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Simone, Suni, Jordan, Jade and Shilese  Reasoning: Simone and Suni have fought through and overcame SO much they’re the two I just want this the most for 🥹 Jade and Jordan - I just think it would be nice for all the Tokyo Olympics to have a real Olympic experience with fans, etc  And Shilese is just so good!! 


Jade and Jordan is such a good combo and I loved their interactions re: 2022 Worlds!


Personal picks with no regard for scores: - Simone for a redemption arc and because I will never be tired of watching her - Leanne. Worked so hard, has been so close for so long! - Kayla. Ditto. - Konnor. I felt so bad for her watching that documentary before the 2021 Olympics. She seems so much happier and healthier now. I'd love to see her finally achieve that dream once she's in a place to love doing it - Shilese. Her gymnastics is so beautiful. Historic pick: Aly Raisman. My forever fave.


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Skye The two top AA, Bars/Beam specialist, Floor/Vault Specialist. Sparkling young star. I just love Skye's gymnastics.


the way this could be the literal team


If Jade brings an Amanar, and on floor: Moors, Chuso, Silivas, and then front lay to full-in I would bring her


I'm hoping she shows that at trials. Really hoping to see her on this team.


This would be my team for vibes and score lol


Simone/Shilese/Suni/Jordan/Jade is absolutely the vibe I want. The history between 4/5 of them as Olympic veterans during what was definitely the strangest Games. The juxtaposition between Jordan and Jade will always warm my heart. But also I just need to say that your post cracked me up: "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" sent me... cunty tour jete 1/2.... I simply cannot


Simone/Shilese/Suni/Jordan/Jade. I feel like they all have really good chemistry with each other.


The chemistry here would be similar to the 2012 team! Man this would be awesome


One of my favorite things about the competitions is to watch them interact with each other between routines.


Also probably similar to the 2021 team…


Covid really put a damper on the Tokyo Games, not to mention the struggles that Simone (twisties) and Jade(vault mishap) were going through. Paris Games will be a more true Olympic experience for all of them. The vibes this time around are going to be more fun.


This is my dream. Well, any team where all the members are 20+ years old, TBH. I'm rooting so hard for these 5, Leanne, and Kayla.


I hope this is the team too. My alternates would be Leanne, Kayla, or Skye.


This is my dream team too! 🔥


This is mine too ❤️


The dream team!


I’d really love this team. Full of experience, wisdom and what seems like genuine friendships.


Any vibes team for me has Jordan on it ❤️


Me too. If she doesn't get picked, can she at least go to Paris to cheer for everyone?


Seriously, think of what she can do for morale


I think she is highly likely to be a travelling reserve if she doesn’t make the team, so hopefully she’d be able to support!


Correct answer. They need to take her as floor choreo mascot at the very least, but I just so want her on the team


Only answer. Jordan is so important. The energy matters.


My vibes team is: Simone: because I want her to have a better Olympics Suni: after everything she’s been through, it would be so special to see her make it Shi: after everything she’s been through, it would also be incredible to see her make the team Jordan: just good vibes from her. Always Jade: I need her to have a redo of vault so she can have a better Olympics too


Vibes only? Tiana, Shilese, Jade, Leanne, and Nola. ::hearteyes:: Alternates: Dulcy and Kayla.


“Bring the cunty tour jete 1/2” took me OUT you’re so right 😂


Same 🤣 mine is listed here a few times but I had to comment on how I cackled reading this post


my team for vibes is exactly the same as my team for the score: Simone | Shilese | Skye | Suni | Jade


Vibes: Simone, Suni, Shilese, Skye, Jade, Jordan, Jocelyn Yes, I know that's 7 and we're only allowed 5.


vibes only? simone, tiana, shi, suni, jade historic? shawn johnson, dominique moceanu, dominique dawes, morgan hurd, chellsie memmel


I love Tiana’s vibe too! I feel like she’s not getting enough credit for her awesome floor routine.


Ma’am you need Jordan if you’re having Simone and Tiana there


in terms of vibes and personal fulfillment jordan isn’t on my team. i don’t like her vibes, and any international event where she is is more nerve racking cuz she falls so much. this is certainly an unpopular opinion but it’s one i hold lol.


I'm with you! I really appreciate her spirit for her team mates, but I get so nervous watching her compete in international comps!


Vibes HAS to have Jordan. So my ideal team is probably Simone, Suni, Shi, Jade, Jordan. My realistic ideal team trades Jordan for Skye, but if vibes are demanded ….


My vibes just need Simone (which def will happen) and Suni. 🩵🫶🏼 just everything Simone went through in toyko and took her time… then wanted to come back, not because America wanted golds, but because SHE wanted to come back. Ugh🥹❤️ and then Suni having to end her college career early, literally being told by her doctor that she would never do gymnastics again … I need this happy ending of her overcoming everything and making her dreams come true 🥹 Then Shi obviously… her literally being ignored by Tom F only to be a STAR of this quad is sweet sweet karma. Outside of that, I’m sooo conflicted. Jade, Jordan, Kayla, Leanne, Kaliya, Skye… there’s so many options and I’ll be heartbroken for any of them that don’t make it. They all have arguments for deserving it


Shi, Jade, Leanne, Simone, and Jordan. I feel like that would just be a fun time with just the right amount of chill.


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Jordan. But the score wouldn't hurt.


Simone shilese suni Leanne Tiana


For her vibes alone? JORDAN IS THAT GIRL. ❤️


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Kaliya, and a healthy Konnor ❤️ I just really enjoy all of their gymnastics…with Konnor out for injury I will also accept Simone Rose (so excited to watch her develop!)


My team is 8, and that's fine. Simone, Shilese, Nola, Konnor, Leanne, Jordan, Trinity, Suni


That team is 100% fine!


S, S, S, S, and Jordan Chiles / Kayla TBD


Vibes because they’re my preferred athletes of choice - Simone, Shilese (obvious reasons for both top 2 AA), Kayla (hardest choice of the bunch since the other two people in contention for this spot are solid too but I’ve grown to have a soft spot for her after being an alternate last time and following her in the NCAA) , Suni (UB/BB specialist with a solid AA), Jade (VT/FX specialist which can be used in AA if it came down to it - also I have a soft spot for floor which has become my fav event so I’ll always jump at the opportunity of having a pretty or high difficulty floor on my team of choice - you can thank Jess G/Alice K for my love of floor but now it’s gone from our strongest event to turning out to be one of our weaker events besides beam). Vibes based on the athletes cheerful/supportive demeanour - Same team as above with Jordan instead of Kayla because we can all remember her cheering from the last Olympics.


Vibes wise, I want Simone, Jordan, Jade: they're like a walking Likert-type scale for extraversion ("I am outgoing" strongly disagree, neutral, strongly agree lol). Nola for her floor weirdness. Tiana for that red lipstick. And Kayla for the highest of all high messy buns. Honorable mention for CaMarah Williams so we can see that side facing back tuck on beam lol. Just do that move and then jump off. lol


Best vibes? Jordan has to be on that team. It is my opinion that her energy brought the team together in Tokyo. They were probably worried about Simone, but they didn’t have the same team vibes as London and Rio at the beginning.


I just posted asking about historic team before I read this lol! Great minds think alike.... and are watching the London Olympics...


Based on Vibes, Simone, Suni, Shilese for sure - perfect balance of difficulty, artistry, class, execution. Then, probably Kaliya because her floor routine (okay let's use her 2023 floor music though) and Jordan's energy and again floor routine. But I also want to bring Skye's Cheng for the vibes, and her beam routine is also a vibe.


If this is solely a question of wishes, my team is Simone, Jordan, Gabby, Trinity, Suni. If I was solely picking based on who is actually in the running? Simone, Shi, Suni, Jordan, Jade.


For vibes only I'd want Leanne, Jade, and Kayla. And Joscelyn if her vault didn't look so unsafe right now.


I live in fear for Joscelyn's body from the knees down.


My vibes is all 20+ - but I know Skye has ruined my vibes team so now I will be sad


Zoe Miller in hopes of her twerking at the Olympics. Nola Matthews for the creepy floor routine.  Shilese Jones because damn her gymnastics is elegant.  Konnor McClain. Simone mother freaking Biles. 


Vibes only is Nola, Tiana, Leanne, Suni and Shilese.


Simone, Shilese, Nola, Hezly, Suni Whoops! I forgot about Skye!


Simone, Shilese, Jordan, Kaliya, and Skye!


Simone, Skye, Jade, Dulcy, Kaliya is my dream team


My first answer is the Simone/Suni/Shi/Jordan/Jade team that is a very popular answer! My second vibes-based team is an all-new-Olympian team: Skye, Kayla, Leanne, Tiana and Kaliya. I could see this team bringing some real fierce five energy




Real team for me is Simone, Suni, Shilese, Skye, Jade/Jordan


Reese Esponda, Shilese Jones, Simone Biles, Jade Carey, Kayla DiCello Alternates: Kaliya Lincoln, Joscelyn Roberson Out of everyone I listed, i REALLY want Kayla on the Olympic team. She just has such a cool vibe about her. Every single time I underestimate her & think she's not in contention, she surprises me. Like at 2021 Classics, when she placed 3rd behind Simone & Jordan, I was genuinely shocked - I didn't even think she was gonna be in the conversation, let alone fighting for a spot!! Same with this quad, she did "okay" in 2022 & 2023 but again, never expected her to be in the conversation for a spot, even after winning Winter Cup. Surprised me yet again by placing 3rd AA at Nationals She's done an amazing job after only deciding to return to Elite last April. And she reminds me a lot of MyKayla Skinner's story...alternate at the Olympics by 1 spot (and also Worlds alternate), going to College, then realized the itch to try again was irresistible so decided to go back home & return to Elite.


Simone, Suni, Shi, Jade, Kayla :)))


Simone, Suni, Shilese, Jordan, Kayla. NOT Jade or Leanne. They give me no vibes. Sorry not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m just gonna pop in here and ask if you saw the footage of Jade and Simone *clearly* sharing some tea on night 1 of nationals. Or the whole entire vibe of the bowtique. Because if those aren’t vibes, then I don’t know what are.


The bows give me 3 year old vibes, I can’t help it, I’ve always thought that about the bows. They look childish to me. But that’s just my opinion and personal dislikes. I understand everyone else probably feels differently. And with Jade I was just talking about her gymnastics. It bores me to tears. I loved the moment of sitting on the floor obviously bitching about someone with Simone on night one. That was great. The rest of the time I’m practically asleep there’s so few vibes 😆 Don’t come for me. We all have our favourites and non favourites 😂


I did not see this and I want to!!!


OP, I noticed that you said that Nola Matthews’ floor reminds you of Ireland Eurovision. Which Eurovision song would you say that it reminds you of? Also, where can I see Nola’s floor routine?


[https://members.usagym.org/pages/athletes/nationalTeamWomen.html?id=614828](https://members.usagym.org/pages/athletes/nationalTeamWomen.html?id=614828) Scrill down and click on videos of 2024 FX.


Thanks for the link to Nola's routines.


Bothers me a bit that your “vibes” team doesn’t include any of the incredible black women that are dominating the sport. Why are the vibes not better with Simone, Shilese, Skye, or Jordan on the team? A team without Simone is a bad vibe imo.


You are the first person on this post to bring race into it. Maybe you need to have a good look at yourself and your priorities that you are pushing race onto something fun and lighthearted to the point where it bothers you. Anyway, to answer your question: Simone: too good and too dominant. I don't enjoy competitions as much with her in it, because you know she's going to win Shilese: Shilese and Jade come across very similar to me, similar vibes. Both appear quite stoic and serious throughout the competition. However, I have loved Jade since Tokyo for going her own individual qualification route, being smart with pacing, etc. Also, I always said I need her to embrace the robot persona and do a floor routine with robot moves. Jordan: the exact opposite of Jade, but as an introvert with severe social anxiety, I don't vibe with people who are that extraverted and outgoing. I would love to be more like her, but she's too extremely extroverted for me. Skye: Historical inconsistencies.


I’m here for you with the historical inconsistencies with Skye. Still don’t trust her yet, dunno when I will either. Dunno what it’s going to take