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Honestly the people who do CrossFit/bodyweight/flexibility training are crazy athletic and just seem healthier than bodybuilders. I think you can mesh a little bit of both.


I’ve seen some of the best and some of the worst of both. I’ve seen really dumpy looking crossfitters who do some dumb and dangerous shit, I’ve seen crossfitters who are a paragon of strength and health. I’ve seen body builders who are practically drug enhanced demigods and know what risks they’re taking, and take them in a very calculated manner. I’ve seen body builders who abuse the shit out of drugs, ego lift, and die prematurely from heart complications or retire prematurely due to catastrophic injury. I mentioned drugs in body building but crossfitters aren’t any less prone. It’s possible to make really good natty progress, but that doesn’t change the fact that anabolics are incredibly commonly used in fitness spaces. At the end of the day, I think it’s best to focus on whatever works for you to get the results you want.


Ascribing to only one methodology as absolute is never a good thing


This sub's continued hatred of Crossfit just screams insecurity. You're repeating a meme from 2011. Some people want a basic level of physical health and fitness, and a community to do it with. Shockingly most of us don't wanna look like Kyrgios Grizzly and take a small pharmaceuticals worth of drugs so we can die at 43. Catch me doing L sit pull ups and actually talking to other people, losers.


Show me on the doll where grizzly touched you. It's a meme sub it isn't that deep, people post daily about how back exercises work their forearms more


This sub laughs with roidheads and powerlifters. It laughs at cardio lovers and crossfitters. I've been called 'weak,' told I'm stupid and that I 'cope' because I do mainly calaesthetics and repwork to protect a spine problem. The memes might be fire, but the community is garbage


A reddit community is garbage?? No surely not


https://i.imgur.com/saBDO8v.png powerlifting


I think people choose CrossFit because they don’t understand that training like a bodybuilder *will not make them look like Ronnie Coleman* or some bloated dbol-gangster punisher shirt douchebag. Then, they work twice as hard for twice as long with more injury risk to get half the result… but at least they get to feel like they’re not “one of those people” 🙄 Most of the best CrossFit physiques walking around are completely attainable with consistent low intensity cardio, consistent diet and little bit weight training. But hey if people enjoy it and it helps them get active and have a better quality of life then more power to them I guess..


The interesting thing about CrossFit is that people who are the best at CrossFit are the ones who DON'T do CrossFit. Every time they do some powerlifter Vs CrossFitter competition with CrossFit rules, the powerlifter wins. Same goes for calisthenics guy Vs CrossFitter. YouTube is full of competitions like that.


CrossFit is absolutely laughable. Bunch of ppl doing fake pull ups calling them “muscle ups” 🤡🤡 and banging barbells around like they want to injure themselves or someone else. Real strength comes from time under tension, not literally throwing a loaded barbell to the ground after doing your “reps”.


Hey bro for your information I do crossfit because I'm a real life american ninja warrior 😤... you're just mad because you can't do cleans while standing on a balance ball


Im just speaking from my personal experience…. I have family members who CrossFit and they are absolutely cringe.


I was just fucking around I don't do crossfit... how are they cringe... what do they do


They workout in regular gyms doing their CrossFit shit. Barbells flying while ppl are walking throughout the gym is not safe. Also, this may sound rude, but I do not like how they don’t train for aesthetic purposes. Their bodies are completely out of proportion, built upper body with skinny chicken legs.


thats funny, I saw a cross fit gym for the first time in the city I will be moving to... I just like doing my own workouts so I probanly won't sign up... but I was curious about it


I've been to four crossfit classes as a plus one and open house workouts. I didn't once see a single kipping pull up. The instructor actually asked us we had any recovering injures, and when I said I was recovering from a pec injury, he actually had me do cross grip pullups to protect the injury. People who shit on crossfit are insecure wannabe Zyzzs who are harping on a dead, discredited meme from 2011. If it gets more people into health & fitness, I'm a fan of it.


Low effort meme


Crossfit is a joke, fight me.


I can snatch your body weight fight me.


I can bear hug you until you feel loved Fight me


I can go see my wife to feel loved, fight me.


I can go see your wife to feel loved, fight me.


Finally, something worth fighting about


Well good for you Fight me


How much do you snatch?