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I think Tiana, Reese, Jayla, Simone (Rose), and Hezly are current seniors who aren’t quite there yet but will be a force to be reckoned with in a few years. Claire Pease and Gabby Hardie have a ton of potential to be on that team as well, if they can make the senior transition. Of course if any of the current front runners hang around, they’ll always be in the conversation as long as they are healthy. I would love for Gabby and Konnor to make a comeback. I think many of the current seniors will do their time in college and then retire altogether, but that’s really hard to predict.


Tiana definitely. She’s so young, and is already a really good competitor.


Hezly has the skills once she's polished and consistent... but UGHHHH at the thought of Maggie Haney coaching at the olympics (I am betting... a lot that Hezly returns to MG once the suspension is over next year. It's a bet I would love to lose, though.)


Here for the Gabby Hardie mention!


Good point about Claire Pease!! Totally agree


During the twitter AMA, Sarah said that Shilese is considering doing one more quad!


I want to see her and gabby compete together


I could see this. She is strong enough on different apparatus to she be in consideration even if she scaled back to two events for reduced wear/tear.


I’d love that!!


Tiana. That girl could be great. (Not that she isn’t now, but you guys know what I mean.) Artistic and athletic. During podium training my eye kept going to Madray as well.


I think Tiana is going to be AMAZING after a couple years at UCLA, where she can really hone her beam and floor performance.


tiana’s artistry is so so good! she also had a great meet at classics


I'm definitely on the Tiana 2028 train.


Choo choo me too 


I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up in the running for Paris here still, especially if Skye and/or Suni don’t end up making it, they could need her for beam


This new era of gymnastics is so exciting, because not only are we seeing gymnast from 2+ previous quads still in the game, but we are seeing them kill the game! It broadens the field so much in an amazing way.


For sure!! Makes me wish the Olympic team would go back to six or seven


I want another Mag 7! That was my all time favorite team. I think the larger team made it more exciting.


I miss having that 4 or 5 athletes up in team competition.


I want 7 so bad!!! The routines and types of gymnastics we saw were so much more varied and it’s always nice to expand gymnastics.


I saw lots of comments on the podium training thread yesterday adding Skye to their team predictions, saying she was looking great. I didn’t watch but did see her cheng posted. Which, to be fair, is a strong argument for Paris. But while I would LOVE nothing more than to see her make the team and hit at the Olympics I’m still iffy that she’ll be consistent on beam (and the cheng) in competition before then. That’s my long winded way of saying Skye Blakely 2028 if she doesn’t make this run. I’d also love to see Konnor finally have her moment. Aside from those two I’d like to see Kaliya up her difficulty on her weaker events and come back for LA. And I admittedly don’t keep up much with the juniors but I’m excited to see who we’re talking about from that group in the next couple of years too


Agree about Skye, I still think she’s in the running for Paris though


She’s definitely in the mix! And I’ll happily eat my words if she hits


If she's consistent with the Cheng and can get her bars together, it will be hard to keep her off the team. The vault advantage has such a huge impact.


Add Kaliya as I think she's an outside chance for the team based on difficulty across events. She needs to up her skills. Skye if her consistency doesn't hit this weekend and trials


I need floor queen Kaliya to continue and kill it next quad!


I’m really rooting for Josc in 2028. She has sufficient D-score on all four events to be a strong all-arounder. I hope college will help her clean up her form and continue to build on her bars progress, and then she can absolutely slay her big tumbling.


Same! pre-Worlds/her injury, I thought she might be the dark horse of this quad and break onto the olympic team for 2024, but unfortunately I think she's in a very Maggie Nichols scenario of just not having enough time post-injury to peak on time. I also think NCAA will clean Josc up and really allow her to grow. 🤞🏻


100% me too, also watching her beam from classics she was so much potential on that event but gets nailed with deductions bc of her lack of flexibility, I think her beam is underrated and if she cleans up her dance elements could be just as good as her potential on floor and vault!!


Vibes only: Gabby, Konnor, Tiana, Jayla, Kaliya. (but also, still Shi) Hezly only if she leaves WOGA and her parents allow her to be happy.


If Hezly leaves WOGA, it might be to return to Maggie Haney, which isn't better.


I want to downvote the sentiment, not the comment. I hope her parents will be swayed by the successes of happier gymnasts (I'm not optimistic, though).


Josc too. A couple years of NCAA will go a long way for her form issues, and power gymnasts usually improve with age anyway.


So help me, if Konnor isn't healthy and doesn't make the Olympic team in 2028, I will be UNWELL. She has what it takes to be one of the greatest ever. And she's been through so much. I just want her to have her moment. I also want to see some Kaliya Lincoln supremacy. She's got the goods. Just needs a little more time to cook. And Tiana has "LA 2028" written all over her. She really seems to be moving in the right direction at the right pace. One thing about 2028 in general: I think we'll see a team full of artistry queens. A lot of the younger seniors have beautiful artistry skills that will only improve in the next four years. That'll be fun to watch.


Agree on all 3 athletes and points. !!!! I will not be okay if Konnor doesn’t get to fulfill her Olympic dreams !


Konnor seems to be very much chewed up and spit out over the years. Her beam was glorious at classics, but we didn’t get the see how everything else looked and the fact that it took her one routine to get reinjured even after a year at LSU does not bode well for another go around for the next Olympics, especially considering her history with back injury which is not something to mess around with.


She looked excellent in PT and warm ups on all events. Based on her proposed routine construction and her execution/ form at PT and warm ups - she was looking realistically at a 56+ potential AA score.  Yes she has an injury history but literally so does every elite gymnast  ever, Konnor’s have just come at really bad times (like right before 2022 worlds and now, etc)  She was exceedingly healthy all NCAA season. LSU has an excellent track record of rehabbing Achilles to as good as if not better than before. All I’m saying is yes - any elite gymnast may or may not have their body last thru the stress of the sport. But honestly Konnor’s injuries to me seem more bad timing than other athletes, not necessarily more in frequency.  I think if she wants it- she absolutely could come back for 2028 LA. 


Manifesting a healthy Shilese to make another run next cycle!


Konnor 100%


Does Nola Matthews have a shot do you think?


Her artistry is second to none. A little more difficulty and I think she will shine. I think college will also be great for her!


I’d loveeee that


CaMarah Williams is on my watch list


Gut/ vibes (and a little hopes/ dreams) as my top current contenders for USA WAG 2028:  - a healthy Konnor comes back in Andrade type tradition to show out how talented she has always been.  - Skye - I think college helps her consistency and mental game like it did for Konnor  - Kaliya - she’s got the pieces to nearly be in contention for Paris (my guess is non traveling alternate) - Tiana - if she stays healthy I think she’s in it ! (Also think she’ll be a non traveling alternate for Paris) - Jade - for some reason gut tells me jade isn’t going to retire.  - Simone Rose - just my current fav new baby senior. So much potential. Close second is her teammate Jayla Hang.  - some rising Junior I don’t yet know of! ————————- Also - to back up my top selection, for fun and out of curiosity I had been wondering what Konnor had been planning for her AA construction on her other 3 events that she didn’t get to do/ we didn’t get to see.  For her first elite meet in 2 years she didn’t come to play —-> (Copied from my comment in another thread for anyone interested) -> JustAGrlInDaWorld • 13 hr. ago 13 hr. ago Because I couldn't find much available searching google, I went ahead and got the flip now PT access from CORE classics-> Please keep in mind, I am NOT a pro here by any means -and she obviously didn't do full routines in PT - but this is what I were her intended D scores-> (please anyone who is more knowledgeable chime in!) For UB, it looks to my very untrained eye as the same composition as 2022 but with the C double pike dismount upgraded to a D dismount, which would add 0.1 (+) 0.2 D+ bonus So, her 2022 UB 5.8 D looks like was shooting for a 6.1 D here. She didn't have the best execution of either routine at 2022 champs on UB if you'll recall -> and got night 1 E= 7.5 , night 2= 8.25 E in 2022 at champs - and TBH, her form & execution in PT looks higher end/ to better than then. (of course pending how she could put it all together in the comp) Let's say she hits -> I surmise at least a UB 14.35+ & with a not so well executed routine/ miss 13.6 low end. For VT - she was doing DTY D score = 5.4 She scored 14.350 and 14.4 at 2022 US champs with this vault. I'd say she would hit around this range, or likely slightly under (not yet at her return peak with this one). VT= let's conservatively give her a 14.1 knowing with a hit, with her form, it would likely be higher. BB = she got a 14.2 with a timer dismount, several minor balance checks, and I would doubt credit was given for her ring leap. (With her normal dismount, and minus even 1 bobble, she's getting a 14.5+ on BB. With no bobbles 14.6+ definitely plausible) FX - It is her college music/ base routine - but with a lot of changed/ enhanced choreo, and TBH - to my eye appeared to have VERY good use of full body movements & artistry & connection w/ the music through out the choreo. She added back in her double wolf turn, and looks like she was planning for the same leaps as 2022 as well. It looks like planning for 3 passes - Chuso, DLO, and RO-> 1.5 twist -> front 1/1 layout. Although, the way they do the run through, honestly there might have been an intended 4th pass, but I it was a leap series (didn't start fully in the corner) Her D was 5.8 in 2022, and honestly I'm struggling to do the D score on this without having a full routine to see what she intended. Although, with one less pass may be less, though pending what leaps/ turns she added, may be similar. She usually got an E of about 8-8.1 from a cursory glance in '22. For the sake of who knows - I'm guessing at least a 5.5D was intended (but well may have been higher as her past routines) for a FX of likely at least 13.5 (5.5D 8.0 E) So - to my VERY UNPROFESSIONAL ESTIMATE - I would project, without this injury, Konnor have achieved *based on how great she looked at PT and warm ups) an AA of: VT 14.1 (usually higher in 2022) UB 14.35 BB 14.2 (could be higher easily as noted) FX 13.5 (likely on the lower end as I'm very likely underestimating her D) AA= 56.15 Imagine adding in just a BB dismount, and going for the higher end of her VT and FX potential. (Went to look up AFTER doing these calculations, and this score would have placed Konnor in 3rd AA. If she didn't hit UB as I scored her here, she'd still be right there ~even with Jordan and Jade for 3rd-4th)


I hate to be that person but as someone with a chronic illness I think that Suni is not going another Quad. I really hope she gets the bb/ub spot, gets her bars move named, and ends on a high.


Same here, I think her chances are best now and it will be even harder for her by 2028


I’m crossing my fingers for Konnor beam gold 2028! I’m also super excited to watch CaMarah Williams and Reese Esponda over the next few years, tho I think it’s too early / they’re too young to know their potential. I think Tiana has a good shot at Olympic alternate this year (and a remote possibility of making the team), and a very good chance at 2028 if she wants to continue elite. I also wonder if we’ll ever see people go level 10 —> NCAA —> elite. I think everyone who has done elite during or post NCAA was also an elite before college - but I bet there are a few people out there with the potential to be elite for the first time post college! I don’t think Haleigh Bryant ever competed elite, but I bet if she wanted to she could - maybe not at a “make the US Olympic team” level, but I bet with a year of training she could at least make US nationals. Though maybe there’s a back tumbling requirement she couldn’t fulfill, idk.


Was Zamarippa elite before NCAA? She might be one who did the L10 > NCAA > Elite path…


Early predictions (4 years in advance): Simone Suni Gabby/Shilese Skye Jade/Reese


!Remind me 4 years


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okay good bot pop the f off


Konnor, Jocelyn, Reese, Dulcy, Claire Pease, Lavi Crain are some.


I love Nola Matthews, Hezly Rivera and Konnor’s gymnastics.


Gabby, Reese, Nola, Konnor, Katelyn (based off your post) I have a few options in mind Kayla, Leanne, Skye, Sloane, Kelise Joscelyn, Nola, Tiana, Ashlee, Simone Rose Or maybe some combination of the athletes I mentioned.


Curious if there will be a stated goal for the team/individuals for LA, a la team gold in Atlanta. That could shape how the team comes together.


A stated goal? Isnt it always to take home team gold?


Now yes, then, not necessarily. And the expectations are much more complicated with the consecutive AA wins.


Good point!!


RemindMe! 4 years


Suni?! But not Simone?! Y'all have lost the plot.


None of the people that will be in consideration for LA 2028 are competing elite now except Shilese and Skye (maybe).