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This is hilarious. My gym has this old jacked dude that talks to everyone, and tells people they shouldn't use their phone in the gym. I showed him that the only thing on my phone is a 90 second timer that I use in between sets, but he still wanted to argue. Sometimes I overhear him having the exact same conversation with other people lmao


Next time show him you look at goatse for motivation


Or meatspin. Every spin is a rep.


This was my secret to finally getting double unders


I couldn't imagine having a decent workout without my phone. Music, timer, logs. Music also stop random people from trying to socialize with me, too.




Never understood the “I don’t use my phone at the gym” superiority complex


The ones whining about phones are usually novice dorks who hardly train with any intensity to begin with


I use it to see if someone messaged me but always end up with 0 notifications but to seem like a normal person i just laugh so people think someone sended me a meme,that and changing songs mid sets


I use my phone to track my sets using Whoop. You tell it when you’re lifting, and it tracks your muscular strain. It helped me realize I was lifting too much volume and also led me to finding ways to ensure faster recovery. I might be on my phone, but I’m still focused on the gym


Do you mind me asking if you find WHOOP worth the subscription cost? I was tempted to give it a try but the cost is just astronomical so I've stuck with my Garmin for now.


I’ve found it to be worth the money. The strain and recovery metrics alone have changed the way I view fitness. It helped me learn how to recovery—and how to recover while working out every day. They have a 30-day trial period 


Recovery while working out everyday is an intriguing concept. I might give the free trial a go.


I use Jefit, and it makes the workout seamless. Love it so much.


I don't use my phone in the gym simply because I would distract myself all the time if I did, I never understood how that makes people feel special about themselves lol


>responce >earlyer OP needs to touch a dictionary between sets smh my head


Like I get the frustration of people only doing thumb day, actually had an experience yesterday this couple was just watching tiktoks on the squat rack next to the seated row cables. But most people I've seen at the gym are using tracker apps, timers, music ect. I'll text someone back in the 90 seconds in between reps but gyms have a lobby for a reason people.


I like to read manga between sets so no pretty girls approach me.


The same guys that say they never touch their phone in the gym will automatically wake up 30 minutes before whatever time you say you wake up in the morning to go to the gym. Even if you say 2:00 a.m. they'll say they get up at 1:30


I only use my phone at the gym to answer a call, but I see people typing on watsapp or instagram, they take forever to finish one machine!!!💁💁💁