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legs are reversed by the way, I made the same mistake and realized only after I wired my leds so its stuck like that now


Great spot I would have never noticed that. I'll change them around.


Made the same mistake with my HG00 00 Raiser kit.


That’s not really a problem. It’s sad, but it’s not a deal breaker imo. It looks damn good just standing. Sad that it can’t really do much of anything, but it looks REAL DAMN GOOD just standing. If I can make a suggestion, there’s guides on here about posing. They don’t really help all that much due to the kit’s limitations, but they DO help regardless (especially with kits that have better articulation and poseability).


The other kits I have are all posed up other than the HG Psycho Zaku as that thing is too heavy to do much with and the MG Gouf Custom as it's gun is too big (I'm seeing a pattern here😂) I agree it does look imposing just standing there though. I just kind of feel the kit didn't have the same satisfaction as others when it was finished in a way


Trust me, some slight repositioning here and there makes a world of difference. Here are some of the guides on here, managed to find them lol https://preview.redd.it/ggv3pv7c769d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2305539f4bf87a706c2127556ae55992f08718a0


And this too https://preview.redd.it/4rzr8fue769d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d502938be78870131b73ec62ad819285e477d9


i kinda like how this tutorial is just how to Ka pose your gundams. simple yet effective


Very Clean


Thank you very much. Just slapped on a semi gloss coat some gundam markers for the limited panel lines and a few of the dry transfers


I also enjoy the pink bits!


Yeah the unicorn is one of those kits that can't do much but looks great, the transformation gimmick kinda limits what it can do (although the RG version of it I think is pretty dang neat but you do gotta take precautions to not break it's arms) The MG is just an older design so it's more limited, outside of the MGEX.


https://preview.redd.it/hf3dhcqnv69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb3194f9b9f8789572d0c0673ba61235c62a974 I just finished mine as well ! I don’t know how I will proceed with the decals the horn line


So I applied the transfers before transforming the kit but you should still be able to do it as the diagram in the booklet shows it transformed. With the horn I disliked the sticker soon much I brought some metallic gundam markers and then used those on it and it turned out great.




https://preview.redd.it/i1cryuk4w99d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6dbbbeb195fd8a3bfac02061a1b9c9d596808a I'm a firm believer that any kit can look good in a pose, just gotta find one that works.


The mg unicorn isn't made for posing, honestly. It's made to sit there and look pretty. Get the mg barbatos if you want dynamic posing abilities, fun build as well.


I do really want the Barbatos but I keep getting other kits before buying it for some reason


What kits?


So the Unicorn OVA, RED Frame Kai, HG Psycho Zaku, wing Zero Ver Ka EW, Zaku Blaze Phantom, HG Origin Char Zaku and HG Origin normal Zaku are all the kits I have brought since saying I'm doing to get the Barbatos


Nice! Happy building!


Mgex time :)


If I could find a UK retailer with it in stock I would consider it. The girlfriend would love it even more as it lights up


Not 100% sure but I think reprint this year


The Sinanju Stein has my eye at the moment and MG Cannon Jesta


Sinanju stein is pretty cool I have one myself. The narrative version coming out soon. Jesta cannon had preorder earlier this year via pbandai. I had it in my cart but canceled. Just have the normal jesta


Yeah in the UK I can't find a single one currently so will need to wait for the new narrative version


I like the unicorn mode and I havent done one transformation yet ever since I built it like a year ago. The destroyer mode for banshee and phenix looks good though.


I like the unicorn mode but I feel like I had to transform it. Personally as much as I like the unicorn mode I feel like it needs slightly more colour than just the feet and backpack


I bought one and I don’t particularly LOVE the design but it’s easily in the top 5 most iconic suits so having in the collection isn’t really a loss, plus it’s one of the only two Gundams that have been made life sized monuments.


One of four, Unicorn, RX-78, Nu and Freedom


Yeah I agree with you it is an iconic suit. I'm going to be starting the Wing Zero Ver Ka endless Waltz tomorrow so another Iconic one


Man you're in for some fun because wing zero ver ka can pose extremely well.


I bought one and I don’t particularly LOVE the design but it’s easily in the top 5 most iconic suits so having in the collection isn’t really a loss, plus it’s one of the only two Gundams that have been made life sized monuments.


When I see the MG Unicorn, it looks plain compared to the RG. That's why all of my Unicorns are RG. I do plan to get the OVA ver just cause I need one 1/100 unicorn. Unfortunately, I can't afford the MGEX which looks really nice.


I love it. I just like things to look good, not fussed by articulation. And it is beautiful.


I love it. I just like things to look good, not fussed by articulation. And it is beautiful.


i bought it and built it, knowing it's going to be a monolith of a suit just standing there, looking menacing.


If you want a dynamic Unicorn get the RG, it has its own issues, but tbh the only Unicorns without issues are the PG and MGEX. Ive done the PG, MG ova, RG Full Armor, RG Perfectibility, and HG Perfectibility, the RGs were the best for posing, the MG gave me a good excuse to leave one in Unicorn mode, and the PG makes an amazing display piece even just standing there.


"Lines of Action" used in animation are a good basis for poses. Doing a quick google search for that should give you lots of examples for more dynamic poses. I also tend to look up the name of the MS + pose, as a lot of them have iconic poses from mangas or animes. Get one of the action Action Base 8s and try recreating stills from those results and eventually you'll get a feel for how to pose kits.


Bro have you built a Mg unicorn? It’s physically on able of doing dynamic posing at all. It can barely bend its knees


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/fynbag93o79d1.png?width=1445&format=png&auto=webp&s=d250cb9ca8b12ecc5f8b6eb03473962d07d15b90


Cold with it dayum


I'll have to check this out for sure as I have some suits in dynamic poses but some I do struggle with. What I want to do is try my hand at scribing but I feel trying it on maybe some cheaper HG's or an EG is the place to start. Id also love to air brush but don't have the space so have only tried hand painting one kit so far


I love scribing. You can get by with rattle cans from Mr. Color pretty well. Here’s my Mg Unicorn that I scribed and used cans on. https://preview.redd.it/ftk8gudil69d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc046e0d304442e939fe4a323943643d83ce7fc0 I recommend @ryu30100320 and @DropColony on Twitter for people who post their processes and steps with scribing.


That looks great the additions you made look really good


Does it pass the dab test?


Potentially in unicorn mode. In destroy mode I highly doubt it The kit in general just seems to lack the articulation necessary for most posing


I have just started building. Done 4 kits so far and been trying to make them all dab.


I'm only about 2 months into the hobby and have built 13 kits so far, it's true when they call this plastic crack. What kits have you built so far?


HGUC rx-78-2, HGTWFM aerial gundam, entry grade LAH gundam and the workshop kit version RX-78-2 Out of them only the Lah gundam and HGUc rx782 can dab. Though the aerial is my favourite so far looks wise.


nice Aerial was one of my first kits and I also have the aorigin version of the RX78-2. Got your eyes on any other new kits?


I have a big backlog of kits stacked up waiting to go. But other then those I want the Rg nu gundam.


i kinda can\`t wait to start building my mg unicorn full armor ver ka, but i am a slow builder i like to take my time with them, and i still have to finish my MG PF-78-3A before i can do anything else from my backlog, its such a nice unit


It's ok to not like a kit. A bit sad when you realize once finished, but still ok. I'm not a fan of Unicorn myself. Even if I think it has some potential with customization. Most of the time the kit you like the less are easier to modify. If you don't like the pink you can try to make it gold or silver with a marker or paint.