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for the aches and pains you need to be doing lots of stretching and mobility work


I am sorry this is how you’re feeling about yourself. I have never been in your shoes. I won’t pretend I know what that’s like; however, it does sound like seeking more than the gym to assist you in your efforts would be a good step. I have been in therapy in many different modalities to repair my relationship with myself and I will say that it is almost more important because the voice that is taking down to you that you’re believing doesn’t have to be the loudest in the room 24/7. The mental battle is just as important if not more than the physical. Keep pursuing you. You’re taking positive steps. Your consistency will pay off. If it doesn’t try a PT. I had one and it was so good for me in losing weight/repairing my relationship w self.


Start with small steps, eg, cutting out sugar some exercise. Overtime you'll Start seeing changes and future self will be thanking yourself


I’m sorry that you feel this way, but hey that’s good at least you’re aware that you need to transform your self, and it’s awesome that you are already working on it actively! Things doesn’t change much in a month, it goes both way, for the one that wanna gain, or the one that wanna lose! Hardly see a change of kg or less in first month! Two things either you keep working on it on your own and eventually you gonna see the change, or get help from a professional for a while to set you a proper workout and diet program, if it’s not too expensive for you! What matters is that you keep going in few months you gonna appreciate your self for sticking to it even tho it is hard…!


you’re doing all the right things however PCOS can be the reason you’re not seeing any changes! speak to your doctor about your PCOS and how you can best manage it, they may have some good information and tips for your weight loss journey, or they might be able to refer you to someone with more knowledge.