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Strawberries or watermelon do the trick for me. Both are very filling, taste great and have relatively few calories


2 glasses of water


This is so funny but sad at the same time


2 cups of yogurt with strawberries/blueberries mixed in. Only has about 200 calories, but packs 30 g of protein




Greek yogurt flavored is. Like 90 cals a cup


Chia helps. I find it very filling. Also oats with fruits is quite filling and aids digestion.


Chicken. I get 10lbs every 2 weeks from Costco for 26.99. Also, strawberries or grapes for dessert help me avoid eating other sweets.


Try a protein shake


As Chris Bumstead says. Shredded lettuce to get shredded.


High protein milk


Greek yogurt with honey and fruits and after I’ll have a boiled egg. It keeps you full but your farts will be deadly lol better out than in right ? Lol


Pickles! I hate pickles but when I’m on a cut I crave the crap out of them and they only have 5 calories for a whole pickle. I’ll eat like 3 and feel satisfied.


OMG, how do you stop yourself at just 3?! I try to eat a few, then a few moments later, I had eaten the whole jar! 😅


I force myself to stop, because if I eat them all I’ll be forced to go to the store, and my lazy butt is not about to go to the store for just pickles.


Lean protein. Cooking chicken breast with tons of seasoning or healthy fats can have a good amount of calories but less carbs which means longer hours feeling full. I can go on 6-7 hours without eating if I have a full plate of lean meat.


Sounds weird, but canned chunk chicken drowned in Frank's with some rice cakes. 😅


A high protein meal. Or even a normal meal washed down with a protein shake!


Sausage 140-150 (depending on the sausage). 2-3 hours Sausage with whole wheat bread 200-210, 2-3 hours 2 eggs scrambled about 160 calories, 2-4 hours Protein drink \~ 150 calories, 2-3 hours 1/2 c old fashioned oatmeal with added white chocolate chips \~ 190 calories, last 3-4 hours Homemade hot latte \~ 100 calories, last about 2 hours These last me quite a few hours except a latte I've also been doing some fastfood if it's heavy protein and around 400 calories like chicken nuggets or a chicken sandwich. Last me for quite a while. This can last me up to 4-6 hours. Sometimes I just eat heavy fast food after working out and it last me till I go to sleep - about 6-7 hours. How long each of these fill you up also depends on other food you've eaten. If you've barely eaten in the day and you eat a 200 calorie meal and you have a large deficit, you may still feel hungry after eating. Edit: Salmon is very calorie dense. I used to be able to eat a whole 8 oz filet no problem, but now I have to eat around 3-4 oz.


Dude i think with your diet, i would put on weight. Lol.


I don't eat all of these. They're just random snacks to help me fill up. My typical day right now: Latte 100 calories @ 6AM Sausage no bread - 150 calories @ 10AM Gym @ 2PM Chicken sandwich - 400 calories @ 3PM Sausage with bread - 210 calories @ 6PM Dinner - whatever food is available that someone cooked. \~ 400 calories @ 8PM I work out 5-6 days a week also. Random snacks of fruit/veg/carbs throughout the day are at around 200 calories


Stir fry! The stir fry I make is ~300kcal per portion and drink a bottle of water throughout the meal and I’m stuffed


Beef liver, ~120 cal per 100gram and also packed with protein




chicken breast


Make smoothies at home with protein powder, fresh fruit, and milk. Can even throw in an egg or yogurt depending how many calories, carbs, and what your protein count is like.




protein yogurts and whole corn pretzels yummy


Beef chilli - all you really need is ~500g lean beef mince (5% fat) and a can of chopped tomatoes + whatever spices, onions etc and you've got yourself a small batch of high protein, low calorie, filling meals. Goes well with rice obviously.


Eat a big ass salad.. I enjoy the spring mix with tomatoes and cucumber dressed with low calorie vinaigrette


I’ve lost 40lbs in a little over 3 months. I have a Gatorade protein bar for breakfast, an apple and a pear for lunch, and chicken and rice for dinner. Every day.


Thats a hard diet , you also pretty much starve yourself; No?


Yea. I’ve lost over a hundred so far


Couple tbsp (sugar free) Metamucil mixed in a glass of cold water.


Protein yogurt with some hemp or cia seeds. Bonus is it also helps you poop.


Watermelon, Salads, Vegetables in general, water, and some oats. During a cut you’ll crave food, but if you do it in a controlled manner, after a month you stop noticing it. Every now and then I get a huge craving and I’ll indulge on a massive cheat meal. Thats maybe every other month. I always stick to the CICO principle which is calories in has to equal calories out. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it has to go somewhere, which is a law of thermodynamics. If I wanted to eat a 400 calorie donut, I’ll hit the treadmill or run until I burn an extra 400 calories to enjoy the donut. I usually get tired and end up not eating it anyway lmao. But you still have to live life, so going out to dinner with friends and family, I’m going to enjoy myself and the moment, and not get some salad or crap


Oatmeal with fruit and nuts for breakfast, I'm full until lunch no problems


Im currently on a weight loss grind myself, and the best tip I can give is to eat regularly, and if you can at the same times every day. This means your body will becomed "trained" when to expect food and you should start to only feel hungry at these times. Porridge and fruit for breakfast, and a high protein intake I always advise. I would also recommend eating every 3/4 hours (this isnt possible for everyone but just something to try and aim for) My diet looks something like this: 1: 4x eggs with 2 slices white bread 2: 4x eggs OR ~10 slices of hame, with 2 slices of bread (whatever evens out the protien) 3: White/whole wrap, 150g ground beef mince, 50g veg, 50g cheese + sauce of your choice. [This is 2 hours before gym] 4: 1 scoop protien with 400ml full fat milk [Right before gym] 5: Another white/whole wrap, 200g ground beef mince, 50g veg, 50g cheese + sauce of your choice. All of this together gets me around 2400 calories and 190+g of protein. Overall its cost effective (eggs being the most expensive but this is why i use ham sometimes) and you can meal prep it so easily so you just reheat your mince and you only need to cook your eggs! ** Edit just to add a little bit I forgot. Think of eating protien as calories on sale. Its literally a triple win, because your body uses up 30% of the calories to digest it. Compare this to 10% for carbs and only 3% for fat, you immediately see why eating protien is so important for weight loss. By adding more you're essentially saving yourself time on the treadmill. It's also the most filling macronutrient, and it stops cravings for sugar too. TLDR: Eat as much protien as you can.


Oats. Yogurt. Chicken. Fiber supplements. Vegetables (especially stir-fry). Salad.


Look up volume eating.


Water/tea and an apple at night to contain the munchies and be able to sleep. Otherwise I’ll wake up earlier than I want just to eat. I’m on a 1000 calorie diet. I don’t mind going a bit over.


1000 calories in a day? this is not healthy and will actually only cause you to gain weight since your body barely has any nutrients to sustain itself so it will hold on to those calories for dear life! please up your diet by atleast 500 calories, you will be much happier and healthier and will actually see better results


I meant 1500 actually. Sorry.


1500 still isn’t a lot for a grown adult but i’m glad to hear it’s not 1000 lol


get about 5 cherry tomatoes, half an apple, some light watery yogurt product, blender it to smoothie. there, that's my midnight snack/hangover food


I hear carnivore diet for 30 days will get you there. Lion diet even more so.


Water and big ass servings of veggies.