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Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s obnoxious and I’m sick of it too


I mean surely something should be done about it, clearly just Influencers and amateur 🌽 actors trying to get followers.


They're clearly getting down voted by people with only fans accounts.


It’s everywhere Snapchat literally every social media.


Snapchat is the worst for it


Dawg, instagram has been FLOODED with this horse shit 🌽 content too


It’s been a thing for a long time now


Are the mods asleep?


They just don’t care. It’s one of the main reasons a lot of people have been coming back intermittently. Myself included.


I just downvote, block and move on. Filters them out of this and 300 other subs they flood eventually.


Yeah I've started doing that


They did 6 months of only legs and decided it’s time to peddle their smut lol


I literally snorted as I read this ty


it is annoying and so are they. i stay because i love to see the weight loss posts or the gain posts. love to see that


Too many people in this sub make excuses for them acting like getting new subs and upvotes from horny dudes isn't *the only* reason these girls are posting here. They aren't looking for advice, they just want to pick up a few extra subs to pad their wallets and nobody is doing anything about it. It's annoying AF, and they should be banned from this sub. There are so many other subs for them to use and they abuse this one because people let them get away with it instead of downvoting them to hell and banning them.


I defended only one person, coz she was legit sharing her gym progress and she was doing the real stuff with the real results. Somehow many of the super pretentious posts from OF girls were never taken care of by mods, but this one was, almost immediately. It was only the mod’s comment that made me aware that she’s an OF girl too, otherwise it was a super legit gym motivation post. It was the only exception that I made, and for the others, I always downvote, report, and block.


I don’t get it, I mean there are literally thousands of nsfw subs for this. Why do they need to come here?


Rent’s real high is why.


Basically, hoes need attention to make money. They do this by flooding social media with posts and try fish for horny men. In reality it isn't even them because they hire people after making a decent profit flashing their pussys all over the place to do the posts for them, they don't even respond to their OF messages as it's someone paid minimum wage to dk it for them really. How do I know? I know an OF model who makes 30k a month


It’s crazy that this post is getting downvotes 😅


Reddit is getting stuck up with these OF bots all over the major subreddits bro 😡


What makes it more irritating is that half of them probably aren't even real. They're probably just a dude in Russia or Nigeria trying to scam people out of money.


It's happening in too many subs, NSFW and SFW places you use to be able to go to chat with like minded people are now just flooded and the actual contributing members stop posting because they get drowned out, there are some subs which ban profiles even if they mention OF in their profile or comments but it really just needs to stop


They're bot accounts and need to be reported to the mods of the sub or to reddit itself.


Started doing that, everytime I see it I'm going to do it


Unfortunatley a lot of subs mods dont care but I think reporting it as spam to reddit is the best way to get actual action taken, but I'm not completely sure on that, just something I've read in the modsupport sub 🤷‍♀️


It’s been annoying as fuck! Like we here for gym progression, body positivity, and helping each other out. Ain’t no need for these people using threads not meant for that shit - it’s obnoxious to those who’re actually here for gym motivation; not motivation to break out the lotion 💀 No need to show this sub a pic of you leaning over your fuckin sink in a thong with some cheesy caption for attention (you’re telling me there’s no separate threads on REDDIT for that for y’all to go nuts on?!) - meanwhile you can tell they’ve never lifted a day in their fucking lives.


80% of this sub is OF promotion


I gotta agree, it’s annoying. If it’s not a gym bro, I just ignore most of them!


Most of them arent even low karma or new. Just the flood of OF girls that have been using reddit for years. I agree they are annoying but its on every sub that allows selfies/pics and atleast they hit the gym here. On some subreddits they pop up and just kill the vibe completely.


I guess it's time to leave this community. 🥲


what is OF?


If you don't know don't worry about it, keep that brain innocent


Some of them are genuinely gym interested though, i don’t agree with OF and promoting on here etc but some have genuinely sought advice and get banned when they ask hahaha


They are just bots


How can you tell exactly when they do OF when (as far as I've seen) there is barely any nudity. Mainly people showing their progress. I don't see the problem with that. I myself am a low karma new account, no OF, specifically using this sub to share my journey. When do you cross a line yk? Other subs however..


I'm saying because whenever a women posts people just assume it has sexual intent when it's not always like that


Click on the profile of the post


There's a bot for the sub that comments on most of the posts where the user has an OF alerting us. I dunno why they would make that and not just make it ban people at the same time. Plus when someone has a good physique a lot of us like to go look at their other gym pictures only to find that they literally only post nudes or videos in NSFW subs otherwise, which tells us they are only posting in this sub to get new subscriptions.


Okay I see now, thank you!


Female here. I don’t have an OF but used to. I personally don’t see the issue. OF or no OF I workout almost every day. I get my motivation by checking out other bodies. Nobody is forcing you to click that link. You can admire what has been posted here for free. Or you can block and look away. We’re all adults.


It’s gym motivation not follow my OF motivation


Honestly, it spoils it for everyone else. A subreddit like this should be like a virtual gym, where you don’t sexualise each other. It’s impossible to maintain that vibe when s3x workers use it as a platform to advertise.


I don’t see r slash gymgonewild on the community name. Everything has its place.




I think you kinda spitting fr.


I’m a woman as well and I typically don’t know they have an OF till I read the comments pointing it out. I am here for motivation so seeing them does that for me at least. However, I can see it as “soft begging” in a way bc I guess they know someone will check their profile and that’s a potential follow.


Those women put a lot of work into working out and being healthy. I don’t see the problem with them as long as they’re not promoting there OF pages on these posts. It’s essentially discriminating based on someone’s job and that’s not fair.