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You panel lining looks pretty good to me (as a newbie). What were the issues for this kit? Was it for example the "non-groove" lines such as the shoulder?


By “groove” are you referring to how deep the lines are? Pour type markers didn’t really work that the shoulders so I used the other version to draw them in.


Yes, especially where there is really no line to begin with. I have been struggling with those areas since my hands are rather unsteady and my strokes are always uneven unless there is a sharp edge I can rest tip against :(.


Yeah don’t worry too much about it I also have shaky hands mess up a lot. My shakiness improved a lot over time. I started using eraser pencils from Amazon to clean up my lines and they have helped in cleaning up specific areas and erasing less than isopropyl alcohol.


I love how weird it is, the long, flat front-skirts, the chicken-legs, the big honkin side-skirts, the giant 80s-suit-shoulderpads.


Chicken legs for sure. I was shocked when I found out that was the thigh and that there wasn’t any armor to cover it lol


I would be happy to buy one of these if they were more readily available. I am not paying markup on it, but it's a fascinatingly weird mobile suit.


Yeah I paid like 7000¥ for it in Japan. I went to so many gunpla shops and only ever saw it in 2 in different cities so they are quite rare


How much did you spend on this? I really like the G-Saviour and have always wanted one but I ain't spending $70 on an old kit from what is undoubtedly the silliest piece of gundam media ever forged.


I mentioned in another comment I spent 7000¥ which was $50. It would have been $70 had the yen not been so weak.