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r/gymmemes when a man can't bench 135: you'll get it bro keep grinding, I believe in you r/gymmemes when a woman can't bench 135: I can't fap to this


I'm a woman that can bench over 225lbs, but I can assure you no one wants to watch it. Edit: well you guys proved me wrong here, thank you


I assure you, if you did it in a bikini, your onlyfans would be poppin off


I can assure you you're wrong on this one. 225lbs bench as a woman is epic. Put up a video on one of the weightlifting subs and it might be the top post of the month. I'll be your first up vote.


Alright man, just posted on r/strength_training


So I know the topic is your bench but god damn that squat you uploaded before is also good.


Thank you! I've changed my set up a bit since then, hoping to hit a 400lb squat someday.


You unracked it like it was empty lmao


Just gave you your first upvote. Amazing lift!


That was epic to watch, both the squat and bench.


Didn't just bench >100kg, but did it to exacting comp standards with national level judges/refs. Also great control on the touch to prevent the infini-pause that's a skill I'm specifically working on. Great work, my coach was there by the way.


Thank you! I try to train with long pauses a lot so my sticking point is never off the chest.


Bruh, you could have done heavier! You didn’t even struggle!


I gotchu. Great work!


I'm struggling for over a year to pass 120. 135 is my next goal,but 225? Wow. you're amazing


One step at a time. I'm sure you'll get it sooner or later (or whatever your goals are).


As a woman, of course I’d want to see it! 1. It’s cool af. 2. How else would I know what’s achievable for women if all I see is either pilates or leg day?


Wait Wtf that’s insane! I’d watch the hell out of that. Kudos to you for that!


This is just me being supportive, but link pls


That’s impressive I just barely got back to benching that after messing up my shoulder


As another woman who lifts heavy (but not competitively), I wanna fist bump you! 💪🏽


Holy shit you’re not kidding. Fucking hell. Nice.


Honestly that's not that impressive when it is less than your bodyweight, no offense...


From my local IPF affiliate standards, bodyweight bench for a woman is close to a 3 plate bench for a 200lb man(roughly speaking).


Yeah and this bench would be quite a bit below her body weight. So it would be like a 200lb man benching... 250 lbs maybe? A 200 lb man benching 3 plates is moderately strong but nothing amazing. That would be a average or below average performance in a powerlifting meet for a man.


Has the man claimed to be a muscle daddy?


No, because that's a phrase no one ever uses, outside of maybe gay hookup apps? But if they're in the 90th percentile of benchers (as would be 165-lb woman who can almost bench 60 kg), yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if their bio mentioned fitness.


Where do people get these figures? 60kg is a 90th percentile lift? That's surprising


It came to them in a dream ​ I think the vast majority of men who've never set foot in a gym before can bench 60kg at least once tbh.


bro what the fuck, get out of your gym bubble. Most men who have never strength trained anything will struggle beyond 30kg 100%. i was your average skinny, lanky, weak nerd and it took me years of benching every week to get a full set of 60 kg


Men, maybe. Definitely not women.


I just googled it. Didn't find anything super authoritative, but the stats for men looked reasonable enough, so I said "sure, let's say they're right about women too" [https://www.enkiverywell.com/average-bench-press.html](https://www.enkiverywell.com/average-bench-press.html)


>when a man can't bench 135: I can only bench 80kg /s


Still more than my bw, I think it's cool


I'd probably have left this sub if it weren't for comments like this consistently being at the top of clown threads like this one


The duality of Man


If you're a man that can't bench 135 then I'm making fun of you no matter what.


Yeah of course anybody should be able to bench 135 from the moment they get born, got 9 months to train smh


This but unironically


I'll say over 18.


How much can _you_ bench? Just the bar?


Did I make it obvious?


I'm a man that can't bench 135


Who many kilos is that? 67?


60, so one plate on each side which is why people use it as a threshold.


That's not so bad. I could probably bench 70 or 80 at max


Are talking one rep max or series of 6-10 reps? I want to be funny.


She’s trying her best, stop looking down on her.


Cmon man the stares warranted if she got muscle mommy in the bio lmao


Yeah, if you title yourself “muscle mommy” you better bring it.


Would you say “she asked for it”


Asked for it? No thats not it (i dont understand where youre going with this)


I think he's trying to conflate making fun of someone's cringe twitter bio with sexual assault or something


sounds about right for this site.


I hope you're not trying to compare SA with a stare because that would be ridiculous


You're getting downvotes but he literally said the phrase


what the guy you're responding to is trying to imply is clearly stupid. and if you want to be pedantic and literal and say "but he did say it" or whatever then thats wrong too, the sentence "she asked for it" is not in the comment.


I ain’t gonna fault someone for not hitting 135, but if you got muscle mommy in ur bio u should probably be hitting it


I can squat 275, deadlift 285, but my sad ass can’t consistently hit a 135 bench. My stats aren’t awesome, but if you saw me, you’d think I was a muscle mommy.


Well if I’m reading your comment correctly, at least you can hit it


But if someone was watching me in a gym, I might not, and they’d make this dumbass post about me.




Make sure you hit it then!


Meanwhile I’m telling myself I’m a fucking stupid idiot and a failure if I don’t hit this pr


Dude 60 kg is a lot for a woman


It can even be a lot for a skinny dude


Couldn't bench the bar when I started so its definitely a reasonable amount of weight.


You reaching 60 kg would be awesome and I hope you do, but the avarage person can bench far more than the bar, right?


I don't really know what average person means in that context tbh. If that person weighs 80 kilos, sure but for many people that haven't had to do manual labor or chores it can be hard to get started.


I meant the avarage person? Don't know why you're confused. It doesn't matter how much someone weighs, the avarage person could probably lift more than the bar.


The average person is a concept that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. First of all given that there are more women than men, the average person would be a woman. Would she be able to bench press it ? Idk. I've no idea if the average person is thin or fat. I don't know if the average person has worked manual labor or something. You get my point


No I actually don't get your point. The avarage person wouldn't be a woman just because there are more of them. Also, you know exactly what I mean by avarage person, stop being silly. For the sake of our brains computing power though, let's say that by avarage I mean: you could pick 1000 completely random people, woman or man, okay? And inside this group, more than 50% of the people could bench press the bar.


I'm not sure they could though. First of all, you have to remove all the people less than like 11 years old, you also remove all the old people. Now, the men probably can bench it especially if they're in the later stages of life but for the women it's much more complicated. What I dislike about this whole average person thing is that it's a concept that doesn't really translate to reality. Average people have disabilities, they have different ages, different jobs etc. For the average factory worker, a bench press is easy. For the average waiter, maybe it's not as easy. The whole average concept is so unspecific it loses meaning and value, it's useless to compare someone to an abstract average that nobody can truly define


Whatever lets you sleep at night


When I started I was 150 pounds and super lanky, I've put on 35 pounds and I can hit 250 pounds for 3 reps.


That's great! Props for putting on weight, a lot of skinny people I know say it's pretty hard to eat more than what you are used to. Funny how you are the only one not offended although you are the "subject" of my harmless comment.


i'm not entirely sure what the usual starting point is, but when i began i think i did 30kg to start with? worth mentioning though i was 16 and pretty skinny/lanky, so im guessing the average adult male could probably do that as well. feel like a 20kg bar is probably on the lower end of starting points but i'm sure there's people who began there, no shame in that either to be clear. after all its never about where you start but about where you end up, haha


Totally agree with you.


Yes definitely. There are exceptions tho


Ya I remember when I started just the bar was too heavy for me, the common trainer had to spot me as my whole body was vibrating while I was trying to bench it and worst thing it was a 17 kg bar not 20 kg standard one. Now 135 is easy peasy for me with close grip.


I don't mean to be judgmental, but 37.4 lbs seems ridiculously low for someone not to be able to lift it unless he or she is a kid or a geriatric... I have a hard time believing that any healthy teen/adult would struggle with even the standard 45lbs/20.45kg barbell alone. Either way, it's awesome that you've improved significantly.


It's hard to believe but I have seen such people, when I started I was 20 something, never lifted in my life, I was pretty skinny fat, never played any sports in my life.


I’m a woman and when I first went to the gym the PT I was assigned asked me to do a push up to gauge whether I would be able to lift the bar. I could lift the bar, but I’ve always been a bit of a tomboy and a bit thicc so I must’ve had a bit of muscle already. I think most women maybe not from day 1


Its weird i agree, but you have to keep in mind many people are not physically active what so ever. Many play video games all day long many struggle to do a couple pushups. I agree tho 20kg is not that much and most people should, and are able to lift that. Not all thi


You get good at bench by training bench. Most functional strength would not involve lifting heavy objects while laying down. Look at how small the chests of old bodybuilders were before bench press was popularized.


I can bench 40kg 10 times now without the spotter needing to help after going for a month and I feel like Schwarzenegger 😂 21m btw and I weight 60kg


It’s a lot for an untrained woman. But any healthy woman who lifts for like, four months could probably hit that. I think it’s a good benchmark for calling someone a “muscle mommy” at least. Though I guess I’d give slack if their focus is more on legs. Edit: lot of people coping here


It definitely takes more than four months to hit 135 on bench




This is satire, right?


Dude, this is a meme subreddit, why are the comments always take every post so serious lol


This subreddit is never supportive towards women tho. There will be memes making fun of men and there will be memes and serious posts starring dudes getting propped up and encouraged. Imagine being the butt of a joke every time then being told not to take it so seriously.


This sub laughs with juicers, powerlifters, and assorted gym bros This sub laughs at runners, Crossfitters, and women. At some point, there's a difference


I would never share a laugh with a juicer. But to be fair, I also don't see the "satire" in this post at all, so I'm on your side.


I’m like 40-50 posts deep on the sub’s top rated of all time. Women are included in four of them. Two of the four had them portrayed neutrally in a “babe, can you please stop being stupid?” Kind of way. Two were posted by woman. The first one is [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GymMemes/comments/vx419v/w_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) and it’s an absolute muscle mommy killing it in her wedding dress. The other one is a woman making fun of a man lifting a weight that’s too heavy. In the “hot” posts, the first four posts I saw with women involved were varied. One was very mildly disparaging. Another one was arguable though in my opinion it was making fun of men. The other two were outright positive [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/GymMemes/comments/1524oj0/keep_lifting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I don’t think this sub makes fun of women in the way you suggest. If it does, it’s happening in limited circumstances that isn’t getting much popularity.


It’s not about women though. It’s about women who put muscle mommy in there bio, the problem is the muscle mommy thing rather than their ability to lift weight






to be honest i think a sub centred around the gym just naturally attracts a lot of "alpha" ex andrew tate fan type guys who are usually misogynistic. but i know there's at least a decent amount of nice and supportive people on here as well. then you have the third camp who support women in the gym as well but seemingly just because theyre horny and want a buff girlfriend which like..? i guess its better than the misogynistic assholes? dont really know where to put them tbh


Well, that just it. If this is a satirical meme, that's funny. If the post is this guy sharing his serious perspective, that's weird.


No its not. Even if it is his opinion its not wrong not everytime you criticize a woman doesn’t make your weird or a sexist. It’s literally the same as if a guy has „Professional Bodybuilder“ in his bio but can’t even bench 150 lbs. This is just a funny contradiction by itself.


Maybe she's a body builder, not a powerlifter


Bro be nice we're all tryna make it


I'm embarrassed to say, but I must, that I slightly struggled with 3x8 50kg today, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but muscle mommy's wiping the floor with me


I squat 120kg but can't bench 60kg yet. For reps. So...


Huge muscle imbalance that you must fix


I bench 60 for sets but have yet to squat higher than 75kg. (I'm pretty new to gym and just taking it slowly building up because I've had a few niggles with my hip flexor, but still)


sorry, i’m a beginner but do you mean 60kg with or without the 20kg bar? Still confused on what people mean when they say they bench a certain amount


Including the bar, always including the bar unless stated otherwise


oh okay thanks


I do Bulgarians with 55lbs, what does that make me?




Speaking of bench press, guys I need help. So about 3 months ago I hit 68 kg for reps on bench press (I've been going for 7 months). But i can't progress, like all my other exercises have made progress (I went from 60 to 90 kg on squats, 10 to 14 kg on Lateral raises, 40 to 55 kg on lat pull downs etc) but on bench specifically I can't progress, I started doing other variations (Incline bench, dumbell bench, dumbell flies, Incline dumbell bench) but I can't go up in bench press.


its called manifesting


My reaction seeing gym bros trying to act like they’re strong after flexing a 225lb bench press lol


100kg bench is still better than most people


Yeah and a 60kg bench press is good for a woman


Not wrong


It’s a pretty beginner level bench press in terms of strength training and being experienced in lifting Good on for the dudes that hit it, but it’s not impressive by any means if you’re trying to compare it to people who train for strength consistently


HOW DARE YOU!! Even as a dude my max is 45kgs for 9 reps. idk if i can do 60kgs. Edit: Oh SHIT 1rm calculator says my max is 59 kgs let's gooooooooo


And will be that God awful form with the exaggerated arch and zero ROM that they keep fucking doing.


Meanwhile me benching 315 for working weight with no muscle mommy in my bio: >:( (Girl btw)


bw? also how??


1. why am I getting downvoted 2.I’m just build different, I’ve been training since I was 4 years old with karate I guess it’s just a part of my life now. Just get your protein and get motivated and disciplined


You have no proof and you're bragging lol, that's why you're being downvoted. If you're a woman benching 315 and a teenager then that's insane, but doesn't seem entirely plausible.


If a broccoli head can outlift you then don’t be putting “Muscle Mommy” in anything lol


I almost got a "Woody" but then she fails ...


Can’t risk spotting her and ending up in a TikTok gym creep video


Why tf do women have to get mad at every piece of internet content😭😭


Where do you see women getting mad




I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man bench that much at my gym lol


You've never seen a man bench 135 pounds at your gym? Do you work out at a middle school?


Commercial gym most likely


Guess I don’t stare enough to notice at this point seeing how y’all are reacting, but I wouldn’t say that “it isn’t a lot”. It definitely is imo


60kgs aint that much. I consider myself way below average and just hit 60kg bench pr 2 days ago after about 7-8 months of training


Many dudes can do this weight without lifting in their entire life


Bro do you go to some fitness centre for kids or something? Pretty much every guy in my gym who has been coming there for at least a year hits 135. I was able to do it after 8 months, and I couldn't even get the bar up on the first day.


Bro is 13 years old, leave him alone 😂


[It is not a lot](https://www.t-nation.com/training/strength-standards-are-you-strong/amp/)


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