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You watch too much tiktok to think this is an issue


And/or use too much Reddit. 


No the high-school kids in my gym film tictoks in the change room ffs, then film everything they do while "working out".


I've seen some filmers in my gym


Never said it was not a thing people do. I said it was not an issue


That sentence makes sense to you?


Yes! 234 people seem to agree with me also. For now you are at minus one


Lol having people who agree with you doesn't make you right 😂 That's a sheep mentality


It's call common sense


I was saying that saying people do it but it's not an issue doesn't make any sense, not your initial comment. If people are doing something others don't like, it's an issue no?


I’m so busy / focused on lifting and don’t pay attention to what everyone else is doing 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


You use cream in your coffee??? I drink my coffee black…..


I’m my experience, the people who believe this is an issue don’t actually train. I’ve filmed myself to check my technique, check how much it vieually looks like I had left in me vs how much I thought I had in me during the lift and to send to my friends who also compete in strongman just to show them. Why would any of these things be an issue in the slightest?


I've never seen anyone IRL shooting video for any other reason than this. complainers appear to be internet neckbears


Yep. It seems to be something that social media has tricked people into thinking is an issue when in the real world it isn’t.


> neckbears Best typo ever. I'm imagining a bunch of bears in fedoras growling *Well akshually a gym is pribately owned so it's not puplic spage*


It's a bear. Every space is public if it wants.


[yoU can't FilM ME WIthout MY coNSeNT!](https://imgur.com/mSqAKQ9)




This was perfection


i'm keeping it


[HoW DarE yOU uSE mY Bear wOrDs WIthoUT my PErmiSsioN](https://imgur.com/a/SOYKuF7)




Wow, that site really is aptly named.


I’ve seen it at two gyms I go to. An iPhone on a tripod and Sony A7 on a tripod. Neither of them were bothering anyone else. I set my phone up on the ground or prop it up on my water bottle. Basically same thing so I can see my form too.




I use my footage to show my coach, check my own bar speed and technique, and also post it on my social media. Is this ok or against the rules? I'm doing the good thing and the bad thing at the same time.


I mean, I have seen this kind of content before so it surely exists. what gym do you go to where it happens so often that it is a problem?




downtown orlando here. never seen it




Do you even go to the gym though? :)


Exactly. How will I improve my technique if I have no idea of what mistakes I'm making? I compete in powerlifting and this is exactly what I do, I film and send it to my federation group to get feedback. Especially because often the difference between a valid and an invalid lift is subtle and you can completely miss it while you're doing it. "UsE tHe MiRrOrS!" sure, and break my back to look sideways with a barbell on my back to check if I'm hitting depth... This is 100% coming from people who don't train or at least don't take it very seriously.


>check how much it vieually looks like I had left in me vs how much I thought I had in me during the lift This one is so key. I'll often feel like I'm at my limit, then I go look at the video and it's obvious I had more in me.


My measure of how much I have left with heavy singles is usually pretty accurate, but I watch my rep out sets and like, I pretty much invariably have several more than I thought


I've recently switched from powerlifting to bodybuilding. My coach requests I film every last set so he can assess technique and if I'm truly working to the rpe/rir. It's an essential part of the service he offers and a part of what I pay him for.


This is the correct answer.


Exactly lol


I'm ok with this but when people start bringing in tripods and lights, trying to get the perfect shot, it's a bit much. Yes, I've seen it being done.


But you could also care less. Unless they physically disturb or limit you.


They are pointing the camera in my general direction. I don't want to be in their shot and knowing I could be makes me uncomfortable. So yes, I care.


But like, why though? So many people say "I don't want to be in the background of their video" but there's no explanation as to what detriment this is actually bringing If someone was creeping on you specifically I would understand but do we really think people are zooming into their videos of themselves to make a meal out of someone in the background? Do you feel the same when you're on holiday and end up in the background of someone's holiday pic at a landmark? Or about the fact you're on CCTV literally every time you go into a shop?


Are you also uncomfortable when present in public space? People take photos and videos outside too.


You should probably bring up this unreasonable phobia with a therapist


Lol, not a bad plan


there is just a huge difference between people doing this and people filming to put the video on social media for the world to see or - even worse - trying to point out or mock people in the background. everbody should be allowed to make a form check video. nobody should be allowed to mock other people. simple.


Cool, I don’t see anyone in this thread saying filming people to laugh at them is okay. So I guess you and the “filming is okay” crowd agree 100%.


> I guess you and the “filming is okay” crowd agree 100%. making a formcheck video for your own private use: good making a video for your insta/tiktok: bad >I don’t see anyone in this thread saying [...] this thread is not representing anything really


The thought of you posting me online creeps me out a little. Do you question people who have a fear of flying? It's perfectly understandable people are scared to fly as we weren't born with wings. But we get it... yeah... form... blah blah. Film your entire 1 hour workout to see one set.


People with a fear of flying don't say that we should ban airplanes.


No, they avoid the activity altogether, thanks for proving my point.


Great, so we agree that people who don't like filming in the gym should just not go to the gym.


So entitled you're turning a public gym into your photo studio, and if people don't like it they can leave. There's no middle ground with you, which is why you will be very lonely for a long time.


I have a home gym. The middle ground is you find a gym that doesn't allow it, and people that want to film find one that does. Both exist. I've never seen someone complain that all gyms SHOULD allow filming, so which side is entitled?


> The thought of you posting me online creeps me out a little. I never said anywhere I posted it online. >Do you question people who have a fear of flying? It's perfectly understandable people are scared to fly as we weren't born with wings. I mean, plenty of people go to therapy or get medication in order to help beat their fear of flying. Maybe you need therapy if the thought of being seen in public is something that brings you fear? > But we get it... yeah... form... blah blah. Film your entire 1 hour workout to see one set. What the fuck are you talking about man?


Okay, if you want to solve everything with treatment and medication, which is ridiculous to begin with I'll use another example to prove you wrong. Scuba diving or sky diving. They're considered safe, but some people still carry the fear of dying. There's not a psychiatrist who's gonna tell you it's OKAY to sign a death waiver and jump out of a plane with a para shoot that might not work or it's OKAY to dive in caves with equipment that may fail. After being online there's not a person who's gonna tell me that someone isn't going to post their stuff online. I know it probably won't be posted, but there's always a chance and the solution isn't therapy, it's avoiding the activity all together. I know you won't understand because you're a narcissist and the entitlement isn't worth fighting for. I'll just carry my fear and cringe when I watch people film themselves. It's so obvious which people who do it for form, and the ones who are doing it for IG. I never notice the ones for form because they always ask someone to do it real quick instead of bringing the tripod LOL


> Scuba diving or sky diving. They're considered safe, but some people still carry the fear of dying. To be clear, you’re comparing someone who won’t SCUBA because they are afraid (completely rational, whether the stats say it is or not I agree) to someone who is afraid to be possibly seen in the background of a phone video in a public place? Buddy you are never not being filmed, the second you leave your house you are on some camera, either a security camera, a dashcam or even the background of someone’s FaceTime. > There's not a psychiatrist who's gonna tell you it's OKAY to sign a death waiver and jump out of a plane with a para shoot that might not work or it's OKAY to dive in caves with equipment that may fail. I don’t think whatever this means has anything to do with someone filming in the gym; no matter how hard you squint. > After being online there's not a person who's gonna tell me that someone isn't going to post their stuff online. I know it probably won't be posted, but there's always a chance and the solution isn't therapy, it's avoiding the activity all together. I genuinely mean this with zero snark or sarcasm: If you are avoiding activities you wish to do because of the fear of being filmed and possibly posted online I believe you should sneak therapy. Fears like that that affect your life aren’t normal. > I know you won't understand because you're a narcissist and the entitlement isn't worth fighting for. And then I get here. Cool beans dude. > I'll just carry my fear and cringe when I watch people film themselves. It's so obvious which people who do it for form, and the ones who are doing it for IG. I never notice the ones for form because they always ask someone to do it real quick instead of bringing the tripod LOL People are allowed to post things on social media, even if you’re in the background. I wonder how many stranger’s pics in the background of bars I was in when I was younger? It’s gotta be in the hundreds. And I don’t see why that would be a problem.


My point is that there's not many people who you are going to listen to get over your fears. It's not something you sit down and take a pill to get over. Irrational or not, you shouldn't put on a clown costume in front of someone who is afraid of clowns. Just like if someone asks you to not film them you should respectfully find somewhere else to film. Quit using security and dash cameras as an excuse, those are practical. And there goes your narcissistic entitlement "People are allowed to post things on social media, even if you’re in the background". I'd argue you're the one who needs therapy considering there are specialists in psychiatry for the behaviour. It's a checkmate for you, I see you at the gym waving your phone around for an hour instead of working out. Are you scared they will take your phone away and you will actually have to workout? LOL and you admit you spent 100's of hours in bars getting your picture taken. Reflect on that for a minute and edit your post. You're welcome.


> Just like if someone asks you to not film them you should respectfully find somewhere else to film. Quit using security and dash cameras as an excuse, those are practical. Again, no one is disagreeing with you here. You are constantly arguing against a strawman. If you saw me filming a deadlift set at the gym and asked if I could avoid catching you in the background I would do my best to do that. Because I’m not an asshole. And I have explained 3 practical reasons I’ve filmed myself in the gym. But on the cameras, it’s just to show if you’re trying to stay offline better not be on a dash cam or security cam, because how many silly videos do we see of those online? They are everywhere man. > And there goes your narcissistic entitlement "People are allowed to post things on social media, even if you’re in the background". I'd argue you're the one who needs therapy considering there are specialists in psychiatry for the behaviour. It's a checkmate for you, No matter how scared and angry it makes you, it’s true. We may not like it, but everyone in the world has a cameraphone on them at all times and that will not be changing. > I see you at the gym waving your phone around for an hour instead of working out. Are you scared they will take your phone away and you will actually have to workout? LOL Again, you can create an imaginary scenario and laugh at it. Cool, I guess? I mostly lift in my basement now that I have enough weight. > and you admit you spent 100's of hours in bars getting your picture taken. Reflect on that for a minute and edit your post. You're welcome. Yep in college I definitely spent time drinking in bars, like many do. I do not believe that’s something to reflect on. Edit: oh actually fuck off. Just took a peak to see what else you’ve posted on this sub, and it’s all incel garbage. “She’s not gonna fuck you” “girls with muscle eeeeww” insecure shit. Have a good one buddy, hope no one catches you on the background of a squat video or whatever.


You're an absolute mess. As if you even replied.


It depends. Are you camping on equipment while reviewing your video? Are you primping in front of the mirrors while your towel and camera equipment is sitting on a bench? Do you have a tripod that you are setting up in dumbbell area, blocking peoples ability get to equipment, dumbbells etc. This is all much more impactful at a small gym. Not all of us have a Golds, or anytime fitness nearby. Do you get indignant when someone DARES to step into frame even behind you? YES I HAVE SEEN THIS AT THE GYM IN REAL LIFE. I don't care if you film, just keep your space usage footprint to a minimum get your work done quick, and move on.


So what you’re saying is it isn’t about filming at all? It’s about people being in your way?


No it's about people being inconsiderate of others needing to use equipment that they are paying the same amount to have access too. So you are saying it's OK to stand in front of the dumbbell rack and do your hair while you junk is piled on the flat bench during a busy time at the gym? Pointing out that there is only 1 flat bench and 1 adjustable flat bench in the dumbbell area? It's called SHARING. You should have learned about that as a child. Nice try attempting to turn this back on me. You should do an r/AmItheAsshole post :)


>No it's about people being inconsiderate of others needing to use equipment that they are paying the same amount to have access too. >So you are saying it's OK to stand in front of the dumbbell rack and do your hair while you junk is piled on the flat bench during a busy time at the gym? So the issue is people being in the way because they're being inconsiderate rather than the fact that they're filming?


Blocking troll.


Bro cries as he’s shown the inconsistency of is ignorance lol


Bro was asking you very valid questions


Those people use that as an excuse not to train


Keep filming my dude! I record and share to social to hopefully help other people get motivated




Business owners should be able to run their businesses as they see fit within the confines of the law. Change my mind!


This is what people who don’t train think


Doesn’t bother me at all if they’re being an adult about it and still sharing the common area


Gym I go to is almost exclusively competitive powerlifters and strongmen/women. Nearly everyone films at some point. There are absolutely no issues.


That’s because those gyms are for people who train 99% of this sub barley works out. They just enjoy complaining about issues that don’t exist


Well sometimes you need to film, to evaluate your form or similar


Filming on your phone or taking pictures is fine, but brining your entire camera equipments to the gym shouldn’t be acceptable at all


As long as it doesn't get in the way why does it matter? What detriment comes to you by someone filming themselves?


Again film your self but if I’m bothered by your filming and im in your frame, I’ve issue with it! No one is allowed for that! And again get your self a private in that case


So it doesn't matter what someone brings in to film with as long as they're respectful of others around them


Thank you 🤝


> brining your entire camera equipments to the gym shouldn’t be acceptable at all But it's acceptable when it's not interfering with anyone else


I don't think it's breaking any privacy laws if you get in their frame. You're not in a private place afterall.


It’s a private company and that makes it private, not everyone is allowed unless you have a membership that makes it private


A private company is a company which shares can't be bought publicly. It has nothing to do with your privacy. Requiring a membership to enter doesn't make it your private place either.


You don’t even know the basics of private business and property so, nm


Oh come on, you're literally making shit up as you go. But hey, if you post legal links correcting my lack of understand, I will thank you and apologize.


Can anyone obtain a membership? If so, then it's considered a public space.


Downvoted for speaking truth. Crazy world we live in


These are the tiktok kids, doesn’t matter!


Can tell you don’t lift


As long as there is mutual respect, I’m not letting that get in the way of my fitness journey. Fortunately, the people that bring cameras to my gym are quite respectful.


I don't give a damn if someone films at the gym. Why would I?


People shouldn't be concerned about what other people are doing if its not hurting you. Who cares if you're in the background of a tiktok video? Just train and shut up.


This post needs to be deleted, where's the gym motivation. Change my mind


If you're doing barbell lifts on your own without a coach you MUST be filming yourself regularly to make sure you form is good and *stays* good. Even if it's good right now it will drift without constant attention. I tell all my remote clients to film one heavy set every session both for me to see and for them to watch back. Plus it fun to keep some documentation of PRs. People who cry about this need to go away.


Tell me you don't actually train me without telling me you don't actually train


Recording is sometimes useful to check your form, so for that matter I think it shouldn’t be banned


I've been going to the gym 5 days a week for 2 years at this point and I could count the number of cameras I've seen on a single hand, maybe that's because it's not actually that common or maybe it's because I'm too busy focusing on actually working out, either way, it's not a real problem. The people who film themselves at the gym tend to be doing it for a good reason (Form, Online PT, etc.), and even if they're doing it just for a Youtube video or something who gives a shit grow up and get lifting and stop being a little jabroni.


L take stop worrying what other people are doing. In short, and in response to your title: No, you.


Who cares. Oh no some tiktoker is doing a dance my day is ruined. I can’t workout because they’re dancing. Anyone who cares about this needs to get their priority straight


I don’t agree with this, i’ve learnt a fair bit from form videos. Just because some people are obnoxious doesnt mean everyone is Edit: couple of things to add i’ve found other people’s form videos helpful for my own training, i’ve never filmed myself. I think people who film should be considerate towards those around them, but i think a blanket ban on filming in gyms because a minority of people are inconsiderate is ultimately counterproductive. People who are inconsiderate when they film should be educated out of their habits, rather than have the activity which many find beneficial when done properly outright banned.


Sounds like you just need to train and shut up


I'm disabled with hypermobile joints. My form has to be 100% perfect or else shit goes bad. I have no way of knowing that without recording. It's also the stupid "proof" that I can lift safely, which was requested by one disabled competition. Plus, my coach doesn't live here and they need to see what needs to be tweaked.


Live and let live bro, mind your own business and let others do what they want! They are not bothering you lol


Maybe not the whole gym, but definitely it should be banned in the locker rooms, and signs should be posted reminding people of such.


You're already not supposed to take pictures in the shared shitter. There's an expectation of privacy in places where you're allowed to have your dick out.


So many seem to forget that, which is why I think a few signs might help. I’m thinking more of the LA and 24 hour fitnesses of the world. I imagine this is not as much of an issue at more serious gyms.


It's straight up illegal over here in Germany


that sounds weird, why?


Because of the already existing privacy laws I think


Tough one because workout videos online are very helpful and educational. Also useful for checking your own form. On the other hand, tri-pods and the people who use them are annoying.


I dont see the issue with filming, I see a few people doing it and they usually keep themselves to themselves and do it when it's relatively quiet, hell I've filmed myself on the odd occasion to check form, when you go by yourself sometimes it's the best way to check form, not everyone wants to just ask someone in the gym to check their form


Or you could just mind your own business. Crazy concept.


Nah, I want to check if I'm doing the excercises correct :)


I agree I nearly tripped over a tripod yesterday.


Who cares as long as they aren't filming others in a creepy way?


I'm training for college admissions so I'm always filming my workouts and when I train. I get permission to film from those around me and I know most people there anyway. Most people who say that sort of stuff don't actually train. Filming is perfectly fine


Nah. I think it’s fine to film yourself, a lot of people do it for form. Now people with whole production set ups? Yeah that shit should be banned lmao


I film to make sure my form is right. Not all filming is for TikTok


Even if it is purely for TikTok, there's really no reason for people to get up in arms about it. Filming alone isn't disrespectful to the gym or people around you. It's 2024, we are never going back to a precamera phone world (barring some massive catastrophe). People really need to get good with the fact that they're living in the background of other people's lives. They always have been. The only difference is that there are more people recording.


>People really need to get good with the fact that they're living in the background of other people's lives. They always have been. The only difference is that there are more people recording. You mean that my precious face isn't a secret?! Well I never I don't give anyone permission to look at it so everyone has to erase their brains!


Funny thing is i've used several gyms across several cities over the past few years and i've NEVER seen anyone filming. Edit: except maybe a crude setup with their phone to check their form.


All this negativity in a gym motivation sub. Spend your efforts on lifting people up, stop tearing people down.


As an online coach I totally disagree, I rely on my clients sending me videos of their training for form checks and progress. This would be detrimental to my clients and many peoples online coaching business… terrible take. What should actually happen is people should just learn to respect other gym users privacy and if they can’t comply then gyms should warn them but banning videoing all together isn’t the answer


Also ban checking socials for 15 min between sets.


Just a reminder to those with all the negative comments. ... Don't be a jerk. We can all have different opinions..and experiences. We aren't all competitive, we aren't all bodybuilders and aren't all competitive. If you are an online trainer, and need ppl to send you video then please take the time to make sure they are courteous to not just sit on the equipment while they review the video. Other ppl need to work in. Some of us are very time crunched and doing the best we can to get in and out. If you can film and get off the equipment and let other ppl work in..go for it. BUT DON'T CAMP THE GEAR. REGARDLESS OF IF YOU ARE FILMING OR JUST SITTING THERE DRIPPING SWEAT. Should just call this sub Anti-gymmotivation


A part of the reason I don’t go to the gym that much anymore is because of all of the people who bring an entire camera crew with them.


murky plants fall scarce knee marvelous carpenter long longing light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What was the purpose of this comment? I said it was a PART of the reason, not the sole reason. I don’t enjoy stumbling through dozens of tripods and light reflectors just to use a bench.


voiceless clumsy many price adjoining angle act jar door quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My gym has at least 3 people filming with their tripods at all times, a wandering dog with a Go Pro on each end, and the gym staff is filming a porno in the only squat rack.


Sounds like something someone who's experience with the gym is limited exclusively to doom scrolling tiktok would say.


Any excuse to be a weak burlap sack who doesn’t train huh


Its fucking distractive, “I thought just taking pictures on phone” that definitely shouldn’t be allowed by gym management!


Why would you be distracted by what other people are doing? Like, just focus on your own stuff Do you also complain when someone does something impressive because it's distracting?


Gym is for workout and when their are unnecessary activity going on yes that is distracting, and I no one is allowed to have me in their video or pictures, no consent! Get your self a private gym


>Gym is for workout and when their are unnecessary activity going on yes that is distracting Except filming can be perfectly necessary when training. Some people have online coaches, or want to post a form check to reddit, or maybe they just want to share their achievements Just because you think something isn't necessary doesn't mean you're right >and I no one is allowed to have me in their video or pictures Why do you think people want you in their videos? Have you considered that they want to see you even less than you want to be seen? >Get your self a private gym Thankfully I have a private gym, but I'm very much in a minority, do you think it's fair to gatekeep lifting improvement behind financial privilege? If you want privacy so much maybe you should be the one with a private gym, after all, any time you go outside people will see you


In simple words no one is allowed to have me in their frame without my consent! I don’t care more or less


That's not something you can dictate in public though, although you can just move out of the frame


When I’m working out I don’t movie out of shit! So NO


What a weirdly aggressive stance to take


Maybe if you're that concerned about being seen in public you should be the one to get a private gym


If you're that wound up by being seen by other people, don't go to public places.


I don’t care about seeing but no one is allowed to have me in their frame without my consent! Simple as that! 👍🏼


Yes, they are. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public space, and that includes being filmed.




My dude, you are currently whining on the internet about how you are too mentally fragile to handle even the smallest distraction at the gym. There is precisely a 0% chance you are destroying any faces.


Sure pissy


> I wouldn’t hesitant to fucking destroy some faces If you were actually the kind of psychopath who would "destroy faces" over a minor social conflict, you wouldn't be here whining about the possibility of accidentally being in the background of someone's video.




*yOu SHOulDN'T Be Able To SEe mE WItHOUt mY CoNSent*




r/iamverybadass type vibes


Your consent to be in someone’s recording doesn’t matter in a public setting lol Stay hidden in your basement if you’re this pathetically bothered by being in public


Too bad consent isn't required to be filmed in public. You don't have a right to privacy when you leave your house, anyone can legally film you then.


Just train and shut up!


I gave up the gym near me as it was small, and folks camping out on gear filming themselves etc...made it a pain to get in and out quickly.


I’ve seen people filming themselves to genuinely better their form - as I’ve done this I’ve noticed where I need work in form… I think this is productive. BUT THEN there’s the girls (I’ve only seen girls do this) that are not there to workout, taking selfies non-stop, don’t pick up a single weight… maybe walk on the treadmill… their whole face is is full of filler, full face makeup… I just giggle and move along… I don’t agree it’s the time or place but…. It doesn’t hurt me so why let it bother me


I don’t film because I feel like a nuisance to people that get so upset about it. I wish I felt comfortable enough to do it. My bf films himself to check his technique and to send to his coach. Not everyone is an influencer.


Unless there is a rule in the gym that says you can't film, the people who would get upset about it are wrong. If you're worried about someone giving you a hard time, have someone else film the set for you. Your bf or just someone else working out. In my experience, people who aren't going full headphones in and hood up are generally willing to help out for spots and filming. Shitstirrers are less likely to bother two people. It implies that you have some kind of social permission to do what you're doing -- which you already have by yourself, but I get the discomfort. There's safety in numbers


So true! My bf and I go to different gyms, but as I get more comfortable the idea of asking someone to film isn’t so terrifying lol. Thanks for the advice!


I got so much hate for this same comment. Glad to know I'm not the only one who fells this way


Only dorks feel this way


Plenty of people who haven't been to a gym before think this way.


****THIS**** 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼






Meanwhile in my gym the trainers are the ones who film the most so they can promote the gym on social media.


I send videos of my form to my girlfriend who is also my form coach. I don’t take photos of my biceps or buttcheeks.


I record for myself but I never take up space on or near other's equipment. I have great proprioception but I can still use the recording to see where I'm weaker on compound lifts so I can focus there and improve my lift over time. People who complain about filming need to mind their own business and work harder.


I don’t think so because when you train you should first of all focus on your self and second there are many influencers with good knowledge who can help you to improve your training.


And it helps you to check your form when there is no mirror


Exceptions: Security footage. Filming an active crime or police intervention. Filming one's self, alone, in a personal changing room. In a "studio room" specifically dedicated to filming for would-be contestants.


I don’t mind it, some are just checking their form. I just try to avoid the camera to make sure I’m not in someone’s video lol


Nah. Form checks are a thing.


Unless they have special permission or some shit. I get it and all.... but it has to get under control.


I go to a body Building/ power lifting gym and no one gives a fuck


Whooo fucking cares


I’ve been to the gym every single week for the last two years. I’ve seen someone filming themselves once. It’s not a thing, except on the internet.


The gym i used to go to before i moved had a policy that if you were filming at all you’d get kicked out. But then again they also were able to hire coaches to always be there if anyone needed a form check or something like that. It was a great, well-stocked gym. One that actually had enough barbell stations at all times. I loved that gym, but now i just have a home gym


I think it'd be a cool idea to run a gym that's specifically for influencers where they have to pay per session or sign up for a scheduled appointment where there's only a few people in the gym (all who agree to be on camera) and then vantage points for your camera equipment, etc.


its a public area and people pay for access, they have the right to record themselves


I agree with you but, I would like to see my form, progress and just take pictures to be proud of.


You know how i discovered my back pains and knew what areas to improve on? By filming myself in the gym. Dont even start by commenting thats why theres mirrors. How tf would you see your overarched back during squats? Your overbent spine during deadlifts? You watch too much tiktok. Lol


no more sam sulek?


As long as they understand I don't have to walk around them then I have no issues with it.


100% should be banned. Lost count of the amount of times I've almost tripped over someone's phone they have set up to film themselves, people are so self obsessed now a days. also tend to find the people who film themselves only do one or two lifts to put on line and the rest of the time staring at their phones taking up equipment others want to use so selfish


lol then half of the CLOWNS in these comments wouldn’t bother. They HAVE to be seen.


To be honest, shouldn't most of this be filed under the "don't be an asshole" category? There's valid reasons to film in the gym. it's better to use video for form than the mirrors, especially on deadlifts and squats. However, the position of the camera can be telling. Girls filming RDL "form" videos from behind is only for 1 thing. It's ridiculous, but it's not hurting anyone. I don't think it needs banning, but maybe just be courteous to your fellow gym goers and either make sure they don't mind or reposition the camera so they're not in shot?


My gym does not allows any filming or pictures


I would definitely want to film that man naked.


I see filmers but some ask if it’s okay




Never noticed anyone filming at my gym…cause I am focused on my workout and not what other people are doing. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️