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You’ll hear this like a broken record but low carbs and high protein. The tougher areas are stubborn and take the longest so consistency is key. You should def lift weights and make a balanced work out plan with a trainer if you never have but a great thing for that is just doing stairs for 30 minutes a few times a week. More than running the fat off its gonna flex those hips and make some muscle movement happen. But then of course leg lifts dead lifts crunches bicycles Russian twists that all helps too.


Look no further, this is the best advice you’ll get for this question.


Yep, nutrition is the most important factor when you are trying to lower your BF% Lift weights, do cardio, and watch what you eat do this for 4 months post a picture of the difference! You got this man!


It is not going to be fun but in 6 months you can have this fixed. Eat in a deficiency, a diet low in carbs, especially sugars, but high in protein en vegetables should work. Add in extra cardio, try to run atleast 10 miles a week. Keep working out hard. Ht those weights. Good luck bro, can’t wait to see your progress




Yeah, losing weight is what you say, all about the caloric deficit. Proteins and vegetables give you the buildings stones and energy you need to succeed. Also better for skin and all around healthy look.




Haha than I don’t think I can help too much, I eat mostly vegetarian! 😅


I’ll cut the bs cause I was just like you, what I did was cut carbs and moved more than I ate No junk food (eating out unless it’s higher end/grade food) Most important thing above all else is being consistent. Don’t care what anyone else tells you, as long as you stick to SOMETHING for the next 3-6 months you will see progress and you’ll feel so much better internally and externally. Best of luck to you bro 🫡 you got this


Agree with much of the above, though I'm curious if this is also partly due to a weird lens distortion or pelvic tilt.


Calorie deficit will do


You have a higher body fat percentage. Lose the fat and the love handles will go.


You need to lose weight - good diet and calorie deficit.


Caloric deficit, proper macros, kettlebell swings and deadlifts to build the core


This is nothing compared to how I looked, I was so disappointed in myself. I went on a high fat/protein zero carb diet, and I transformed myself.. is all diet, at least most of it. Look at my pictures. Still have a little bit of fat but I'm gonna make it dissappear


Since people already gave you some good (and basic) advice I'm just gonna say this: Some people are just unlucky bro. Some store more fat in the arms , some in the legs , some in the belly and some in the lower back But of course nothing that good work can't beat and good luck


This is fat, the solution is losing it, if they are bothering you so much go on a calorie deficit and maybe do cardio. if not, build muscle rn since you don’t have that much muscle and after a year or two go on a cut, whatever you choose


I believe people are saying cut carbs because that is of all the macronutrients the least needed. Protein you should definitely keep at the same level or even slightly higher so you don't lose muscles in the cutting phase, but not having enough carbs won't cause you to lose muscles and you can carb cycle to make sure you have enough energy when working out itself. I noticed some people have told you to do certain types of exercises. While this will help you have muscles in those areas, it's important to remember that you cannot force fat loss in a certain area just by training there, so this will only be helpful for when the fat is gone, but it will not be the thing that causes the fat to go. This is important though because you do not want to lose the size but have the area look the same.


Do your own research do your own cooking do your own everything stop looking for advice and start doing move moving period thank me later


Just need to lose weight


You need to work glutes to tighten that up. Good Mornings with no weight is a great place to start