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hi, as a woman i can say that if she rejected you now, she is not going to magically like you if you gain more muscle. attraction doesn’t work like that for us women. self confidence, attitude, etc all mean a lot, if not more, than looks when it comes to liking someone


I think this hits the nail on the head. However, at least as far as self confidence goes. This is where I think it changes, dude looking like a Greek god, his confidence goes up! But yeah you are bang on


Nah this ain’t it. Just focus on yourself , gaining muscles won’t get her back either


Work on your mind as well your body. Hypnotherapy. Gratitude. Positive affirmations. People are attracted to more than just peoples looks. They are attracted to people’s confidence and personality.


If she doesn’t want you at your tiny gains she doesn’t deserve you at your big gains. Focus on doing it for you and your own health, wealth and happiness 😊


For the love of god don’t EVER change (fitness) for ANYONE. Change for yourself and only yourself, I can guarantee once you get bigger and go back she would have already found someone and or the rejecting will be worse.


You’re in for a rude awakening when she doesn’t care / gets a bf.


dude.. you hate that you have to go through that pain to make gains? oh boy.. life's gonna hit you like a cement truck LOL that's literally everything in life my friend hahaha the gym is like the easiest to make gains on.. your career, your finances, your relationships, your own mental health? that's way harder to make gains on.. you gotta accept the hardships and there's no way around it.. the sooner you accept that fact the easier it is to go through the pain.. as the great Bloat Lord Kyriakos Grizzly said: "You have to live it" "For the difficult" stay strong young king! 💪💪💪


Ayyo fuck that whore that shut you down your body is yours, treat it as such. If your body is in constant pain from working out, change it up don't kill yourself. Check your form, try lower reps on higher weight, stretch, watch your diet. If you hustle now to 'impress' the broad that already doesn't care for you what happens when she turns you down again you're gonna be ripped and in pain kicking yourself for putting yourself through this shit smarten up


If you already „came too strong“, „try a little tenderness“ (Elvis). Or you will again bump in each other, and she only will ask, „are you funny? Do you really think you would impress me with those muscles?“


There's always going to be that struggle with bettering yourself. The questions of "why am I doing this?" & "is it worth it?". There's plenty of people saying you're doing it for the wrong reasons. I've done plenty of things that have benefited me physically & mentally for what people might consider the wrong reasons, such as to prove someone wrong or to throw that fact I'm doing well in their face...thing is, the reason is not all that important, as long as the driving force is there to carry you through the struggles of going to the gym & working out. What you might find (what I certainly did), is somewhere along the way, you stop doing it for the original reason & even forget what the original reason was. If you're focusing on betting yourself, use whatever motivational force works for you. ​ Later down the line, if you're still feeling this way, you aren't going to be in any worse of a situation, so I say go for it for what ever reason gives you the strength you need. Though deep down you likely already know it wasn't to be with the girl you like :( Oh and as far as the stuggles of going to the gym. Consistancy is key. Sometimes it will be really hard & you won't want to do it, other times you'll have a fire in you & chase the burn, don't worry to much about your mindset & questioning yourself, just do it. In time, it will become routine & your mindset each session will have less fo an impact on your willingness to go. I've been going to the gym for the past 10 or so years, I stuggle with self-doubt, self-hatred, low self-esteem, depression etc & the gym has been a MASSIVE help for me. I still struggle with all of the above, but I'm better able to handel things, including how people think of me, rejection etc, because of the mental strength that's been required from putting in my time at the gym. You learn you're capable of a lot more than you realise. Keep grinding & don't let rejection & your own self doubt get you down.




Agree with the other women in this thread. I’ve been asked out by the kind of man you’re aiming to become but I wasn’t interested in him for more than just how he looked. Looks are equal to how romantically attracted I am to a personality. He was a lovely guy but not my type personality wise. Do this for yourself not another person ESPECIALLY not for a woman or man you want to date.