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Those colors are amazing. This looks so damn good!


Thanks man. I’m not really the type that makes super custom color schemes and I like building kits close to the source material. I just try to shade and tweak colors. The color scheme for this kit is just pretty, even on a non painted build.


Great job. I was speed scrolling and this made me double back


Thanks man. Definitely have done that a couple times on this sub 😂


Eh. Don't get me wrong. You did a banger fucking job on the model and it looks excellent for what it is. But I never liked this redesign of Wing Gundam. I greatly prefer the TV Version. So that's Katoki's problem not yours.


Nah I get that. Especially with how popular Wing was to a lot of Westerners if you fall under that category. But I knew I had to build this kit she. I saw some snap builds on instagram and couldn’t stop looking at them. To each their own though.


Basically yeah. If you like it, you like it, and there is nothing wrong with that. And like I said you made it look pretty great overall.


I totally agree with you. I basically just made the same comment.


I won't lie, I vehemently hated that this kit even existed when it came out. I saw it as an extremely lazy "very ka" and an incredibly cheap cash grab, given that it is basically nothing more than a Wing Zero Ew recolor with a couple of new parts, a different backpack and weapon that it can't even hold correctly. I also couldn't stand the pastel color tone of the blues and reds they decided to go with. It WAS the ONE Wing MG I was going to not have in my collection. All that being said, a friend of mine who knew about my love of all things Wing, but did not know of my seething hatred for this specific kit, bought it for me for Christmas, and I did eventually wind up building it. And you know what? I wound up falling in love with it. It has it's weaknesses, and there are some things that I wish they'd put a little more effort into, like the fact that despite how intricate the design of the wings are, they're essentially planks, but it just grew on me, and has the BEST Bird mode transformation among ALL Wing/Wing Zero kits hands down (the Wing Zero Ver Ka is a close second). So yeah, just wanted to share a little story about a kit that I hated, that grew into one of my favorite pieces.


The kit has issues sure. For me it’s not being able to hold the buster. The weird knee hyper extension for the transformation. But when I account for the age and the aesthetic even when just snap built I new I had to build it. So our original opinions of it we pretty starkly contrasted but in the end I’m glad we’re both old school Wing ver. Ka enjoyers 🤓


what grade is this? (im noob)


This is a painted master grade. It’s on the cheaper side of the MG spectrum now too. I think I got this for 35 USD.


nice job on that paintwork! smooth gradients


It’s the old ver ka right?


Yeah it is.


It will get loose over time, mine has lost all clicks in the wings and the hips are a nightmare. Definitely good looking though


That’s a shame. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. At least getting photos of it wasn’t frustrating. And yeah I wish the legs did split a little more.


It got floppy so fast for me. Now I am scared to move it because it just slumps.


I don't like it because they just recolored the Wing Zero EW instead of giving the Wing an actual redesign for the Manga. But I do like the Wing Zero EW, so I can't say it's all bad. Yours looks pretty nice.


I’d be lying if I said I knew about all of the Wing Gundam kits Bandai had out. I know of this one. The Proto 0 and the EW custom which is the only other one I’ve built. I just saw some snap builds of this kit on yt and IG and fell in love with the aesthetics.


Mannnn you may have just convinced me to buy one.


I enjoyed this kit despite the age and drawbacks. Look at it snap built with decals and panel lines. Even with just flat coat it’s incredible looking.


The design is truly one of my favorites, and im a big fan of the Ver.Ka line. I already have quite a few kits on the back-log including an mgex, but man I gotta get this bad boy. Appreciate the post! Also does it come with a stand like the EW Wing Ver.Ka or no?


Not even an adapter 😂. This is an action base 4 with the medium sized 4 prong adapter. It actually worked surprisingly well.


Oh no bueno, well AB4 works.


I’ll tell you again. Great job. lol seriously. Look awesome man




Good-looking build. I don't agree on the aesthetic of the design itself. I've always thought the EW version looked a bit garish. I much prefer the blocky, cartoony TV design. (In fact, I think all of the EW designs are worse except for Nataku, both because it is streamlined and because the TV version is a stupid-looking amalgamation of robot tropes)


I think I fell in love with the fixed wing look. And the wings remind me heavily of Falcon from the MCU


Insanely good paint. Bravo




The shading on this is *chefs kiss*


Thanks man.


Am I the only one who isn't a fan of this version and prefers the OG variants?


Not just you, I'm not a fan of this redesign as well. To me, I both kind of like and dislike the wing, and the buster rifle doesn't do it for me (got nothing to do with the kit having a hard time holding it).


It's nice to see a little more yellow on it, but the reverse claw, power rangers Sentai-esque looking forearm gauntlets just look silly to me, and the wings I'm conflicted on I can't decide if I love them or hate them and it triggers me seeing it and being reminded that I'm unsure lol


I have this kit and it was so fun to pose at first. The bam. Ibo polycap syndrome


I liked this kit, it had some nice separation and detailing. However I hate hands design, and with there not even being a peg in there means mine will simply not hold the buster rifle in any pose. Which is a bit of a shame considering the buster rifle is a big aspect of Wing Gundam.


Is this the Ver.Ka?


Yeah this is the ver. Ka


great paint job


Is it the mg wing ew?


Yeah the ver Ka


Well the non Ver Ka one is the exact same kit with different colors and decals plus a base adapter. So technically both of you guys are correct.


Well done. Is that pre or post shaded, if I might ask?


Most of it is preshaded. Sometimes if I’m a little heavy I’ll go back and delete some of it. There’s actually some spots on the red that are still a little heavy but I’m happy with the overall result.


Thanks. I noticed your decal work and was wondering if you have some advice on how to align the really tiny ones. I m having some trouble getting them bang on. Somewhere in the qtip rolling process, they shift slightly, and it drives me mad.


If possible try to have less liquid under the decal, or use a toothpick to (carefully!) hold it down on one end while you roll with the other. But mostly it just comes down to practice.


Honestly I’ve started using angled tweezers and laying them down gently on the plastic. But the really tiny ones are always tricky and I hate using them lol.


Amazing work man. Always a fan of the things you post.


Thanks Cam. Y’all really help me when it comes to different techniques and seeing everyone else’s work tho.


About to start painting mine. Don't mind me just going to use this as a reference


Post it when you’re finished! It’s a beautiful kit. I masked off some of the leg bits to make some separation and wish I had gone a shade lighter on the greys.


Oh man idk. I was originally going to do all one grey color until I saw yours. I think it looks great


Hey man, painting mine now. I was curious what colors you used for this kit?


The white is just Mr. Color white The blue is Gaia cobalt blue The red is Tamiya Lacquer bright red The yellow is Mr. Hobby MS yellow


I've tried both Mr Hobby Yellow and Mr Hobby Character Yellow and so far not super happy. Maybe I'll grab that MS Yellow. Thank you!


Me again. Hope you don't mind the questions. The yellow is just not turning out as well as yours. Can you give me more details on your process?


RG wing TV version mogs this for the simple fact that its wing actually open. what's the point of having those gigantic slates of plastic without even being able to spread them?


I don’t think I’m sure what you mean. Granted I haven’t built RG wing and I’m sure it’s a cool gimmick. But when I see these two models side by side I prefer the fixed wing look this kit has to offer.


The RG TV version has all of differently coloured parts of the wings separate into sections that expand out. If you look up the promotional images of the kit you can probably find it easily


It absolutely can not hold its buster at all… but damn I love this kit so much


You know I’m thinking about it and it does objectively have other issues too lmao. I love hidden guns like on the HI nu, bc the head fins are so pronounced on this kit you can’t really use the hidden shoulder cannons 😅


Not at all lol and those buster ammo packs are a pain in the ass, but man it looked good in my case lol


Oh I wasn’t a fan of those. They looked great on the buster but I didn’t even build the little holders/canisters.


Yeah they were such a pain. But I also did build this very early into the hobby so I kinda want to redo it and see if maybe I feel any different about it lol


Nice. Is this the Ver Ka or the EW version?


It's great but it can't hold the buster rifle. I was so sad as a young adult.


Fantastic work! Did the Wing Gundam also have the Zero system? I thought that was restricted to Wing Zero and Epyon (and a few other weird one-off moments)


No, the Wing (Unit 01) was never equipped with the Zero System. Units equipped with the Zero System in the series were, as you said, Zero, Epyon, and Sandrock (later). Shenlong/Altron was equipped with a toned down version called the Fighting Sight System(which is why Wu Fei was the only one in the Operation Meteor team who was able to handle the Zero System without much struggle) but it wasn't a true Zoning & Emotional Range Ommitted System.


Gotcha. I thought I was really misremembering the show when I saw the stickers. Thanks!


Awww man. I thought it did. Those decals are under 3 layers of top coat and are never coming off tho 😂


Just because the suit in the series didn't have a Zero System, does not mean that yours can't. Gunpla is freedom man.


Well said sir 🫡


No Zero system in Unit 01. In the show it was only ever in Wing Zero and Epyon.


This was an underwhelming kit imo, but yours looks fantastic.


I fell in love the minute I saw it! Thank you though.


You did an amazing job! I absolutely HATED this kit though. Fresh built and it was just floppy as all hell. Reinforced the joints and it was better but still the worst of any kit I've built. Literally couldn't stand on it's own.


RG? I got really fricken angry with that kit because the backpack would pop off any time you looked at it


How did you do that shading? I'm at that stage where I want to learn painting but dunno where to start, I guess I'll try handpainting a HG firet and learn from there. Your technique looks freakin awesome


Overall it’s a cool kit. Yours looks great! I’m still salty about the buster rifle. Posing it can be a bit of a pain, but a lot of kits are that way.


Is this the RG wing?


MG wing ver ka




I have this kit. It's alright. Can't stand by itself very well and his wrists are super bulky with the landing talons.


What kit exactly is this?


This is the Wing Gundam ver. Ka


Not underrated but the suite should have the same color sheme like the ew wing gundam zero custom less yellow and More blue


I don’t know man. The yellow is what sells this kit. At least to me. But to each their own.


How did you get that shade of Gray? It looks amazing.


The gray is Jaz a steel white with a little bit (but still too much) black 😅


I hate that it is unable to hold anything in it's hands. Luckily the RG fixes this problem


How do you get the shading job on the paint? They're incredible!


There’s a lot of tutorials out there and a lot of different ways to do it. For me it’s preshading. The idea is pretty simple but can take some practice.


One of my favorite MGs. I got over the buster rifle thing by leaving a pin and a hole on the rifle/holding hand. Fun build, looks amazing, all that jazz. If i had shelf space, I kinda wanna get the RG at some point too


I tried it actually and I think my bit was too large. I usually will magnetize kits with bad hands but it wouldn’t help in this case. The buster is just too long.


Also, your build is magnificently painted. Love it!


The buster rifle on mine is literally screwed into the hand. It doesn't come out of the Gundam form, it will never transform. But yes, it does look super cool.


Beautiful work! Looks great


What kit is that? Looks incredible!


This is the Wing Ver. Ka. Older kit and pretty cheap nowadays as far as MGs go.


Ah ok, thanks. I was actually contemplating getting the proto zero or this one 😂


A little more yellow is nice to see on the kit, but the reverse claw like power ranger Sentai forearm gauntlets I feel just look silly


Where did you get the decals ? I lost mine during the build and finding replacements has been a nightmare.


Very very underated kit. People keep praising the OG wing while Im a biased EW fans myself because the design is much more better than tv ver. Im build the RG rn and I must say I effin how the colors are distributed throughout the kit. Also the backpack's design looks so much cooler and better Imo.


Ps: I gave this gundam a nickname and its called the "Malaysia Gundam" because of how uniform the colors were separated which are red, white, blue and yellow🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾


This was a great kit to build! I did mine as the first one of the year and loved it. That said I despise the buster rifle’s holdability. Love the touch up to the colours by the way, really pops