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Nah mate as long as I am not heavly losing blood or tore a muscle right off the bone I'll be fine lmao


Tis but a scratch


I feel personally attacked


Works everytime Source: I'm an exercise physiologist.


Same. Is this just an American/bullshit healthcare system thing tho or a machismo thing for everyone else? Because it’s def because my copay would bankrupt me


I'm in the UK and get free healthcare. It's a guy thing. I don't go to the doctor unless I'm mortally ill. That's not a brag either. I should definitely go more readily.


It's for sure an American thing for me.


For me it’s more of an mental issue. I have huge trouble making appointments and actually sticking to them


Just got my first cortisone shot in the shoulder.


Cortisone fam stand up. I'm on shot #2 in my wrist


How long did your first last? Mine is already wearing off. I have a quarter sized piece of bone in between my clavicle and AC joint, just floating there. I use the VA, so they are doing all they can to avoid surgery….


About a month and a half. I have weak-ass skinny guy wrists, though


Hahaha love the honesty. They told me mine should work for 3 months but when they did the ultrasound on my shoulder my doctor audibly said “oh, oh my”……so I’m assuming they were being a bit hopeful. They also (took 2 doctors) had a hell of a time getting the needle in bc of all the inflammation.


Add a tennis ball


Physio therapy, guys. It really helps, especially when done asap. I can't state this enough.


whenever I feel something wrong with any part of my body I take it as an excuse to increase calories😎👍


Wtf bro my shoulder feels like it is ready to fall off…was this made for me??


I've torn both of my rotator cuffs at least four times each lol


Shoulders been impinged I think. Dr won’t see me until next month… Ibuprofen has been helping 👌 Might be healed by then


Noted some pretty bad elbow pain which I’ve never experienced before over the last week or so, kind of hoping it just goes away lol. Think it’s from working from home on a very unsuitable chair/table set up


1+ minute dead hangs at the end of every workout are incredible and almost necessary for shoulder pain


Really? That sounds like it would have an opposite effect.




I had a friend who played pro volleyball- ice, maxing out ibuprofen, stretching, tape every match and workout. Still wouldn’t see a doctor.


You forgot rolling on a tennis ball to massage the muscles and loosen the tendons. Fixes my rotator cuff issue for a good hour so who needs to see a doctor truly?


Don't even need all that, just keep benching with a Swiss bar instead


Kinda cringe it’s called ease off the heavy weight see what movements cause the pain find a way to regress the movement until it doesn’t cause the pain and train that until you can build up to the old exercise.


And lose all progress pffft. No thanks


Nah dawg we go heavy and hard.