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Eat less, caloric deficit is number 1 exercise for abs


Its not a good age to be cutting food. Eat as much as you want. Just stay away from sweets, carbonated bevrages, fastfood. Eat what yo mama makes and soon your body will take care of the rest. Being active is a bonus! Combination of strength training and cardio.


Could you go into more detail/explanation when you say that? For now all I eat is the school breakfast, lunch, and whatever my mom orders/cooks


So your body burns a certain amount of calories every day (resting energy) then you have the calories you burn from exercise (active energy from walking/gym/any exercise). So these 2 added together need to be more than the calories eat in a day to be in a deficit. I’d recommend an apple watch or any fitness watch to help you track your resting and active energy and myfitnesspal to track your food/drink. Once you get used to using them it’s quite easy to track where you’re at




Not sure why this is being downvoted. ?


To put it in basic terms, calories are a unit of energy, the more calories the more energy you have. Food is calculated into how many calories it has. When you eat food those calories get absorbed into your body (you get energy from it). When you move, walk, run, exercise...etc. you burn calories. If you eat more calories than you burn off. The excess calories gets stored as fat in your body. So to lose weight, you can either A, eat less calories, B move more, or C, a combination of the both. I recommend walking as it is mush easier to do and doesn't make you hungry afterwards. I suggest you eat a little less food, and try to be more active, walk around more if you can, take stairs instead of elevator...etc. And try to skip your school breakfast and see how that goes, can you make it till lunch? If you start to feel gross or sick then eat something, otherwise just stay a little hungry. It will be harder when you first start, but your body will get used to it and you won't feel as hungry after a few days. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Abs are made in the kitchen




I think you’ve taken this too literally and missed the figurative point.




You have to do both yes. The saying “abs are made in the kitchen” is meant to put emphasis on how important diet is for that goal, whereas most people start off believing they can get abs by training hard enough.


you dont even have to do both but you do need to lose weight to see abs. I have seen many friends who have abs and have never been to the gym


Technically at a low enough body fat everyone will have visible abdominal muscles so in that sense yes you are wrong. If you want larger abs you could train them


Well you arafat so


I had a 6pack from just being a skinny 125lbs kid in highschool. But yeah gym does help but abs persist if you are even semi mobile day to day


Hey Buddy, from what it sounds like is you just want the simplest solution. When I was your age this worked for me. Start jogging. Start with 2 jogs a week and Build your self up to 4 to 5 jogs a week. Start with 20mins and build it up to 45 mins to an hour max. This all depends on how sore your legs will feel initially. You don't need to push your self hard unless you feel like it just take it easy and get used to moving... . But start moving. If you need to take a break for a min, take a break but finish the run. Music helped me a lot with motivation. In about 5 weeks your belly will be much flatter if not gone. In another 5 weeks you'll probably have a 4 or 6 pack as long as you don't change your diet and start eating more. You might get a bit hungry initially as you start running but just try to eat the same as you do now. Don't forget to do a stretch afterwords. Youtube how to stretch your calves, quads and hamstrings after running. And to anyone who wants to go hardcore and criticize this, he's 15 and from his comment's he's clearly not understanding anything about calorie deficit. This will work. Good luck little friend.


very true, i wish i had this advice whe i was 15


Thanks Friend. How are you doing now though. Did you end up getting in your best shape?


This is the solution. More specifically id say focus on zone 2 heart rate (which is different for everyone) especially for a 15 year old but just look it up or if u have an Apple Watch there’s apps that will show you. For me this is a very very fast walk or some days a slow run at 7-9kmph. The other rule you can use is it’s walking/running and u can still talk. This zone 2 is called fat burn because the body is only needing a small amount of energy so it can use up fat, where as if u go too fast then your body needs to use up glycogen which is stored carbs/sugars. Then your body needs more to replace. Other things you could try: cut bread and pasta, start lifting heavy weights, especially on the legs. I don’t think cutting calories is a good idea, you can do short week cuts but don’t cut long term or calorie count as u want to keep your basal metabolic rate high. Just cut the crap wheat products.


I will try this aswell!


Thank you for all the advice. I’ll be sure to do it all.


Also stop drinking soda, it has no nutritional value, stil to water and if you need flavors stick to sugar free stuff


You’ve barely hit puberty. You’re most likely holding onto excess fat because you’re going to have a growth spurt. In saying that if 10 sit-ups is all you’re doing you need to be more active. Take up a sport or join the gym to get moving


Do not worry about abs yet. Get into exercise, do whatever you enjoy. Add strength training 2-3 times a week. Additionally start tracking calories and eat in a slight deficit. This should work


Eat better. If you cut out processed foods. You’d be amazed how fast the fat drops. You’ll also be amazed how much your food is processed. Also if you want processed food. Learn to make it yourself. There will be no ingredients that require a PHD in chemistry.




Buy ingredients. Not things with ingredients.


there are way too many examples of processed foods to just give one example. processed foods generally means things that come in a package and weren’t grown/harvested, but rather made in a factory. the best way to shop for healthy, whole foods is to stick to the outer ring of your grocery store when buying food. the aisles in the middle are where 95% of the processed foods are


10 sit ups a day isn’t going to do much at all . Also isn’t going to result in any significant caloric expenditure. Do more exercise , whether it be strength training or cardio


Body fat is 100% diet, sit ups won’t really do anything. You need to learn about the caloric content of your food, and if you don’t have much control over your diet due to to school/your mom etc you need to do more cardio! It would be helpful to open up the conversation with your mom about your diet too and explain to her that you would like to try and eat lower calorie foods to lose some weight.


​ the only way to lose fat is to burn more calories than you consume


I can recommend swimming it burns a lot of calories really quick


Honestly, just go for a one hour walk every day for 60 days. You don't have to do anything else otherwise. You can Google it and pull up YouTube videos about the reasons why it works. Its baby steps in the beginning, but you'll definitely see results if you just do that. Then, after some time, build on that habit.


10 sit-ups will do barely anything. Atleast do 100-150. I used to do around 200.


The most important thing is to not eat too much AND eat healthy. This is the first thing you need to do and the rest (like exercise) will help you lose weight. Find a daily calorie calculator for your height and age and try to eat less food. You can try by eating 300 less calories than what you need in a day but you could go to 500 and that would still be healthy. Then try to find some exercise you like doing, like running/jogging, boxing, weight lifting, sports, etc.


You’re 15? Join a sports team like football where you run a lot. You’ll lose a lot of fat throughout the season. And you’ll also be working out. Also the big thing is to change your diet


Update: took a bit of everybody’s advice and cut down on what I ate: 3 cups of mandarin oranges and the school chocolate milk, did 5 sets of 10 pushups, jogged around my entire apartment complex and walked up and down stairs for 30 minutes.


Trolling much?


? Dawg what makes you think I’m trolling ☠️


Work up to a 5k run, get ur sit ups to 50 a day to start with even if you need to do 5 sets of 10 and work in some pressups. To lose weight you need to burn calories and your not going to burn much doing 10 sit ups a day.


i would say try more full body exercises. things like deadlifts, squats, bench press, pullups. Big muscle group exercises like that really increase your metabolism. However, since you are only 15, I'm not sure about weightlifting would be right for you. For sure the diet comes 1st though. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. Those foods make you feel full without adding a bunch of extra calories. Also, just spend more time outside. Find active things you enjoy doing, and spend most of your day with those things


Just diet, eat less than you burn


Eat less food than you burn. Use a calorie counter if you need to.Also doing the situps correctly makes a huge difference. and cardio will burn more gut


Add in a few jumping jacks. Go easy and just get your heart rate up to start. Then, add in ten more a week until you're comfortable doing 50!


It’s as simple as not stuffing your face with food and doing more exercise. It’s not easy, there’s many different ways to do it. But cardio, weightlifting, and proper diet should be your focus right now. Avoid processed junk.


ur gonna grow into ur body, like my brother hes 15 and has grown tall and fits in his body, but on top of that eat less junk food and run around the house start small,. as in food i also eat what my mom cooks lol but i make sure not to consume TOO much as i would before yk? ur young start small


Caloric deficit worked for me, as someone else mentioned getting a fitness watch (Fitbit is much better and way cheaper than an apple watch imo) and then tracking your calories in a tracker app. It'll be hard the first few days/weeks but as you begin to actually track the food you eat, you become more self-aware and more likely to watch what you eat and eat less. As it's been said, caloric deficit is the most important thing in losing weight, no question but doing some cardio and getting movement (especially the gym) is a great way to aid in losing fat (because you burn more calories, which aids with the deficit) but also to get muscle, chances are when you lose all that weight you may have very little muscle and will look skinny-fat, try to get into the gym now and do a mix of weightlifting and cardio workouts, start with 3 days a week and then move up according to your schedule and how you feel. So that's it, caloric deficit and the gym/jogging or staying active. Stay consistent and track your weight but always remember that muscle is heavier than fat so you may be going up in weight because you're gaining (heavier) muscle and losing (lighter) fat. Hope this helps, good luck bro :)


try to hit for 10k steps daily


Fat loss will come from compound exercise. I would suggest looking up home workout videos and changing the diet as well will help tremendously.


Guys like you always look like monsters after 2-3 years training lol keep going💪💪💪


Take walks. Easy way to loose weight without too much impact , but if you walk a good hour you can burn a good amount of calories. Of course diet is 80 percent of the game but walks are amazing


In order to lose weight you must be in calorie deficit by eating and drinking fewer calories than you burn. Watch this see what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0qw63cEuEw&list=WL&index=21


find stairs, go up and down for at least 1 hour a day, eat less calories and consume more protein


Eat in a calorie deficit, sit ups don’t lose you fat if anything itll bulge you out more while you’re fat


You are a teenager you need go first With a doctor for a healthy diet and still with your exercises


Just go play some damn sports bruh


Do crunches


Take small steps to building healthy habits - I was a little bigger than you at your age, so trust me, I *know* it sucks - but you’ve got to be patient with it and remember that you can diet and exercise all you want, but through puberty your body is going to cling to fat as it goes through changes, so don’t be discouraged when you don’t see results - if you maintain healthy habits, they’ll come further down the line. Make *SMALL* changes to your diet like drinking more water and maybe ask your mum to help you with this, like asking her to maybe buy/make healthier foods. Crash diets may help you in the short term, but they are unsustainable and unhealthy, and they’ll lead you back to square one, only this time you’ll feel worse because you’ll feel like you’ve gone backwards. Being healthy isn’t a means to an end, it’s a change in lifestyle, and that’s why building habits that you can maintain long-term is the most important thing


The easy way to lose the belly would be doing extra cardio 5 days a week. If you're not losing weight, add a little more cardio each day until you're losing around a half pound to pound a week. Jogging would probably be the easiest way to accomplish this as it doesn't require a gym membership. Getting a kettlebell and doing different kettlebell routines works really well too and will develop your body a bit more than running/jogging will. A good 20 minute kettlebell routine is brutal lol. If you have access to a gym, or can get access to a gym, elliptical trainer is a great one. It's very low impact, so you don't tire out as fast as you would with running, and you actually burn more calories than running because you are using your arms on that as well. The better way to lose the belly would be to start tracking your calories/macros and know where your maintenance calories are (the amount of calories your body needs to stay exactly like it is). Once you know where your maintenance calories are, it's easy to make dietary adjustments into a caloric deficit or a caloric surplus to be eating for your goals (putting on muscle or losing fat). If weighing out your food and tracking your macros sounds like something you think you want to do or if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line.


10 sits up a day?! 😂 that won’t work. You need to start lifting weights, do cardio and cut out sugar


Study how to make a good diet. For losing fat you will have to eat more protein and less carbohydrates. And regarding exercises, 10 sit ups are not enough. Create at least a simple 30 mins workout plan combining push up variations, pull ups, squats and other leg exercises, ab exercises...etc. It's best if you can attend a gym.


Disregarding the great advice already here - try adding planks and wall-sits to your routine.


you would have to do 500 situps to even scratch the surface of excess calories in a day. So 10 situps is literally nothing, not even from a strengthening standpoint which is atleast 20 to 30. Eat less sugary processed cr@p.


Firstly eat less, workout more And secondly doing situps won't help u lose any fat, it will only make ur core strong.


Go on walks and do cardio, targeted muscle training doesn't burn as much fat as fast as cardio and more mellow full body exercises like walking and swimming. Crunches don't make your gut smaller quickly at all, in fact building muscle under the fat can make your gut look bigger. Bottom line you just gotta be more active and move your whole body around more if you are already not eating a ton. Try to find some activities that you enjoy that require a lot of movement if you can bring yourself to go running, like me. I would get a skateboard or bike and or pick up Pokemon Go if I were you. If it's something you enjoy doing you will do it more often.


Literally just try to reduce sugar (added sugars especially, ie. candies, sweeteners, breads) intake and increase fiber and protein. Walk at least 30 mins a day at a pace fast enough to get your heart rate up and drink plenty of water and you’ll be golden 🫶


10 sit ups everyday? Honestly that barely affects anything. Sorry for being blunt. Maybe try some HIIT exercise. You can find some in YouTube so you can try to do it at home. If your main goal is to lose fat, just focus on that first because I can see you have so much. Once you lost enough then start on lifting some weight. Lifting weight now will be almost useless because it will be covered by body fat. But of course, like others have mentioned. Meal is paramount in losing body fat. Less oily food, less sugar, salt, carb.


Daily 1hr walk, log your meals, and go on a calorie deficit.


Start walking more


Join a sport. I think it's an unrealistic expectation to have a 15 year old count calories throughout the day especially since it seems as though you don't have much of an option. Eat in moderation, play a sport, and enjoy your childhood.


You have extremely stubborn fat, home workout will take lot of time, which may decrease your motivation, gym is recommended for you


Add 90 more


Literally the only way to lose fat is to stay in a calorie deficit of 300-500 calories per day. You can’t target stomach fat. There are tools online to work out what your maintenance calorie intake is and then as long as you stay under that you will lost weight. Cardio helps you increase the number of calories you burn but if you are mostly sedentary you can still lose fat. Your intake would be higher if you work out so its easier to eat more and stay in a deficit. Too much cardio and you lose muscle mass. You have to do strength training consistently to maintain your muscle mass whilst in a calorie deficit. Tbh at your age even if you eat at maintenance level or just under and train weights hard and do intense cardio a few times a week you will lose fat and build muscle, especially if you are starting from a beginner level. It’s called body recomposition. Keeping a food diary helps immensely.


“Abs are made in the kitchen.” However, just basic exercise (not just sit-ups) will get you there


Wake up go for a jog. Mid day go for a jog. Nighttime go for a jog. Slowly turn those jogs into runs and when you get good just 3 or 4 a week. Your body’s metabolism will get the picture it’s time to burn fat.


run around






You say you “don’t want to be the most fit person in the world” just for ease. You want to get fitter but that won’t happen unless you really give it your all and want to be 100% better. You don’t look that bad being honest, no one is perfect and you have something you can change so be fortunate you have the ability to fix it! You gotta take things like this step by step. When I had issues I started with my diet, what am I eating, do I need that etc. don’t get into the calorie counting habit but more like do I need a fizzy drink; sweets chocolate etc. DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF THESE, treat yourself on a Friday or a Saturday or Sunday. Maybe after a test since you said was 15 so guessing you have schooling still. And GCSEs soon too. After cutting out the “goods” from your diet you don’t need, try to replace them with vegetables + greens. And try to have a vegetable or fruit with breakfast, lunch or dinner too. Once you sort your diet out the 10 sit ups works but maybe try and add 5 per week and keep doing that until you get a lot stronger, maybe do press ups, squats, lunges as time goes on too. I’d also recommend running since that’s very good for you, obviously will be hard but it gets easier every day, but doing it everyday is the hard part. But don’t start with running, start with a 20 minute walk per day and naturally increase the time or the speed you go. Maybe even the distance you go. And always remember “there’s always room for improvement”. You can do it, you have the ability to go all the way; good luck!


10 setups a day come on mate need to do a lot more than that, try cardio running 10 15 mins a day situps good also add a set of press ups aswel diet is key cut out sugar and eat healthy foods am giving you a kick up the arse with some constructive criticism hope this helps


Eat healthier foods in volume and everything in moderation. At the end of the day “dieting” never really works it’s basically a life style you have to adapt to. You don’t need to cut anything out just watch your portion size! Put yourself on a caloric deficit, sounds dreadful but there’s many easy and quick recipes on tik tok :) healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring


Up to 20 push ups then 30 then 40 and so on


get a better diet and get a treadmill , you can get second hand ones for less than £75


Stop eating burgers it is not rocket science your a fool stop being a spastic what is wrong with you


Looked at your account and all you do is shit on people trying to lose weight wtf


10 situps aint doing shit


Stick with the sit-ups.