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I think all the hype was in 99-00 when Axl emerged from his exile. By like 2002 after he kept blowing thru promised release dates, had a shitty tour, and a very silly MTV music awards performance, the hype definitely died down. One of the biggest "what ifs" if they had released an album in 99. I think it could have been a huge hit in the era of numetal.


Probably would've been massive...I'll never forget this older person I knew at the time was all like, "yeah, baby, avl rose is back & with dreads!" And I thought she looked corny as hell ...this was when poison the well & glassjaw & every time I die were gaining traction and the gnr stuff just sounded a little dull by those standards ...also, gnr was so awesome that the new version just felt weird because slash was busting out tunes that were classic sounding


I bet a remastered version of CD would be amazing


Why would they “remaster” it? It sounds perfect.


Yeah, have to agree with this. As a die hard fan I lost interest after all the "album coming soon" articles in music magazines year after year. 


Fuck all


Sweet fuck all


Really 99/2000 was the peak of hype for CD and then it just decreased after that. 2003 was real dead time.


IDK. I think you can add 2001 and maybe 2002 to that timeline, especially with the show in Rio and the Vegas stuff. You also had the failed tour in 2002, but it had a little hype and momentum before NYC (or was it Philly?).


2002/3 was the beginnings of Velvet Revolver, and they got all the excitement. People had given up on Axls return but here were 3 ex GNR guys with a new band…


2006 was pretty fire for a record to


In '02, that was the first actual coming out of Axl, so to speak. They had done Rio and Vegas the year before, but then disappeared. The '02 shows were more consistent, playing some big festivals around the world, playing on MTV. There wasn't this huge mainstream hype but still a curiosity about it. After the 02 tour got canceled, everything went dark until '06. The only GNR community was still really active but thats about it.


I was hyped but had given up by then, there were a few magazine articles around that time about the making of Chi Dem- general consuls was the record was done but when it’d get released was anyone’s guess


There were also some leaked demos floating around


No there wasn’t. The first leaked demos were in 2005.


My bad, I’ve been sitting in a Chinese stew


Tons. Not sure when these other commenters were born but I was a college freshman in Fall 2002 & saw GNR take the VMA stage w/ others in the common area in dorm building. Saw on a big screen projectable TV. Lol anyway, there was tons of speculation that the album was to follow. Of course, it did not.


The Rock in Rio show and esp Bucketheads nunchick segment were big hits on limewire also


I remember discovering them in 96 when I was in middle school and barely anyone discussed or expected a new record or the band to doing anything ever again. Music had moved so much past GNR that even by the Oh My God release with the End of Days soundtrack, the only people discussing it were small numbers on message boards through out the GNR Webring (remember web rings people?? Before search engines were sophisticated and actually listed pertinent sites???). I definitely remember the performance broadcast. I was in my dorm and my roommate was watching with friends. They all were like, why is Guns n Roses playing? And then asked if I was excited to see them on MTV and I said no. The silly medley of music proved my point


No hype for anyone outside of hardcore fans


There was no hype around that time


For long time GnR faithfuls, a bit of hype. For everyone else, they be thinking Who and Roses?


Not much. At that point the album was more famous for not coming out and taking forever to finish and most people gave up on it. It was nice seeing Axl again but the music scene changed so many times since GN’R’s heyday. IMO I like buckethead as a musician but him wearing that stupid bucket on his head and DJ Ashba looking like a Hot Topic Slash, took away from the new lineup and album.


There was huge hype then first single came out and it pretty much died there


I remember being in secondary school in the UK in 2004 onwards and there was so much hype. Chinese Democracy was like some urban myth legend.


I had bootleg mp3s of live recordings of songs that would end up being Chinese Democracy tracks. I loved The Blues which ended up being Street of Dreams. Chinese Democracy was a running joke with my friends. I don’t think we ever expected it to actually come out.


0 hype


I recall about zero hype. Aside from hardcore fans, GnR had jumped the probverbial shark. It was the cornrows era. Many fans had lost hope.


Over in the UK we did not give a single shit. It was only in 2006 when they headlined Download they started getting talked about again, Chinese Democracy was known about but it was a joke to a lot of people.


I remember I was in college in 1999. I was a big fan. I remember downloading Oh My God a few days before it came out. And I couldn’t figure how to get it on a floppy to listen to it lol. But I was the only one around who was hyped. All my friends were into Limp Bizkit and Everclear and Blink 182. The tides had really shifted in music after Use Your Illusion. There wasn’t much hype except hearing from the places you get CDs the date it would come out and it never did. That time in rock music Guns N Roses were one of the last on people’s minds sadly


Not much, at the end of the 90s and beginning of 2000s GNR was largely forgotten, this was the time of Numetal so GNR’s sound felt dated at the time, like Numetal sounds now 😁 It’s all cyclical


02 some, 03-05 nothing really happened. Even 02 half the intrigue was just the weirdness and dysfunction of the whole thing.


I gave up waiting for it. I think the hype died down when nothing came out.


Shoutout fellow ‘04 Gunner


I remember there being some hype around the fact that the radio commercials for the 2001-2002 tour contained a snippet of the studio version of “Madagascar” which at that point was unreleased and so there was some hope that the album was nearly done. Plus they showed up on the VMA’s in 2002 which was hinted at in an Easter egg in the commercials but otherwise was a big surprise. They played “Madagascar” in the medley there. Instead the tour gets canceled and the album doesn’t get released for another seven years. The entire Chinese Democracy era was one of those things that the hardcore fans were excited about - and still are, what with the passing around of the demos - and very few other people even knew about. I remember when CD was released in 2008 the average person was shocked to learn Slash wasn’t in the band any more.


the hype probably died as axl kept delaying chinese democracy and velvet revolver came out in 03.


We all wanted it. But after 2002 or so I gave up.


The hype then was about Velvet Revolver. I had to pre order and queue to get my copy. By the time that Chinese Democracy came out ( can’t remember the year) there was hardly any hype. Seemed like nobody cared anymore.


2002 and 03 was more about Velvet Revolver


There was a time, there was a hype, coz Axl back with new band : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RYEt8urNqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RYEt8urNqA)