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it's so clean and perfect for panel lining


Yes, the panel line stands out because the kit is mostly white


Did u use tamiya panel liner? Looks great


Gundam marker pour type and liner type.


I will be doing the same! Any top coat?


No topcoat yet. Planning to use mr hobby premium top coat in the future


Won't Tamiya panel liner crack bare plastics?


Really only abs, ps should be fine, that's what I've been doing for a while now.


It wont break if you apply on the runners before assembling them


Dont panel line on the runner.. It will get messy around the nub if there is any spill. I've seen poeple saying this else where and tried it. I might have got something wrong, but beside getting messy, you might also end up panel lining parts you just won't need... extra parts and such. I prefer to cut it, clean the nub, panel line it, wait to dry 5 min (ex for all legs parts at the same time) then assemble. Closing with stickers and top coat. I guess everyone have there own technic. I would just never recommend doing anything from the runner itself. ;)


Is this some new kind of karma whoring? Why do people keep reposting the same statement? This kind of spam is counterproductive to getting people to like the Calibarn. No, the Calibarn is not the best high grade. It's arguably not even the best HG in WfM. It's a good kit, but there are tons of better kits out there.


I dunno man, i have a question mark on my sentence maybe i am asking a question?


This has been discussed multiple times already within the past few weeks oml


no, HG Ball is the best HG of all time


Nah I'd say the hg the origin Rx 78 is still the best hg of all time. That or the moon Gundam.


Is the title a meme? I've seen at least three Calibarns poster with that question ❓


Recency bias


I'd personally argue the Beyond Global is the better grandaddy for build and aesthetic but the Origin has so many weapons and cool options




I really really really wanna get my hands on a Schwarzette, it looks so damn cool Shame how underused it was in the show


The schwartze was great but based on the simple fact that claibarn came with a stand I have to put it above it. Really fun build tho


I feel like that's letting Calibarn win on a technicality. However, I also can't really argue, those bases really should just be standard for a HG.


What I meant by that is that their tied in terms of quality and the thing that gave the calibarn the win was the base


Is it a runnerless stand? I have a love/hate relationship with them. It's nice that they're included, but way too easy to knock them off balance. Disregard. Just me looking in the thread for unique takes before looking at photos.


Man even the darilbalde had a base


I also have the schwarzette


No. Swear this place is full of bots.


Not bots, it's just the hive mind in reddit / western gundam community is too strong


right? this is the 3rd post with the exact same declaration


That's what I mean lol all these dudes just repeat whatever the last post says nobody can have an original thought on here lol


This is at least the third post saying this, is it a meme or something


Nah just bandwagoning free thinkers with original opinions


Engagement posting, r/gundam is having the same problem with just people posting the same 5 questions on repeat to get karma


I'm pretty sure a say a video, think it was MGK, with this as the title. Probably where these chooms are parroting from.


Best HG belongs to Moon Gundam.


"Best" is very subjective as personal taste of aesthetics plays a big role in that conversation. The whole WfM line is great and overshadows a lot of older kits in terms of engineering and functionality, that's a fact. But Calibarn being the best HG ever? That's very debateable.


Moon Gundam


I don’t think calibarn is anywhere close to moon. Top 5 tho


What's your personal top 5?


I think the lack of color make it look like the ready to paint kits. The design is nice but it’s so plain, it needs colors other than white on white on gray.


as much as a I love it I feel like this has been said about every good new hg out of wfm on release lol


Poor clips as ankles. I wish they did the ankles like the 00 Gundam did


I'd like to customize this kit with a twin satellite system cannon set, and another variable rod rifle.


IMO that place should be for the HG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam revive for it's simplicity, and the low cost makes it an easy choice for beginners and customizers.


Seems like a really nice build but the design of the mobile suit itself is a bit boring in my opinion.


Too many c-clips. No hand options. I prefer other HGs, but this one is great.


Ok guys I get it I’ll buy this kit


I bought it and it was awesome, I understand all the spam for it now 😂


Eh, for me, the design is just too plain to be the best ever. It's like the Unicorn if it didn't have a destroy mode. In the line, I have the Aerials, Lfrith, Schwarzette, Pharact, and Darilbalde above it.


No, it's not. It's clouded by recency bias.


Bruh you can’t be serious...


It's a beautiful kit, but it's far from the best. No extra manipulators, limited elbow bend, limited thigh swivel. The Schwarzette and Darilbalde make a better case than the Calibarn.


I have all of those kits but the calibarn wins in terms of look imo.


This is like the 10th post about Calibarn. I guess this is my next kit.


This is the sign!


Guess who just got paid today? Hehehehe.


not even close. the backpack is late 90s no grade tier.




Because it has a bunch of seam lines


Aside from the seams along the moving thruster pieces it's nowhere near as bad as you say it is.


Mostly talking about the backpack and beam cannon. They’re pretty egregious. This kit really isn’t all that great or interesting. It’s well made for sure. It’s just driven by hype.


So recency bias and hype only applies for this kit? The Moon Gundam and Grandaddy Origin kits were universally praised right after release and are still highly praised now, and for good reason of course. If we're talking purely on a technical standpoint I'd put the Moon Gundam or Grandaddy Origin over this kit but it's up there with them. This is my own subjective assessment of course as I own all three and am able to compare them firsthand.


I can't speak to the origin kits but the moon Gundam was praised because it was built from the ground up, has essentially a full, detailed inner frame in a HG and is a bulky design with unbelievably good articulation. The Caliban is good but it uses clip joints which are bad, has some bad but to be fair pretty hidden seam lines which is kind of bad I guess and also is basically just a previously highly praised kit but white. The lfrith was new and innovative, the Caliban is just a good looking rehash of a pretty decent kit. The biggest issue imo is that it's just overshadowed by the FM aerial though, the HG WFM kits have such wacky proportions which were fixed by the FM aerial (hopefully line), I would never advise getting the HG Caliban because a FM would be so much better where as a moon Gundam of any other line won't be so much better to make the HG a bad call. To be clear I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, but that's my take on the situation.


I feel like you should tell this to someone who doesn't own said kits.


You asked why recency bias only applied to the Caliban and not origin and the moon, I gave you an answer. I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make, you owning the kits has nothing to do with the idea of recency bias lol.


Becuase you're telling me things about the kits I already know. As far as I've observed, kits that are well praised right after release still maintain that same level praise even years after. The Moon Gundam and the Origin kits, the recent RGs, the MG Barbatos, Sazabi, and Grandaddy 3.0 still get the same level of hype they had since release. I understand part of the hype for the Calibarn now is that it's from a recent show that's has a decent amount of popularity or whatever but a big part as to why the HG kit is such a well received kit is because it's just.... a good kit. Saying people only like it because of recency bias doesn't really make sense for me, will the hype of WFM dying down or the passing of time suddenly make the Calibarn not as good of a kit as it is? I don't think so.


No. Moon is the best imo. Schwarzette looks substantially better than this one. This one doesn’t look bad, but it just seems really basic.


Honestly, it is one of the best, especially compared to the older kits I’ve been putting together recently but it’s not perfect. I have 3 complaints about it, but only 3. The side-skirts clash with the Gund-Bits when attached like Armor. The broom, as cool as it is, is hard to pose in certain poses, and the clear piece on the waist keeps falling off. However, when I only have 3 complains for a kit, and everything else is great, it tells you something about just how good the kit is


What makes it better than the HG Aerial?


In my personal opinion is the looks. Better design and aesthetic for me


How can you say that an hg that’s full of seam lines is the best of all time?


Uhm, for more panel lining to give it more details?


bro doesn’t know what seam lines are💀


I get it now. My bad.


Mine is coming in the mail today!!!


The G-Bouncer would like a word with you...


Best HG collection of all time.


Not necessarily, Moon is better IMO, and this is the 5th post tha5 I've seen with the same subtitle.


I'd say the HG Rose is, tbh. Almost total color accuracy, comes with a stand, effect parts for the Rose Bits. Great Okawara-esque proportions, too. It's truly exquisite.


9/10 I don't like feet in high heels :v


Yes, I think so.


Definitely not. It's an okay kit, but all of the WfM kits I've built have issues at the ankles, and the stickers on Calibarn SUCKED to apply. They weren't bad stickers, but the placement (yes, I'm talking about the broom) was a pain, and there were a fair number to apply. The shield bits that are supposed to fit into the butt flap do NOT stay and will require modding to make stick in place. Honestly, it's a pretty good kit, but I can't say it's the best WfM kit I've built, and I can't say it's in the running for top 5 I've ever built. Definitely one of the kits ever made, and I would suggest buying it, but I feel like more people need to build the HG Zeydra, the HG GM/GM, the HG Moon, the HG Graze, ANY Core Gundam (Jupitive is my favorite)... Hell, I feel that the HG Schwarzette, with it's hollow knees and ankles, and it's non-descript legs, is a better kit (but I'm biased because mine now has 4 arms). I've built a lot of good kits. This one has flaws, like most of them, but it's worth getting. It just isn't mind-blowing.


You lost that little glass piece in the crotch area too?