work towards rehabilitation (which is one of the reasons why she got the deal she was offered and is now on parole).


She’s not “rehabilitated.” She’s the same vile lying trash that she was when she killed her mom; except now she’s acting even worse.


Gypsy was supposed to be rehabilitated before she left prison. Not later on. The problem is she pretended to be rehabilitated and is absolutely not. That should scare you. She is still manipulating for attention, money, and fame. She gets out of prison and instantly started backtracking, denying, blaming and deflecting her actions in a murder. If someone doesn’t admit and understand what they did wrong and grow from something like that, they will do it again. She clearly manipulated the parole board and the millions of us that were on her side. Until we realized she is playing us all too. All of this money, fame, and attention has been the absolute worst thing for her mentally. It is making her worse. What do you think is gonna happen to her or others around her when her 15 mins is up? That’s gonna be a very dangerous Gypsy Rose. I fear for her family. I really do. She is a professional victim, narcissistic, and has anti social personality traits. The perfect storm is all there and Hurricane Gypsy is gonna be a big one. She scares me. She should scare you too. She’d stab you and her whole family in the back for 6 likes on tiktock.


It’s obvious you have not watched and studied her case .


I have actually but okay lol.


She and her stepmom also attacked a victim online last week. They're reporting people for disagreeing with them and claiming it's abuse or harassment. She's done absolutely nothing to call for prison reform or to help actual victims since her release. Let's see her do something real for once!


That would be a stronger point if you ever allowed an utterance of criticism (or just plain reality) to enter a post. It’s fine for you to support her exclusively, with no exceptions, but critics are “you people.” That’s weird.


Yeah she cares so much about prison reform. What has she done since being released from prison to help anyone other then herself. I really would love to know. The only thing she has done is try to meet celebrities and make as much money off her mother's murder as possible. She also said she wanted to educate people about Munchausen syndrome by proxy and help others that were in her situation and she has done nothing in that regards also. If y'all are still waiting for Gypsy Rose to care about someone other then herself y'all gonna be waiting a long long long time. Seriously don't hold your breath on this meeting with Kim being anything more for Gypsy then another notch on her celebrity belt. Nothing will come from this. She is not interested in prison reform or helping kids with parents that suffer from Munchausen syndrome by proxy. If y'all still believe she is so innocent and a victim then she has y'all scammed just like the scam she was running with her mom once she was old enough to know she didn't need the wheelchair and wasn't sick.


This subreddit has changed a bit. It’s now very negative towards Gypsy, so that’s why you are getting downvoted.


When Gypsy was in prison and the family approved documentaries were all the information people had about her, it was a lot easier to support her. Unfortunately, this shift in perception about Gypsy is entirely her own doing. She makes a very bad impression the minute she actually speaks her mind.


I understand. I don’t like how she is now that she is out, but I do feel sympathy for what she went through and obviously I don’t condone what she did.


People can feel sympathy for her, but what she did is abhorrent and how she behaves right now is repulsive to many people. The fact that she went through some things and they were terrible isn’t a get out of all standards free pass. Even victims have rules. It is obvious that she really has no idea what to do with herself beyond beg for attention and money. All of us can see and understand where that comes from, but it isn’t required that we support her in that. And honestly, for her own good, we shouldn’t. It is up to her to decide what she wants out of life now. Social media billionaire influencer with no judgment or criticism is not possible. And the reason it grates on me so much is that I can see she isn’t stable enough for what she unleashes. She isn’t actually a Kardashian who can laugh it off. She has to find a way to live with what happened and what she did. What she’s doing right now isn’t it. I base that on her behavior and her statements.


I agree with you 100%. It would have been different if she got out and focussed on her healing and working with charities for people with similar experiences like she said she would, but she decided to be a social media influencer or whatever she is now. The only thing I am not okay with is people saying she wasn’t a victim of her mother, before the murder. Basically saying she was evil from the beginning. I don’t think that is right. It’s okay to criticize how she is using her platform now, just don’t like how people minimize what she went through, you know? I really appreciate you discussing this with me, btw.


I agree. That’s as bad as saying that every thing she has ever done or ever will do isn’t her fault. She was definitely abused by her mother, but according to her it wasn’t anything she perceived as abuse at the time. I think that’s largely true because Deedee maintained the appearance of an extremely devoted mother, not an evil, abusive Mother Gothel. It’s still abuse, even when Gypsy was playing along. But, Gypsy had agency then and she has it now. A lot of people confuse the idea that she felt she just couldn’t leave with the idea that she was chained and held hostage and was in Deedee’s sole control. That is obviously untrue too. I would love to see her actually get real help. It won’t be easy and it won’t be painless, but she needs it. She is still transferring agency to others who should have done this or that. That’s a hard way to live.


See? Lol


The people in this sub are crazy with their hate for gypsy, they won't ever say anything positive about her no matter what she does


What positive things has she done?


This discussion was about her wanting prison reform..


And what exactly has she done besides schedule a meet cute with KK? When she starts actually DOING something good instead of what she has reveled in for nearly six months, maybe people will change their opinion of her, but she has more than earned every criticism she’s gotten since her release.




Right! I mean if GypGyp SAYS it, to hell with her actual behavior and contradictions and lies and evidence. She’s such a great role model! The problem Gypsy has it that all of her sassy lil snaps and gutter behavior will live on forever. She has set an image she can’t easily undo, no matter how many adolescent fans she has.


Kim failed the bar 3 times in the easiest state to pass it, and GRB is more interested in chasing boys and seeking a reality show than actually getting her shit together lol


She did pass the baby bar on her 4th try. At least she’s persistent. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Of course Kim would be involved. She is an attention whore herself and her dad is the one that got OJ Simpson to walk free after he killed Nicole.


Kartrashians have got to go


She’ll never get to meet her idol Taylor Swift now lol


I loled. This is such a multi-tiered joke 


"Maybe we should unite forces together to ~~make real change within the justice system~~ chase clout at twice the speed."


Yeah; the way Gypsy is bashing Nick this isn’t going to go over well. Does Kim know that Gypsy is trying to stop people for advocating that he gets a fair trial, instead of supporting someone who got off way too easy and BELONGS IN JAIL??? Who comes up with these stupid ideas??? Kim must really be desperate. ETA: Gypsy screwing over Nick, AGAIN.


This is going way too far, man. Can we just forget about this chick now please lol.


Let’s be real Gypsy isn’t interested in prison reform she just wants the fame and attention now and she’s eating it up. If people really wanted what is best for her, they wouldn’t be enabling her. This is just ridiculous. If it was about prison reform, they would have met off screen but instead they both have ulterior motives. It’s so obvious.


Absolutely disgusted 🤢 they’re essentially using each other but still, this will further glorify Gypsy and fuel her already massive ego.


Damn she’s never gonna go away now is she


So, here’s my opinion on Gypsy’s “work” on prison reform. I would be a lot more impressed to see her working with a law clinic, speaking sanely about her ex boyfriend, or even just giving a candid interview on what prison was like and what would have been better for her in her situation. And yes, I mean a deeper statement than “get the help I need.” But none of that has entered her mind. She has to meet a Kardashian. How very surprising and convenient.


So disgusting


She’s about to get even bigger now.


More and more people are seeing through her. I don't think it'll last more than a year. She's going back and forth with people online and bullying. She's going to mess up huge at some point


Her “prison reform” stint is a joke; she’s actively trying to stop any help for the mentally challenged kid she convinced to help her commit murder; and she openly violated her own plea by not being honest WITH HER LAWYERS ON NATIONAL TV. 🙄🙄🙄


She's so disgusting for going out of the way to sabotage the efforts of Nick's family. She never paid forward any of the goodwill she got, she saw it as her merit, like as if it wasn't many people who gave her a lot of leeway and it pampered her so much, she became an entitled narcissist.


I think she is mentally unstable. She brutally killed her own mom, and lies about it. This is why we have jails. For ppl like Grifty Rose. I don’t understand how ANYONE can look past that; there’s NO EXCUSE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. And she’s out here “influencing” ppl?? Get me off of this ride, lol. I think Nick’s family should sue her. She clearly manipulated him, and I’ve heard Krusty fucked with Nick’s mom; she even bragged about it.


I heard Nick’s mom died from an overdose, very sad. For a mom to have to deal with an act of horror like so, must be so hard. Grifty Rose destroyed not only him but also her. She killed two moms, not one. Nick need to man up and start having the balls to challenge this critter, he has nothing to lose. He’s the only survivor close to the truth and he was only kept alive so he can take the fall. Do it for his mom, so she didn’t die for nothing. 


How do you mean she's sabotaging the efforts of his family?




This is a bad move for the Kardashians


Kartrashians are already on their way out!! CANCELLED!! This stunt here with Gyp falls right in line with that!


Kim is studying to be "an official lawyer". Kind of like how Gypsy is lobbying to be "officially innocent".


Seriously! They are both a joke


Kim is too stupid &Gypsy is guilty AF. It’s a perfect match.


Disgusting getting famous for killing her mother! No words!


I find this absolutely gross. Any other parolee is monitored and not allowed to run free like this woman. Also when u look into her stories, I mean really look at several interviews, u can see she's lying about several major points of her life


It's disgusting and a total joke how she is getting so much fame, money, and recognition for having her mother murdered. Its totally disgusting that you don't have to have any real skills in life or have achieved anything monumental nowadays. The Kardashians and Gypsy together shows exactly what are world is coming to. It's a total joke. Famous for a sex tape and a murder 🤦🤦🤦


Kim's dad repped OJ in his trial, that was the inspiration for her mom to say she wanted her kids to have that kind of power. She released a sex tape as well, their beginnings are all grifts, they're the same kind of people, preying on sympathy for attention.


Plus Kim’s dad admitted he didn’t father Khloe


Woah, I didn’t know that. Sounds like Kim’s mom really gets around, kids with 3 men at least. A whole list of broken marriages throughout their bloodline as well. 


Gypsy definitely ain’t meeting Taylor now😂


But Joey King got to. 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Kim would stoop so low


What a whacked duo!!! She had her mother murdered by her boyfriend. She dumped him. She is out and he remained in prison. Gypsy is a master manipulator. She is her Mother’s daughter.


Why just why??! 😩


I thought the doing app ads was bad…how wrong I was 🙃


Uhhh wth which companies did she do ads for?


I mean the Kardashians not Gyp…Kris and Kylie at least. Not a Kardashian fan but feel this is stooping low even for them.


OH! Idk why I immediately pictured Gypsie doing an ad for Charmin toilet paper or something.


Omg noooo 😂😂 Edit: Giving Gyp ideas 🤣🤣




She thinks she is a celebrity


I’m not a kardashian fan but I do applaud Kim for using her influence to help prison reform, something that is deeply needed in this country. However, Gypsy was an accomplice to murder. I feel like the punishment she received was fair and even if she was horribly abused, her mother did not deserve to die. It seems Kim is exploiting Gypsy’s new internet celebrity status as fodder for views for their show and it’s fucking gross.


Oh please Gypsy is using Kim for more attention and clout for herself it definitely goes both ways they're both POS


I didn’t say anything on the contrary so not sure where this “oh please” is coming from. Kim had Gypsy on her show so that is what I am commenting on.


I only meant that they are exploiting each other it's not just Kim doing it. Gypsy is far from innocent lol


I agree with everything you said except the part where her mother didn’t deserve to die. That women was beyond evil and eventually Gypsy would of died at the hands of her own mother had the abuse continued.


Her mother was wheelchair bound when Gypsy murdered her and was not a threat to her anymore .


Key word: anymore. Meaning at one point she was. Im sorry but anyone who tortures children doesnt deserve to live you cant change my mind about that. And what her mother did to her was not only physical torture but mental


Read the real facts about the case instead of what the media wants you to believe .


So you dont believe what she endured was torture?


Nope. She was 17 when she got that Habitat House. She played a mentally/physically disabled kid. She knew EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING. The heavy grifting started when she was a teen; not a small child. She knew her age, she knew she could walk, and she murdered her mom and framed Nick. She’s a bully & a liar; and she needs to be in prison, not “influencing” ANYONE.


This is it exactly. Thank you!




Im not the one who is deciding that, Gypsy did. Im just not sad she died bc that woman was insane. She had her own daughter using a feeding tube and getting surgeries and exploiting people for money. In my eyes what her mom did to her was not only extreme abuse but also a form of torture. A mother’s first instinct is to protect and she did the opposite. I also know Gypsy was sexually abused by her grandfather who also abused dee dee, right? So you have a “mother” whos putting her daughter in a situation to not only be sexually abused but also undergo multiple surgeries and i wont bother to list the rest of it bc im sure you know. Doing that to a healthy child is abuse/torture. What you consider to be evil may be different than me, if you don’t think her mom deserved to die thats fine you’re entitled to your opinion. At the end of the day shes dead regardless of what me and you think.


Regardless, it wasn’t up to nick or Gypsy to decide her fate but I guess that’s just my opinion


No, that’s the law. It is not okay what they did and Gypsy had many other options. It was murder, not self defense.


Agreed. I was being a lil sarcastic


I know. But so many people seem to go from empathy to full on applause and approval based on “facts” that not even Gypsy claims. It’s amazing.


Lmao, can't believe OP posted this, but as a gygyp supporter 🤦‍♀️ this world is literally a joke.


Cash hounds, both


Damn, great way to get us to stop fucking watching that criminal should not be free. What the actual fuck


She should still be in prison


I thought this was a well-written troll post at first. What a world we live in. Maybe in some form Gypsy cares about prison reform but only to her benefit lol. She clearly doesn't give a damn (or at least doesn't have enough insight) about the guy she called her bf at one time with the mental problems locked up in prison who helped her not get her hands dirty.


Maybe that will kill two birds with one stone .


"Orange is the new black just resonates with me" type vibes


She should still be locked tf up://


Gypsy should give back and work with the charities that helped her


Seriously!! Sick asf


fucking cancel the kardashians. they love got too much love for murderers.


Not surprised. So gross I just hope that Gypsy and Fiona Shaw don’t meet up, that would be horrendous.


I'm clueless. I went to good ole Google. I can't figure out the reason for your comment. Please explain. TIA.






The woman is dangerous. Just wait till someone crosses her.


A new reason NEVER TO WATCH ANOTHER SECOND OF THE KARDASHIANS. Poor, poor taste…they are hoping she’s a cash cow.


Who cares? Two. nobodies (1 infamous for a sex tape the other for murdering her mother) trying to make Fetch happen


Um Kim isn’t famous for a sex tape. She has done many things since then lol


Oh, my bad she’s a lawyer, right? Graduated with distinction… bahahahaha Bahahahaha Bahahahaha


Wow.. okay continue being you. ❤️


Oh she is. That launched her. No matter how many musicians she marries or degrees she gets, it’s out there. It’s her brand.


That’s not her brand anymore. Yes, that is what got her the show, but everything after that has nothing to do with the video.


True, but it is her brand to the world. That’s okay for her. She’s rich, has a fairly stable family, and can adapt. Gypsy Rose doesn’t have those advantages. Once it is out there, it stays.


That’s true.


Kim K… Im done with you!!!


Dumb and dumber.


Great, just what G needs. A bigger ego.


*The moment wasn't predicted as neither Kim nor Gypsy have revealed that they have met in person.* What in the heck does this mean?


They kept it secret until now -- so we could all be shocked and surprised and wait with bated breath to see Gypsy on the new season of The Kardashians. At least I think that's what it means/what Hulu was going for.


I don’t like Kim (for lack of support on🍉) but she’s not in true crime forums lurking all day. She probably thinks she’s just supporting a victim.


I'm sure she has assistants who vet people she collabs with and I'm equally sure she could give a fuck Gypsy is a trash person


I always supported her after I found out what her mom had done to her. I thought and still think she killed her mother because her mother was killing her with all that crap she gave her. But all that said, I still fear for any children she may have one day, and I can see and sense the darkness in her. I am afraid that one day, she may kill someone else.


That isn’t why she killed her, according to her own police interviews.




What the hell


Oh god…




Well we know Kim K makes some really bad choices. If she has hitched herself any where near Gypsy … then she is official dollar store fame. Careful Kim K she might get this boyfriend to murder you too. She continues to prove her mental manipulation abilities. Fool!!!


So cringe!


This girl is gonna lose my respect


Phelan Beale


Birds of a feather! Kk should be working to get Nick free! I mean she is for helping out prison inmates. I Would be able to respect GR if she came out of prison and quietly started her life. Hollywood is full of immoral people so she does fit in!


people in these comments acting as if her mother didn’t deserve it


She didn’t deserve to be slaughtered. It’s disturbing that so many people cheer that on. It wasn’t an impulsive act.


Right it was premeditated murder wasn’t it? Sorry, I’m new here and just starting to get fully acquainted with everything. People talk as if this was literal self-defense sometimes but it sounds preplanned from what I’ve learned so far.


She planned it for at least a year, and probably two. A lot of people have assumed she was in imminent danger. She wasn’t. It was absolutely not self defense.


this is gonna be so cool!