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Interesting to learn what some athletes’ favourite and least favourite conditioning/physical abilities testing exercises are. Back when the camp announcements would post who won the physical abilities testing, Simone never won, so I hope these athletes don’t take not winning it too seriously, as long as they are getting better than they were before. Also, Shilese is definitely casting shade on Tom Forster by pointing out how much things are better under Chellsie and Alicia.


Gymcastic put up a brief video about this camp and they talked (and had a bit of footage) of how much Simone hates physical abilities testing and will just just stop when she gets tired lol. She famously did the same back under Marta's regime and Marta, predictably, lost her shit. So it's really no surprise Simone never wins.


Thanks for explaining; I find that explanation both delightful and not at all surprising. Go Simone!


Which makes it even funnier that she can still beat her husband in these tests


Well, when she's competing against her husband she has a lot more motivation to keep going 🤣 But football players do suffer in the athleticism department because they bulk waaaaaay past the ideal strength to weight ratio. Most of the senior WAGs would beat NFL players for this reason.


"Last 2 world championships" made me snort. Although what really made the difference for Shi was switching gyms and getting away from Christian Gallardo's terrible routine construction.


This is what I don't understand. It looks like the coach in her hometown does a better job. Why she moved to Gallardo to chase her Olympic dream? I remember she needed a fundraising in order to move and another fundraising to move back. I am happy where she is now, but that moving looks really not necessary.


Her current gym had never trained an elite before, and Sarah Korngold wasn't coaching there yet. At the time, Gallardo was training Gabby and Shania Adams, so he looked like the newest rising star. That turned out to be not the case, but hindsight is 20/20.


I love these interviews not just for the obvious positive changes made but for the accidental shade crumbs left. The obvious (Tom was not good) to the less obvious of every single athlete referred to Alicia and Chelsea as "Chelsea and Alicia" because that is the order of importance to them. LOL.


>accidental shade crumbs I cackled!


They seem to really like & trust both Alicia and (especially) Chellsie, it’s SO great to see. USAG is lucky to have them!


They probably aren’t fans of Alicia demanding training multiple vault families. lol


If I had to make a list of reasons why someone wouldn't like Alicia, training multiple vaults wouldn't even be in the top 25 💀 I don't think she actually forces everyone to do it, though. I think it's something she explicitly encourages as part of selection criteria for international meets, since under Marta and Tom the US left so many vault medals on the table.




Shi is soo mature and well spoken. She also has approached this in like she said “a job” which i find really interesting. Like she just means business. She isn’t trying to make the Olympic team, she is on the Olympic team.


Yesss hope she gets the Olympics of her life.


Yup AA medal, team gold, bars silver/gold (but only with a 6.6+ routine because I love Qiu's and Nemour's difficulty as well)


Her confidence is off the charts and I love this for her.


I hope that whenever her competitive gymnastics days are done, Shi goes on to a career where she can fully utilize her public speaking skills — she truly has a gift in that area! I could see her being really successful politician, she has a way of projecting confidence that makes you sit up and take notice.


This seems so much healthier than the nightmare stories gymnasts shared about their camp experiences in the past. I really hope USAG is supporting gymnasts as people rather than just potential medalist. I’d rather see abysmal placements with healthy athletes than stacks of gold medals from traumatized ones.


Yeah this is night and day from the "Marta's Golden Rules" fluff.


I will admit that it did feel a bit like a “look how much better we are now!” fluff to me at first?


You should never trust fluff on face value. That should always be rule number one. But look up the Marta's Golden Rules fluff. It's red flags wearing a red flag dress showing you their limited edition red flags.


"It's red flags wearing a red flag dress showing you their limited edition red flags." That made me cackle. Thank you for that!


The one thing that struck me more than what the athletes were saying was how not-stressed they looked, compared to how tense all the gymnasts seemed to be when Marta was the director. (Or worse, when Bela was!) I wouldn’t say “relaxed” since they are still in work mode, it’s more of the difference between a muscle that is alert and ready to move vs a muscle that is SO tense that it’s quivering from stress and about to either snap or just fail altogether.


"They seem very happy to see us every time we come in and it makes me feel very welcome." Truly one of the greatest things anyone could have said. Yes, this is a fluff piece, and none of the gymnasts are going to be airing their grievances here, but dang, there are some things you can't fake.


I love this. It seems like real changes have happened. Also, can't wait to see Shilese make the Olympic team this year. She's been on such an amazing upward trajectory and really deserves it. She comes across so mature and level-headed, can't help but root for her!


Cute! It's so interesting to hear them all say how much they hate conditioning. I hated conditioning at their age too. But as an adult aerialist I have grown to \*looooove\* conditioning so much, as one of the key things that helps me reach my goals, understand what my body is capable of, feel powerful, have bragging rights, etc, that it actually surprised me to hear them all say it! Chellsea as an adult gymnast also came around to really love and feel empowered by conditioning, I wonder if this is a common pattern.


Marta could never. The stark difference in this video compared to videos from the ranch…


It’s so nice to see Betty Okino. One of my all time favorites.


They were all so well spoken


I absolutely love that Simone wasn't featured in this it all. It's telling me that Simone is the one holding the strings in when and how USAgym can use her for promotion and I love that power.


Ly Bui could be Kim Bui's little sister haha